Paper Rubric

N412 Rubric for Health Systems Analysis Paper
Based on Course Description and Outcomes, and the directions of the Discussion - Highlight your self evaluation
A Level
B Level
Evidence of development of
ideas & understanding
Blooms: Knowledge and
Blooms: Application and Analysis
Substantive Contributions: show
depth of understanding
Depth: The ability to recognize and
analyze conflicts, problems, and
Blooms: Synthesizing and
Scholarly writing meeting APA
Evidence of well developed ideas &
understanding of topics includes use
of specific details from course
readings and ideas/concepts from
other peer reviewed scholarly
Some weakness in the development
of ideas is shown in the paper, or
moderate evidence of supporting
detail from course readings or other
scholarly resources.
Demonstrates superior ability to work
with the key concepts / information /
process / theory – always applying or
extending them to a wide variety of
new problems or contexts,
recognizing hidden meanings
Demonstrates adequate ability to work
with the key concepts / information /
process / theory -- often applying or
extending them to a variety of new
problems or contexts, recognizing
hidden meanings,
Demonstrates surprising/insightful
ability to take ideas / theories /
processes / principles further into
new territory, broader
generalizations, hidden meanings
and implications. Consistency in use
of synthesis and evaluation.
Ideas are consistently supported with
peer reviewed references.
Demonstrates adequate ability to take
ideas / theories / processes /
principles further into new territory,
broader generalizations, hidden
meanings and implications.
Inconsistency in synthesizing and
evaluating the literature.
Ideas are inconsistently supported
with peer reviewed references.
Thoughts and ideas are clearly
stated with logical sequencing to
support ease of reading.
Work shows depth of thought; details
are to the point.
C Level
No Pass
Paper shows minimal understanding
of the concepts from the course
materials. Discussion ideas were not
thoughtfully considered &/or there
are minimal examples of developing
ideas, &/or may be of a personal or
anecdotal experiences.
Demonstrates inconsistent ability to
work with the key concepts /
information / process / theory –
occasionally applying or extending
them with mixed success to new
problems or contexts, recognizing
hidden meanings
Paper shows lack of development of
ideas and understanding.
Demonstrates little ability to take ideas
/ theories / processes / principles
further into new territory, broader
generalizations, hidden meanings and
implications. Does not synthesize or
evaluate the literature.
Thoughts and ideas are stated clearly
but incompletely, may have minimal
errors in logical sequencing.
Work shows evidence of some depth
but lacks detail.
Demonstrates inconsistent and
superficial ability to take ideas /
theories / processes / principles
further into new territory, broader
generalizations, hidden meanings
and implications. May synthesize,
but does not evaluate.
Ideas are supported minimally by
course materials or resources that
are of a Lay type.
Thoughts and ideas are stated in a
confused manner with little logical
sequencing of ideas.
Work is superficial and lacks depth
and detail.
Sentences are in your own words,
does not use quotes to express ideas
Sentences are primarily in your own
words, quoting occasionally.
Sentences are minimally in your own
words, heavy use of quotes.
Each paragraph has a clear topic
sentence stating its main point.
Each paragraph fully supports its
topic sentence with reasons and
APA: Work is error free. Used
appropriate spelling and grammar.
Uses professional language that is
appropriate in addressing another
healthcare professional.
APA: Used APA format appropriately
to cite and reference work.
Each paragraph shows a complete
topical thought with reasonable
Paragraph s show an incomplete
topical thought; explanations are
Demonstrates extremely limited or no
ability to work with the key concepts /
information / process / theory -applying or extending them with very
limited success to new problems or
contexts, recognizing hidden
Ideas are not supported with evidence,
and reflect opinion of self or others.
Thoughts and ideas are confusing to
read and understand. May show
evidence of having been prepared
hastily with minimal thought. Logical
sequencing is not used. Does not, or
hastily analyzes, summarizes, and
reflects in the paper.
Sentences are predominantly quotes
tied together with minimal writing that
is original.
Work is not crafted in paragraphs;
statement are void of ideas or
APA: < 3 grammatical and/or
APA: 3- 4 grammatical and/or
APA: >5 grammatical and/or
spelling/typographical errors..
spelling/typographical errors.
spelling/typographical errors. No APA
Responses contain few errors in use
Responses contain multiple errors in
format is used. Lay language is used
of professional language and/or
use of professional language and/or
in the posting.
APA: information source is not cited
responses are written in layperson
responses are written in layperson
nor referenced.
APA: Inconsistently used APA to
APA: source of information is
format, and inconsistently cited and
minimally cited and referenced, and
referenced work
is not in APA format.
Grade is calculated as a percentage using the following levels of grading:
For calculation of the course grade, the following numerical values will be assigned to the paper grade:
A = 90 - 100; B = 80 - 89; C = 70 - 79; less than 70 % will be applied; F = 0.
F or No Points - One of the following applies: 1) Student does not turn in a paper and 2) Plagiarism (e.g., copying sentences from another source) is detected.