Supporting Information: Measurement of the signs of methyl 13C chemical shift differences between interconverting ground and excited protein states by R: an application to B-crystallin Andrew J. Baldwin and Lewis E. Kay Numerical evaluation of the evolution of magnetization during an off-resonance spinlock kGE E , where the populations of the ground Consider a two-site exchanging system, G kEG (G) and excited (E) states are given by pG and pE, as described in the text. The time evolution of magnetization that is ‘locked’ along an off-resonance spin-lock field can be described by d dt I XG R2G kGE IYG G IZ 0 E IX kGE E IY 0 E 0 I Z 0 kEG 0 0 R2G kGE 1 0 kEG 0 1 R1 kGE 0 0 kEG 0 R kEG 0 kGE 0 R kEG 1 0 kGE 0 1 R1 kEG 0 E 2 E 2 I XG IYG I ZG I XE IYE I ZE [S1] where I Gj , I jE are the j {X,Y,Z} magnetization components for G and E, respectively, R2G and R2E are the intrinsic transverse relaxation rates, 1 (rad/sec) is the strength of the spinlock field applied along the X axis, =G-SL, with G, SL the positions of the ground state resonance and the applied spin-lock, respectively and = E – G. The longitudinal 1 relaxation rates for corresponding nuclei in G and E are assumed to be equal. Extra terms that reflect equilibrium Z-magnetization that would normally be included (Allard et al., 1998) have been set to 0 in these expressions since experiments are recorded in a manner whereby the spin-locked magnetization decays to zero (Sklenar et al., 1987). Immediately prior to the application of the spin-lock field, before the first ‘red’ pulse of Figure 1c, it is assumed that only Z-magnetization for both G and E is present, in the fractional amounts given by pG and pE, respectively. Note that the delay of duration eq following point b in Figure 1c allows equilibration of the populations of both exchanging states so that I (0, 0,1 pE , 0, 0, pE ) + [S2] where the superscript ‘+’ denotes transpose so that I is a column vector (corresponding to the vector in Eq. [S1]). Application of a pulse (first red pulse of Figure 1c), tan = 1/, along the Y axis rotates the vector given in Eq [S2] I (0) ((1 pE )sin , 0,(1 pE )cos , pE sin , 0, pE cos ) + [S3] so that the magnetization is ‘placed’ along the spin-lock axis. Subsequently, the effects of relaxation can be accounted for by solving Eq. [S1] numerically I (Trelax ) exp(MTrelax ) I (0) [S4] where M is the 6x6 matrix given in Eq. [S1]. Following the spin-lock period magnetization is rotated by a pulse along –Y and only the Z-component of the ground state magnetization is retained. Thus, I G R( ) I G (Trelax ) cos and R( ) 0 sin [S5] 0 sin 1 0 0 cos [S6] 2 where I G is the magnetization vector for G (i.e., a 3x1 vector, containing the first 3 elements of I (Trelax ) ) and R() is a rotation matrix that rotates magnetization back to the Z-axis after the spin-lock. Eq. [S1] can be used to evaluate the optimal experimental values of | | and 1 for each methyl group for which the sign of C is sought. This is achieved by maximizing the difference | exp R1 (| |)Trelax exp R1 ( | |)Trelax | [S7] as a function of | | and 1 where the Z-component of the vector IG, (Trelax ) is proportional to exp(R1 (| |)Trelax ) . This is calculated by setting | | | ex | , = || in Eq. [S1], with tan = 1/| | and O SL . The value of |ex| can be calculated from Eq. [3] of the text or as described below using {|C|,kex,pE,R2} obtained from 13 C methyl RD CPMG studies. Note that exp(R1 ( | |)Trelax ) is calculated as the Z-component of IG, (Trelax ) obtained by substitution of | | | ex | and = || in Eq. [S1], with tan = -1/| | (i.e., in Eqs. [S3],[S5],[S6] replaced by –). Values of R2G were obtained from the plateau values in CPMG dispersion curves, while R1 was set to 2.5 s-1. Typically R2E is set to R2G unless estimates of R2E are obtained from spin-state selective experiments (Hansen et al., 2009). For |C| > |Cmin| optimal values are relatively insensitive to R2. All other values used in the calculations are those fitted from dispersion profiles. Numerical evaluation of ex=2ex The equations describing the evolution of transverse magnetization can be written compactly as 3 G d I E dt I k RG GE 2 kGE kEG i R2E kEG IG E I [S8] where I+ = IX + iIY. In Eq. [S8] it has been assumed (without loss in generality) that the spin in the ground state is on resonance. The imaginary part of the eigenvalue for G gives the exchange induced shift of the ground state resonance position, ex. 4 Table S1 C values measured directly from samples of apo- and ligand-bound Abp1p SH3, 5oC (Baldwin et al., 2009) along with optimized | / (2 ) | and 1 calculated as described in the text (kex=160 s-1, pE =7.5%). The signs obtained from the R1 and the H(S/M)QC measurements are indicated, together with the predicted value of (Eq. [7] of the text, Trelax = 40 ms). (%) | / (2 ) | Leu491 Val321 Val322 Leu382 Val551 Leu182 Leu381 Leu492 Leu181 Val552 Ile261 Leu571 Leu411 Val212 c (direct) (ppm) +2.33 +1.44 -1.44 -0.34 -0.41 -0.36 -0.34 +0.28 +0.27 -0.27 -0.10 -0.06 +0.05 -0.04 (Hz) 446 267 267 80 62 53 48 39 37 37 16 16 4 4 1 (Hz) 99.5 79.5 79.5 42.9 37.6 34.3 32.2 28.6 28.0 27.6 17.6 18.9 6.7 5.3 Sign (R1) + + + + - Sign (H(S/M)QC) + + + + - 33.8 31.9 31.9 23.9 23.9 19.7 18.7 16.3 15.7 15.4 3.1 0.8 0.1 0.1 References Allard, P., Helgstrand, M., & Hard, T. (1998) The complete homogeneous master equation for a heteronuclear two-spin system in the basis of cartesian product operators. J Magn Reson 134, 7-16. 5 Baldwin, A. J., Hansen, D. F., Vallurupalli, P., & Kay, L. E. (2009) Measurement of methyl axis orientations in invisible, excited states of proteins by relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy. J Am Chem Soc 131, 11939-11948. Hansen, D. F., Vallurupalli, P., & Kay, L. E. (2009) Measurement of methyl group motional parameters of invisible, excited protein states by NMR spectroscopy. J Am Chem Soc 131, 12745-12754. Sklenar, V., Torchia, D., & Bax, A. (1987) Measurement of carbon-13 longitudinal relaxation using 1H detection. J. Magn. Reson. 73, 375-379. 6