Leotiomycetes draft paper 2-7-14

Recommendations about Genera Competing for Use in the Leotiomycetes
P. Johnston, K. Seifert, J. Stone, A. Rossman, L. Marvanova
In moving to one scientific names from fungi resulting from changes to Article 59 introduced
with the Melbourne Code, this paper treats genera competing for use in the phylogenetically
defined class Leotiomycetes except for genera of the Erysiphales. Two groups traditionally
included in the so-called “inoperculate discomycetes” have been excluded from this class and
are also not included here, specifically the Geoglossomycetes and the Orbiliomycetes. A
recommendation is made about the generic name to use in cases in which two or more
generic names are synonyms or taxonomically congruent along with the rationale for the
recommendation. In some cases the recommended generic name does not have priority or is
based on an asexual type species and thus needs approval according to Art. 57.2 of the
International Code of Nomenclature of algae, fungi and plants (ICN). A table is presented
listing all competing generic names and their type species noting the recommended generic
name. The following new names are introduced:
Key words: Ascomycetes, Fungi, inoperculate discomycetes, one name-one fungus, unit
As a contribution to the ‘one fungus-one name’ process resulting from changes to Article 59
introduced with the Melbourne Code (McNeill et al. 2012), this paper treats genera
competing for use in the class Leotiomycetes. A recommendation is made about the generic
name to use in cases where two or more generic names are synonyms or taxonomically
congruent. In some cases the recommended generic name does not have priority or is based
on an asexual type species and thus needs approval according to Art. 57.2 of the International
Code of Nomenclature of algae, fungi and plants (ICN). The background to the changes in
the Code and the need for papers such as this to assist in the development of lists of accepted
names (McNeill et al. 2013, Article 14.13) is provided by Rossman et al. (2013).
Many species of the Leotiomycetes have cup-shaped, often stalked ascomata with a widely
exposed hymenium of unitunicate asci and sterile paraphyses arranged in a compact palisade.
These fungi are ecologically diverse and include plant pathogens, saprobes of leaves and
wood, endophytes, mycorrhizas, and aquatic hyphomycetes (Wang et al. 2006a,b). This
breadth of ecology means that different research communities have worked more or less
independently on these fungi, for example, some primarily dealing with asexual taxa while
others primarily with sexual taxa or some working on plant pathogens and others on aquatic
fungi. In an attempt to determine the correct single name to be applied to a pair of sexualasexual genera, these communities are working together to determine the “best” or most
widely accepted name for those genera that represent the same group of related species
regardless of whether the type species represents the sexual or asexual state.
Traditionally the Leotiomycetes having morphologically similar ascomata and asci were
regarded as an informal group termed the “inoperculate discomycetes” as opposed to the
“operculate discomycetes” or Pezizales. However, the phylogenetically defined class
Leotiomycetes within the subphylum Pezizomycotina does not include groups previously
considered to be “inoperculate discomycetes such as the Orbiliomycetes and
Geoglossomycetes (Wang 2006 a,b; Husted & Miller 2011); these groups are not considered
in this paper. The class Leotiomycetes includes the ecologically specialised Erysiphales, the
powdery mildews (Braun & Cook 2011); however, the genera of this order are not dealt with
in this paper.
Within the Leotiomycetes, considerable taxonomic confusion exists at all levels, thus the
orders and families are not mentioned for the genera considered here.The confusion extends
to the genus level, making decisions about connections between many of the genera based on
sexual and asexual states impossible at this time. For example a confused taxonomy has
existed for the genera Mollisia and Cadophora. After de Hoog et al. (2000) showed that the
type species of Phialophora is not a member of the Leotiomycetes, the name Cadophora
Lagerb. & Melin was adopted by Gams (2000) for the phialophora-like asexual states of
some Mollisia spp. Subsequently, it was determined that specimens representing the type
species of Mollisia, M. cinerea, and Cadophora, C. fastigiata, belong in divergent clades
(Day et al. 2012, Baschien et al. 2013) and these two genera do not represent the same
lineage. A maximum likelihood tree places Cadophora sensu stricto into Rhynchosporium
(Baschien et al. 2013) along with Mollisia dextrinospora, whereas Mollisia sensu stricto
belongs in the Vibrissea-Loramyces clade (Wang et al. 2006a,b). Thus these genera are not
taxonomically congruent, meaning that they do not circumscribe the same set of species and
thus do not compete with each other for use as the single name for the genus represented by
the type and related species.
Taxonomic confusion also results if a genus as currently conceived is not monophyletic. For
example, the type species of the large genus Lophodermium is the grass-inhabiting L.
arundinaceum (Johnston 2001). This species is phylogenetically distinct from the important
pine-inhabiting species such as Lophodermium pinastri and L. seditiosum (Lantz et al. 2011).
In determining which genus names might compete with Lophodermium, only the type species
influences this decision. The pine-inhabiting species must be placed in another genus unless
Lophodermium is conserved with a new type species from among the pine-inhabiting species.
The names of the asexual states connected with species of Lophodermium on pine such as L.
conigenum are placed in Leptostroma in this case Leptostroma pinorum (Minter 1980).
However, the type species of Leptostroma is L. scirpi, again not congeneric with L. pinorum
(Lantz et al. 2011). Thus, although Lophodermium conigenum is the sexual state of
Leptostroma pinorum, neither genus is appropriate for these species. Thus, in establishing the
correct names for competing genera, the first step is always to review the phylogenetic status
of their type species.
Many of the generic names of Leotiomycetes are old, especially those of the asexual states.
DNA sequences are available for few of the type species, most certainly not from the type
specimen but also not from any representative or epitype specimen. Thus, resolving the
taxonomic issues amongst these fungi is at present difficult. Knowing the phylogenetic
position of the type species of competing genera is crucial. In addition, many genera,
especially those applied to asexual states, are polyphyletic often including several hundred
names described in the 1800’s that have since been placed outside the genus or that remain
obscure. This has resulted from asexual genera having previously been regarded as formgenera rather than representing monophyletic genera.
In reviewing the potential competing generic names for sexual and asexual states of aquatic
fungi, it was determined that none of these appear to be truly taxonomically congruent. The
few connections between sexual and asexual states are the result of polyphyletically defined
genera in which the type species is not congeneric with the names used for the linked species
names, e.g., for the monotypic genus Dimorphospora, sexual state Hymenoscyphus was described.
The type species Hymenoscyphus fructigenus and Dimorphospora foliicola are very probably not
congeneric . BLAST search does not link Dimorphospora with Hymenoscyphus, and also in Baschien
et al. (2013) the ex-type culture of Dimorphospora foliicola does not appear in a clade together with
Hymenoscyphus. Tricladium splendens, type of the genus Tricladium with the sexual state
Hymenoscyphus splendens, appears closely related to Hymenoscyphus varicosporoides
(Seena et al. 2010, Baschien et al. 2013), but H. varicosporoides is referred to in Sivichai et
al. (2003) as sexual state of a Tricladium considered conspecific with T. indicum isolate from
South Africa, for which Webster et al. (1995) described the sexual state Cudoniella indica.
Given the extreme differences in morphology between the aquatic hyphomycetes and their
sexual states, determining whether these taxa are congeneric is difficult without molecular
phylogenetic data.
This paper is based on the current state of knowledge for each set of generic names that are
determined to be synonyms or taxonomically congruent as defined below. Genera of sexual
and asexual morphs that are known to circumscribe the same group of species were
investigated. The generic names compete for priority regardless of whether the type species
represent a sexual and asexual morph. Current literature was investigated to determine
whether the sexual and asexual genus names based on their respective type species are truly
congeneric. Data about the phylogenetic placement of each genus are considered. If the type
species of both the sexual and asexual genera are considered to be taxonomic synonyms, then
the respective genera are described as synonyms. If the type species of one genus is judged to
be congeneric with the type species of the other genus based on current knowledge, i.e. the
type species are regarded as circumscribing the same set of related species, these generic
names are described as taxonomically congruent.
Based on the literature and discussion among users, one genus of the pair is recommended for
use. By default, following the Code, the generic name that has priority, i.e. the name that was
described first, is recommended. However, our choice is based on a number of factors and
sometimes recommends that priority be over-ruled. One factor is the potential number of
names changes required as included partially by the number of species names placed in each
genus. This was determined by consulting current literature and by the number of names
listed under each genus in Index Fungorum. A second factor is the frequency of use of each
genus name as determined by searches of database resources such as Google, Google
Scholar, MycoBank, and SMML Fungal Databases. Consideration was given to which genus
name was used most commonly and of its importance to user communities. Finally this
document was circulated among a number of users as indicated in the Acknowledgements.
Pairs of genera are presented in Table 1 with the recommended genus listed first and in bold.
This is followed by a discussion for each genus of the rationale for this recommendation. In
the discussion the following terms are used. If a sexual genus that is younger than an asexual
genus is recommended for use, then the term conserve is used indicating that this genus does
not have priority and thus must be effectively conserved. If an asexual genus has priority i.e.
it is the oldest genus, and is recommended for use, then the term protect is used indicating
that this genus has priority but has an asexual type species and therefore must be protected as
dictated in Article 57.2 of the ICN. These are the two situations in which action is needed
such that these genera must be approved by the Committee for the Nomenclature of Fungi of
the IBCN. In addition for competing genera in which the genus representing the sexual state
has priority and is recommended for use, not action is needed. In Table 1, the recommended
generic name is listed first and in bold. For each generic name, the place of publication and
the type species with its place of publication and the currently accepted species name are
listed. Additional synonymous generic names are listed in the third column. If action is
needed, this is noted in the last column. In cases in which an older epithet exists for the type
species of a genus recommended for use, or a few new combinations are needed, these new
combination are made in this paper.
Rationale for recommendation of single generic name:
Protect Ascoconidium 1942 over Sageria 1975
The type species Ascoconidium, A. castaneae, was described as the asexual state of Dermatea
purpurescens (Seaver, 1942) while the type species of Sageria, S. tsugae, is the sexual state
of A. tsugae (Funk 1975). Although one might question whether these two species are
congeneric, Nag Raj & Kendrick (1975) present a convincing case for this in that both
asexual states have large phialides that rupture at the apex with conidiogenous cells at the
base of the phialide and large, cylindrical, multiseptate conidia. The sexual states are likewise
similar. Thus these generic names are regarded as synonyms. These two genera each with two
names are both well characterised. Neither genus is particularly widely used, thus, the older
asexual genus is recommended for use. The most commonly reported species is Sageria
purpurescens (≡ Dermatea purpurescens) occurring on Castanea in eastern North America
(Verkley 1999). One argument for Sageria would be that the word ‘ascoconidium’ is also
used as a technical term. If Ascoconidium is used and S. purpurascens is considered a
synonym of the type species, A. castaneae, then the basionym Dermatea purpurascens must
be transferred to Ascoconidium.
