KENT UNION CONSTITUTION BYELAWS SEPTEMBER 2015 William Godwin 1|Page BYE-LAWS: ELECTIONS E1 Application E1.1 E2 These bye-laws shall apply for all elections and referendum conducted by crosscampus ballot, and for all elections of members referred to in the Constitution. Voting E2.1 The RO will ensure that all eligible members of the Union can vote. E2.2 The RO shall decide the method of voting and publicise it appropriately. E2.3 The Voters shall be able to express preferences for as few or as many candidates as they wish subject to the rubric on ballot papers. 2|Page BYE-LAWS: GENERAL MEETINGS GM1 Agenda and Business GM1.1 The Chair of the meeting shall be responsible for ensuring that the meeting runs smoothly. GM1.2 The Agenda shall allow for the Meeting to fulfil all of its responsibilities outlined in section 26 of the Constitution. GM2 Calling of Meetings GM2.1 A General Meeting may be called in accordance with section 23 of the Constitution. GM3 Quoracy GM3.1 Quoracy for General Meetings will be 100. GM4 Principles of Debate at General Meetings GM4.1 The Chair of the meeting shall be responsible for ensuring that any and all debates are fair, inclusive and robust. In particular, the Chair of the meeting shall: GM5 Be impartial and not participate in debate. Ensure that debates are ‘balanced’. Ensure that students are given an equal opportunity to participate. Ensure that only one item is discussed at any one point in time. Ensure that, as far as is possible, all items on the Agenda get discussed. Advise the meeting as to proper conduct with regard to this Constitution, its Bye-Laws and the Law. Adjourn the meeting, or remove speaking rights from individuals, if necessary to ensure the good conduct and course of business of the meeting. Order of Debate at General Meetings GM5.1 Debates should follow the following structure: A speech for the proposal A speech against the proposal Summation speeches GM5.2 The proposer and seconder of a motion will be given the opportunity to make the first two speeches for the motion. GM5.3 The proposer of a motion will be given the opportunity to make the Summation Speech. 3|Page GM6 Process of Debates at General Meetings GM6.1 Before a debate: The Chair of the meeting will indicate the amount of time after which the debate will conclude (the Guillotine). The Chair of the meeting will indicate the amount of time available for each speech. GM6.2 During a Debate: Members should address themselves to the Chair of the meeting Members wishing to speak should indicate this to the Chair of the meeting The Chair of the meeting will call the first member observed. All speakers should be given an equal amount of time to speak. Members may ask a question, raise a point of order, raise a point of information or propose a procedural motion. The Chair of the meeting may move to a vote should the meeting agree that no further discussion is required. The proposer of a motion may withdraw the motion. GM6.3 After a Debate: GM7 The proposer and first opposer of a motion shall be invited to make a summation speech, which shall contain no new information. A vote will take place, normally conducted by a show of hands. The Chair of the meeting will record votes for, votes against and abstentions. The Chair of the meeting will indicate if a clear majority is demonstrated. If a clear majority is not demonstrated the Chair will conduct a count. Once the Chair of the meeting is satisfied as to the result of a count, the Chair’s ruling on the result will be final. Members shall not enter or leave the room during a vote. Debates will require a simple majority, except where otherwise specified in the Constitution. Interventions at General Meetings GM7.1 At any time, any member may raise any of the following points of order in order to challenge the conduct of the meeting: i: A request for a count of those present to ensure that the meeting is quorate. ii: A request that the Chair of the meeting make a ruling as to the conduct of the meeting. iii A request for a Constitutional Interpretation. iv The Chair of the meeting will respond to the point of order immediately. 4|Page GM7.2 At any time, any member may raise a point of information. Points of information: Must only contain ‘matters of fact’. May only be given with the permission of the current speaker, or the Chair of the meeting. GM7.3 At any time during the debate, except during a vote, any member may propose one of the following procedural motions: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. That the meeting has no confidence in the Chair of the meeting and that s/he should be replaced for the remainder of the meeting. To challenge the ruling of the Chair of the meeting. That there should be a further round of speeches. To move straight to a vote. To adjourn the meeting for a break. That the current discussion should be resolved with a secret ballot. That a vote should be recounted. That the debate should be split into parts and voted on separately. To allow non-members to speak in the meeting. To remove speaking rights from a member of the meeting. To amend the order of items on the Agenda. To call for a recorded vote. GM7.4 The proposer of the motion will be given one (1) minute to speak in favour of the procedural motion. The Chair of the meeting will then seek one (1) opposer to speak for one (1) minute against the procedural motion. This will be followed by a vote. GM7.5 In the event of procedural motion i. is proposed, the Chair of the meeting will immediately give way to a Vice-Chair for the duration of the debate and vote on the procedural motion. GM8 Amendments at General Meetings GM8.1 Any member of the meeting may propose an amendment to a debate. This amendment is then treated as a debate in itself. GM8.2 The Chair of the meeting will allow for the proposer of an amendment and one opposer to speak for two (2) minutes on the amendment. GM8.3 If no opposer is found, the amendment will be carried. GM8.4 If, following the amendment of a debate, the original proposer of the motion no longer wishes to propose the debate, the proposer of the amendment will become the proposer. GM8.5 Amendments only become policy if the original debate is subsequently passed. 