6_Preliminary File Layout Comparison 2015 STAAR/TELPAS

October 28, 2014
Around October 17, 2014 TEA briefly posted on its website the
academic year 2014-2015 file formats of the result data sets for:
 STAAR Grade3-8
These posted files were likely preliminary versions of the respective
file formats. Shortly after that date the files were removed from the TEA
In reviewing copies of the posted documents, it appeared that, even
though these were probably not the final versions of the file formats,
they appeared to cover most of the types of changes that would be
expected given the modifications for the STAAR and TELPAS exams in
the 2014-2015 academic year.
The enclosed notes attempt to document the changes seen between the
2013-2014 academic-year file formats and the preliminary 2014-2015
academic-year file formats. This set of notes is meant to assist those who
deal with this data in preparing for the upcoming changes.
Caution and Disclaimer: It is important to be aware that the file
formats TEA posted are not the official final versions of the file
formats for these tests. Hence, these notes are also preliminary. An
updated set of notes will be posted once they final file formats are
Changes in the Academic Year 2014-2015 STAAR and TELPAS File Formats
The following notes list any changes seen in the TEA/Pearson files formats for the
STAAR Grade 3-8, STAAR EOC, and TELPAS for the 2014-2015 academic year when
compared to the respective file formats from the 2013-2014 academic year. Changes include:
 fields added,
 fields dropped and
 any relevant data changes for a given field.
The changes listed are as comprehensive as possible at this time but should not be considered
as definitive.
STAAR Grade 3-8 Changes for 2014-2015 Academic Year
The changes for STAAR Grade 3-8 file formats in the academic year 2014-2015 are
generally substantial. The changes include the following items:
1. The upfront material through all the Demographics, Local Use and Agency Use fields
remains unchanged in 2014-2015.
2. The 2013-2014 fields under Above Grade have been renamed EOC/Above Grade in 20142015 with the same Yes/No (0/1) data for each subject area (Reading, Mathematics, Social
Studies, and Science).
3. The 2014-2015 formats introduces the new data heading Instructional Level with 2 onecharacter fields:
3.1. Writing: with 4 possible values:
3.1.1. 5 – Instructional Level at Grade 5
3.1.2. 6 – Instructional Level at Grade 6
3.1.3. 8 – Instructional Level at Grade 8
3.1.4. 0 – Instructional Level at Enrolled Graded
3.2. Science: with 3 possible values:
3.2.1. 6 – Instructional Level at Grade 6
3.2.2. 7 – Instructional Level at Grade 7
3.2.3. 0 – Instructional Level at Enrolled Grade
It is not clear at this time how these fields are populated or are meant to be used.
4. Score Code Information: Generally the same value sets for each subject in 2014-2015 as in
2013-2014 with these exceptions:
4.1. The G value for STAAR Alternate Record in 2013-2014 has been dropped in each
4.2. In each subject the following two values were added in 2014-2015:
4.2.1. M – Medical Exemption
4.2.2. N – No Authentic Academic Response
5. Score Code Default Information: The same value sets for each subject as in 2013-2014
with the exception of Mathematics where the data codes 3 and 2 have been dropped for
6. Test Versions: In all subject areas note the following for 2014-2015:
6.1. The code data M (STAAR Modified) has been dropped.
6.2. The code data T now stands for STAAR Alternate 2.
7. Level II and Level III Ratings: In all subject areas, note that the 2014-2015 data format
introduces the following:
7.1. Level II Satisfactory Academic Performance at the Phase-In 3 Standard1
7.2. Level II Satisfactory Academic Performance at the Student Standard for all
applicable test versions for a given subject (STAAR, STAAR L, STAAR A and STAAR
Alternate 2)
7.3. Level II Advanced/Accomplished Academic Performance for all applicable test
versions for a given subject (STAAR, STAAR L, STAAR A and STAAR Alternate 2),
8. On-Track to Pass at Phase-in 3 Standard:
8.1. Introduced for Reading in 2014-2015 as a Yes/No (0/1) data set.
8.2. Note that Mathematics, which also had On-Track to Pass fields in 2013-2014, does not
have such field in 2014-2015 given the new TEKS for Mathematics being tested.