Ascoconidium purpurascens (Ellis & Everh.) comb nov.
Basionym: Dermatea purpurescens Ellis & Everh., J. Mycol. 4: 100. 1888.
= Ascoconidium castaneae Seaver, Mycologia 34: 414. 1942.
Conserve Ascocalyx 1926 over Bothrodiscus 1907 and Pycnocalyx 1916.
The sexual genus Ascocalyx, type species A. abietis, and the asexual genus Bothrodiscus,
having the type species B. bernice now referred to as B. pinicola, were shown to be the sexual
and asexual morphs of the same species by Groves (1936). In addition the monotypic genus
Pycnocalyx, type species P. abietis, is also a synonym of A. abietis. Thus, these three generic
names are considered synonyms. Seven names have been placed in Ascocalyx with only four
remaining in that genus, while two of the three names in Bothrodiscus are synonyms. All
species of this genus occur on the Pinaceae. Ascocalyx is the most commonly used genus,
therefore, we recommend that Ascocalyx be conserved. This requires that the scientific name
of the type and most commonly encountered species, a fungus causing a canker on pine
(Kondo & Kobayashi 1984), would need to be changed.
Ascocalyx berenice (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) comb. nov.
Basionym: Fusisporium berenice Berk. & M.A. Curtis in Berkeley, Grevillea 3(no. 28): 147.
= Bothrodiscus pinicola Shear, Bull. Torrey bot. Club 34: 313. 1907
= Ascocalyx abietis Naumov, Morbi Plant. Script. Sect. Phytopath. Hort. Bot. Prince. USSR
14: 138. 1926.
Conserve Ascodichaena 1977 over Polymorphum 1822.
Butin (1977) established Ascodichaena based on the type species A. rugosa as a sexual name
for the asexual Polymorphum rugosum, thus these two generic names are synonyms. The type
species of Polymorphum, P. faginea, was validated by Hawksworth & Punithalingham (1973)
because the basionym Opegrapha faginea was invalid. All species of Polymorphum are
considered synonyms of P. rugosum, now A. rugosum. A second species of Ascodichaena, A.
mexicana, was described by Butin (1990). Ascodichaena is used more frequently than
Polymorphum, thus Ascodichaena is proposed for conservation.
Conserve Blumeriella 1961 over Microgloeum 1922 and Phloeosporella 1924 and
conserve the name B. jaapiii.
Blumeriella jaapii, the type species of Blumeriella, causes shot-hole of Prunus, a common
disease in temperate regions. The asexual morphs of this species have been referred to as
Phloeosporella padi for the macroconidial state and Microgloeum pruni for the microconidial
state. Because M. pruni is the type species of Microgloeum, the generic names Blumeriella
and Microgloeum are synonyms. The name P. padi based on Ascochyti padi Lib. 1832 and
also commonly used for cause of shot-hole of Prunus is not the type species of Phloesporella.
At present it is unclear if Phloeosporella is congeneric with Blumeriella and Microgloeum as
no molecular sequence data exist for the type species of Phloeosporella, P. ceanothi, causing
leaf spot and dieback of Ceanothus. Given the common use of the name Blumeriella jaapii
for the cosmopolitan shot-hole disease of Prunus, it seems useful to conserve the generic
name Blumeriella over Microgloeum and Phloeosporella. In addition, the species name,
Pseudopeziza jaapii would need to be conserved over the older names Ascochyta padi 1832
and Hainesii fuerichii 1906. Given the prevalent use of Blumeriella jaapii for this disease and
the lack of certainty about its relationship to the type species of Phloeosporella, it seems
prudent to conserve the genus Blumeriella and the species name for B. jaapii.
Protect Botrytis 1794 over Botryotinia 1945.
Botrytis cinerea, the type species of Botrytis, is an important and ubiquitous plant pathogen.
When the sexual morph of Botrytis cinerea was discovered, it was placed in the genus
Botryotinia as B. fuckeliana (Whetzel 1945). The type species of Botryotinia, B. convoluta,
basionym Sclerotinia convoluta and Botrytis cinerea are undoubtedly congeneric as indicated
using ITS sequences (Holst-Jensen et al. 2004), thus Botrytis and Botryotinia are
taxonomically congruent. At present 414 names of taxa have been included in Botrytis while
there are only 20 names in Botryotinia, most of which already have names in Botrytis. Given
the frequency with which Botrytis cinerea is observed, recognition of this name, and the
number of described species in Botrytis, it seems expedient to propose the generic name
Botrytis for protection over Botryotinia. This reflects the unanimous vote for Botrytis, taken
following a round-table discussion amongst the approximately 100 delegates at the 16th
International Botrytis Symposium, 23-28 June 2013, Locorotondo, Italy.
Use Calloria 1836 rather than Cylindrocolla 1851, Creothyrium 1925 or Callorina 1971.
The type species of Calloria, C. fusarioides, more recently regarded as C. neglecta, is
considered the sexual state of the type species of Cylindrocolla, C. urticae, thus these two
genera are synonyms (Hein 1976, Seifert 2011). Callorina was also described for this same
species, another synonymous generic name. The monotypic genus Creothyrium based on C.
pulchella is obscure but Sutton (1977) considered it to be a synonym of Cylindrocolla.
Calloria includes 122 names only a few of which have been accounted for in recent
monographs such as Hein (1976) while Cylindrocolla includes 33 names most of which have
never been considered in recent literature. No molecular data exist for any species of this
genus. Calloria has priority and is the more commonly used genus, thus that name should
continue to be used. However, the oldest epithet for the type species of both Calloria and
Cylindrocolla must be transferred to Calloria.
Calloria urticae (Pers. : Fr.) comb. nov.
Basionym: Tremella urticae Pers. : Fr., Syn. meth. fung. (Göttingen) 2: 628 (1801).
 Dacrymyces urticae (Pers. : Fr.) Mart., Fl. crypt. erlang. (Nürnberg): 368 (1817)
= Peziza neglecta Lib., Plantes Crypt. Ard., Nr. 29. 1832.
 Calloria neglecta (Lib.) B. Hein, Beih. Willdenowia 9: 54 (1976)
= Peziza fusarioides Berk., Mag. Zool. Bot. 1: 46 (1837)
 Calloria fusarioides (Berk.) Fr., Summa veg. Scand., Section Post. (Stockholm): 359 (1849)
 Mollisia fusarioides (Berk.) Gillet, Champ. De France Discom., 120. 1879.
 Callorina fusarioides (Berk.) Korf, Phytologia 21:203. 1971.
Protect Chaetomella 1870 over Zoellneria 1934, Volutellospora 1965 and Harikrishnaella
Recent research has demonstrated that Chaetomella based on the type species, C. oblonga, is
congeneric with Zoellneria based on Z. rosarum (Johnston & Baral pers. comm.). Many more
species have been included in Chaetomella and are widely reported from plant hosts
(Rossman et al. 2004) while Zoellneria is a relatively obscure genus. Volutellospora and
Harikrishnaella were shown to be synonyms of Chaetomella (Rossman et al. 2004). Given
the frequent citation of Chaetomella and the number of species included in that genus, it is
recommended to follow the principle of priority and protect Chaetomella to use for this
Conserve Chlorociboria 1958 over Dothiorina 1911
The type species of Chlorociboria is the commonly encountered C. aeruginosa and the genus
includes 34 names, although these represent many fewer species. The monograph of
Chlorociboria (Dixon 1975) suggested that the asexual morph of C. aeruginascens might be
Dothiorina based on D. tulasnei but the evidence is not convincing. This fungus was little
known until Sanchez & Bionchinotti (2007) provided a detailed description including
conidiogenesis. They did not consider that it was the asexual state of C. aeruginascens. They
also excluded or doubted that the two other species in Dothiorina belonged in that genus.
Thus it is unclear if these genera are synonyms, however, based on Dixon (1975) a
connection has been assumed. Given the widespread use of Chlorociboria and the number of
species included in that genus, Chlorociboria is proposed for conservation.
Conserve Claussenomyces 1923 over Dendrostilbella 1905.
The type species of Claussenomyces, C. jahnianus, was included in a monograph of this
genus by Korf & Abawi (1971) with a key to four species including C. prasinula (≡ Peziza
prasinula). Seifert (1985) presents a thorough account of the type species of Dendrostilbella,
D. prasinula, considering this to be the asexual state of Claussenomyces prasinula based on
Dennis (1956) and his observations. Seifert (1985) noted that the morphological species, D.
prasinula, was associated with both C. prasinula and C. atrovirens (Pers.) Korf & Abawi.
Based on these publications it appears that Claussenomyces and Dendrostilbella are
taxonomically congruent. Although 23 names were described in Dendrostilbella, many have
been placed in other genera. Nineteen species are currently accepted in Claussenomyces
based on Gamundi & Gialotti (1995), Korf & Abawi (1971), Medardi (2007), and Ouellet &
Korf (1979), although some of these species may not be congeneric with C. jahnianus.
Considering the amount of recent taxonomic work on Claussenomyces and the number of
accepted species, it seems advisable to conserve Claussenomyces for this genus.
Protect Coma 1972 over Ascocoma 1987.
The type species of Coma is congeneric with the type species of Ascocoma (Swart 1987,
Beilharz & Pascoe 2005), thus these genera are synonyms. Both names are relatively obscure
with about an equal number of reports. Using Ascocoma would require transferring
Pestalozziella circularis into that genus while use of Coma requires only that the orphan
variety, A. eucalypti var. didymospora, be transferred to Coma.
Coma eucalypti var. didymospora (Swart) comb. nov.
Basionym: Ascocoma eucalypti var. didymospora Swart, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 87: 607.
Protect Coryne 1816 over Pirobasidium 1902 and Ascocoryne 1967.
The genus Coryne based on C. dubia includes 69 names, few of which have been considered
in the last fifty years. The genus Ascocoryne based on A. sarcoides was described for the
sexual state of C. dubia, thus their connection is established and these two genera are
synonyms. The earlier monotypic genus Pirobasidium based on the same type species as
Ascocoryne was overlooked by Grove & Wilson (1967) when they described Ascocoryne.
Only seven names are included in Ascocoryne, suggesting that conserving Ascocoryne may
require numerous name changes although this could be questioned because most of the names
in Coryne are obscure. The concept of this genus based on Ascocoryne is well circumscribed
and a number of recent papers deal with non-taxonomic aspects of species as Ascocoryne.
Also, Coryne is used for a genus of hydrozooans. Considering the number of potential name
changes if Ascocoryne were used and the priority that Pirobasidium has over Ascocoryne, it
seems best to protect the generic name Coryne.
Protect Crinula 1821 over Holwaya 1889.