5|Page BYE-LAWS: STUDENT COMMITTEES SC1 Role and Function of Student Committees SC1.1 Kent Union shall run Student Committees, in order to: SC2 Facilitate student involvement in the Union Act as a channel of communication between students from that site and relevant University staff and committees. Represent the interests of the students from that site to the Union and the University Organise social, sporting and other events at that site, in conjunction with other areas of the union, so as to enhance the experience of students from that site. SC1.2 Each designated University ‘College’ will have its own site committee. SC1.3 At least one Student Committee shall exist for the students of Park Wood. SC1.4 The Executive Committee may decide to create and disband other committees or to rename any committee Operation of Student Committees. SC2.1 Each Student Committee shall have its own Constitution, which shall be approved by the Executive Committee, and shall not contradict any part of this Constitution and Bye-Laws. SC2.2 Each Student Committee shall have the following elected positions, plus any others in accordance with its Constitution: President Vice-President Welfare Officer RAG Officer Student Activities Officer Sports Officer Media/Communications Officer Campaigns Officer SC2.3 All members, residents or students shall be empowered to stand and vote in elections for the above positions. SC2.4 All elections must be conducted in accordance with the Elections Bye-Laws. 6|Page BYE-LAWS: STUDENT ACTIVITIES SA1 Team Kent SA1.1 There shall be a Team Kent Executive Committee. SA1.2 Team Kent Executive Committee shall have a constitution which shall be approved by the Union’s Executive Committee. SA2 The Societies Executive SA2.1 There shall be a Societies Executive. SA2.2 The Societies Executive shall have a constitution which shall be approved by the Union’s Executive Committee. SA3 Volunteering Committees SA3.1 There shall be a Canterbury Volunteering Committee and a Medway Volunteering Committee SA3.2 The Canterbury Volunteer Committee (VolCom) shall have a constitution which shall be approved by the Union’s Executive Committee. SA3.3 The Medway Volunteer Committee (MedVolCom) shall have a constitution which shall be approved by the Union’s Executive Committee. SA4 Student Activities SA4.1 The Union will facilitate other student groups, including Student Media, Volunteering and Raise and Give, and will ensure that all activities operate under the principle of student direction and leadership. SA4.2 Constitutions or democratic structures for any such groups shall be approved by the Union’s Executive Committee. 7|Page BYE-LAWS: REMOVAL FROM OFFICE RO1 Removal from office of Union Officers RO1.1 Trustees, may be removed from office in accordance with the Constitution. RO1.2 Full-time and Part-time Officers may be removed from office by: A Referendum, conducted in accordance with the Referenda Bye-Laws; A two thirds majority vote at a General Meeting By a breach of the Kent Union Student Disciplinary Procedures resulting in an exclusion from Union Activities; or By exclusion from the University. RO1.3 In addition, Student Committee Members may be removed from office by a twothirds majority at a General Meeting of that Site Committee. RO2 Resignations from Office RO2.1 Any Union Officer may tender their resignation at any time. RO2.2 Resignations must be made in writing to the President of Kent Union RO3 Removal from Office debates and replacements RO3.1 Proposals to remove any member from Union Office shall be treated as a debate under the Debating Bye-Laws. RO3.2 In the case of a vacancy arising from a resignation, Executive Committee will determine if and when to hold a bye-election in accordance with the election ByeLaws. R04 Secure Petition R04.1 As stated in the Constitution under 104.26 a Secure Petition is a written request to the Union which shall be fixed in a pre-arranged place or places or held securely online. In the case of a Vote of Note Confidence (VNC) this shall be held in designated university space(s) for a period of up to 7 days as deemed by the Returning Officer. If the required 150 signatures are not collected during the set time period the Secure Petition is closed. The wording of the secure petition shall be agreed at a meeting with the Returning Officer and the Secure Petition will be kept in accordance with Data Protection. Any signatures collected not in accordance with the above are not deemed valid. 