02. SFSA 2013_Community

Seasonal Food Security Assessment (SFSA) - Community Questionnaire, DRAFT Final, 23 April 2013
Section 1: Survey information – to be filled before interview at base
1.1 Date
D|__|__|, M|__|__|, Y|__|__|
1.2 Name of the interviewer Organization
1.3 Surveyor name
1.4 Supervisor name
1.5 Province
1.6 District
1.7 Community Name
Section 2: Community Profile
2.1 Currently how many households (overall) live in your community?
(break down them into following categories)
2.2 Number of IDPs households
2.3 Number of Returnees households
2.4 Number of Kuchis households
2.5 Number of permanent female headed households
2.6 Number of temporary female headed households due to migration of hh male members
2.7 How many households in your community are?
1= very poor
|___|___| %
2= poor
|___|___| %
3= middle
|___|___| %
4= butter-off
|___|___| %
Section 3: Population Movement
3.1 How many households migrated from your community in last three months?
3.2 Why did they move from here?
1= Away from conflict
2= Better access to services in the winter
3= Better access and availability of water
4= Better pasture conditions
5= Labor opportunities
6= Better access and availability of food
7= Better access to education
8= Better access to health
9= Found employment
10= Better Security environment
11= Fled from natural disaster
12= For sharecropping
13= Other – specify ………………
14= Other – specify ………………
Migration of Household Members
3.3 How many households have had at least one member migrate in the last 3 months?
3.4 Where did the majority go?
1= Within the province
2= Other provinces (Urban areas)
3= Other provinces (Rural areas)
4= Iran
5= Pakistan
6= Other countries – specify ………………..
3.5 What were the 3 main reasons for leaving?
1= Away from conflict
2= Better access to services and others in the winter
3= Better access and availability of water
4= Better pasture conditions
5= Labor opportunities
6= Better access and availability of food
7= Better access to education
3.6 Is this a normal behavior for this time of year?
1= Yes
2= No
8= Better access to Health
9= Found employment
10= Better Security environment
11= Fled from natural disaster
12= Return home
13= Other – specify ……………………
14= Other – specify ……………………
1st |___|___|
2nd |___|___|
3rd |___|___|
Section 4: Livelihoods
4.1 What proportions of households in your community are :(main occupation/main source of livelihood)?
1= Farmers only
5= Off farm daily workers
2= Livestock breeders only
6= Formal employment
3= Farmers with livestock
7= Private Business
4= Agriculture daily workers
8= Other – specify occupation ……………………
4.2 What is the main occupation of poor households? (Max. 3 options)
1= Handicraft
2= Off farm daily worker
3= Agriculture daily workers
4= Herders (cares for other households livestock)
5= Depend on remittances
6= None farm private businesses
7= Employment by Gov, NGO, others
8= Petty trade
9= No activity
10= Other – specify -------------------
4.3 What proportions of the farmers in your community have access to the following land types? (If both only fill 3 or 4)
1= Rain-fed only
3= Both with more irrigated
2= Irrigated only
4= Both with more rain-fed
4.4 How does the area planted with cereal in your community changed compared to last year and to the usual at this time of year?
a lot less
about the same
a lot more
Compared to last year (2012)
Compared to a normal year
4.5 What main difficulties do farmers face in your community usually?
(rank in order of importance)
4.6 How do these difficulties compare with
this season?
1= lack of arable land
9= frost
2= Lack of good seeds
10= hailstorm
3= lack of chemical fertilizer
11= flood
4= lack of power tilling
12= lack of access to credit
5= lack of good tools
13= insecurity
6= lack of irrigation
14= lack of labor
7= lack of rainfall
15= no problem
8= plant pest and diseases
16= other – specify …………………….
1= less than usual;
2= about same;
3= more than usual
1st |___|___|
2nd |___|___|
3rd |___|___|
Section 5: Livestock
5.1 Currently, what are the problems of the households in your community for raising
5.2 If problem is mentioned, is it different from
the usual at this time of the year?
1= Yes
2= No
No problem
Worse problem than usual
Same problem as usual
Better than the usual
A. Shortage / lack of access to pasture and other feeding
B. Shortage / lack of access to water
C. Animal diseases
D. lack of veterinary services, drugs
E. Low prices of animals in markets
F. Insecurity (problems with kuchis, theft, taxes)
G. If Other –specify
Section 6: Availability and Utilization of Water
6.1 What is the community’s main source of drinking water?
1= River, stream
2= Un protected Spring;
3= Protected Spring
4= Hand Pump
5= Bored Well
6= Kariz
7= Water Tanker
8= Open Well
9= Kanda
10= Other – specify ……………………
6.2 What are the current levels?
1= Very low
2= Low
3= Moderate
4= Enough to meet needs
Section 7: Access to markets
7.1 Do you have access to market(s) all year
7.2 If NO, in which season you do not have sufficient access to market(s)?
(Tick all that apply)
1= Yes
2= No
1= Spring
2= Summer
3= Fall
4= Winter
Section 8: Shocks and Priorities
8.1 What is/are the main shock(s) that affected your community in the last 3 months? (Rank up to 3 according to
1= Increase of market prices
2= Human disease outbreak (Health)
3= Livestock disease outbreak
4= Natural disasters (Avalanche, Flood, Landslides,
Earthquake, drought)
5= Conflict related Insecurity
6= Crop pest outbreak
7= Extreme weathers (Heavy snow, Extreme temperatures (cold
or hot), dry-spell, heavy rain falls, late frost)
8= Other – specify .....................................
8.2 What are your community’s current immediate priorities? (Rank up to 3 priorities according to importance)
1= Food
2= Cash
3= both Cash and food
4=Animal feed
5= Livestock vet drugs
6= Immediate health care
7= Shelter
8= Drinking Water
9= Household energy means (fuel, gas, coal…)
01= Other – specify ...........................................
1st |___|___|
2nd |___|___|
3rd |___|___|
8.3 What are your community’s main priorities to reduce the impact of shocks in the longer term? (Rank up to 3
priorities according to importance)
1= Improved drinking water quality/quantity
2= Rehabilitation of irrigation system
3= Repairing of rural roads
4= Construction of new roads to improve rural access
5= Improved health facilities in the area
6 = Improved education facilities in the area
7 = Improved housing in the community
8= Improved veterinary services
9= Protection against natural disaster through protection walls,
windbreak, etc
01= Access to improved seeds
00= Livestock vet drugs
01= Access to improved latrines
13= Local employment opportunities
14= Establish micro credit scheme
15= Other – specify .........................
1st |___|___|
2nd |___|___|
3rd |___|___|