The type species of the genus Crinula, C. caliciiformis, was shown to be conspecific with the
type species of Holwaya, H. ophiobolus, now regarded as H. mucida, (Korf & Abawi 1971),
thus these generic names are synonyms. Neither name has been used more commonly than
the other. Ten names and two varieties have been included in Crinula although most of the
names are relatively unknown. Four names in Holwaya are synonyms of H. mucida and thus
would be regarded as C. caliciiformes. The two remaining names in Holwaya have been
placed outside the genus, thus no name changes are required if Crinula is protected.
Protect Cristulariella 1916 over Nervostroma 2006.
The genus Nervostroma based on N. depraedans was established for the sexual state of
Cristulariella depraedans, type of Cristulariella, thus these generic names are synonyms
(Narumi-Saito et al. 2006). In the same article three species previously described in
Cristulariella were removed to Hinomyces (Narumi-Saito et al. 2006) having a sexual state in
Grovesinia. Thus, Cristulariella now includes three species while Nervostroma includes only
two. Neither name is widely used. Given that Cristulariella is the earlier name, it is suggested
that this asexual name be protected although this may lead to confusion with the species now
placed in Hinomyces.
Conserve Crumenulopsis 1969 over Digitosporium 1953.
The generic name Crumenulopsis, type species C. pinicola based on Peziza pinicola, was
established to replace the name Crumenula Rehm 1888 non De Not. 1864. Van Vloten &
Gremmen (1953) described Digitosporium piniphilum for the asexual state of Crumenula
sororia, now referred to as Crumenulopsis sororia. Although no molecular data exist to
determine whether C. pinicola and C. sororia are synonyms, this appears likely. Thus, the
generic names Crumenulopsis and Digitosporium are most likely synonyms and at the least
taxonomically congruent. At present six taxa are named in Crumenulopsis including C.
pinicola and C. sororia, both causing dieback diseases of pine in Europe, and C.
atropurpurea, causing a disease of Japanese red pine in Georgia (Hanlin et al. 1992). Because
the older, monotypic genus Digitosporium has not been widely used, it seems advisable to
conserve the name Crumenulopsis.
Conserve Dematioscypha 1977 over Schizocephalum 1852 and Haplographium 1859.
The genus Dematioscypha based on D. dematiicola is clearly circumscribed to include five
related taxa (Svrcek 1977, Huhtinen 1987, Hosoya & Otani 1997). The older genus
Schizocephalum, based on S. atrofuscum, includes four species none of which have been
considered since before 1900. The relationship of S. atrofusca to D. dematiicola is difficult to
determine. Schizocephalum atrofusca was placed in Haplographium by Saccardo (1886) but
no one has dealt with it since then. Based on Hughes (1953, 1958), recent authors have
considered H. catenatum (= H. delicatum, type of Haplographium) to be the asexual state of
Dematioscypha dematiicola (Huhtinen 1987). Thus, it seems likely that Dematioscypha and
Haplographium are synonyms as well as possibly Schizocephalum. Although 39 names are
listed in Haplographium, most have not been considered recently and those that have are
placed in other genera. Wang (2010) provides a key to species of Haplographium listing
diverse sexual states including one basidiomycete (Tomentella), thus one should consider
haplographium to be a morphology rather than a monophyletic genus. We suggest that
Dematioscypha should be conserved over Schizocephalum and Haplographium.
Schizocephalum as well.
Conserve Dermea 1825 over Sphaeronaema 1815 vs. Foveostroma 1978.
Dermea based on D. cerasi is a well defined genus that includes a number of plant
pathogenic species (Abeln et al. 2000). Although over 200 names have been placed in
Sphaeronaema, almost nothing is known about the type species, S. cylindricum. Most of the
names in Sphaeronaema that have been considered in the modern literature are now placed in
other genera. Whether Dermea and Sphaeronaema are taxonomically congruent is not
known. The genus Foveostroma was based on F. drupacearum, considered to be the asexual
morph of D. cerasi (DiCosmo 1978); thus, Foveostroma and Dermea are synonyms. Dermea
includes 31 names, while eight names have been described in Foveostroma. Among these
three genera Dermea is the most well known and some species have been sequenced (Abeln
et al. 2000). Based on the unknown placement of the type species of Sphaeronaema, the less
frequent use of Foveostroma, and the accepted status of Dermea, it seems advisable to
conserve the name Dermea over Sphaeronaema and Foveostroma.
Conserve Diplocarpon 1906 over Entomosporium 1856, Marssonina 1906, and
Entomopeziza 1914.
The type species of Diplocarpon, D. rosae, has been linked to an asexual morph in
Marssonina, M. rosae, for the serious disease of roses called black spot (Sivanesan & Gibson
1975a). The type species of Entomosporium, E. mespili, is used for the asexual morph of a
cosmospolitan leaf and fruit spot disease of rose and other rosaceous plants to which the
sexual state name, Diplocarpon mespili ( = Diplocarpon maculatum), has been applied
(Sivanesan & Gibson 1975b). A third genus, Marssonina based on M. potentillae as M.
fragariae, has a sexual morph referred to as D. earlianum (Sivanesan & Gibson 1975c) and
thus also competes for synonymy with Diplocarpon. Although the conidia of these species
appear superficially different because of the long appendages on the conidia of E. mespili,
developmental similarities to the conidia of M. rosae and M. fragariae have been noted (Farr
1993, Sutton 1980) as well as the morphologically similar sexual states. In addition ITS
sequences indicate that all three type species may be congeneric (unpublished). Thus,
Diplocarpon, Entomosporium, and Marssonina are considered taxonomically congruent. An
obsure fourth genus, Entomopeziza based on E. souraeri (= Entomosporium mespili) is a
synonym of Entomosporium. The number of names in Entomosporium and Diplocarpon are
about equal while Diplocarpon is more frequently used. Over 100 names have been placed in
Marssonina, but this genus has not been well defined and many of these names represent
unrelated species. Diplocarpon is well known for the serious, widespread diseases of
rosaceous plants and is widely known in plant pathology literature. We recommend the
conservation of Diplocarpon.
Use Gelatinipulvinella 1995 rather than Aureohyphozyma 1995.
The type species of Gelatinipulvinella, G. astraeicola, and Aureohyphozyma, A. astraeicola,
were described as the sexual and asexual morphs of the same species (Hosoya 1995). These
genera compete equally for use. Given the past preference for sexual state names, it is
recommended that Gelatinipulvinella be used.
Conserve Gloeotinia 1954 over Endoconidium 1891.
The genus Gloeotinia, with the type species G. temulentum based on Phialea temulentum,
was established for the sexual state of the same species and name Endoconidium E.
temulentum, type species of that genus. Thus, Gloeotinia and Endoconidium are synonyms.
Although six species have been described in Endoconidium and only four species in
Gloeotinia, the blind seed diseases caused by these fungi are most commonly referred to as
Gloeotinia granigena and G. temulentum. Their distinction as two different species has only
recently been reported (Alderman 1998). If Endoconidium were used, the relatively well
known name G. granigena would have to be changed, thus it seems expedient to conserve the
name Gloeotinia.
Conserve Godronia 1846 over Sphaeronaema 1815 and Topospora 1836.
Godronia, based on the type species G. muehlenbeckii on Phragmites communis in Europe,
was monographed by Groves (1965) and includes a number of plant pathogenic species,
primarily on woody dicotyledonous hosts. Only one species, G. urceolata, has been
sequenced (de Gruyter et al. 2009); thus, the phylogenetic placement of this non-type species
in the Leotiomycetes is confirmed but the relatedness of the type species to this genus to the
other species in Godronia or asexual morphs is unknown. Although over 200 names have
been placed in Sphaeronaema, almost nothing is known about the type species, S.
cylindricum based on Sphaeria cylindrica. This type species is relatively obscure and
undefined described on Quercus and Salix in Sweden and Germany. Most of the names in
Sphaeronaema that have been considered in the modern literature have been placed in other
genera. The taxonomic congruence of Godronia with Sphaeronaema is not known.
Topospora based on T. uberiformis is considered the asexual morph of Godronia uberiformis
on Ribes (Groves 1965, Sutton 1980), thus these genera are taxonomically congruent.
Godronia includes 88 names while eight species have been placed in Topospora. The type
species of several later asexual genera are linked to species placed in Godronia and these
generic names would be available for segregate genera. Based on the unknown phylogeny of
Sphaeronaema, the relative obscurity of Topospora, and the accepted use of Godronia, it
seems advisable to conserve the name Godronia.
Conserve Godroniopsis 1929 over Sphaeronaema 1815.
Godroniopsis is a small but well defined genus that includes two plant pathogenic species.
Over 200 names have been placed in Sphaeronaema, yet almost nothing is known about the
type species, S. cylindricum, as mentioned above. Most of the names in Sphaeronaema that
have been considered in the modern literature have been placed in other genera. It is not
known if Godroniopsis and Sphaeronaema are taxonomically congruent. Based on the
unknown phylogeny of Sphaeronaema and the accepted use of Godroniopsis, it seems
advisable to conserve the name Godroniopsis.
Conserve Gremmeniella 1969 over Brunchorstia 1891 and conserve the name G.
The type species of Gremmeniella, G. abietina based on Crumenula abietina, has been used
for the sexual state of the same species as the asexual morph name Brunchorstia pinea based
on Septoria pinea, a synonym of B. destruens, the type species of the genus Brunchorstia. All
of these epithets are synonyms according to Punithalingam & Gibson (1973) Sutton (1980),
and Muller (1983) and, thus, there is no doubt that these two generic names are synonyms.
The disease caused by G. abietina is known as Scleroderris canker or Brunchorstia dieback of
pines. Although seven names have been placed in Gremmeniella, only four species are still
included in this genus. Among the seven names in Brunchorstia, only one remains in that
genus. The name Gremmeniella especially for G. abietina appears to be used more widely
than Brunchorstia, thus it seems expedient to conserve the name Gremmeniella.
Use Grovesinia 1983 rather than Hinomyces 2006.
The type species of Grovesinia, G. pyramidalis, is considered the sexual morph of the type
species of Hinomyces, H. moricola, thus these two genera are synonyms (Narumi-Saito et al.
2006). This fungus causes bull’s eye or zonate leaf spot on a number of hosts in the colder
regions of North America and Asia. Both genera have a second species, Grovesinia pruni (
Hinomyces pruni), that are also synonyms. The separation of species of Cristulariella into
different genera was first recognized by Narumi-Saito et al. (2006) as mentioned under
Cristulariella versus Nervostroma. Given that useage of Grovesinia and Hinomyces is about
equal, the oldest name, Grovesinia, is recommended for use. However, the oldest epithet for
this species must be transferred to Grovesinia.
Grovesinia moricola (M.N. Cline et al.) comb. nov.
Basionym: Botrytis moricola I. Hino, Bull. Miyazaki Coll. Agric. Forest. 1: 80 (1929).