8|Page BYE-LAWS: SPECIAL MEMBERSHIPS SM1 Special Memberships SM1.1 Kent Union may bestow Life and Honorary membership of the Union on any person, subject to these Bye-Laws. SM2.2 Special Membership may be awarded by a majority vote of Executive Committee or any higher body. SM2 Life and Honorary Membership SM2.1 The status of Life and Honorary Members of the Union may be conferred on any person by the Life and Honorary Committee of up to eight members elected at AGM. The President is chair of this Committee and should meet once a year. SM2.2 Nominations for Life and Honorary members should be emailed to the President. SM2.3 Such status shall be held for life, excepting any repudiation outlined in these ByeLaws and the Constitution. SM3 Repudiation of Life and Honorary Memberships SM3.1 Any Life and Honorary Membership status may be repudiated at any time with immediate effect by Executive Committee. 9|Page BYE-LAWS: JOB DESCRIPTIONS JD1: Elected Officers JD1.1 JD2: It shall be the responsibility of all elected officers to: Represent the views of students within their remit to the Union and University. Build and maintain effective working relationships with o Other Union Officers o Student Volunteers o Union Staff o University Staff o Staff and Officers from External Organisations Promote the interests of students and the Union in all activities. Develop, promote and uphold Union Policy at all times. Attend and report regularly to any relevant Union or University bodies. Attend all training courses relevant to the role, as required. Convene, organise, attend and chair any appropriate Union committees, working groups or informal groups as appropriate and required by the membership. Work alongside appropriate Union staff members to ensure that services and activities within their remit exceed the expectations of the membership. Abide by the Staff and Student Protocol agreement at all times. Officer Trustees JD2.1 The following full-time positions shall be Officer Trustees: Union President Vice-President (Education) Vice-President (Welfare) Vice-President (Activities) Vice-President (Sports) JD2.2 Officer Trustees shall conform to the Officer Trustee Guidelines of Office. JD2.3 Officer Trustees shall be paid an allowance in accordance with the Constitution. 10 | P a g e JD2.4 Officer Trustees shall be ex-officio Trustees of the Union. Kent Union shall have the following part time positions: 7 Student Committee Presidents International Students’ Officer Mature Students’ Officer Part-time Students’ Officer KGSA President Students with Dependents’ Officer Students with Disabilities Officer Ethnic Minorities Officer LGBT (Open place) LGBT (Women’s place) Women’s Officer Ethics Officer Environmental Officer 3 Undergraduate Faculty Representatives 6 Postgraduate Faculty Representatives Societies Executive Committee Representative Team Kent Executive Representative Raise and Give (RAG) President Volunteering Committee Representative Medway Volunteering Committee Representative 11 | P a g e BYE-LAWS: DEMOCRATIC PROCESSES DP1: Democratic Process DP1.1 Motions that are passed at a General Meeting or at Referenda and ideas that are passed at an All Student Vote become Union policy for two years, and after this time will automatically lapse. DP1.2 Policy can be removed by a body of higher status. DP1.3 Policy cannot be passed if it contravenes an existing policy made by a higher union body. The President shall be the arbitrator of what contravenes existing policy. DP1.4 The President will be responsible for ensuring the maintenance and publication of a record of active policy. DP1.5 Amendments to this Constitution and Bye-laws are not classed as policy and serve until amended in accordance with the Constitution and Bye-laws DP2: All Student Votes DP2.1 Kent Union will host an online ideas forum on the Kent Union website for any member to submit a policy idea. DP2.2 Ideas submitted to the online ideas forum have 14 calendar days to gain the support of 150 members. DP2.3 An all student vote will be called following the support of an idea on the online ideas forum of at least 150 members. Ideas that fail to get the support of 150 members cannot be submitted again to the online idea forum for one calendar year. DP2.4 An idea passes if at least 100 members cast a vote in an all student vote and a majority of the votes cast are in favour of the idea. If a majority of votes are cast against the idea, or if less than 100 members cast a vote in the all student vote, the idea falls and cannot be submitted to the online ideas forum for one calendar year. DP 3: Executive Committee DP3.1 Executive Committee shall have the authority to: make, repeal and amend the Bye-Laws jointly with the Trustees in accordance with Clause 73 in the constitution to create sub-committees to support student group activities appoint associate members in accordance with Clause 15 and the Bye-Laws DP3.2 The composition and proceedings of Executive Committee shall be set out in the ByeLaws. 12 | P a g e DP4 Membership DP4.1 Membership: 5 full time Officers 29 Part time Officers: o 7 Student Committee Presidents o International Students’ Officer o Mature Students’ Officer o Part-time Students’ Officer o KGSA President o Students with Dependents’ Officer o Students with Disabilities Officer o Ethnic Minorities Officer o LGBT (Open place) o LGBT (Women’s place) o Women’s Officer o Ethics Officer o Environmental Officer o 3 Undergraduate Faculty Representatives o 6 Postgraduate Faculty Representatives o Societies Executive Committee Representative o Team Kent Executive Representative o Raise and Give (RAG) President o Volunteering Committee Representative o Medway Volunteering Committee Representative DP4.2 A member may submit an application to the Executive Committee to amend the Bye-laws so long as they have the support of two Executive Committee members. Following the submission the Executive Committee will convene within 14 calendar days. Members shall be given 7 calendar days’ notice of the meeting. All members have the rights to attend and speak Executive Committee meetings. DP4.3 All Executive Committee members must attend each meeting where a group of students will be randomly selected in the room to have full voting rights. 