Adult & Community Learning Services FY 2015 Adult Career Pathways Programs Region Berkshire County Regional Employment Board, Inc. Heather Putnam Boulger 66 Allen Street Pittsfield 01201 413-442-7177 1. Program Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts 2. Pittsfield Public Schools Program Description Three classes (ASE, 14 students; College & Career Readiness, 16 students; Advising, 12 students) instruction will reflect shifts outlined in CCR standards and prepare students for the High School Equivalency Assessment CCR class will focus on employability and computer skills Advising class will focus developing and implementing education and career plans 42 students; 32 weeks 5 modules: Basic Skills, Work Readiness, College Readiness, Technological Readiness, and Pathways. The Pathways modules will focus on specific careers or job sectors. Students will move toward a credential or minimum requirement for their chosen fields. 10 students; 34 weeks Adult Career Pathways Kick-Off Meeting Revised 4/3/15 Adult and Community Learning Services 1 Contact Howard J. Eberwein 375 Church Street North Adams 01247 413-662-5381 Paul Gage 269 First Street Pittsfield 01201 413-499-9530 Adult & Community Learning Services FY 2015 Adult Career Pathways Programs Region EDIC/JCS Dave Bassett 43 Hawkins Street Boston, MA 02114 617-918-5256 3. Program Boston Public Schools 4. St. Mary’s Center for Women and Children Program Description Three components: Academic, CCR, and Career Exploration. The Career Exploration course will be 90 hours of hands-on introduction to building maintenance, automotive systems, and hospitality/customer service with a focus on food service. Students who complete will have earned OSHA 10, ServSafe, Auto Safety Completion, and Customer Service certificates. 30 students (18 – 25 years old); 32 weeks Serve 10 women with integrated ABE, college and career readiness, and career exploration services. 10 students; 2 cycles, 17-18 weeks each Adult Career Pathways Kick-Off Meeting Revised 4/3/15 Adult and Community Learning Services 2 Contact Kathryn A. Ehresman 55 Malcolm X Blvd Roxbury 02120 617-635-9300 Wyvonne Stevens-Carter 90 Cushing Avenue Dorchester 02125 617-436-8600 ext 240 Adult & Community Learning Services FY 2015 Adult Career Pathways Programs Region Bristol Workforce Investment Board Thomas Perreira One Government Center, 5th Floor Fall River 02722 508-675-1161 5. Program Bristol Community College/Attlebo ro 6. Bristol Community College/Fall River 7. Southeastern MA - SER-Jobs for Progress, Inc. Program Description Pre-ASE/ASE, Technology, Job Readiness, Career Exploration, Computer Literacy/Technology, career and educational advising, and an Introduction to Health and Human Services course. Students who pass the HiSet tests are also eligible for several free credit and non-credit courses. 18 students; 40 weeks ABE, computer literacy, and career development instruction. Instruction will be contextualized to incorporate health and human services, technology, and advanced manufacturing competencies. 20 students; 42 weeks Provide intensive academic preparation, work readiness, career exploration, computer literacy, and educational advising. 35 students; 40 weeks Adult Career Pathways Kick-Off Meeting Revised 4/3/15 Adult and Community Learning Services 3 Contact Cathleen DeSimone 11 Field Road, Rm. 215 Attleboro 02703 508-678-2811 x3531 Eileen Cruz 777 Elsbree Street Fall River 02720 508-678-2811 x2260 Victor Tavares 164 Bedford Street Fall River 02720 508-676-1916 Adult & Community Learning Services FY 2015 Adult Career Pathways Programs Region Brockton Area Workforce Investment Board Sheila Sullivan-Jardim 34 School Street Brockton 02301 508-584-3234 8. Program Brockton Public Schools 9. Training Resources of America, Inc, Brockton Program Description Contextualized curricula for ESOL students in manufacturing, healthcare, and finance. Two morning cohorts of 16 students each for 34 weeks. 32 total students; 34 weeks ESOL instruction contextualized to the customer service industry. 13 students; 42 weeks. Adult Career Pathways Kick-Off Meeting Revised 4/3/15 Adult and Community Learning Services 4 Contact Suzanne Martin 211 Crescent Street Brockton 02302 508-580-7475 Barbora Hazukova 231 Main Street, Suite 302 Brockton 02301 508-587-6115 Adult & Community Learning Services FY 2015 Adult Career Pathways Programs Region Cape & Islands Workforce Investment Board David Augustinho 426 North Street, Suite 9 Hyannis 02601 508-775-5900 Program 10. Cape Cod Community College Program Description ESOL instruction with curriculum contextualized to health care, hospitality, retail, high technology, construction, financial services, and marine science and technology. 