Kolbe Catholic College Role Description Position: Head of Learning Area/Department: Middle Leadership Responsible To: Associated Deputy Principals Review Date: 2015 LEADERSHIP IN A CATHOLIC SCHOOL Jesus is the soil in which the tree is planted. He is the source of nutrients. The four capabilities in which Catholic leadership is expressed – the personal, professional, relational and organisational capabilities of school leaders, are the roots which anchor the tree and the means by which nutrients are drawn from the soil. These roots ultimately determine the degree to which the tree – its trunk, branches and leaves, survive and flourish. The trunk, or structural support system, circulates the religious dimension that makes the Catholic school distinctive. As is the case with any effective support system, it must be strong and possess the capacity to consider the future at all times – bending but not breaking. The branches represent the four domains through which leadership is exercised – Catholic Identity, Education, Stewardship and Community. 1. Catholic Identity Catholic leaders promote the purposes and aims of evangelisation. As such, they are invited to develop their school communities as faith communities by emphasising its religious dimension. They are encouraged to ensure that Christian values are reflected in attitudes and school policies and practices. The role of Head of Learning in the promotion of Catholic identity encompasses the following: The active support of the philosophy and ethos of Kolbe as a Catholic College Having a clear understanding of the College’s Mission and Vision with a view of supporting this within the learning area The integration of Christian values across the curriculum Supporting the pastoral welfare of learning area staff and students at the College Ensuring that Christian attitudes and values are reflected in the development and application of learning area policies and through the way that staff interact The recognition and celebration of individual staff members’ strengths 2. Education Educational leaders contribute to the development of a climate of enquiry and a love of learning in themselves and the members of their school communities. As such, they are required to acquire knowledge, lead, manage and monitor the school improvement process, live out Christian values and encourage the discovery of truth. They support learning across the local school and the wider system, offering a multiplicity of learning experiences designed to nurture a lifelong love of learning and enquiry, leading to wise and moral choices that support a fullness of life. The role of Head of Learning in the Education encompasses the following: Coordinating the learning area curriculum within the context of the whole educational program offered by the College Working collaboratively with the Deputy Principals in the development of curriculum at the College. Organising the curriculum for each year level in conjunction with teachers within the learning area. This would include: o Scoping and sequencing curriculum from Years 7 to 12 o Ensuring up to date courses, assessment materials and resources are published (online) and regularly reviewed o Developing and maintaining appropriate marking processes and recording strategies o Effective moderation and consensus strategies Creation of a firm plan for the ongoing growth of curriculum within the learning area Proactively engaging in the Middle Management meetings, contributing to the review and ongoing development of curriculum initiatives Encouraging innovative procedures to enhance student learning and teacher development. Providing opportunities for the development of quality pedagogical practices. Keeping abreast of latest Curriculum Council developments and informing relevant personnel Creation and promotion of tasks that effectively differentiate and cater for the various learning abilities within the classroom. Liaising with the Head of Learning Resources and the Coordinator of Students with Special Learning Needs to ensure that students receive an appropriate level of literacy, numeracy and/or other forms of support. Overseeing the development of effective modified programs for students concerned – includes effective management of Educational Assistants. Overseeing the academic progress of the students in the learning area: o Being aware of the “at risk” students and initiate with teachers “follow-up” interviews with these students and their parents in consultation with the Head of Year. Keeping records. o Being vigilant about students who display particular talents or are particularly gifted in some way or other and ensure that these talents are recognised and fostered Supports subject selection processes though counselling of students and setting appropriate prerequisites and recommendations Introducing competitions and extra curricular activities that encourage student participation and broaden their understanding of the curriculum Being a leader in the integration of ICT into the learning area and promoting the continued use and development of ICT strategies within the team Effectively manages report related interim and semester report processes In liaison with the Deputy Principal, observing student work and study loads to ascertain that they are fair, equitable and sufficient. Promoting the achievement of excellence in all activities and acknowledge any such achievements by giving due recognition to the appropriate students. Implementation of effective moderation and consensus strategies Ensuring that appropriate College policies are effectively implemented at a learning area level – for example the Assessment Policy Continually monitors the overall performance of the learning area (eg via semester summaries and reflections) and uses results to inform future practice. 3. Stewardship Stewardship recognises that God is creator of the universe and that policies and organisational structures serve individual and communal development, as well as care for the earth. Stewards are called upon to design and implement policies and procedures that ensure equity via the effective use and maintenance of the human, physical and financial resources of the school. The role of Head of Learning in the Stewardship domain encompasses the follows: Developing and clearly illustrating the vision of the learning area and working with others in the team to enact this vision. Developing processes that allow for the growth of the department. Excellent interpersonal skills with the demonstrated ability to be actively involved in the College as a professional learning community Being a source of encouragement, inspiration and encouragement to members of the learning area Effectively organising and running learning area meetings and workshops to collaboratively plan and develop quality teaching strategies and learning opportunities Organising effective learning opportunities for department staff to assist with their professional growth. Encouraging staff to connect with appropriate professional associations and network with other teachers. Involvement in self improvement in their profession Inspiring others though the maintenance of outstanding work standards – leading by example The ability to be flexible, creative, adaptable and approachable with quality interpersonal skills. Collaborates well with others and works hard to develop a sense of team. Fulfilling the role of mentor, particularly to new staff within the learning area - challenging, encouraging and supporting staff. Encouraging the use of reflective practice amongst learning area staff Disseminating relevant information through to learning area staff Liaising with the Deputy Principals in the allocation of teaching duties and timetables Fairly allocating tasks and responsibilities amongst learning area staff – taking into consideration teaching loads, preparation and marking requirements and individual teacher interest and aptitude. Overseeing Curriculum Council related processes such as consensus and small group moderation Overseeing the learning area budget Implementation of College policy and attendance to essential records and routine matters with perseverance and punctuality Maintenance of an accurate inventory of all learning area resources Regularly evaluating and up keeping resources in use within the learning area and ensuring that items adopted comply with CEO policy in relation to appropriate materials. Liaising with the Head of Learning Resources in the development of effective learning area teaching resources. 4. Community Catholic leaders are responsible for developing, promoting and sustaining the Catholic life of the school community. They are called upon to foster a safe, purposeful and inclusive learning environment whilst developing constructive and respectful relationships within their community. In the Catholic tradition, community is underpinned by the principles of Catholic social teaching – the common good, subsidiarity, solidarity and participation. Consequently, school community leadership requires the design of organisational structures that are characterised by service, collaborative decision-making, genuine participation and patterns of cooperation. The role of Head of Learning in the Community domain encompasses the follows: The development of a sense of community within the learning area based on collaboration and genuine trust. Encouraging the establishment of a safe, purposeful classroom environment where a similar sense of community prevails. Establishment of procedures within the learning area to ensure regular and effective communication with families Initiatives to promote the College in the wider community Developing departmental strategies that promote and sustain Catholic life at the College THE PRINCIPAL The Head of Learning is ultimately responsible to the Principal for the development of the curriculum, teaching practices and techniques that maximise student learning in the learning area. This includes the promotion of a uniform and vigorous policy of academic excellence, individual student support and the establishment and maintenance of sound standards of work and attitudes towards study. The Head of Learning should keep the Principal informed of key developments and activities in the learning area and provide an annual report outlining reflections on the progress of the learning area which would include student performance at the various year levels. The role of Head of Learning encompasses the elements outlined in this description along with any other duties proscribed by the Principal.