 Cristulariella moricola (I. Hino) Redhead, Mycologia 71: 1249. 1974.
 Hinomyces moricola (I. Hino) Narumi & Y. Harada, Mycoscience 47(6): 357 (2006).
= Grovesinia pyramidalis M.N. Cline, J.L. Crane & S.D. Cline, Mycologia 75:991. (1983).
Use Heterosphaeria 1824 rather than Heteropatella 1874.
The type species of Heterosphaeria, H. patella, is the sexual state of the type species of
Heteropatella, H. lacera (Leuchtmann 1987, Nag Raj 1993), thus these two genera are
synonyms. None of these species have been analyzed phylogenetically but Leuchtmann
(1987) provides a monographic account of the eight species accepted in Heterosphaeria. The
number of names in each genus is about equal and Heterosphaeria is slightly more
commonly used than Heteropatella. Because there is no compelling reason to do otherwise,
use of the oldest genera name, Heterosphaeria, is recommended.
Use Hypnotheca 1970 rather than Monochaetiellopsis 1977
The monotypic genus Hypnothecia based on H. graminis was described as the sexual morph
of the type species of Monochaetiellopsis themedae as its basionym Monochaetiella
themedae (Tommerup 1970), thus these genera are synonyms. Neither genus is especially
well known although several reports exist for the two species of Monochaetiellopsis (Nag Raj
1993). Given the obscurity of both genera, Hypnotheca has priority and thus is recommended
for use, however, this requires the transfer of the older epithet into Hypnotheca.
Hypnotheca themedae (M. Kandasw. & Sundaram.) comb. nov.
Basionym: Monochaetiella themedae M. Kandasw. & Sundaram. Indian Phytopath. 9: 202
Conserve Hypohelion 1990 over Leptostroma 1815.
The type species of Hypohelion, H. scirpinum, is based on Hypoderma scirpinum which is
considered the sexual morph of Leptostroma scirpinum, the type species of Leptostroma. This
relationship was first established by Grove (1937) as Leptothyrium scirpinum ( Leptostroma
scirpinum) and accepted by Minter (1997) as Hypohelion scirpinum. Thus, Hypohelion and
Leptostroma are synonyms. The genus Leptostroma includes 208 names but many of these
have been removed to other genera. Although Sutton (1980) recognized Leptostroma, he only
included the type species. The remaining names in Leptostroma are of unknown phylogenetic
affinities; however, many species described in Leptostroma occur on Pinus (Minter 1980)
and are not congeneric with L. scirpinum (Lantz et al. 2011). One additional species has been
placed in Hypohelion, H. durum (Lin et al. 2004). Given the polyphyletic nature of the genus
Leptostroma now considered for species unlike the type, it would seem most useful to
conserve the well-characterized genus Hypohelion.
Use Micraspis 1963 rather than Periperidium 1963
The type species of Micraspis, M. acicicola, was described as the sexual morph of the type
species of Periperidium, P. acicicola, by Darker (1963), therefore, the genera are synonyms.
Two additional names have been placed in Micraspis and this name has been more frequently
used than the monotypic Periperidium, thus the use of Micraspis is recommended.
Protect Mycopappus 1985 over Redheadia 2005.
The type species of Mycopappus, M. alni, does not have a known sexual state; however, a
second species, M. quercus, is the asexual state of the type species of Redheadia, R. quercus
(Suto & Suyama 2005). When Redhead & White (1985) described M. alni, they suggestesd
that it was a sclerotiniaceous fungus as is M. quercus based on the apothecial sexual state
arising from a sclerotium. Thus, it seems likely that M. alni and M. quercus are congeneric
and thus the names Mycopappus and Redheadia are taxonomically congruent. Of the four
names in Mycopappus, the two other species in Mycopappus are placed in the
Dothideomycetes: M. aceris in Xenostigmina (Crous et al. 2009) and M. aesculi as the
asexual state of Mycodidymella aesculi (Wei et al. 1998). Mycopappus is a widely used
generic name but some of those references are to the species that no longer belong in that
genus. Nevertheless, it seems advisable to use the earliest name, Mycopappus, for this genus.
Conserve Neofabraea 1913 over Phlyctema 1847.
The genus Neofabraea is characterized by the type species N. malicorticis (Verkley 1999),
while the type species of Phlyctema, P. vagabunda is the asexual morph of N. alba (E.J.
Guthrie) Verkley 1999, thus Neofabraea and Phlyctema are congeneric. Following the
monograph of Verkley (1999), the genus Neofabraea is well understood and clearly
circumscribed. In contrast, more than 60 names have been placed in Phlyctema, some of
which have been transferred to genera such as Phomopsis and Rhabdospora, but the other
species of Phlyctema are spread among other genera of morphologically simple coelomycetes
(Verkley 1999). The virtually unknown genus Allantozythia is also a synonym of
Neofabraea. Given that Neofabraea has been monographed, is well characterized
phylogenetically (Abeln et al. 2000), and includes a number of plant pathogens that are
known in that genus, it seems expedient to conserve the name Neofabraea for this genus.
Use Oculimacula 2003 instead of Helgardia 2003.
These genera were described in the same paper based on the same species and thus are
synonyms having equal priority. Oculimacula includes two species while four species have
been placed in Helgardia. The name Oculimacula is used much more widely than Helgardia
by plant pathologists and others for the eyespot diseases of wheat and barley. Crous et al.
(2003) determined that the name commonly used for eyespot of wheat, Tapesia yallundae,
must be removed to another genus because the genus name Tapesia, based on T. fusca, is
now a rejected name (Hawksworth & David 1989). If the sexual morph genus Oculimacula
were used, the name for the eyespot disease of wheat would become O. herpotrichoides while
the name for the fungus causing eyespot disease of barley would remain O. acuformis. The
two remaining species in Helgardia should be transferred to Oculimacula.
New combinations needed or conserve T. yallundae!
Oculimacula herpotrichoides (Fron) comb.nov.
Basionym: Cercosporella herpotrichoides Fron, Annales Sci. agron., Paris, 4 Série 1: 11
≡ Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides (Fron) Deighton, Mycol. Pap. 133: 46 (1973)
≡ Helgardia herpotrichoides (Fron) Crous & W. Gams, in Crous, Groenewald & Gams, Eur.
J. Pl. Path. 109(8): 846 (2003)
= Tapesia yallundeae Wallwork & Spooner, Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 91(4): 703 (1988)
≡ Oculimacula yallundae (Wallwork & Spooner) Crous & W. Gams, in Crous, Groenewald
& Gams, Eur. J. Pl. Path. 109(8): 846 (2003)
Eyespot disease wheat
Two additional names changes needed as well:
Oculimacula aestiva (Nirenberg) comb. nov.
≡Pseudocercosporella aestiva Nirenberg, Z. PflKrankh. PflSchutz 88(5): 246 (1981)
Oculimacula anguioides (Nirenberg) comb. nov.
≡ Pseudocercosporella anguioides Nirenberg, Z. PflKrankh. PflSchutz 88(5): 246 (1981)
Use Ovulinia 1940 rather than Ovulitis 1970.
The type species of Ovulinia, O. azaleae, is the sexual morph of Ovulitis azaleae, type
species of Ovulitis, thus these generic names are synonyms. Both genera include a second
species that are also synonyms. Because Ovulinia has priority, this name should be used.
Use Pezicula 1865 over Cryptosporiopsis 1912 and Lagynodella 1922.
The type species of Pezicula, P. carpinea, has an asexual state regarded as Cryptosporiopsis
fasciculata while the type species of Cryptosporiopsis, C. nigra, is the asexual morph of
Pezicula ocellata (Pers. : Fr.) Seaver (Verkley 1999). The genus Lagynodella based on L.
pruinosa as Cryptosporiopsis pruinosa is also a synonym of Pezicula. Both the monographic
account by Verkley (1999) and a phylogeny of these species (Abeln et al. 2000) suggest that
these three genera are taxonomically congruent. Pezicula and Cryptosporiopsis have similar
levels of use. Some species of Cryptosporiopsis has also been linked to Neofabraea and may
need to be placed in that genus while others have no known sexual morph. Verkley (1999)
notes that those species of Cryptosporiopsis linked to Neofabraea tend to have conidia less
regular in shape. Most species in common use already have names in Pezicula. Because a
monograph of Pezicula exists, this name should be used.
Protect the name Phacidiopycnis 1912 over Potebniamyces 1962.
The type species of Phacidiopycnis is P. malorum, now regarded as P. pyri (Windlmayr
1965). The genus Phacidiella Potebnia 1912 non P. Karst. 1884 was replaced by the name
Potebniamyces by Smerlis (1962) typified by P. discolor, now regarded as P. pyri.
Phacidiopycnis pyri is considered the asexual morph of Potebniamyces pyri (Brooks 1928,
Sutton 1980 as P. discolor), thus these two genus names are synonyms. Both Phacidiopycnis
and Potebniamyces are used in the plant pathology literature most recently in reference to a
canker and twig dieback of pear and also associated with pome fruits (Xiao and Boal 2005,
Xiao et al. 2005). A number of species also occur on conifers (Gross & Weidensaul 1967,
Punithalingam & Gibson 1976) but their phylogenetic affinites are not known. The frequency
of use and number of names is highest in Phacidiopycnis, therefore we recommend protecting
the asexual name Phacidiopycnis.
Use Phacidium 1815 rather than Ceuthospora 1826
The type species of Phacidium, P. lacerum, has an asexual morph named Ceuthospora
pinastri (DiCosmo et al. 1984.) while the type species of Ceuthospora, C. lauri, has been
linked to P. multivalve based on Sutton (1972) as C. phacidioides. The latter connection has
not been reviewed in the recently literature but, given the number of species of Ceuthospora
having sexual states in Phacidium, it seems likely that these genera are taxonomically
congruent. Issues concerning the type species of Ceuthospora and conservation of Greville’s
name were addressed by Sutton (1972). Ceuthospora lauri is known to cause a bleeding
brown zonate leaf blight of tea (Ando et al. 1989). The name Phacidium has been widely used
and includes a greater number of names than Ceuthospora, therefore we recommend use of
the older name Phacidium.
Protect Phialocephala 1961 over Phaeomollisia 2009.
Based on the phylogenetic study by Grunig et al. (2009), it is difficult to determine if the
monotypic genus Phaeomollisia is congeneric with Phialocephala. Although an isolate of the
type species of Phialocephala is included, it does not cluster strongly with Phaeomollisia.
Given that 35 names exist in the genus Phialocephala and the genus was recently
recircumscribed (Day et al. 2012), it seems expedient to use this older name. If they are not
congeneric, both genus names are available.
Protect Pilidium 1823 over Discohainesia 1932 and Sclerotiopsis 1882.