5 Full time Officers 5 part time officers (1 to be a post graduate rep) (1 to be liberation) Societies Executive Committee Representative Team Kent Executive Representative Medway or Canterbury Volunteering Committee Representative DP4.4 Bye-law amendments require a two-thirds majority vote to be enacted. 13 | P a g e DP5 Principles of Debate at Executive Committee DP5 .1 The Chair of the meeting shall be responsible for ensuring that any and all debates are fair, inclusive and robust. In particular, the Chair of the meeting shall: DP6 Be impartial and not participate in debate. Ensure that debates are ‘balanced’. Ensure that students are given an equal opportunity to participate. Ensure that only one item is discussed at any one point in time. Ensure that, as far as is possible, all items on the Agenda get discussed. Advise the meeting as to proper conduct with regard to this Constitution, its Bye-Laws and the Law. Adjourn the meeting, or remove speaking rights from individuals, if necessary to ensure the good conduct and course of business of the meeting. Order of Debate at Executive Committee DP6.1 Debates should follow the following structure: A speech for the proposal A speech against the proposal Summation speeches DP6.2 The proposer and seconder of a motion will be given the opportunity to make the first two speeches for the motion. DP6.3 The proposer of a motion will be given the opportunity to make the Summation Speech. DP7 Process of Debates at Executive Committee DP7.1 Before a debate: The Chair of the meeting will indicate the amount of time after which the debate will conclude (the Guillotine) The Chair of the meeting will indicate the amount of time available for each speech. DP7.2 During a Debate: Members should address themselves to the Chair of the meeting. Members wishing to speak should indicate this to the Chair of the meeting. The Chair of the meeting will call the first member observed. All speakers should be given an equal amount of time to speak. Members may ask a question, raise a point of order, raise a point of information or propose a procedural motion. The Chair of the meeting may move to a vote should the meeting agree that no further discussion is required. The proposer of a motion may withdraw the motion. 14 | P a g e DP7.3 After a Debate: DP8 The proposer and first opposer of a motion shall be invited to make a summation speech, which shall contain no new information. A vote will take place, normally conducted by a show of hands. The Chair of the meeting will record votes for, votes against and abstentions. The Chair of the meeting will indicate if a clear majority is demonstrated. If a clear majority is not demonstrated the Chair will conduct a count. Once the Chair of the meeting is satisfied as to the result of a count, the Chair’s ruling on the result will be final. Members shall not enter or leave the room during a vote. Debates will require a simple majority, except where otherwise specified in the Constitution. Interventions at Executive Committee DP8.1 At any time, any member may raise any of the following points of order in order to challenge the conduct of the meeting: i: A request for a count of those present to ensure that the meeting is quorate ii: A request that the Chair of the meeting make a ruling as to the conduct of the meeting. iii A request for a Constitutional Interpretation. iv The Chair of the meeting will respond to the point of order immediately. DP8.2 At any time, any member may raise a point of information. Points of information: Must only contain ‘matters of fact’. May only be given with the permission of the current speaker, or the Chair of the meeting. DP8.3 At any time during the debate, except during a vote, any member may propose one of the following procedural motions: xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. xviii. xix. xx. xxi. xxii. xxiii. xxiv. That the meeting has no confidence in the Chair of the meeting and that s/he should be replaced for the remainder of the meeting. To challenge the ruling of the Chair of the meeting. That there should be a further round of speeches. To move straight to a vote. To adjourn the meeting for a break. That the current discussion should be resolved with a secret ballot. That a vote should be recounted. That the debate should be split into parts and voted on separately. To allow non-members to speak in the meeting. To remove speaking rights from a member of the meeting. To amend the order of items on the Agenda. To call for a recorded vote. 15 | P a g e DP8.4 The proposer of the motion will be given one (1) minute to speak in favour of the procedural motion. The Chair of the meeting will then seek one (1) opposer to speak for one (1) minute against the procedural motion. This will be followed by a vote. DP8.5 In the event of procedural motion i. is proposed, the Chair of the meeting will immediately give way to a Vice-Chair for the duration of the debate and vote on the procedural motion. 16 | P a g e