GAW 2016-2023 SIP FEB 13 2015 Draft 2.2 Annotated Version (with place holder text representing possible content to build on – which Greg will work on over the next weeks). There are TWO Action items related to Chapter 2 seeking input at this time and they are highlighted in RED. Please provide inputs by the last week of JAN 2015! Comments are welcomed on all parts as well. Note: The document (not counting ANNEXs) will be on order 15 – 20 pages, focused on overarching goals and strategies. The detailed plans of the SAGs/ETs to support the plan will appear in the ANNEXs, and will be developed/refined after the draft of the SIP (especially Chapter 2). OUTLINE/STRUCTURE TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Rationale and Objectives of GAW The GAW mission is the: Systematic Global Measurements (Monitoring) of the Chemical Composition of the Atmosphere; Analysis and Assessment in Support of International Conventions; and Development of Air Pollution and Climate Predictive Capability. 1.2 GAW in the context of WMO Priorities The new WMO plan focuses on «Science for service», with key elements: Disaster risk reduction; Service Delivery including global integrated polar prediction system (GIPPS) and Global Cyrosphere Watch (GCW); Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS); WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS), WMO Information System (WIS); and Capacity development. 1 1. Congress noted the outline of the GAW Implementation plan for the period 2016-2023. It expressed its satisfaction with the reflection of the WMO priorities within the programme and noted with pleasure that the programme development is aimed at delivery of better products and services to Members through cross-cutting application areas. 2. Congress noted with satisfactions that GAW set up an ad-hoc Task Team to review the user requirements for atmospheric composition observations as well as the needs for satellite measurements related to atmospheric composition. Congress expressed its satisfaction with the progress made by this group on review of application areas requiring atmospheric composition observations. These application areas include atmospheric composition forecasting, monitoring of the state («health») of the atmosphere and support to environmental protocols and urban services. 3. Congress noted that the GAW observational network continues to play an important role in delivery of services to Members related to atmospheric composition. It expressed its gratitude to the GAW Global stations supporting the GAW Programme for ten or more years. Congress stressed that multi-component measurements are in line with the new GAW Implementation Plan. Congress noted that further development of the observational part of the GAW Programme should be coordinated with the implementation of WIGOS. Congress stressed that evolution of the observing system should take place to address user requirements utilizing the RRR process as specified in the proposed update of the Technical Regulations vol. 1 and the WISOG Manual. 4. Recognising the close links between atmospheric composition and weather and climate and as part of the implementation of WIGOS, Congress requested Members to consider an extension of the measurement programme at the meteorological stations in their countries to include atmospheric composition observations in all thematic areas of GAW. Taking note of the decline in data submission of several GAW parameters, the Congress reminded Members that timely data submission is required to deliver services and up-to-date information and urged Members to submit GAW observational data to the respective data centres as agreed, normally within one year after the measurement. Congress noted that for many applications data submission is required in Near Real-Time and requested Members to ensure that observational data are made available with minimum delay for such kind of applications (e.g. atmospheric composition forecast verification, observational data assimilation and some others). 5. Congress recognized that the evolution of the observing system in support of application areas indicated above would require a much better integration between ground based, aircraft and satellite observations as well as utilization of more complicated modelling tools. Congress requested Members to contribute with aircraft observations to the GAW Programme using the quality assurance principles laid down in the programme. Congress encouraged Members involved in the operation of satellites to take into consideration needs for the observations of atmospheric composition variables and encouraged them to share observational data with minimal delays. Congress requested Members to get more actively involved in atmospheric composition modelling activities coordinated through the GAW Programme to tackle issues like biomass burning plumes, volcanic ash plumes, sand and dust storms, air quality forecasting and reanalysis, trend analysis and source attribution. 2 6. Congress noted that changes in atmospheric compositions have numerous two-way links with agriculture. Congress urged Members to establish joint activities between agrometeorological activities and GAW activities, especially in the context of food security focus of Global Framework for Climate Services. Agricultural activities impact atmospheric composition in many ways, e.g the use of fertilizer is one of the reasons for increasing N2O emissions, which is one of the important greenhouse gases as well as a potential threat to the stratospheric ozone layer. Congress requested Members to establish research linking agriculture and atmospheric composition that can serve as a basis for bio cycle services (we may ask some wording here from Bob Stefanski) 7. Congress noted the lack of collaboration between aerosol research undertaken in the GAW Programme and Aeronautical meteorology. Congress stressed that aircraft observations will play an even more important role in the future. Congress called upon Members to establish better collaboration between Aeronautical meteorology and atmospheric composition observations, especially in relation to volcanic ash observations and forecasting. (Aeronautical input) 8. Congress appreciated the publication of the Global Precipitations Chemistry Assessment. During the work on this assessment in became clear that total deposition is more critical parameter for understanding biogeochemical cycles than wet deposition alone. Congress encouraged the Members to take further steps in developing their capacity to observe and models total atmospheric deposition. Congress supported the recommendation of EPAC SSC to extend the scope of the GAW Scientific Advisory Group on Precipitation Chemistry to cover total deposition. Congress agreed with the proposed change of name of this expert group to the Scientific Advisory Group on Total Atmospheric Deposition. Congress recognised that total deposition is a critical environmental issue in many parts of the World. Congress stressed that through total deposition observation and analysis the current research on aerosols and on nutrients deposition to the ocean through the GESAMP Project can be better linked together to deliver user relevant information. 