The type species of Pilidium, P. acerinum, was shown to be monophyletic with P. concavum,
which is considered to be one of the asexual morphs of Discohainesia oenotherae, the
monotype species of Discohainesia (Rossman et al. 2004). Thus, these two genus names are
taxonomically congruent. The type species of the genus Sclerotiopsis, S. australasica, was
considered a synonym of P. concavum by Palm (1991), thus this genus is also a synonym of
Pilidium. About twenty species of Pilidium and Sclerotiopsis each have been described, but
Pilidium is the most widely used generic name. Several plant pathogenic species of Pilidium
have been described in the recent literature (Rossman et al. 2004) .
Use Ploioderma 1967 rather than Cryocaligula 1986
The monotypic genus Cryocaligula based on the type species C. hedgcockii was described for
the asexual morph of Ploioderma hedgcockii, the type species of Ploiederma, thus these
genera names are synonyms. The name Cryocaligula has not been used since it was described
while the older Ploioderma includes 11 names and is well known, thus the use of Ploioderma
is recommended.
Use Pragmopora 1855 rather than Pragmopycnis 1975.
Although the type species of Pragmopora, P. amphibola, was initially considered to be a
doubtful lichen, later authors, most recently Groves (1967), concluded that a thallus was
lacking in this species. He accepted six more species in his monograph of this genus
including P. pithya. The type species of the monotypic genus Pragmopycnis, P. pithya, was
described as the asexual state of Pragmopora pithya, thus these genera are regarded as
taxonomically congruent. None of these species have been sequenced. Pragmopora is most
frequently cited and has priority, thus its use is recommended.
Conserve Pyrenopeziza 1870 over Cylindrosporium 1823
The genus Pyrenopeziza includes a number of important plant pathogenic species. Although
reported several times from Europe on members of the Apiaceae, the type species, P.
chailletii, has not been well-characterized. One important plant pathogen, P. brassicae, has
been linked to the asexual name Cylindrosporium concentricum, type of the genus
Cylindrosporium (Rawlinson et al. 1978, Cheah et al. 1980). Assuming that P. chailleti is
congeneric with P. brassicae, then Cylindrosporium provides an older generic name for these
species and these generic names would be considered taxonomically congruent. Both genera
include about 400 names although most remain obscure. The name Pyrenopeziza is more
commonly used than Cylindrosporium. Given the many plant pathogenic species in the genus
Pyrenopeziza, it seems expedient to conserve the name Pyrenopeziza over Cylindrosporium.
Conserve Rhabdocline 1922 over Meria 1896, Hartigiella 1900, and Rhabdogloeum 1922.
Rhabdocline and its asexual genus Rhabdogloeum were described in the same article based in
different type species (Sydow & Petrak 1922). The type species of Rhabdogloeum, R.
pseudotsugae, is connected to Rhabdocline weirii according to Parker & Reid (1969). The
genus Rhabdocline is clearly defined to include both the type species of Rhabdocline, R.
pseudotsugae and R. weirii by Stone & Gernandt (2005), thus the genera Rhabdocline and
Rhabdogloeum appear to be taxonomically congruent. Rhabdocline includes nine names and
is slightly more commonly used than Meria, which includes only two names. Of the two
species of Meria, M. parkeri already has a Rhabdocline name; M. laricis Vuill. will need to
be placed in Rhabdocline. Two older asexual genera are also considered synonymys of
Rhabdocline, namely Hartigiella and Meria. Gernandt et al. (1997) showed the respective
type species of Meria and Rhabdocline to be congeneric, thus Meria is taxonomically
congruent with Rhabdocline. The type species of Allescheria laricis R. Hartig 1899 is the
basionym of the monotype species of Hartigiella, H. laricis (R. Hartig) Dietel & P. Syd.
1900, a synonym of Meria laricis (Vuillimen 1905), thus Hartigiella is also taxonomically
congruent with Rhabdocline. Note that two additional Meria species belonging in the
Clavicipitaceae were recombined in Drechmeria by Gams & Jannson (1985). Given its more
common use, conserving the name Rhabdocline for this genus seems expedient.
Rhabdocline laricis (Vuill.) comb. nov.
Basionym: Meria laricis Vuill., Compt.Rend. hebd. Séanc. Acad. Sci., Paris 122: 21 (1896)
= Allescheria laricis R. Hartig, Centralbl. Gesammte Forstwesen 25: 425 (1899)
≡ Hartigiella laricis (R. Hartig) Dietel & P. Syd. Hedwigia 39(Beibl.): (91) (1900)
Protect Rhizothyrium 1915 over Rhizocalyx 1928.
The type species of Rhizothyrium, R. abietis, was shown to be the asexual morph of
Rhizocalyx abietis, type species of Rhizocalyx by Smerlis (1967), thus Rhizothyrium and
Rhizocalyx are synonyms. Based on Petrak’s (1928) hypothesis about the relationships of
these taxa, Smerlis (1967) grew both states in culture and provided convincing descriptions
and illustrations. While Rhizocalyx remains monotypic, a second species of Rhizothyrium, R.
parasiticum, was described by Butin (1986). No molecular data exist for either genus.
Although both genera are relatively obscure, Rhizothyrium has been used s more often than
Rhizocalyx, thus it seems most useful to protect the earlier name Rhizothyrium for this genus.
Use Rhytisma 1818 rather than Melasmia 1846
The type species of Rhytisma, R. acerinum, is the sexual morph of the type species of
Melasmia, M. acerinum (Cannon & Minter, 1984), therefore the genera are synonyms.
Melasmia is a morphologically simple, putatively spermatial anamorph. The genus Rhytisma
has been widely used for species causing various tar spot diseases on living leaves.We
recommended that the older, relatively well characterised Rhytisma be used.
Use Scleropezicula 1999 rather than Cryptosympodula 1999
These monotypic genera were described for the sexual and asexual states of the same species,
therefore, the genera are synonyms. Neither name has been widely used but the sexual state
has been more frequently reported and is already in Scleropezicula therefore we recommend
the use of the sexual morph name Scleropezicula.
Use Seaverinia 1945 rather than Verrucobotrys 1973
The type species of Verrucobotrys, V. geranii, was established for the asexual morph of the
type species of Seaverinia, S. geranii, thus these genera are synonyms. Both genera are
monotypic. Given the equal citation of these names, the older Seaverinia should be used.
Use Septotinia 1961 rather than Septotis 1970
The type species of Septotis, S. podophyllina, was established for the asexual morph of the
type species of Septotinia, S. podophyllina, thus these genera are synonyms. Both genera are
monotypic. Given the equal citation of these names, the older Septotinia should be used.
Use Stamnaria 1870 rather than Titaeospora 1916
Stamnaria persoonii, type species of Stamnaria, is a relatively common fungus on stems and
leaves of Equisetum spp. in temperate regions (Farr & Rossman 2014). The asexual state of
Stamnaria persoonii is regarded as Titaeospora equiseti of which the type species of
Titaeospora, T. detospora, is a synonym (Arx 1970), thus Stamnaria and Titaeospora are
synonyms. Given the equal number of species and the equal use of names in these genera, the
older genus Stamnaria should be used.
Use Streptotinia 1945 rather than Streptobotrys 1973
Although Hennebert (1973) stated that the genus Streptobotrys was the asexual morph of
Streptotinia, the type species of Streptobotrys, S. streptothrix, does not have a known sexual
morph. The other two species of Streptobotrys are listed with their corresponding sexual
morphs including Streptotinia arisaematis, the type species of Streptotinia. Thus these two
genera are taxonomically congruent. Given that the number of species in each genus is small
and both generic names are cited about equally, the older name Streptinia should be used.
Use Strossmayeria 1881 rather than Pseudospiropes 1971
The sexual morph of P. nodosus, the type species of Pseudospiropes is regarded as
Strossmayeria atriseda (Saut.) Iturr. by Iturriaga & Korf (1990) who also regard S. atriseda as
congeneric with the type species of Strossmayeria, S. basitricha, thus Strossmayeria and
Pseudopsiropes are taxonomically congruent. They suggest that the asexual states of species
of Strossmayeria are always referrable to Pseudospiropes, but note that other phylogenetically
distant, morphologically similar asexual species have been described in Pseudospiropes. We
recommend use of the older, well characterised name Strossmayeria.
Use Symphyosirinia 1956 rather than Symphyosirella 2009
Although the type species of Symphyosirinia based on S. galii and the type species of
Symphyosirella, S. parasitica are not synonyms, they are considered to be congeneric (Gams
et al 2009), thus these genera are taxonomically congruent. Although neither genus is widely
used, Symphosirinia is marginally in wider use and has priority, thus this genus is
recommended for use. Priority at the species level will require recombination of
Symphyosirella parasitica and S. rosea into Symphyosirinia, following the discussion in
Gams et al. (2009) that these two species are congeneric with the asexual states of
Symphosirinia parasitica (Massee & Crossl.) comb. nov.
Basionym: Symphyosira parasitica Massee & Crossl., Naturalist, Hull: 6 (1904)
Symphosirinia rosea (Keissl.) comb. nov.
Basionym: Symphosira rosea Keissl., Mycol. Zentbl. 2: 322. 1913.
Use Tympanis 1790 rather than Sirodothis 1909 or Pleurophomella 1914
The type species of Tympanis, T. saligna, is considered the sexual morph of Sirodothis
saligna while the type species of Sirodothis, S. populi is a synonym of S. populnea, the
asexual morph of Tympanis spermatiospora (Sutton & Funk 1975), therefore these genera are
taxonomically congruent. The type species of Pleurophomella, P. eumorpha, has been linked
to “one of the three species.” f Tympanis on Pinus (Groves 1949), possibly T. confusa, and
thus is also taxonomically congruent with Tympanis. The genus Tympanis has many more
species than Sirodothis and Pleurophomella and is widely used. We recommend use of the
well known genus Tympanis.
Use Unguiculariopsis 1909 rather than Deltosperma 1988
When Zhuang (1988) monographed the genus Unguiculariopsis, she established the genus
Deltosperma based on D. infundibuliformis for the asexual state of U. infundibuliformis. The
type species of Unguiculariopsis, U. ilicincola, was included in that genus by Zhuang (1988),
thus Unguiculariopsis and Deltosperma are taxonomically congruent. Given that there are
many more species of Unguiculariopsis than Deltosperma and that Unguiculariopsis is more
frequently cited, the older name Unguiculariopsis should be used.
Protect Valdensia 1923 over Valdensinia 1953 and Asterobolus 1972
Valdensinia based on V. heterodoxa was established for the sexual morph of Valdensia
heterodoxa, now type of Valdensia (Peyronel 1923, 1953), thus Valdensia and Valdensinia
are synonyms. This species has an asexual morph that produces large staurosporous conidia
quite unlike the discoid sexual morph. Nevertheless these forms represent the same species in
the Sclerotiniaceae (Holst-Jensen et al. 1997) and cause a leaf-spot disease of ericaceous
plants as well as others hosts. Although both generic names have been used, more reports
have been made using the asexual genus, thus Valdensia is proposed for protection.