51 students; 34 weeks Adult Career Pathways Kick-Off Meeting Revised 4/3/15 Adult and Community Learning Services 5 Contact Toby Maguire 540 Main Street Hyannis 02601 508-362-2131 Adult & Community Learning Services FY 2015 Adult Career Pathways Programs Region Central Massachusetts Workforce Investment Board Jeffrey Turgeon 44 Front Street, Suite 300 Worcester 01608 508-799-1590 Program 11. Lutheran Community Services, Inc. 12. Quinsigamond Community College/Worcest er 13. Training Resources of America, Inc, Worcester 14. Webster Public Schools Program Description ESOL instruction contextualized to the health care industry. Two 12-week sessions; 15 students each for a total of 30 students ESOL instruction contextualized to the health care industry. Upon completion of the program, participants will be able to enroll in one of QCC’s credit or noncredit health care certification programs: Nurse Assistant Training, Phlebotomy/EKG Technician, Ophthalmic Assistant, Pharmacy Technician, Medical Terminology, Laboratory Animal Care, Personal Care Aide. 3 classes, 13 students per class, 36 weeks; 39 total students ESOL instruction contextualized to workplace readiness, career exploration, vocabulary skills related to the manufacturing industry and electrical schematic reading, cable assembly, and wire harness assembly. 13 students; 38 weeks Pre-CNA ABE contextualized curriculum. 13 students; 20 weeks Adult Career Pathways Kick-Off Meeting Revised 4/3/15 Adult and Community Learning Services 6 Contact Lisa Brennan 51 Union Street Worcester 01608 508-754-1121 Maria Kefallinou 670 West Boylston Street Worcester 01606 508-751-7903 Michael Quigley 2 Foster Street, 3rd Floor Worcester 01608 (508) 753-2991 Terri Stone 41 E. Main Street Webster 01570 508-949-8282 Adult & Community Learning Services FY 2015 Adult Career Pathways Programs Region Franklin/Hampshire Regional Employment Board Patricia Crosby One Arch Place Greenfield 01301 413-773-1835 Program 15. Center for New Americans 16. The Literacy Project, Inc. Program Description ABE instruction contextualized to healthcare (10 weeks), manufacturing (12 weeks), and STEM (12 weeks). 40 total students; 36 weeks ASE instruction with career awareness that includes overviews of jobs in health care, manufacturing, green jobs, and STEM careers. Five sites. 59 total students; 35 weeks Adult Career Pathways Kick-Off Meeting Revised 4/3/15 Adult and Community Learning Services 7 Contact Russell Bradbury-Carlin 42 Gothic Street Northampton 01060 413-587-0084 Judith Roberts 15 Bank Row Suite C Greenfield 01301 413-774-3934 Adult & Community Learning Services FY 2015 Adult Career Pathways Programs Region Greater Lowell Workforce Investment Board Gail Brown 107 Merrimack Street Lowell 01852 978-805-4736 Program 17. Career Center of Lowell, City Manager's Office Program Description ESOL, Pre High School Equivalency, High School Equivalency instruction with postsecondary education, career and work readiness instruction, with curricula contextualized to health care, advanced manufacturing, green jobs, and STEM. 41 students; 36 weeks Adult Career Pathways Kick-Off Meeting Revised 4/3/15 Adult and Community Learning Services 8 Contact Michael Durkin 107 Merrimack Street Lowell 01852 978-458-2503 Adult & Community Learning Services FY 2015 Adult Career Pathways Programs Region Greater New Bedford Workforce Investment Board George A. Hempe 227 Union Street, Suite 206 New Bedford 02740 508-979-1504 ext. 117 Program 18. New Bedford Public Schools ABE 19. UMASS Dartmouth Annie Massicotte Business Office Manager GNB WIB, Inc. 227 Union Street - Suite 206 New Bedford, MA 02740-5950 508-979-1504 ext. 111 Program Description Five different class offerings with curricula contextualized to advanced manufacturing, clean energy/off shore wind, gaming/hospitality, and health careers. 