9. Congress noted that the implementation of GAW in support of the application areas highlighted in paragraph 2 would require increased modelling capacity in the programme. Congress agreed that many issues related to alteration of atmospheric composition are cross-cutting in nature and require involvement of several thematic groups within GAW. Congress further noted that many applications, including atmospheric composition forecasting on different time and space scales require observational data delivered in NRT for forecast verifications. Congress recognized that efforts to address cross-cutting application areas must be strengthened within GAW. In this respect Congress supported the recommendation of EPAC SSC to extend the scope of the GAW Expert Team on Near Real-Time Chemical Data Transfer to cover atmospheric composition forecasting on regional and global scale. Congress agreed with the name of the revised group “Expert Team on Atmospheric Composition Forecasting”. Congress noted that this expert team would be the proper element of the GAW organizational structure to address the issues related to air quality at regional and global scales, sand and dust storms, biomass emission estimates in NRT to support air quality, transport of bio aerosols, fluxes of greenhouse gases as well as weather and emergency applications. (I am not sure that this is a good group for second application areas (re-analysis and conventions) – as this is done through the SAGs) 3 10. Congress noted the Implementation Plan for the Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IGIS). Congress agreed that such a system can serve for an independent assessment of reported greenhouse gas emissions. As greenhouse gases have direct impact on climate, IGIS implementation will support GFCS. Congress was pleased with efforts of Canada in support of IGIS through establishment of 11 new stations for GHG observations. Congress especially pointed out that a substantial part of Canada is in the polar region and such network development is crucial for early detection of the biogeochemical cycle alterations in polar regions. Congress appreciated the development of the GHG observational network in Brazil, which covers the Amazon basin – also a critical area for understanding of the global carbon cycle. Congress noted that IGIS will become an important tool in view of the climate negotiations taking place in Paris in 2015. In this context Congress adopted Resolution ( ) 11. Congress recognized that aerosol observations and analysis are critical for climate and human health. Congress appreciated the efforts toward development of an Integrated Global Aerosol Observation System. Congress noted that this system should address observational gaps, standardization of measurement methods and data archiving protocols, improvement of data quality and the data delivery/data management system to serve multiple users. Congress encouraged Member to improve their capacity in aerosol observations and analysis. Congress recommended better integration of regional and national aerosol networks in the GAW Programme. Congress further recommended that this activity should foster aerosol-related process studies, satellite validation, model development and validation, assimilation of observational data into operational models, and the creation of a comprehensive aerosol climatology on a global scale in collaboration with WWRP and WCRP. Congress appreciated developments of the GAW Lidar Observational Network (GALION) especially in support of volcanic ash observation and verification of satellite products. Congress further recommended that Members continue lidar observations of aerosols and extend regional networks. 12. The Congress acknowledged, in view of the IPCC AR5 report, the importance of aerosols and reactive gases (NOx, VOCs, tropospheric ozone) as short-lived climate forcers/pollutants (SLCFs/SLCPs). It urged Members to establish reactive gas observation stations, to join the GAW Programme and to share their data for use in global assessments. The Congress noted that WMO has an opportunity to participate in several initiatives of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), though limited to specific initiatives, and to nominate a person for the roster of the Scientific Advisory Panel. Recognizing that GAW can provide atmospheric composition information relevant for observing the mitigation of SLCFs, that the observations for these are not satisfactory currently and that there could be benefits for GAW if fuller collaboration existed, the Council recommended for WMO to seek to become a Partner in CCAC and to endorse the Framework Document of the Coalition ( Coalition_Dec_2012.pdf), further noting that, e.g., UNDP, UNIDO, WHO, the World Bank and European Commission are partners. (I do not know what is our status on that, also taken from EC doc) 13. Congress noted with appreciation the arrangement by the WMO Secretariat in collaboration with the Ozone Secretariat (UNEP) of the 9th Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, which took place in Geneva in May 2014. The Ozone Research Managers agreed on a number of recommendations pertaining to research needs, systematic observations, capacity development and data archiving 4 and stewardship. Congress encouraged the Members to take note of these recommendations. Congress also noted with satisfaction that the Vienna Convention Trust Fund for Research and Systematic Observations was prolonged until the end of 2020 at the Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention that took place in Paris in November 2014. Congress urged the Members to contribute to this Trust Fund since these funds are used to maintain the high quality of the ozone observations performed at GAW stations and to arrange training workshops for station personnel. 