According to Redhead & Perrin (1972) their genus Asterobolous based on A. gaultheriae is a
synonym of Valdensia while Gloeosporium myrtillii, the type species of Saliastrum (Kujala
1946), is not a synonym of Valdensia heterodoxa.
Conserve Xylogone 1969 over Scytalidium 1957
The type species of Xylogone, X. sphaerosperma, and the type species of Scytalidium, S.
lignicola, were shown to be congeneric in the phylogenetic analyses by Kang et al. (2010)
that included a second species of Xylogone, X. ganodermophthora, and a second species of
Scytalidium. Thus, Xylogone and Scytalidium are taxonomically congruent. The medically
important and plant pathogenic species known as Scytalidium dimidiatum is now placed in
Neoscytalidium as N. hyalinum (Phillips et al. 2013) in the Botryosphaeriaceae (Crous et al.
2006). The remaining species of Scytalidium are of unknown affinities many of which were
isolated from soil and wood but also animals including humans; two species are thermophilic
(Straastma & Samson 1993). Given the phylogenetic diversity of the species currently placed
in Scytalidium, we suggest that Xylogone be conserved for the well-circumscribed genus that
includes the type species of both genera.
The following individuals were consulted about their preferences for use of generic names as
an attempt to obtain input from many user communities. Although conflicting preferences
could not be accommodated, all opinions and ideas were taken into consideration.
Hans-Otto Baral, David Hawksworth, Tsuyoshi Hosoya, Megan Romberg, Wen-ying
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Table 1. Recommended genera of Leotiomycetes among those that compete for use. The recommended accepted generic name is in bold; see
text for the rationale for these decisions. For each generic name this list provides the author, its date and place of publication, the type species of
the genus, its basionym, their dates of publication, and the currently accepted name if different. The action required such as conservation of
sexual state names that do not have priority or asexaul state names that need protection is indicated.
Recommended genus name
Synonymous genus name
Additional synonymous genus
Action required
Ascoconidium Seaver, Mycologia
Sageria A. Funk, Canadian
Asexual type.
34: 414 (1942); type species A.
Journal of Botany 53: 1196
Approval needed
castaneae Seaver (1942)
(1975); type species S. tsugae
by Committee on
A. Funk (1975)
Ascocalyx Naumov, Bolêz. Rast.
Bothrodiscus Shear, Bull.
Pycnocalyx Naumov, Zap.
Later name
14: 138 (1926); type species A.
Torrey bot. Club 34: 312
Ural'sk. Obšč. Ljubit. Estestv. 20:
proposed for
abietis Naumov (1925), now A.
(1907); type species B.
35 (1916); type species P. abietis
berenice (Berk. & Curt.) comb.
pinicola Shear 1907, now B.
Naumov (1916)
berenice (Berk. & Curt.)
Groves (1968), basionym
Fusisporium berenice Berk. &
Curt. (1875)
Ascodichaena Butin, Trans. Br.
Polymorphum Chevall., J.
Phloeoscoria Wallr., Naturgesch.
Later name
mycol. Soc. 69: 249 (1977); type
Phys. Chim. Hist. nat. Arts 94:
Flecht. 1: 22, 721 (1825); type
proposed for
species A. rugosa Butin (1977).
32 (1822); type species P.
species P. faginea (Pers.) Wallr.
fagineum (Pers.) Chevall.
(1825), basionym Opegrapha
(1822), basionym Opegrapha
faginea Pers. 1794, now regarded
faginea Pers. (1794)
as Polymorphum fagineum (Pers.)
Chevall. (1822)
Psilospora Rabenh., Hedwigia 1:
107 (1856); type species P.
faginea (Pers.) Rabenh. (1856),
Opegrapha faginea Pers. 1794,
now regarded as Polymorphum
fagineum (Pers.) Chevall. (1822)
Blumeriella Arx, Phytopath. Z. 42: Microgloeum Petr., Annls
Phloeosporella Höhn., Annls
Later proposed
164 (1961); type species B. jaapii
mycol. 20: 215 (1922); type
mycol. 22: 201 (1924); type
for conservation.
(Rehm) Arx (1961), basionym
species M. pruni Petr. (1922)
species P. ceanothi (Ellis &
Pseudopeziza jaapii Rehm (1907).
Everh.) Höhn. (1924), basionym
Cylindrosporium ceanothi Ellis &
Everh. (1891)
Botrytis P. Micheli ex Pers. : Fr.,
Botryotinia Whetzel,
Asexual type.
Nova plantarum genera
Mycologia 37: 679 (1945);
Approval needed
(Florentiae): 212, tab. 91 (1729) ex
type species Botryotinia
by Committee on
Neues Mag. Bot. 1: 120 (1794) :
convoluta (Drayton) Whetzel
Syst. mycol. 3(2): 393 (1832); type
(1945), basionym Sclerotinia
species B. cinerea Pers. : Fr. 1794 : convoluta Drayton (1937)
Calloria Fr., Fl. Scan.: 343 (1836); Cylindrocolla Bonord., Handb.
Creothyrium Petr., Ann. Mycol.
type species
Allgem. mykol. (Stuttgart):
23: 79. (1925); type species C.
C. fusarioides (Berk.) Fr. (1849),
149 (1851); type species C.
pulchellum Petr. (1925).
basionym Peziza fusarioides Berk., urticae (Pers.) Bonord.,
Mag. Zool. Bot. 1: 46 (1837),
(1851), basionym Tremella
regarded as C. neglecta (Lib.) B.
urticae Pers. (1801).
Callorina Korf, Phytologia
21:201. 1971; type species C.
fusarioides (Berk.) Korf (1971).
Hein, basionym Peziza neglecta
Lib. 1832 but now Calloria urticae
(Pers.: Fr.) comb. nov.
Chaetomella Fuckel, Jb. nassau.
Zoellneria Velen., Monogr.
Volutellospora Thirum. & P.N.
Asexual type.
Ver. Naturk. 23-24: 401 (1870);
Discom. Bohem.: 298 (1934);
Mathur, Sydowia 18: 38 (1965);
Approval needed
type species C. oblonga Fuckel
type species Z. rosarum Velen.
type species V. raphigera (Swift)
by Committee on
Thirum. & P.N. Mathur,
basionym Chaetomella raphigera
Swift (1930)
Harikrishnaella D.V. Singh &
A.K. Sarbhoy, Sydowia 25: 66
(1972); type species H. arachidis
D.V. Singh & A.K. Sarbhoy
Chlorociboria Seaver ex C.S.
Dothiorina Höhn., Sber. Akad.
Ramamurthi, Korf & L.R. Batra,
Wiss. Wien, Math.-naturw. Kl.,
Mycologia 49(6): 857 (1958)
Abt. 1 120: 464 [86 repr.]
[1957] type species C. aeruginosa
(1911); type species D.
(Oeder) Seaver ex C.S.
tulasnei (Sacc.) Höhn. (1911),
Ramamurthi, Korf & L.R. Batra
basionym: Dothiorella tulasnei
(1958) [1957], basionym: Helvella
Sacc. (1884)
aeruginosa Oeder : Fr., Fl. Danic.
3(9): tab. 534:2 (1770) : Fr., Syst.
mycol. 2(1): 130 (1822), now
regarded as Chlorociboria
aeruginascens (Nyl.) C.S.
Ramamurthi, Korf & L.R. Batra
1958, basionym Peziza
aeruginascens Nyl. 1869 (P.
Karst.) B. Hein
Claussenomyces Kirschst., Verh.
Dendrostilbella Höhn., Öst.
Later name
bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenb. 65: 122
bot. Z. 55: 22 (1905); type
proposed for
(1923); type species C. jahnianus
species D. prasinula Höhn.
Kirschst. (1923)
Coma Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.,
Ascocoma H.J. Swart, Trans.
Asexual type.
Can. J. Bot. 50: 614 (1972); type
Br. mycol. Soc. 87: 606
Approval needed
species C. circularis (Cooke &
(1987); type species A.
by Committee on
Massee ex Cooke) Nag Raj &
eucalypti (Hansf.) H.J. Swart
W.B. Kendr. (1972), basionym
(1987), basionym
Pestalozziella circularis Cooke &
Pseudopeziza eucalypti Hansf.
Massee ex Cooke (1890)
Coryne Nees, Syst. Pilze,
Ascocoryne J.W. Groves &
Pirobasidium Höhn., Sber. Akad.
Asexual type.
Würzburg: 157 (1816); type
D.E. Wilson, Taxon 16: 40
Wiss. Wien, Math.-naturw. Kl.,
Approval needed
species C. dubia (Pers.) Gray
(1967); type species A.
Abt. 1 111: 1001 (1902); type
by Committee on
(1821), basionym Acrospermum
sarcoides (Jacq.) J.W. Groves
species P. sarcoides (Jacq.)
dubium Pers. (1797), now regarded & D.E. Wilson (1967),
Höhn. (1902), basionym Lichen
as Coryne sarcoides (Jacq. : Fr.)
sarcoides Jacq. : Fr. (1781).
basionym Lichen sarcoides
Tul. & C. Tul. (1865)
Jacq. : Fr. (1781).
Pleurocolla Petr., Annls mycol.
22(1/2): 15 (1924), type species
P. tiliae Petr., Annls mycol.
22(1/2): 15 (1924).
Endostilbum Malençon, Bull.
trimest. Soc. mycol. Fr. 80: 111
(1964), type species E. cerasi
(Bourdot & Galzin) Malençon,
(1964), basionym Sirobasidium
cerasi Bourdot & Galzin, (1909),
now regarded as Coryne albida
(Berk.) Korf & Cand., basionym
Tubercularia albida Berk. (1836)
Crinula Fr., Syst. mycol. 1: 493
Holwaya Sacc., Syll. fung. 8:
Asexual type.
(1821); type species C.
646 (1889); type species H.
Approval needed
caliciiformis Fr. (1821)
ophiobolus (Ellis) Sacc.
by Committee on
(1889), basionym Bulgaria
ophiobolus Ellis (1883), now
H. mucida (Schulzer) Korf &
Abawi, basionym Ditiola
mucida Schulzer (1860)
Cristulariella Höhn., Sber. Akad.
Nervostroma Narumi & Y.
Asexual type.
Wiss. Math.-naturw. Kl., Abt. 1
Harada, Mycoscience 47: 357
Approval needed
Wien 125: 124 (1916); type
(2006); type species N.
by Committee on
species C. depraedans (Cooke)
depraedans Narumi & Y.