9. The 2013-2014 field Previous-Year Alternate Assessment Category in Reading and in
Mathematics has been dropped in 2014-2015.
10. TELPAS related data that was reported after the Reading data fields in 2013-2014 has been
moved to a single section in the 2014-2015 formats (i.e., to the data in positions 1155-1165)
for all subjects (see items 14 and 15 below for Writing Progress measure and TELPAS
11. The STAAR Alternate Information for all subjects in 2013-2014 including Reporting
Category Assessed, Level of Complexity, Demonstration of Skill Scores (DOSS), Level
of Support Scores (LOSS), Generalization of Skill Scores (GOSS), Score Points
Achieved, Total Score Points Achieved, Assessment Category and No Response
Observed Reason have been dropped in 2014-2015 and replaced with the following
Yes/No (0/1) STAAR Alternate 2 Accommodations:
11.1. Color or Highlight
11.2. Color Overlays
11.3. Photocopy or Cut Out
11.4. Photographs or Objects
11.5. Textured Materials
11.6. Demonstrate
11.7. Raise or Darken Outline
11.8. Enlarge
The Phase-In 3 Standard is being introduced by TEA to help mitigate the transitions that will eventually lead to the
Final Recommended Standard being adopted.
11.9. Braille
11.10. Describe Images
11.11. Presentation
11.12. Isolate Images
11.13. Picture Representation
11.14. Reread Text
12. Mathematics Reporting Category Scores: Reporting Category 5 has been dropped in
2014-2015. 2
13. Mathematics Progress Measure is not being reported in 2014-2015 given the new TEKS
for Mathematics.
14. Writing STAAR Progress Measure Information: The 2014-2015 introduces a number of
new data fields for Grade 7 testers, noting that the fields will be blank in no grade 4 data can
be matched to the student::
14.1. STAAR Progress Measure
14.2. Previous Writing Administration Date
14.3. Previous Writing Scale Score
14.4. Previous Writing Language
14.5. Previous Writing Test Version
14.6. Previous Writing Score Code
14.7. Previous Writing Level II Satisfactory Academic Performance at the Student’s
14.8. Previous Writing Level III Advanced Academic Performance
15. TELPAS Data Used for the ELL Progress Measure: Data for current LEP (LEP value =
‘C’) students, noting that one or more of these fields will be left blank is TELPAS data
cannot be found for a given student:
15.1. Current-Year Years in U.S. Schools
15.2. Current-Year Parental Denial
15.3. ELL Progress Measure Plan
15.4. Year ELL Plan Determined
15.5. Plan-Year Unschooled Asylee/Refugee
15.6. Plan-Year Student with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE)
15.7. Plan-Year Years in U.S. Schools
15.8. Plan-Year TELPAS Composite Rating
16. Current Year History Information:
16.1. Same data fields for all subjects as in the previous year’s file formats
16.2. Adds the field STAAR Progress Measure for applicable subjects
16.3. Mathematics, however, does not report May Retest Information since there will
only be on Mathematics test administration in 2014-2015 due to the new mathematics
Reporting Category 5 might be re-inserted in the final file formats.
17. Previous Year History Information:
17.1. For 2014-2015 includes the same test administrations for each subject
17.2. For 2014-2015 includes the following new fields for each administration in each
17.2.1. STAAR Alternate Assessment Category – for those subjects and test
administrations where applicable
17.2.2. STAAR Progress Measure
17.2.3. ELL Progress Measure
STAAR EOC Changes for the 2014-2015 Academic Year
The changes for STAAR EOC file formats in the academic year 2014-1015 are essentially
minimal. The changes include the following items:
1. Foreign Exchange Student:
1.1. In 2013-2014, there was a Yes/No (0/1) field indicating that a student was a foreign
exchange student.
1.2. In 2014-2015, that field has been dropped.
2. Score Code data:
2.1. In 2013-2014 there were 4 scores codes: A (Absent), G (STAAR Alt), O (Other) and S
2.2. In 2014-2015 there are 5 scores codes: A (Absent), M (Medical Exception), N (No
Authentic Academic Response), O (Other) and S (Score).
3. Test Version data:
3.1. In 2013-2014 there were 4 test versions: S (STAAR), L (STAAR L), M (STAAR
Modified), T (STAAR Alternate).
