TLEMSafe Grant Number: FP7-ICT-2009-4 Deliverable Report D2.2: Software tool for the extraction of relevant muscle parameters Author: Date: Nature: Dissemination Level: Version: Roel Wirix-Speetjens, Materialise NV 26/01/2012 P CO 1.0 1. Objective Deliverable 2.2 relates to task 2.3: Automate parameterization of MRI images. In this task, a method is developed to (semi)automatically extract the essential muscle parameters (bone geometries, muscle insertion points, muscle shapes and volumes) from a 3D MRI image. 2. Method The method that we originally envisaged for obtaining the muscle parameters from MRI data uses the Active Shape Model (ASM) technique to construct a parameterized model of the lower limb. From literature it is know that this technique shows high segmentation accuracy. The major disadvantage of this technique is the large number of (labeled) datasets that is requires. Preliminary results of the sensitivity analysis performed in WP3 proved the assumption that a high accuracy would be needed to be wrong. Collecting the large number of datasets also seemed very timeconsuming and therefore more difficult than originally planned. We therefor investigated an alternative method based on non-rigid registration of an MRI atlas to the patient MRI data. In this method, we first construct an atlas (an image volume that is completely segmented, i.e. for every voxel it is known to which anatomical structure it belongs). The construction of the atlas was completed in task 2.1. We then register this atlas non-rigidly to the patient image. This yields an automatic segmentation of all relevant anatomical structures of the patient (bones, cartilage, muscles, tendons). Instead of labeling each voxel, we could also manually segment the model and then apply the non-rigid transformations to the corresponding STLs. The method for non-rigid registration of the MRI images uses the well-known mutual information technique. A C++ based prototype based on the ITK kernel has been developed by MAT incorporation this technique. 3. Results The table below gives an overview of the registration results for the 10 healthy subjects collected in WP1. For each experiment, the atlas of healthy subject 1 was used. One can see that, in particular, the results of Healthy Subject 1b shows a good registration result, which is expected as it is the same subject but scanned at a later date. The result of e.g. Healthy Subject 5 on the other hand is worse, but this can be explained by a difference in age and gender between both subjects. Future work includes fine-tuning the method to improve the results of e.g. Healty Subject 5 and the integration of this technique in a Mimics prototype. Transversal Sagittal Coronal Healthy001b Healthy002 Healthy003 Healthy004 Healthy005 Healthy006 Healthy007 Healthy008 Healthy009 Healthy010