Höhn. (1916), basionym Polyactis
Harada (2006)
deparedans Cooke (1885)
Crumenulopsis J.W. Groves, Can.
Digitosporium Gremmen, Acta
Later name
J. Bot. 47: 48 (1969); type species
bot. neerl. 2(2): 233 (1953);
proposed for
C. pinicola (Rebent.) J.W. Groves
type species
(1969), basionym Peziza pinicola
D. piniphilum Gremmen
Dematioscypha Svrček, Česká
Schizocephalum Preuss,
Haplographium Berk. & Broome,
Later name
Mykol. 31: 193 (1977); type
Linnaea 25: 77 (1852); type
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., Ser. 3 3:
proposed for
species D. dematiicola (Berk. &
species S. atrofuscum Preuss
360 (1859); type species H.
Broome) Svrček (1977), basionym
delicatum Berk. & Broome
Peziza dematiicola Brek. &
Broome (1865)
Dermea Fr., Syst. orb. veg.
Sphaeronaema Fr., Observ.
Foveostroma DiCosmo,
(Lundae) 1: 114 (1825); type
mycol. (Havniae) 1: 187
Can. J. Bot. 56: 1682
species D. cerasi (Pers.) Fr., Syst.
(1815); type species S.
(1978); type species F.
orb. veg. (Lundae) 1: 115 (1825),
cylindricum (Tode) Fr. (1815),
drupacearum (Lév.)
basionym Peziza cerasi Pers.
DiCosmo, basionym
Sphaeria cylindrica Tode
Micropera drupacearum
Lév. (1846)
Diplocarpon F.A. Wolf, Bot. Gaz.
Entomosporium Lév., Bull.
Morthiera Fuckel, Jb. nassau.
Later name
54: 231 (1912); type species: D.
Soc. bot. Fr. 3: 31 (1856); type
Ver. Naturk. 23-24: 382 (1884);
proposed for
rosae F.A. Wolf (1912)
species: E. mespili (DC.) Sacc.
type species M. mespili Sacc.
(1880), basionym Xyloma
(1870), now regarded as
mespili DC (1815)
Entomosporium mespili.
Marssonina Magnus, Hedwigia
45: 89 (1906); type species M.
potentillae (Desm.) Magnus
Entomopeziza Kleb., Vortrag.
Gesamtgeb. Bot. ser. 1, 1: 33
(1914); type species E. soraueri
Kleb. (1914), now regarded as
Entomosporium mespili.
Gelatinipulvinella Hosoya & Y.
Aureohyphozyma Hosoya & Y.
Otani, Mycologia 87: 690 (1995);
Otani, Mycologia 87: 690
type species: G. astraeicola
(1995); type species: A.
Hosoya & Y. Otani (1995)
astraeicola Hosoya & Y. Otani
Gloeotinia M. Wilson, Noble &
Endoconidium Prill. & Delacr.,
Later name
E.G. Gray, Trans. Br. mycol. Soc.
Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. 38: 208
proposed for
37: 31 (1954); type species G.
(1891); type species E.
temulenta (Prill. & Delacr.) M.
temulentum Prill. & Delacr.
Wilson, Noble & E.G. Gray
(1954), basionym Phialea
temulenta Prill. & Delacr. (1892)
Godronia Moug. & Lév., Consid.
Sphaeronaema Fr., Observ.
Mastomyces Mont., Annls Sci.
Later name
Vég. Vosges: 355 (1846); type
mycol. (Havniae) 1: 187
Nat., Bot., sér. 3 10: 134 (1848),
proposed for
species G. muehlenbeckii Moug. &
(1815); type species S.
type species M. friesii Mont.
Lév. (1846)
cylindricum (Tode) Fr. (1815),
(1848), now regarded as
Topospora uberiformis.
Sphaeria cylindrica Tode
Clinterium Fr., Summa veg.
Scand., Section Post.
Topospora Fr., Fl. Scan.: 347
(Stockholm): 418 (1849); type
(1836); type species T.
species C. obturatum (Fr.) Fr.
uberiformis (Kunze) Fr.
(1849), basionym Sphaeria
(1848), basionym Sphaeria
obturata Fr., (1823), now
uberiformis Kunze (1823)
regarded as Topospora obturata
(Fr.) B. Erikss. (1970)
Crumenula De Not., Comm. Soc.
crittog. Ital. 2(1): 363 (1864);
type species C. urceolus (Alb. &
Schwein.) De Not., basionym
Peziza urceolus Alb. & Schwein.
(1805), now regarded as
Godronia urceolus (Schwein.) P.
Karst. (1885)
Fuckelia Bonord 1864, type
species F. ribis (Fr.) Bonord.
(1864), basionym Cenangrium
ribis Fr. (1822), now regarded as
Godronia ribis (Fr.) Seaver
Chondropodiella Höhn.,
Hedwigia 59: 281 (1917); type
species C. clethrincola (Ellis)
Höhn., (1917), basionym
Sphaeronaema clethrincola Ellis,
(1876), regarded as the
microconidial state of Godronia
urceolata by Grove (1965).
Godroniopsis Diehl & E.K. Cash,
Sphaeronaema Fr., Observ.
Later name
Mycologia 21(5): 243 (1929); type
mycol. (Havniae) 1: 187
proposed for
species G. quernea (Schwein.)
(1815); type species S.
Diehl & E.K. Cash basionym
cylindricum (Tode) Fr. (1815),
Peziza quernea Schwein. (1822)
Sphaeria cylindrica Tode
Gremmeniella M. Morelet, Bull.
Brunchorstia Erikss., Bot. Zbl.
Lagerbergia J. Reid, Kew Bull.
Later name
Soc. Sci. nat. Arch. Toulon et du
46: 298 (1891); type species B.
25: 350 (1971); type species L.
proposed for
Var 183: 9 (1969); type species G.
destruens Erikss. (1891), now
abietina (Lagerb.) J. Reid ex
conservation, also
abietina (Lagerb.) M. Morelet
regarded as B. pinea (Karst.)
Dennis (1971), basionym
conserve G.
(1969), basionym Crumenula
Höhn. 1905, basionym
Crumenula abietina Lagerb.
abietina Lagerb. (1913)
Septoria pinea Karst. (1884)
Grovesinia M.N. Cline, J.L. Crane
Hinomyces Narumi & Y.
These types represent the same
& S.D. Cline, Mycologia 75(6):
Harada, Mycoscience 47(6):
989 (1983); type species
357 (2006); type species H.
G. pyramidalis M.N. Cline, J.L.
moricola (I. Hino) Narumi &
Crane & S.D. Cline, (1983), now
Y. Harada, (2006), basionym
Grovesinia moricola (M.N. Cline
Botrytis moricola I. Hino,
et al.) comb. nov., basionym
Botrytis moricola I. Hino, Bull.
Miyazaki Coll. Agric. Forest. 1: 80
Heterosphaeria Grev., Scott.
Heteropatella Fuckel, Jb.
crypt. fl. (Edinburgh) 1: pl. 103
nassau. Ver. Naturk. 27-28: 54
(1824); type species H. patella
(1874); type species H. lacera
(Tode) Grev., (1824), basionym
Fuckel (1874)
Sphaeria penetrans a patella Tode
Hypnotheca Tommerup, Trans.
Monochaetiellopsis B. Sutton
Br. mycol. Soc. 55(3): 467 (1970);
& DiCosmo, Can. J. Bot.
type species Hypnotheca graminis
55(19): 2536 (1977); type
Tommerup, (1970)
species Monochaetiellopsis
themedae (M. Kandasw. &
Sundaram) B. Sutton &
DiCosmo (1977), basionym:
Monochaetiella themedae M.
Kandasw. & Sundaram. (1957)
Hypohelion P.R. Johnst.,
Leptostroma Fr., Observ.
Later name
Mycotaxon 39: 221 (1990); type
mycol. 1: 196 (1815); type
proposed for
species H. scirpinum (DC.) P.R.
species L. scirpinum Fr. (1823)
Micraspis Darker, Can. J. Bot. 41:
Periperidium Darker, Can. J.
1390 (1963); type species
Bot. 41: 1392 (1963); type
Micraspis acicola Darker (1963)
species Periperidium acicola
Johnst. (1990), basionym
Hypoderma scirpinum DC. (1823)
Darker (1963)
Mycopappus Redhead & G.P.
Redheadia Y. Suto & Suyama,
Asexual type.
White, Can. J. Bot. 63: 1430
Mycoscience 46: 228 (2005);
Approval needed
(1985); type species M. alni
type species R. quercus Y.
by Committee on
(Dearn. & Barthol.) Redhead &
Suto & Suyama (2005).
G.P. White 1985, basionym
Cercosporella alni Dearn. &
Barth. (1917)
Neofabraea H.S. Jacks., Rep.
Phlyctema Desm., Annls Sci.
Allantozythia Höhn., Annls
Later name
Oregon Exp. Sta. 1911-1912: 187
Nat. Bot., sér. 3 8: 16 (1847);
mycol. 22: 203 (1924); type
proposed for
(1913); type species N.
type species P. vagabunda
species A. alutacea (Sacc.) Höhn., conservation.
malicorticis H.S. Jacks. (1913)
Desm. (1847)
basionym Gloeosporium
alutaceum Sacc. (1897), now
regarded as Phlyctema
Oculimacula Crous & W. Gams,
Helgardia Crous & W. Gams,
Later name
Eur. J. Pl. Path. 109(8): 845
Eur. J. Pl. Path. 109(8): 845
proposed for
(2003); type species O. yallundae
(2003); type species H.
(Wallwork & Spooner) Crous &
herpotrichoides (Fron) Crous
W. Gams (2003), basionym
& W. Gams (2003), basionym
Tapesia yallundae Wallwork &
Cercosporella herpotrichoides
Spooner (1988)
Fron (1912)
Ovulinia F.A. Weiss,
Ovulitis N.F. Buchw., Friesia
These types represent the same
Phytopathology 30: 242 (1940);
9(3): 328 (1970); type species
type species O. azaleae F.A. Weiss O. azaleae N.F. Buchw. (1970)
Pezicula Tul. & C. Tul., Select.
Cryptosporiopsis Bubák &
Lagynodella Petr., Annls mycol.
fung. carpol. p. 182 (1865); type
Kabát, Hedwigia 52: 360
20(3/4): 207 (1922); type species
species P. carpinea (Pers.) Tul. ex
(1912); type species C. nigra
L. pruinosa (Peck) Petr. 1922,
Fuckel , basionym Peziza carpinea
Bubák & Kabát (1912), now
Pers. (1801)
regarded as C. scutellata (Otth)
Petr., basionym Sphaeropsis
Sphaeronaema pruinosum Peck,
scutellata Otth (1868)
(1872) [1871], now regarded as
Cryptosporiopsis pruinosa (Peck)
Phacidium Fr. : Fr., nom. cons.
