FACULTY SENATE - ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING IV Friday, August 21, 2015, 1-3pm, FSCR Items for discussion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. AAC on reappointment and promotion timeline Faculty Development Grant and CSEP funds Update on Senate Bylaws Presidential Search update Honors program update Senate Manual Shared Governance Task Forces (see below) – nominations due SHARED GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE: SHARED GOVERNANCE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE (SGOC) The President has charged this Committee with: oversight of Shared Governance at Hawai’i Pacific University. SCOPE The University is dedicated to the pursuit and transmission of knowledge and understanding. The Committee is designed as a forum to provide advice and support in issues surrounding the implementation of Shared Governance. The committee reviews shared governance processes, monitors and oversees the implementation of shared governance, and responds to possible violations of shared governance principles and procedures. It also serves in a liaison and advisory capacity to the University President and Provost on shared governance issues. The Committee’s recommendations are advisory to the President. The Committee is also encouraged to strengthen constituency communication channels. SHARED GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE: STRATEGIC PLANNING OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE The President has charged this Committee with: coordinating the University strategic planning process, including ensuring the development of a plan on a regular basis and an annual review of that plan for progress and revision. The Committee does not write the plan, but ensures that a plan is written and reviewed regularly. SCOPE The University is dedicated to the pursuit and transmission of knowledge and understanding. The Committee is designed as a forum to provide advice and support in issues surrounding the implementation of a new strategic planning cycle, and the timely review of progress towards revision of the strategic plan. The Committee’s recommendations are advisory to the President. The Committee is also encouraged to strengthen constituency communication channels. SHARED GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE: CAPITAL CAMPAIGN PRIORITIES The President has charged this Committee with: Capital Campaign Priorities. SCOPE The University is dedicated to the pursuit and transmission of knowledge and understanding. The Committee is designed as a forum to provide advice and support in issues surrounding capital campaign priorities and engagement of faculty, staff and students in implementation of the campaign by the Trustees’ committee. The Committee’s recommendations are advisory to the President. The Committee is also encouraged to strengthen constituency communication channels. The Committee shall hold regular monthly meetings, or as needed, during the academic year. In addition, the Chair or University President may call a special meeting at any time. SHARED GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE: BUDGET PRIORITIZATION The President has charged this Committee with: administration in budgetary resource allocation decisions. assisting Further, and more specific to budgetary resource allocations, the following additional guiding principles should be considered: - - I. Take a long-term view regarding what is best for the future of the University. Take an objective University-wide view foremost, rather than a narrow view that focuses primarily on impacts to your respective department, College/Division, or constituency. Prioritize resource allocations such that negative impacts to the following are limited whenever possible: o Student services and the University’s academic mission. o Revenue generating departments and initiatives. o Faculty and staff morale; and the ability of the University to recruit and retain employees. o Public perception and the University’s reputation. Ensure the institutions ability to meet regulatory requirements and effectively manage risks. SCOPE AND RESPONSIBILITIES The University is dedicated to the pursuit and transmission of knowledge and understanding. The Committee is designed as a forum to provide advice and support in issues surrounding budgetary resource allocations. The Committee’s recommendations are advisory to the President. The Committee is also encouraged to strengthen constituency communication channels. The President charged this Committee with addressing the following: - A report on budget priorities prior to the end of the fall semester that will inform the budget process for the next fiscal year. In periods where the upcoming fiscal year is expected to require cost cutting to balance the budget, the list should also contain a prioritized list of options to achieve a balanced budget. - Ad hoc reports, as necessary, regarding: a) recommended actions to balance the budget in the current fiscal year should anticipated deficits be identified; and/or b) updates to budget priorities or cost cutting measures in the spring semester in the event circumstances regarding next year’s budget change materially to warrant such updates. SHARED GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE: INSTITUTIONAL CULTURE, VALUES, AND COMMUNICATION The President has charged this Committee with: Assess and recommend the effectiveness of communication structures, and ensuring that communication to, from, or between members of the HPU community or on behalf of the university to external parties embody the university’s Hawaiian values of aloha, pono, and kuleana. SCOPE The University is dedicated to the pursuit and transmission of knowledge and understanding. The Committee is designed as a forum to provide advice and support for the university’s communication strategies and the perpetuation of a university culture in which the values of aloha, pono, and kuleana are the foundation of every decision, relationship, and policy. The Committee’s recommendations are advisory to the President. The Committee is also encouraged to strengthen constituency communication channels. SHARED GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE: MASTER PLANNING The President has charged this Committee with: coordinating the University Master planning process, including ensuring the development of a plan on a regular basis and an annual review of that plan for progress and revision. The Committee does not write the plan, but ensures that a plan is written and reviewed regularly. SCOPE The University is dedicated to the pursuit and transmission of knowledge and understanding. The Committee is designed as a forum to provide advice and support in issues surrounding Master Planning that may include but not be limited to: The Campus Master Plan and updates Space demands and allocation for classroom, office and laboratories Design guidelines within the Mater Plan for classroom, office and laboratory spaces Location and design of proposed buildings Major renovations/additions that impact existing buildings Master plan for parking including lot locations, design, and development Redesign and Master Planning for the Hawaii Loa Campus Lease sequencing on the Downtown Campus along Fort Street Mall to ATM Renovation and design of Hawaii Loa dormitories Security presence in downtown and HLC buildings Shuttle schedules and service Designation of Health and Wellness space on the Downtown campus Utilization of space at the Oceanic Institute Ensure alignment with the University Strategic Plan The Committee’s recommendations are advisory to the President. The Committee is also encouraged to strengthen constituency communication channels.