3.2. In 2013-2014 there were 4 test versions: S (STAAR), L (STAAR L), A (STAAR A), T
(STAAR Alternate 2).
3.3. These changes reflect the introduction of STAAR Accommodated and STAAR Alternate
2 tests.
4. Raw Score calculations:
4.1. In 2014-2015 for English I and English II, the STAAR and STAAR A tests use the same
raw score formulas as described for STAAR in 2013-2014.
4.2. The STAAR, STAAR L and STAAR A raw scores for mathematics, science and social
studies is the number of items correct.
4.3. The STAAR Alternate 2 raw score for mathematics, science, English and social studies
is the number of items correct.
5. Student’s Passing Standard for Level II introduces Level II Phase-In 3 Passing Standard
(code of 3) while changing the code for Level II Recommended Standard to a value of 4.
6. Student’s Performance Level Results reports a Yes/No (0/1) value for all 4 STAAR tests
(STAAR, STAAR L, STAAR A and STAAR Alternate 2) in 2014-2015.
7. Student’s Performance Level Results at All Applicable Standards:
7.1. In 2014-2015 includes the Yes/No (0/1) fields Level II Satisfactory Academic
Performance at the Phase-In 3.
7.2. For all fields in this section results for STAAR Alternate 2 are not reported.
8. Previous Year data for 2014-2015:
8.1. The Previous Year Test Version is S (STAAR), L (STAAR L) or M (STAAR
8.2. The Previous Year Score Code is A (Absent), O (Other) or S (Score).
8.3. The field Previous Year Alternate Assessment Category that was reported in 20132014 has been dropped in 2014-2015.
8.4. The 2013-2014 field Previous Year Grade is now called Previous Year Grade/Course
in 2014-2015. The document for academic year 2014-2015 does not indicate what 2character values will be assigned to this field.
9. New TELPAS-related fields introduced in 2014-2015:
9.1. Current-Year Years in U.S. Schools: S, F, 2, 3, 4,5, or 6
9.2. Current-Year Parental Denial: Yes/No (0/1)
9.3. ELL Progress Measure Plan: one character, not indicated what the possible values are
9.4. Year ELL Plan Determined: 4 character field
9.5. Plan-Year Unschooled Asylee/Refugee: Yes/No (0/1)
9.6. Plan-Year Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE): Yes/No (0/1)
9.7. Plan-Year Years in U.S. Schools: See item 9.1 above
9.8. Plan-Year TELPAS Composite Rating: Same values as in the 2013-2014 field
TELPAS Composite Rating.
10. STAAR EOC Alternate Information: All the fields in this section from 2013-2014 were
dropped and replaced with STAAR Alternate 2 Accommodations Information with these
Yes/No (0/1) accommodations listed:
10.1. Color or Highlight
10.2. Color Overlays
10.3. Photocopy or Cut Out
10.4. Photographs or Objects
10.5. Textured Materials
10.6. Demonstrate
10.7. Raise or Darken Outline
10.8. Enlarge
10.9. Braille
10.10. Describe Images
10.11. Presentation
10.12. Isolate Images
10.13. Picture Representation
10.14. Reread Text
11. STAAR Cumulative History: In 2014-2015 History results are reported for the five (5)
STAAR EOC subjects.
The fields reported for each subject include all the ones reported in 2013-2014.
One new field Substitute Assessment (Yes/No – 0/1) is introduced per subject.
TELPAS Changes for the 2014-2015 Academic Year
The changes for TELPAS file formats in the academic year 2014-1015 are minimal. The
changes include the following items:
1. Reading Accommodations:
1.1. In 2013-2014 there were two Yes/No (0/1) accommodations called Type 1
Accommodations and Type 2 Accommodations.
1.2. In 2014-2015 there are three Yes/No (0/1) accommodation fields called General
Accommodations, Large Print and Extra Day.
It is not clear at this time how these fields are meant to be used.
2. Correct Item Response (data in columns 483 to 552) was reported in 2013-2014. In 20142015 this field in blank.
3. TELPAS History Information:
3.1. In 2013-2014 history information was reported for the years 2009-, 2010, 2011, 2012,
3.2. In 2014-2015 history information is reported for the years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and
3.3. The history information fields reported for each year remain the same.