14. Congress took note of the publication of the WMO/UNEP Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion and stressed the importance of long term continuous time series of total ozone as well as profile ozone for the detection and attribution of ozone recovery during coming decades. Congress urged the Members to maintain their observations of stratospheric ozone and other parameters of relevance to the ozone depletion problem. 15. UV moved focus of health effects 16. The Congress recognized that quality assurance and control (QA/QC) of the observational data constitutes one of the corner stones of the high quality products delivery. The Congress requested Members to implement the WMO Quality Management Framework (WMO-No. 1100) for atmospheric composition measurements. The Congress appreciated efforts of Members that support GAW Central Facilities in their countries. Congress noted the increasing cooperation with BIPM and appreciated involvement of GAW community in BIPM activities through joint workshops and projects. 17. Congress noted with appreciation a number of important publications coordinated by the GAW Programme. Congress expressed its satisfaction with the timely publications of the annual Greenhouse gas Bulletin that provides information for policy makers on the state of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere before the meeting of the parties of the UNFCCC. Congress appreciated the publication of the WMO Antarctic Ozone Bulletins during the Antarctic ozone hole season and urged all Members that carry out observations in and around Antarctica to provide data in near-real time for use in these Bulletins. Congress noted publications of the Aerosol Bulletin. Congress recommended that more publication in support of application areas are delivered by the GAW Programme. Congress requested that observations and analysis implemented within the GAW Programme are better communicated. Congress further supported the idea of the regular cross-cutting publication on the state of the atmospheric composition (“health of the atmosphere”). 18. Congress appreciated the efforts on capacity development and collaboration activities by USA, Germany, France and Finland, especially in relation to observational capacity building in South America and Africa. Congress noted with a special satisfaction the contribution of Switzerland in the global observational capacity development through CATCOS projects that helps to fill in the gaps in observational network and increases the knowledge of several Member countries on how to detect and address environmental issues related to atmospheric composition change. 19. Congress expressed its appreciation to efforts of Germany in support of the GAW Training and Education Center (GAWTEC) for more than 10 years. Congress recognized that this training plays 5 an important role in the building the technical expertise in the countries and in establishing international networking. Congress encouraged Members who do have a potential for collaboration to undertake partnership projects with individual countries to help establish the observational capacity in less developed countries. 20. Congress noted that stronger collaboration should be developed between GAW and WWRP in addressing cross-cutting applications. Congress stressed that development of meteorological models can benefit substantially to atmospheric composition modelling especially in the cases of addressing high impact weather and related pollution episodes. S2S projects can be useful for establishment of the similar time scale forecasting of biomass burning. Congress encouraged (computational centres of large capacity and experience) to get involved in BB forecasting and (consider potential hosting?) 21. Congress noted that example of collaborations between WWRP and GAW in the Sand and Dust Storm forecasting systems should be considered while developing Biomass Burning services. Furthermore Congress noted that observational requirements of SDS verification should be reflected in the GAW observational network development. 22. The Congress recognized that the rapid urbanization that is currently taking place will require new types of services making best use of science and technology. The Congress noted that city services will heavily rely on high resolution coupled environmental prediction models that will include realistic city specific processes, boundary conditions and fluxes of energy and physical properties. New observational systems focused on the urban environment will also be required, as will be data sharing between institutions, and skill and capacity to make best use of latest technologies, to produce services in the challenging and rapidly evolving city environment. The Congress acknowledged that these services will assist cities in facing hazards such as storm surge, flooding, heat waves, and air pollution episodes. The Congress concedes that integrated urban services will be provided through urban cross-cutting activity, Integrated Urban Weather, Environment and Climate Service. The Congress recommended that the climate service needs for megacities and large urban complexes be considered as a priority in GFCS. 23. The congress recognized that GAW Urban Research Meteorology and Environment (GURME) projects provides an important contribution to urban services. Noting that GURME is actively involved with WHO, the Council recommended that GURME enhance this co-operation by colocating city projects with WHO to provide further information to address this issue. 24. More cross-cutting activities with WWRP are reflected in the joint document 25. Congress endorsed the GAW Programme description as given in the Annex to this paragraph and adopted Resolution (…..) that reflects the major aspects of the GAW Programme. 1.3 GAW in the context of CAS Priorities Need to reflect priority areas identified by CAS-16, which identified six emerging areas: high impact weather; water; Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG3IS); aerosols; urbanization; and new technologies, including geo/climate engineering. 