65 students; 28 weeks ASE Class offerings include College and Career Readiness Reading and Math ESOL class offering include English for Work and Math for Work. All classes will include reading for information, applied math, and locating information with contextualized curricula for advanced manufacturing, health care, wind power, and hospitality/gaming industries. Students will create resumes and practice interview skills. James Oliveira Senior Operations Director GNB WIB, Inc. 227 Union Street - Suite 206 New Bedford, MA 02740-5950 508-979-1504 Adult Career Pathways Kick-Off Meeting Revised 4/3/15 Adult and Community Learning Services 9 Contact Bernice A. Jensen 181 Hillman Street, Bldg 9, Room 203 New Bedford 02740 508-997-4511 Lisa Jochim 800 Purchase Street New Bedford 02740 508-999-4047 Adult & Community Learning Services FY 2015 Adult Career Pathways Programs Region Hampden County Regional Employment Board David Cruise 1441 Main Street, Suite 137 Springfield 01103 413-755-1362 Program 20. Holyoke Community College Maura Geary Director of Strategic Program Innovation 1441 Main Street, Suite 137 Springfield 01103 413-755-1362 21. Holyoke Public Schools 22. Springfield Technical Community College 23. Valley Opportunity Council, Inc. Program Description ESOL students Contextualized, experientially-based learning that introduces learners to local career opportunities in health care, precision manufacturing, clean technology, financial and business services, early childhood education, and culinary/hospitality fields. 13-16 unemployed or underemployed students; 24 weeks Contextualized ESOL curriculum instruction in health care, precision manufacturing, and clean technology. 13 unemployed or under-employed students; 24 weeks 24 week ASE program for unemployed or underemployed adults. The schedule will include HiSET, Career Exploration, and computer instruction. 15 total students served 18 week ABE program for 13 students with curriculum contextualized to early social/human services, health care, computer/technology/electronics. Adult Career Pathways Kick-Off Meeting Revised 4/3/15 Adult and Community Learning Services 10 Contact Kermit Dunkelberg/Barbara Paul 54 Winsor St, 2nd Floor 413-583-0320 Chris Regan 57 Suffolk Street Holyoke 01040 413-534-2000 x258 Gina Roy 57 Suffolk Street Holyoke 01040 413-534-2000 x268 George Kohout One Armory Square, Suite 1 Springfield 01102 413-755-4300 Judith Kocik 35 Mt. Carmel Avenue Chicopee 01013 413-612-0206 x142 Adult & Community Learning Services FY 2015 Adult Career Pathways Programs Region Merrimack Valley Workforce Investment Board Rafael Abislaiman 439 South Union Street, Suite 102 Lawrence 01843 978-682-7099 Program 24. Community Action, Inc. 25. International Institute of Greater Lawrence 26. Methuen Public Schools 27. Northern Essex Community College 28. Notre Dame Education Center, Inc./Lawrence Program Description Courses include College and Career Communications, Career and College Readiness, Technology, and Math. 45 students; 42 weeks ESOL instruction contextualized to health care, advanced manufacturing, green jobs, and STEM-related careers. 15 students; 32 weeks ESOL instruction contextualized to health care, advanced manufacturing, green jobs, and STEM-related careers. Job Readiness competencies will also be taught. 14 students; 30 weeks ABE and work readiness training with contextualizing the curriculum with content from Health, Advanced Manufacturing, STEM, and green jobs industries. 32 total students; Two 16 week sessions ESOL instruction with job readiness competencies intended to prepare students to enter the program’s Nursing Assistant program. 48 students; 9 weeks Adult Career Pathways Kick-Off Meeting Revised 4/3/15 Adult and Community Learning Services 11 Contact Cynthia Faulkner 25 Locust Street Haverhill, MA 01830 (978) 373-1971 x263 Luisa Santiago 125 Amesbury Street Lawrence 01840 978-687-0981 Susan Prior Methuen Adult Learning Center 36 Boylston Street Methuen 01844 978 681-1347 Irene Chalek 360 Merrimack Street, Bldg 9, Entrance K Lawrence 01843 978-659-1271 Sr. Eileen Burns 354 Merrimack Street, Suite 210 Lawrence 01843 978-682-6441 Adult & Community Learning Services FY 2015 Adult Career Pathways Programs Region Metro North Regional Employment Board Linda Bass 125 Cambridge Park Drive Cambridge 02140 617-864-1570 Program 29. Bunker Hill Community College 30. Cambridge Community Learning Center Program Description The program will offer 4 classes: Health Care English, Health Care Math, Health Care Science, and Success in College, Health Careers, and Technology. 15 students; 32 weeks Contextualized ESOL/Healthcare Career Prep program. Classes in English, Math, Computer Skills, and Career Awareness. Two groups of 13 students each will be enrolled for one 4-month cycle each for a total of 26 students served Adult Career Pathways Kick-Off Meeting Revised 4/3/15 Adult and Community Learning Services 12 Contact Toni F. Borge 175 Hawthorne Street Chelsea 02150 617-228-2108 Mina Reddy 5 Western Avenue Cambridge 02139 617-349-6358 Adult & Community Learning Services FY 2015 Adult Career Pathways Programs Region Partnerships for a Skilled Workforce Sylvia Beville 420 Lakeside Avenue, Suite 301 Marlborough 01752 508-281-6910 Program 31. Blue Hills Regional Technical School 32. Framingham Public Schools 33. Hudson Public Schools 34. Quinsigamond Community College/ Assabet Regional Technical School Program Description The program intends to use the Health Care Learning Network (HCLN) curriculum. 