Admissions Criteria 2016-17

Admission to the school will be made by the Governing Body. The governors will admit 184 pupils at Year
7 in accordance with parental preference. Where there are more applications than there are number of
places available, places will be offered in the order of priority set out below.
Over-subscription Criteria
Looked after children from Catholic families or children from Catholic families who were previously
looked after but ceased to be so because they became adopted or became subject to a residence
or special guardianship order, with a sibling(s) attending Corpus Christi Catholic College at the time
of transfer.
Looked after children from Catholic families or children from Catholic families who were previously
looked after but ceased to be so because they became adopted or became subject to a residence
or special guardianship order.
Baptised Catholic children living within the following defined Catholic boundaries, listed in
alphabetical order: Blessed John Henry Newman and Blessed Edmund Sykes, in the following
order of priority:
Baptised Catholic children who have a sibling(s) attending Corpus Christi Catholic College at the
time of transfer.
Other baptised Catholics living within the above defined boundaries.
Baptised Catholic children transferring from the Catholic Primary Schools:
In the two feeder defined boundaries named above.
In other Catholic schools with a sibling(s) attending Corpus Christi Catholic College at the time of
Other Catholic schools.
Baptised Catholic children:
With a sibling(s) attending Corpus Christi Catholic College at the time of transfer.
Other baptised Catholics.
Other looked after children or other children who were previously looked after but ceased to be so
because they became adopted or became subject to a residence or special guardianship order, with
a sibling(s) attending Corpus Christi Catholic College at the time of transfer.
Other looked after children or other children who were previously looked after but ceased to be so
because they became adopted or became subject to a residence or special guardianship order.
Non-Catholic children living within the above defined boundaries and transferring from:
Catholic Primary Schools located in the two feeder defined boundaries named above who have a
sibling(s) attending Corpus Christi Catholic College at the time of transfer.
Other Catholic Primary Schools with a sibling(s) attending Corpus Christi Catholic College at the
time of transfer.
Catholic Primary Schools located in the two feeder defined boundaries named above.
Other Catholic Schools.
Non-Catholic children transferring from the Catholic Primary Schools:
In the two feeder defined boundaries named above.
In other Catholic Schools with a sibling(s) attending Corpus Christi Catholic College at the time of
Other Catholic Schools.
Non-Catholic children, whose parents/carers wish them to receive a Catholic secondary education,
and who:
Have a sibling(s) at the school at the time of transfer.
Are baptised or full members of another Christian denomination or other faith.
Who live in the two feeder defined boundaries named above.
Who live outside the two feeder defined boundaries named above.
If any of the categories 2, 3 or 4 is oversubscribed, places will be allocated by reference to
subsequent categories in order. For example, if category 2 is oversubscribed, children who satisfy
both categories 2 and 3 will have priority over children who satisfy only category 2.
Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any of the categories listed above would still lead to
over-subscription, the available places up to the admission number will be offered to those living
nearest to the school. Straight line distance will be measured from the centre of the main school
building to the centre of the applicant’s home address using the information supplied for this
purpose by the Local Authority.
The term “live” in all categories means the child’s permanent home address. A child is normally regarded
as living with a parent or guardian/carer and we will use the parent or guardian/carer’s address for
admission purposes. You cannot lodge a child with a friend or relation in order to gain a place at a school.
For admissions purposes, only one address can be used as a child’s permanent address. When a child
lives with more than one parent/guardian/carer, at different addresses, we will use the preference
expressed by the parent/guardian/carer at the address where the child lives the majority of the time during
the school week as the main place of residence.
If the tie-break is equal, places will be decided by random allocation (an independent person will be used to
make the random allocation.
The governing body reserves the right to admit children with proven and exceptional medical and
social needs where admission to the school might best help to satisfy those exceptional needs.
Social and medical needs – Applicants should provide a letter of support from a professional such
as a priest or doctor. The letter should say why the child must attend Corpus Christi Catholic
College and the results if the child had to attend a different school.
Children with a statement of special educational need are admitted under the rules in the 1996
Education Act and they will over-ride the admission criteria listed above.
The school has a facility which is specifically adapted to accommodate pupils with severe learning
difficulties and capable of admitting pupils as agreed by the Special Educational Needs and
Inclusion Team.
A baptismal certificate or similar appropriate documentation will be the normal method of proof of
Catholic or other faith.
Looked after children from Catholic families has a dual meaning. It could be that the child
themselves is a baptised Catholic or it could be that the family who is caring for the child is Catholic.
If it is the child who is a baptised Catholic, normal rules apply and a baptism certificate should be
included with the Supplementary Information Form. However, (in limited situations) this may not
always be possible, and in these cases the admission authority should seek to ensure that the child
is baptised. If a child is placed with a Catholic family who wishes the child to have a Catholic
education, this should be evidenced by a baptism certificate of either parent/guardian or carer.
Siblings means brothers and sisters (including step-siblings, adoptive siblings and foster siblings) of
statutory school age, living at the same address, in attendance at the same school at the time of
A waiting list will be held by the school for Year 7 until 31 December 2016 and the position on the
list will be from the admissions’ criteria outlined above. Applicants not offered a place and who wish
to be on the waiting list must inform the school or the Local Authority.
Repeat applications in the same academic year are not allowed, unless there has been a significant
and material change in circumstances, for example, a valid change of address.
If the governing body has turned down an application for admission, parents have the right to
appeal to the Catholic Appeals Panel. This is an independent panel. Parents will be given reasons
for the refusal. The appeal must be made in writing directly to the school. The appeal must be
received within 21 days of the refusal. The decision of the appeals panel is binding on the
governors and will be sent in writing to the parents.
Parents can apply directly on-line through the local authority’s website from 1 August 2015 to 31
October 2015 or use the Common Preference Form. The completed Common Preference Form
(CPF) must be returned either to the child’s current Primary School or to the Local Authority by 31
October 2015. The Supplementary Information Form (SIF) attached to this policy should be
submitted to this school by 31 October 2015. Late SIFs, submitted under exceptional
circumstances after this date, may be accepted up until the final deadline of 10 December 2015.
Parents or carers will be advised by the Local Authority of the outcome of their application on or
around 1 March 2016. Do not complete a paper CPF if you have applied online. Failure to
register your preferences either via the paper form or electronically would mean that the application
is not valid and failure to provide a SIF will mean that the applicant is placed in the lowest category.
The key dates for parents are – closing date for submission of preferences is 31 October and
parents notified on or around 1 March.
In-Year Transfers are admissions outside the normal admissions round. An in-year Common
Preference Form, available from school or the Local Authority must be completed and returned to
the Admissions Team for admission to school outside the normal admissions round. In addition, a
Supplementary Information Form, available from the school or the Local Authority website should be
completed and returned to the school. The school will inform the Local Authority as to whether
there is a place available and, if so, the Local Authority will then send an offer letter to the parents.
Ratified at the Governors’ Meeting on 27 January 2015.