1 PhD Study Program “Neurosensory Science and Systems” Modules A „Consolidation and enlagement of specialised knowledge“ (at least 12 CP) Module olt201 Summer school/congress olt202 Lab visit abroad olt203 Special techniques in Neurosensory Science and Systems Short name A1 A2 A3 Type CP Examinations elective module 2-6 active participation with poster presentation or talk elective module 6 verbal report and/or record elective module 3 - 12 active participation Courses (examples) Summer schools and Congresses of interest,e.g.: Summer school of the SFB/TRR31 Summer school of the JRA Laboratory visit abroad or in Germany (not University of Oldenburg), at least three weeks Histological techniques in Neuroanatomy and Immunohistochemistry – Janssen Bienhold Praktikum:Psychophysik und Audiologie (Physiologische, psychologische und audiologische Akustik) – Kollmeier, van de Par, Ewert, Verhulst Basic Principles and Concepts in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (RTG Sensory Biology) Signal- und Systemtheorie – Doclo Sprachverstehen in der Audiologie – Brand EEG and fMRI Analysis with EEG-Lab and SPM PyMVPA-Workshop – Puschmann Intensive course: Fundamentals of Auditory Physiology – Köppl, Klump Good scientific practice - Grünberg, Esser (or C5) Aktuelle Probleme des Maschinellen Lernens und – Hörens – Anemüller Auditorische Modelle und ihre Anwendung in sprachverarbeitenden Systemen – Ewert, Ernst Electrophysiology – Ammermüller Einführung in die digitale Sprachverarbeitung – Gerkmann Evaluation Research – Colonius Fortgeschrittenen-Projektpraktikum Hörtechnik und Audiologie – Brand, Jürgens Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience – Thiel, Gießing Scientific Image Processing and Analysis – BioVoxxel (or C5) Kolloquium - Biologie und Umweltwissenschaften Masters colloquium (Psycology) – Debener, Herrmann Oberseminar Signal- und Sprachverarbeitung – Doclo, Gerkmann Comments 2 olt204 Medical basics of Neurosensory Sciences and Systems olt205 Data analysis using Matlab olt206 Journal club olt207 Colloquium Neurosensory Science and Systems olt208 Additional module „Specific knowledge” A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 elective module elective module elective module compulsory module elective module 3-6 active participation Prinzipien der Signalverarbeitung in Hörgeräten – Jürgens, Hohmann Clinical Neuropsycology - Debener Oberseminar Medizinische Physik – Kollmeier Projektpraktikum Angewandte und medizinische Akustik – Kollmeier, Hohmann Introduction to Biomedical Physics and Acoustics – Poppe, van de Par, Kollmeier, Doclo 3 excercises Datenanalyse mit Matlab (d) - Anemüller 3 active participation and talk Journal Club - Current Topics in Neurosensory Signalling Koch 3 3-6 active participation and talk active participation Hot Topics in Neurosensory Science and Systems Research Seminar of the SFB/TRR 31 Seminar of the RTG Molecular Basis of Senosory Biology – Koch, Mouritsen internal or external courses 3 Modules B „Communicative capacity” (at least 6 CP) Module Short name Type CP Examinations Courses (examples) olt231 Advanced presentation techniques B1 compulsory module 3 active participation and two talks Advanced presentation techniques – H. Mouritsen olt232 Summer school/congress B2 compulsory module 2 active participation with poster presentation or talk Summer schools and Congresses of interest B3 elective module 1-6 olt133 Language course olt 233 Didactics B4 elective module 1-6 olt134 Additional module „Communication” B5 elective module 1-6 active participation e.g. Language courses of the language center of the university or external language courses, e.g.: German language course English language course, English+ active participation internal or external courses active participation internal or external courses, e.g. Literature research Comments Summer and winter term Summer and winter term Summer and winter term 4 Modules C „Transferable Skills“ (at least 6 CP) Module olt261 Basics in distribution-free statistics Short name C1 Type elective module CP 3 Examinations excercises Courses (examples) Principles of statistics – Klump, Langemann olt262 Experimental design and variance analysis olt263 Numeric and computer skills olt264 Scientific publishing C2 C3 C4 elective module 3 excercises and/or verbal exam or written exam and/or talk elective module 3 excercises or written exam and/or talk compulsory module 6 manuscript olt161 Transferable skills / scientific career C5 elective module 1-9 active participation olt164 Mentoring C6 elective module 6 active participation olt165 Additional module „Transferable Skills” C7 elective module 1-6 Correlation, Causality and their Reconstruction from Multivariate Time Series - Freund, Röder Multivariate statistics I – Colonius Tutorial Multivariate Statistics – Colonius Zeitreihenanalyse - Freund Datenanalyse mit Matlab (d) – Anemüller Numerics (d) - Hohmann Scientific Writing - Thiel Transferable skills courses offered by OLTECH http://www.uni-oldenburg.de/en/graduates/oltech/coursesand-events/ e.g.: Scientific Image Processing and Analysis – BioVoxxel (or A3) Good scientific practice – Grünberg, Esser (or A3) Literature research or by the graduate academy of the University of Oldenburg http://www.uni-oldenburg.de/win-werkstatt/ Mentoring for Young Female Researchers excercises or written exam or talk internal or external courses and/or records Comments