STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2013 STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES SURVEY Survey for Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs A number of academic programs in the California State University (i.e. nursing, counseling, kinesiology, physical therapy, public health, etc.) offer health-related courses and programs that may include student practicums, internships or faculty practices that provide health-related services to the campus community, the public, or both. For the purpose of this survey the services are listed below, and educational programs are defined as any services performed as part of an academic program leading to licensure in a health services profession, including services provided by students from other institutions. Check “other service(s)” for services not included on the list. 1. Please identify the health services provided by academic departments as part of educational programs on your campus and the communities they serve (check all that apply). Public Students Health Services or Clinics Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Psychological Services Audiology Physical Therapy Sports Medicine and Health Care for Student-Athletes Occupational Medicine Health Educational Program(s) (specify programs) : Other Service(s) (specify services): Both In order to help address and manage risk related to these circumstances on your campus, please answer the following: Yes No Unsure 2. Within the past two years, has the President or the Provost’s Office surveyed all potentially relevant Academic Departments research projects and Extended Education offerings in order to identify all health-related programs that include or offer department-sponsored clinics, students practicum/internship programs, and/or faculty practices? 3. Is the nature and scope of all such health related academic programs known to the President, Provost, Risk Manager &/or similar responsible administrators? 4. Please list the nature, scope, and source of clientele for each of these kinds of programs on your campus. Yes No Unsure 6. If yes, is there a mechanism for accounting for and monitoring the collection and expenditure of these funds? 7. Is there a standard mechanism for oversight and monitoring of professional licensing and credentialing and privileging requirements for the supervisors and providers of such services on your campus? No Unsure 10. Notification of clients whenever services are received from un-licensed or un-credentialed students or interns? 11. Scope and method of supervision of students/ interns consistent with legal and standard of care requirements? 12. Record keeping, including format; review and countersigning requirement; storage, retention, and destruction of records; records release; confidentiality, etc. 13. Referral mechanisms and follow-up of clients whose need for services exceed the scope, expertise, or duration of your program? No Unsure 5. Do these programs charge for or receive external funding for services rendered and/or for consultations? Do the programs have written policies, procedures, documentation, and oversight mechanisms that address the following? Yes 8. Defined scope and limitations of services 9. Sufficient expertise to offer the service 14. Do these programs have liability insurance policies (separate from the CSU Risk Pool) to cover associated risk? 15. If yes, please provide the details of the coverage. Yes 16. Do you provide services that would be covered by HIPAA or the HITECH ACT? COMMENTS STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2013 STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES SURVEY Survey for the Vice President for Student Affairs 1. What is the date and duration of your Student Health Center’s most recent Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) accreditation? Yes 2. Does your Student Health Center provide services that would be covered by HIPAA or the HITECH ACT? No Unsure 3. Are there any changes or updates you would like to see in Executive Order 943: Policy on University Health Services? If so, please explain Psychiatric Services The Chancellor’s Office is interested in information regarding the provision of psychiatric services. Please answer for your campus, even your psychiatrist is located in your Counseling Services. 4. Do you have a psychiatrist providing services on your campus? 4(a). Does the psychiatrist provide serves to Student Health Center, Counseling Center or both? 4(b). If yes, how many hours per week in each location? 5. How much do you charge for this service? (If you have more than one psychiatrist, please list the information below separately for each.) 6. If your psychiatrist is a contractor, how many hours do you contract for? 7. If your psychiatrist is a contractor, how much do you pay per hour? 8. If your psychiatrist(s) is an employee, how many FTE do you have and what time base, e.g. 1.0 FTE, 10 month. 9. If the psychiatrist is an employee, what is his his/her salary? COMMENTS: