Transformation of Energy - Brandywine School District

Transformation of Energy
Part 3: Waves
Key Learning:
Energy is all around us, comes in different forms, and
can change from one form to another.
Unit Essential Question:
How does energy move
from one object to another object?
Concept: The Flow of Energy
Concept: Heat Energy
Concept: Waves
Lesson Essential
Lesson Essential
Lesson Essential Questions:
How is kinetic
energy different from
gravitational potential
How does energy
transfer and transform
from one object to
How can we trace
the flow of energy from
“beginning” to “end”?
1. How are heat energy
and temperature
2. What happens when
an object gains or
loses heat?
3. How do radiation,
conduction, and
convection transfer
heat from one place
to another?
1. How do waves carry
2. What types of energy
do waves carry?
3. How do mechanical
waves compare to
electromagnetic waves?
Heat Energy
Kinetic Energy
Mechanical Waves
Gravitational Potential Energy
Particle Model
Transverse Waves
Energy Transfer
Energy Transformation
Energy Chain
Longitudinal Waves
Electromagnetic Waves
Directions: Each warm up must be answered to receive credit. However, it is not graded on right
or wrong, just whether your thinking is along the lines of what the question is asking.
1. When a swimmer is drowning out in the ocean, how come his screams for help will reach
the shore but the swimmer won’t (he can’t swim he’s drowning)? (1 point)
2. Write down four examples of energy being carried by waves. What do your examples
have in common? How are they different? (3 points)
A. _____________________________
B. _____________________________
C. _____________________________
D. _____________________________
3. Now that you have a better understanding of waves, how they carry energy, and what
type of energy they carry, explain why you see the lightning in a storm before you hear
the thunder? (1 point)
Directions: While watching the video, complete the following questions. Then answer the
questions about waves when the video is done. (15 points)
Part 1: Video Questions
1. How do storms far out in the Pacific Ocean generate surfing waves? (2 points)
2. If waves do not transport water, why do huge ‘waves’ of water get thrown up onto
the beach? (2 points)
3. What is “wavelength”? (1 point)
4. How is Rochelle’s riding the face of a wave similar, in terms of energy, to Tony
Hawk ‘s descent down the half pipe? (2 points)
5. If you were teaching this class, how would you explain what waves are to your
students? (2 points)
6. Re-write your answer to warm up #1 given what you have learned about
waves. (1 point)
Part 2: Moving Mass or Waves?
Directions: Read the passage below then answer the questions then circle.
 When energy is carried by moving mass, it takes the form of the kinetic energy of
the moving matter. Energy is transferred when mass moves from the source of
energy to the place where the energy is delivered.
 When waves carry energy, there are organized vibrations that move from the
source of energy to the place where energy is delivered, but no matter travels
along with the waves.
1. During our pendulum demonstration, how did the energy transfer from the water bottle
to the molecules of air? (1 point)
moving mass
2. How did the heat energy get from the candles to the pans of water? (1 point)
moving mass
3. When the dropped golf ball on the floor, how did the energy spread to the molecules in
the floor? (1 point)
moving mass
4. How did the energy in the hot water get transferred to the cold water when the two
samples of water were mixed? (1 point)
moving mass
5. Why don’t you hear sound in space? (1 point)
Mechanical Waves
Directions: Complete the worksheet in a group of three.
1. What are the two types of waves we are studying? (2 points)
2. Mechanical waves can be broken down into two types. What are the types of mechanical
waves? Try to create each wave using the slinky and draw a picture. Be sure to include
arrows showing the direction of the wave and the direction of the disturbance. (6 points)
3. In high school science you will study waves in more detail. You will learn how to calculate
frequency, amplitude, wavelength…and all the fancy science terms for waves. For now, you
should have basic understanding that waves carry energy, and that they can carry
different amounts of energy. Looking at wave diagrams below, can you tell me which model
of a wave shows more energy being carried to its destination? (2 point)
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Directions: Write down each wave energy, its characteristics, and uses of that wave in the
E.M. Spectrum. (14 Points)
Wave Energy
Radio Waves
Finish this sentence: (1 point)
The shorter the _______________________, the more _____________ the wave has.
