
Year 7 curriculum
Measurement and Chance and Data
Understand the concept of length, area and volume
Establish the formulas for areas of rectangles, triangles and parallelograms and use
them in problem solving
Calculate volumes of rectangular prisms
Chance and Data
Construct sample spaces for single step experiments with equally likely outcomes
Assign probabilities to the outcomes of events and determine probabilities for
Identify and investigate issues involving continuous or large count data collected
from primary and secondary sources
Construct and compare a range of data displays including stem and leaf plots and
dot plots
Calculate mean, median, mode and range for sets of data. Interpret these statistics in
the context of data
Describe and interpret data displays and the relationship between the median and
the mean
Assumed knowledge:
Know how far a mm, cm, m, and km are.
Know what mm, cm, m and km refer to.
Student’s can multiply whole numbers and decimals.
Have some idea of how to use a ruler and measure accurately.
Common misconceptions:
Not understanding the difference between distance, area and volume.
Nut understanding area by itself.
Not understanding the concept of volume.
That all probabilities need to add to 1.
Sample space is all the possible outcomes
Key terminology:
Sample space
Favourable outcomes
Stem and leaf plots
Dot plots
Outcome of events
Key understanding:
Distance, Area and Volume represented different quantities
All probabilities are between 1 and 0.
Key skills:
Students at year 7 should be able to understand what length is, and what units
we use to measure length in mm, cm, m, km etc. Understand that area is not in
one direction. That it is 2 dimensions, and we measure it in cm2 or m2. Volume
is the space take up in something such as a coke can- it’s the liquid in the middle.
Student should be able to use the formulas A=LxW for a rectangle, A ½ LxW for
triangles and A= BxH for parallelograms.
Students should be able to explain what a prims is – that is has the same shape
on the ends when cut across its length the shape will always bee the same,.
Students needs to be able to calculate the Volume of prism’s as well using the
formula V=A x H.
Students should be able to construct sample spaces for single step experiments
with equally likely outcomes, eg Pr{1,2,3,4}. And use formulas to determine
probabilities for events.
Students should be able to construct and compare a range of data displays
including stem and leaf plots and dot plots.
Students should be able to calculate mean (average), median (middle number),
mode (event that occurs the most) and range(lowest to highest) for sets of data.
Students then need to be able to interpret these statistics in the context of data
and explain in their own words that the data is showing. Describe and interpret
data displays and the relationship between the median and the mean