3 cohorts 20 students; 45 weeks Pre-HCLN intensive writing course along with Next Steps advising. The target population is adult students who have completed their High School Equivalency and/or advanced ESOL students with a high school credential from their country. Upon completion, students can enroll in HCLN programs at Quinsigamond Community College, Middlesex Community College, or Blue Hills Regional Adult Basic Education. 15 students; 32 weeks The target population is young adults either working in health care and seeking advancement, or interested in working in health care. The HCLN curriculum will be used. 12 students The program will use the HCLN curriculum. Upon completion, students will be able to enroll in one of QCC’s health care programs: Phlebotomy Technician, Nurse Assistant Training Program, Phlebotomy/EKG Technician, Ophthalmic Assistant, Pharmacy Technician, Medical Terminology, Laboratory Animal Care, Personal Care Aide. 2 cohorts of 13 students each; 48 weeks Adult Career Pathways Kick-Off Meeting Revised 4/3/15 Adult and Community Learning Services 13 Contact Ellen Borgenicht 800 Randolph Street Canton 02021 781-828-5800 Christine Tibor 454 Water Street Framingham 01701 508-626-4282 Karl Baldrate 155 Apsley Street Hudson 01749 978-567-6100 Maria Kefallinou 670 West Boylston Street Worcester 01606 508-751-7903 Adult & Community Learning Services FY 2015 Adult Career Pathways Programs Region North Central Workforce Investment Board Tim Sappington 1355 Central Street Leominster 01453 978-534-1023 Program 35. Mount Wachusett Community College Program Description Academic and high school equivalency credential preparation along with college and career readiness advising with a focus on health care and advanced manufacturing. 20 students; 32 weeks Adult Career Pathways Kick-Off Meeting Revised 4/3/15 Adult and Community Learning Services 14 Contact Candice Conner One Jackson Place 27 Jackson Road Devens 01434 978-630-9526 Adult & Community Learning Services FY 2015 Adult Career Pathways Programs Region North Shore Workforce Investment Board Mary Sarris 70 Washington Street, Suite 314 Salem 01970 978-741-3805 Program 36. North Shore Community Action Programs, Inc. 37. North Shore Community College Program Description ESOL program that combines instruction, career advising, technology instruction, and curricula contextualized to the manufacturing sector. 1 cohort group 20 weeks per year; 14 total students The program includes academic skills, technology instruction, integrated career and academic advising, personal coaching, and transition to college and career workshops. The academic skills courses will be contextualized to the health care and construction/building sciences industries. 18 students; 32 weeks Adult Career Pathways Kick-Off Meeting Revised 4/3/15 Adult and Community Learning Services 15 Contact Gina Frey 119 R. Foster Street, Bldg#13 Peabody 01960 978-531-0767 x205 Jill Thornton 1 Ferncroft Road Danvers 01923 978-762-4000 x2103 Adult & Community Learning Services FY 2015 Adult Career Pathways Programs Region South Shore Workforce Investment Board Joyce Livramento-Young 15 Cottage Avenue Quincy 02169 617-328-7001 Program 38. Plymouth Public Library 39. Quincy Community Action Programs, Inc. 40. Rockland Public Schools Program Description The curriculum is designed to move students from High School Equivalency instruction to a career pathway. 10 students; 34 weeks High School Equivalency instruction using curricula aligned to CCR standards with postsecondary education and career advising. Two 12 week sessions offered; 24 total students The program is designed for students who want to earn an Adult Diploma, take the High School Equivalency Assessment, or improve their English. Students will also take Biology, Forensic Science, and Life Skills/Porfolio-Career Pathways courses. 20 ABE/ADP students; 20 ESOL students; 40 total students Adult Career Pathways Kick-Off Meeting Revised 4/3/15 Adult and Community Learning Services 16 Contact Jeanne Annino 132 South Street Plymouth 02360 508-830-4260 Andrea Craig 1509 Hancock Street Quincy 02169 617-479-8181 x349 Susan Patton 34 MacKinlay Way Rockland 02370 781-871-8410