iCRAG Post-doctoral position TP2.2. PD1 Quaternary Seismostratigraphies of Irish Shelf Seas (QuSISS) Closing Date for Applications: 1st May 2015 School: Biological, Earth and Environmental Science (BEES) College: College of Science, Engineering and Food Science, University College Cork, Ireland. Contract Type: Fixed Term Whole-Time Job Type: Research Salary: IUA Post-Doctoral Researcher Scale: €33,975 - €38,155 p.a. iCRAG is funded under the SFI Research Centres Programme and is co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund. Position Summary A post-doctoral researcher is sought to undertake a project that will produce a Quaternary stratigraphic framework for the south coast of Ireland and the Irish sector of Irish Sea. The project will involve the collation of existing shallow seismic data within an ArcGIS (10.2) framework to form part of a national inventory. New seismic data will be collected during the project to increase seismic data coverage in areas of stratigraphic complexity and ambiguity, to fill in data gaps and collect regional seismic tie-lines. In additional, vibrocoring will target penetrable units where they sub-crop in order to ground truth and characterise the units sedimentologically and geotechnically. Existing and new shallow seismic data will then be processed using the IHS KINGDOM suite ideally (or CODA and SEISEE) with formal seismostratigraphic units defined and data products produced (e.g. isopach coverages). ArcGIS and Fledermaus will be used as visualisation tools. Importantly, the analysis of seismic lines and the 3D model will be further used to generate developmental history of Irish shelf seas with unit geometries and spatial extents enabling insights into the nature of glacial ice limits, glacial and glacial-marine incision and deposition, and the early Holocene transgression. The successful candidate will join a large applied geoscience research centre, iCRAG, in the UCC School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences: iCRAG is national research centre with a presence in all of the Irish research institutions involved in Geosciences. . iCRAG is funded under the SFI Research Centres Programme and is co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund. Post Duration: 2 years Key Duties and Responsibilities This project will be considered as a period of training as the researcher will have dual goals in terms of the research project and their own career development. The researcher will be mentored by the Principal Investigator (PI). While the primary focus of the Postdoctoral Researcher will be research, the complete list of duties and responsibilities will include the following activities; To conduct and lead a research programme on the development of a Quaternary seismostratigraphic model for Irish shelf seas with geological interpretations. To actively engage in the dissemination of the research results (in particular the preparation and submission of research papers to high impact international journals) as directed by and under the supervision of a Principal Investigator. To interact closely with postgraduate research students who are studying for a Masters or a PhD in related subject areas in the School of BEES and have an agreed role in supporting these students in their day to day research in conjunction with the Principal Investigator. To engage in appropriate training and professional development opportunities as required by the Principal Investigator in order to develop research skills and competencies. To gain and develop experience in grant writing. To acquire generic and transferable skills (including project management, business skills and postgraduate mentoring/supervision). To engage in the wider research and scholarly activities of the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences at UCC. To carry out administrative work to support the programme of research. To carry out additional duties as may reasonably be required within the general scope and level of the post. To contribute to costing research grant proposals and assist in the financial management of the research project. For informal enquiries on the post candidates should contact: Name: Prof. Andy Wheeler Title: Geology, School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, University College Cork, Ireland Email Address: a.wheeler@ucc.ie Telephone: +353 21 490 4577 To Apply: Please submit a short cover letter and C.V. to Prof. Andy Wheeler at the above email address on or before the closing date of 1st May 2015. Supplementary Information on the School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences and the post is available at the following URL: http://www.ucc.ie/en/bees/