Visible Light and Infrared Waves
The purpose of this investigation is to understand that visible light waves are not the
only waves emitted by a light bulb (or our Sun), and how these waves affect different
materials. You can see the visible light that leaves the bulb, but you cannot see the
infrared waves that are also emitted by the bulb. So you will be investigating the
properties of visible light waves and the infrared waves that are closest to visible waves in
the electromagnetic spectrum.
You will need a digital thermometer, a clipboard, a metal clip fastener, a lamp, a
stopwatch, a ruler, sheets of felt and aluminum foil. We will be shining the light from the
bulb onto different materials and observe how the materials respond to the light. We
want the only variable in our investigation to be the type of material that the light strikes.
Every other factor in the experiment must be controlled and not changed. This will involve
some careful planning.
1. Everyone in the class will place the materials 30 cm from the front of the light
bulb. But there are other factors that must remain the same throughout this
2. Start by getting a square of aluminum foil (about 10 inches by 10 inches). Fold it in
half (shiny side out) to form a “pocket” and then place it on the clipboard. Secure
it with the aid of two binder clips on the top of the clipboard (see illustration).
3. Place the thermometer in between the two binder clips so that it rests between the
two sides of the aluminum foil in the pocket that you created earlier (see
illustration). Flip back the top of the digital thermometer so that it begins to
display the temperature of the aluminum foil.
4. Start your stopwatch at the same time you turn on the lamp. Record the
temperature every minute for 5 minutes. Make sure you turn off the lamp at the
end of the 5-minute interval.
5. Replace the aluminum foil with the sheet of white felt. Allow the thermometer to
return to its original value (or close to it) and repeat your measurements. Be sure
to record your time and temperature data carefully.
6. Replace the sheet of white felt with a sheet of black felt, and repeat the process.
Data Table: (5 points)
Aluminum Foil
White Felt
0 Minutes
1 Minute
2 Minutes
3 Minutes
4 Minutes
5 Minutes
Change in
Black Felt
Graph: (10 points total)
Analysis: (6 Points)
1. Which material heated up the fastest? Why is this the case? (2 points)
2. Explain why it is better to wear a dark coat in the winter time instead of wearing a
light-colored coat? (2 points)
3. Which material will heat up the fastest, water or soil? Why? (2 points)
Conclusion: (4 Points)
Write a brief conclusion describing this investigation. Be sure to include the procedure,
the variables we kept the same, the variables we changed and how the investigation relates
to our study of energy.
Ultraviolet Detecting Beads (UV Beads) Investigation
In this investigation, we will be using some plastic beads that will
turn from a white color to a red color when UV waves strike the beads.
We will use the UV beads as detectors of ultraviolet waves in a common
source of UV radiation, sunlight. Roughly 99% of sunlight consists of
infrared waves, visible light waves, and ultraviolet waves. In fact, there
are many more visible light waves and infrared waves in sunlight than
ultraviolet waves. After making your bracelet, your task is to detect
sources of UV waves by using the beads and to determine what substances
will shield UV waves. Find answers to the questions below throughout the
course of the day if you do not get around to answering them during class.
1. Does a light bulb radiate UV waves? (1 point)
2. Do things, such as windows, that allow visible light to pass through them also allow UV
waves to pass through them? (1 point)
3. Do clouds protect us from UV waves? (1point)
4. Do sunglasses really protect us from UV waves? (1 point)
5. How well does each SPF of suntan lotion protect your skin from UV waves? (1 point)
Conclusion: (5 Points)
What did you learn about the properties of UV waves that may help you protect yourself from
being over-exposed to these waves? What types of materials will block the UV waves? Is it
possible for UV waves to reach you through reflection off of ordinary materials?
1. In this classroom, name one example of energy being carried by waves and one example
of energy being carried by a moving mass. (2 points)
Moving Mass
2. A diver springs off a board and lands in the pool. Describe the different types of waves
that are present. (2 points)
3. In our ecosystems unit we will see which wavelengths of light plants need in order to
thrive. Make a prediction now: which wavelengths of light (red, orange, yellow, green, blue,
indigo, violet) do plants absorb and which wavelengths do they reflect? (1 point)
End of Unit!
Vocab Word