Climate change and Ozone Webquest Questions

Name:__________________________________Date: _______________________ Period:___________
Global Warming and Ozone Depletion Webquest
Define global warming.
2. Which greenhouse gas is mainly responsible for global warming?
3. By how much have humans increased carbon emissions?
4. Where does most of the CO2 that humans produce come from?
5. What are the impacts of global warming?
6. How much has Earth’s temperature risen in the past 100 years?
7. The increased volumes of _______________________________ and other greenhouse gases
________________________are believed to be the ______________________ of the global warming that has
occurred over the past ______________________.
8. What actions can we take to reduce Carbon dioxide?
9. What is ozone?
Name:__________________________________Date: _______________________ Period:___________
10. What does the “good” ozone do?
11. Is there a “hole” in the ozone layer? Defend your answer.
12. Where is the biggest thinning of the ozone layer found? Why?
13. What causes ozone destruction?
14. In what region is ozone found?
15. What is the main type of greenhouse gas that contributes to ozone depletion?
16. What are CFC’s found in?
17. Is the ozone layer recovering? Why or why not?
18. What did the 1987 Montreal Protocol do?