Ceuthospora Grev., nom. cons.
Observ. mycol. (Havniae) 1: 167
Scott. crypt. fl. (Edinburgh) 5:
(1815) : Observ. Mycol. 2: 313.
pl. 253-254 (1826), lectotype
(1818), type species P. lacerum Fr.
species C. lauri (Grev.) Grev.
1827, basionym
Cryptosphaeria lauri Grev.
Phialocephala W.B. Kendr., Can.
Phaeomollisia T.N. Sieber &
Asexual type.
J. Bot. 39: 1079 (1961); type
Grünig, Mycol. Res. 113: 213
Approval needed
species P. dimorphospora W.B.
(2009); type species P. piceae
by Committee on
Kendr. (1961)
T.N. Sieber & Grünig (2009)
Pilidium Kunze, Mykologische
Discohainesia Nannf., Nova
Sclerotiopsis Speg., Anal. Soc.
Asexual type.
Hefte 2: 92 (1823); type species P.
Acta R. Soc. Scient. upsal. Ser.
cient. argent. 13(1): 14 (1882);
Approval needed
acerinum (Alb. & Schwein.)
4 8(2): 88 (1932); type species
type species S. australasica Speg.
by Committee on
Kunze (1823), basionym
D. oenotherae (Cooke & Ellis)
(1882), now regarded as Pilidium
Sclerotium acerinum Alb. &
Nannf. (1932), basionym
concavum (Desm.) Hohn. (1915)
Schwein. (1805)
Peziza oenotherae Cooke &
Ellis (1878), now regarded as
Pilidium concavum (Desm.)
Hohn. (1915)
Ploioderma Darker, Can. J. Bot.
Cryocaligula Minter, in
45: 1424 (1967); type species P.
Petersen, Recent Research on
hedgcockii (Dearn.) Darker (1967), Conifer Needle Diseases,
basionym: Hypoderma hedgcockii
(USDA Forest Service General
Dearn. (1926)
Technical Report GTR-WO
50) (Washington DC): 78
(1986); type species C.
hedgcockii (Dearn.) Minter
1986, basionym Leptostroma
hedgcockii Dearn. 1926
Phacidiopycnis Potebnia, Z.
Potebniamyces Smerlis, Can.
Discosporiopsis Petr., Annls
Asexual type.
PflKrankh. PflPath. PflSchutz 22:
J. Bot. 40: 352 (1962); type
mycol. 19(3/4): 217 (1921); type
Approval needed
143 (1912); type species P.
species P. discolor (Mouton &
D. pyri (Fuckel) Petr. (1921),
by Committee on
malorum Potebnia (1912)
Sacc.) Smerlis (1962),
basionym Cytospora pyri Fuckel
basionym Phacidium discolor
[as 'piri'] (1860), now regarded as
Mouton & Sacc. (1899), now
Phacidiopynis pyri (Berk. & Br.)
Potebniamyces pyri (Berk. &
Dennis (1978).
Br.) Dennis.
Pragmopora A. Massal., Framm.
Pragmopycnis B. Sutton & A.
Lichenogr.: 12 (1855); type
Funk, Can. J. Bot. 53(6): 522
species P. amphibola A. Massal.
(1975); type species P. pithya
B. Sutton & A. Funk (1975)
Pycnopeziza W.L. White &
Acarosporium Bubák &
Chaetalysis Peyron., Bull. Soc.
Later name
Whetzel, Mycologia 30: 187
Vleugel ex Bubák, Ber. dt. bot.
mycol. Fr. 38(3): 141 (1922);
proposed for
(1938); type species P.
Ges. 29: 384 (1911); type
type species C. myrioblephara
sympodialis W.L. White &
species A. sympodiale Bubák
Peyron. (1922), now regarded as
Whetzel (1938)
& Vleugel (1911)
Acarosporium sympodiale Bubák
& Vleugel (1911)
Ciliosira Syd. & P. Syd., Annls
mycol. 40(3/4): 212 (1942); type
species C. hederae Syd. (1942),
now regarded as A. sympodiale
Bubák & Vleugel (1911).
Pyrenopeziza Fuckel, Jb. nassau.
Cylindrosporium Grev. Scott.
Cylindrodochium Bonord. (1851), Later name
Ver. Naturk. 23-24: 293 (1870);
crypt. fl. 1, plate 27 (1822);
Handb. Allgem. mykol.
proposed for
type species P. chailletii (Pers.)
type species C. concentricum
(Stuttgart): 132 (1851); type
Fuckel 1870, basionym Peziza
Grev. (1822)
species C. concentricum (Grev.)
chailletii Pers. (1822)
Bonord., basionym
Cylindrosporium concentricum
Grev. (1822)
Rhabdocline Syd., Annls mycol.
Meria Vuill., C. r. hebd. Séanc. Hartigiella Syd. & P. Syd.
Later name
20: 194 (1922); type species
Acad. Sci., Paris 122: 546
Hedwigia Beih. 39: 91 (1900);
proposed for
Rhabdocline pseudotsugae Syd.
(1896); type species M. laricis
type species H. laricis (R. Hartig)
Vuill. (1896)
Dietel & P. Syd. , basionym
Allescheria laricis R. Hartig
Rhabdogloeum Syd., Annls
mycol. 20: 215 (1922); type
species Rhabdogloeum
pseudotsugae Syd. (1922)
Rhizothyrium Naumov, Bull. Soc.
Rhizocalyx Petr., Hedwigia 68:
Bactrexcipulum Hohn., Hedwigia
Asexual type.
mycol. Fr. 30: 429 (1915); type
233 (1928); type species R.
60: 161. (1918), type species B.
Approval needed
species R. abietis Naumov (1915)
abietis Petr. (1928)
strasseri Hohn. (1918)
by Committee on
Rhytisma Fr. : Fr., K. svenska
Melasmia Lév., Annls Sci.
Vetensk-Akad. Handl. 39: 104
Nat., Bot., sér. 3 5: 276
(1818): Fr., Syst. mycol. 2(2): 565
(1846);type species M. acerina
(1823); type species R. acerinum
Lév. (1846)
(Pers.) Fr. (1818), basionym:
Xyloma acerinum Pers. (1794)
Scleropezicula Verkley, Stud.
Cryptosympodula Verkley,
Mycol. 44: 132 (1999); type
Stud. Mycol. 44: 132 (1999);
species S. alnicola (J.W. Groves)
type species C. appendiculata
Verkley (1999), basionym:
Verkley (1999)
Pezicula alnicola J.W. Groves
Seaverinia Whetzel, Mycologia
Verrucobotrys Hennebert,
These types represent the same
37: 703 (1945); type species S.
Persoonia 7(2): 193 (1973);
geranii (Seaver & W.T. Horne)
type species V. geranii
Whetzel (1945), basionym
(Seaver) Hennebert (1973);
Sclerotinia geranii Seaver & W.T.
basionym Botrytis geranii
Horne (1918)
Seaver (1947)
Septotinia Whetzel ex J.W. Groves Septotis N.F. Buchw. ex Arx,
These types represent the same
& M.E. Elliott, Can. J. Bot. 39(1):
Biblthca Mycol. 24: 158
227 (1961); type species S.
(1970); type species S.
podophyllina Whetzel (1937)
podophyllina (Ellis & Everh.)
Arx (1970)
Stamnaria Fuckel, Jb. nassau.
Titaeospora Bubák, Annls
Ver. Naturk. 23-24: 309 (1870);
mycol. 14(5): 345 (1916);
type species S. persoonii (Moug.)
basionym T. detospora (Sacc.)
Fuckel, Jb. nassau. Ver. Naturk.
Bubák, (1916), basionym
23-24: 309 (1870), basionym
Septoria detospora Sacc.
Peziza persoonii Moug.,: Fr.
Streptotinia Whetzel, Mycologia
Streptobotrys Hennebert,
37(6): 684 (1945); type species S.
Persoonia 7(2): 191 (1973);
arisaematis Whetzel (1945)
type species S. streptothrix
(Cooke & Ellis) Hennebert,
Persoonia 7(2): 192 (1973);
basionym Polyactis
streptothrix Cooke & Ellis
Strossmayeria Schulzer, Öst. bot.
Pseudospiropes M.B. Ellis,
Z. 31: 314 (1881)
Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes
Type species S. rackii Schultzer
(Kew): 258 (1971); type
1881, basionym Peziza
species P. nodosus (Wallr.)
heterosperma Schultzer (1878),
M.B. Ellis (1971), basionym
now regarded as S. basitricha
Helminthosporium nodosum
(Sacc.) Dennis (1960), basionym
Belonidium basitrichum Sacc.
Symphyosirinia E.A. Ellis, Trans.
Symphyosirella Seifert,
Norfolk Norw. Nat. Soc. 18: 5
Mycotaxon 110: 105 (2009);
(1956); type species S. galii E.A.
type species S. parasitica
Ellis (1956)
(Massee & Crossl.) Seifert
(2009), basionym Symphyosira
parasitica Massee & Crossl.
Tympanis Tode, Fung. mecklenb.
Sirodothis Clem., Gen. fung.
Pleurophomella Höhn., Sber.
sel. (Lüneburg) 1: 24 (1790); type
(Minneapolis): 123, 176
Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-naturw.
species T. saligna Tode (1790)
(1909); type species S. populi
Kl., Abt. 1 123: 123 (1914); type
Clem. (1909)
species P. eumorpha (Penz. &
Sacc.) Höhn. 1914, basionym
Dendrophoma eumorpha Sacc. &
Penz. (1882)
Unguiculariopsis Rehm, Annls
Deltosperma W.Y. Zhuang
mycol. 7(5): 400 (1909); type
Mycotaxon 32:31. 1988; type
species U. ilicincola (Berk. &
species D. infundibuliformis
Broome) Rehm (1909), basionym
W.Y. Zhuang (1988)
Peziza ilicincola Berk. & Broome
Valdensia Peyronel, Staz. Sper.
Valdensinia Peyronel, Nuovo
Asterobolus Redhead & P.W.
Asexual type.
Argar. Ital. 56: 521 (1923); type
G. bot. ital. 59: 184 (1953);
Perrin Can. J. Bot. 50(3): 409
Approval needed
species V. heterodoxa Peyronel
type species V. heterodoxa
(1972), type species A.
by Committee on
Peyronel (1953)
gaultheriae Redhead & P.W.
Perrin (1972)
Xylogone Arx & T. Nilsson,
Scytalidium Pesante, Annali
Later name
Svensk bot. Tidskr. 63: 345
Sper. agr. n.s. 11 (2, Suppl.):
proposed for
(1969); type species X.
cclxiv (1957); type species S.
sphaerospora Arx & T. Nilsson
lignicola Pesante (1957).