6 GURME – Vision Paper in advance of Congress 16 and WMO SIP 2016-20?? Preamble GURME is held as an example within the GAW programs for providing the means to a service and the services themselves through its partners and projects. GURME has been successful in bringing the concepts of real-time prediction to the international community and build a capacity in different part of the world that is adapted to their means. The level of complexity varies from forecasting the transport of CO as an indicator for other pollutants to full-scale 3D in-line chemical/transport models integrated within advanced dissemination systems. In doing so, GURME has encouraged where feasible research projects to further advance the field, such as the data assimilation project with CMA building on China’s rapidly advancing satellite capacity. In the next strategic plan for WMO, GURME is called upon to be a major player in the development of urban services. To rise to the challenge, GURME will need to refocus its activities. Building on its strengths in predictions, forecasting and assimilation, GURME is well placed to coordinate reviews in the current state of science in urban-scale forecasting and associated monitoring and establish activities where gaps exist. Given the integrative nature of modelling, the on-going scientific trend towards seamless predictions and the evolution of technology, GURME also has an opportunity to leverage and actively engage other WMO advisory and working groups within WWRP, GAW and the rest of its organisation, to address this complex and multidisciplinary challenge. Vision & main thrusts GURME is evolving to be a major coordinator and facilitator of integrated forecasting projects for the urban environment, building on its experience and strengths in air quality and health. It will center its activities on those research questions/issues that transcend disciplines and require leveraging a broader community to develop improved forecasting concepts and tools to resolve complex urban environments at increasing scales; through this process, it expects to support the implementation of derived services. While megacities will continue to receive particular attention, GURME pledges to orient its research to cover the full array of urban environments that are key to the broader scientific question of urban-scale modelling. Recognizing that the dynamic, physical and chemical processes governing the urban environment are highly interconnected, GURME will contribute actively to numerical modelling and data assimilation efforts focuses on integrated/coupled models and the seamless representation of processes, harnessing research that occurs outside the conventional forecasting time-scale. GURME will continue to nurture its engagement with the health community as the main partner in assessing the needs, evaluating the benefits and communicating resulting services to society within these urban environments. Finally GURME will seek to build capacity through its research projects, identifying those environments that constitute gaps in the overall directions of the GURME program. 7 1.4 Implementation Principles 2016-2023 To be added 2 RESEARCH ENABLING SERVICES The high level theme is “GAW research enabling services”. The document needs to identify the overarching research foci, application areas and products and services. The SSC brainstormed ideas and initially identified services including: climate, high impact weather, urban (air quality/health), ecosystems, and support of conventions. A summary after the SSC meeting of the areas discussed and the relation of the GAW SIP to the WMO Science to Service (S2S) focus are presented below. The diagram, identifying research areas and the accompanying application/service areas (to be modified to reflect subsequent discussions), provides a possible way to focus the SIP. 8 GURME activities result largely in the establishment of air quality numerical prediction systems which serve as the basis for health-related prediction services. There are both growing needs and growing potential to cover other environmental conditions (such as heat stress, pollen conditions, disease potential indices at some latitudes…). In the urban environment where complexities grow rapidly with the size of the city, there is a strong potential through prediction capacity to contribute to the management of emergency situations (caused for example by smoke plumes from forest, industrial or accidental fires). Numerical systems are also becoming the tools of choice to integrate data from multiple and diverse sources and produce consistent and continuous (in all three dimensions) information in real-time on the state of the atmosphere or more broadly the biosphere. It opens many new approaches for research and applications from exposure research to smart monitoring systems to real-time pollution or health management. GURME’s research will be targeted at paving the way for existing services to improve in coverage and accuracy and for new ones to emerge where demand is expressed or societal gains foreseen; linkages will be established and consolidated with partners within WMO and elsewhere to deliver the predictive capacity and build the derived suite of services 2.1 Application areas The document needs to reflect on all the applications of importance such as those related to weather, climate and ecosystem services. The WIGOS/WMO level application areas that have been identified are given by the three below. A list of the other WIGOS/WMO applications are also listed. Forecasting Atmospheric Composition (F) – Covers applications from global to regional scales (with horizontal resolutions similar to global NWP (~ 10 km and coarser) with stringent timeliness requirements (NRT) to support operations such as sand and dust storm and chemical weather forecasts. 9 Analysis and Monitoring of Atmospheric Composition (M) - Covers applications related to evaluating and analyzing changes (temporally and spatially) in atmospheric composition regionally and globally to support treaty monitoring, climatologies and re-analyses, assessing trends in composition and emissions/fluxes, and to better understand processes, using data of controlled quality (and with less stringent time requirements (not needed in NRT)), and used in products such as Ozone and Greenhouse Gas Bulletins, and State/Health of the Atmosphere reports. Providing Atmospheric Composition information to support services in urban and populated areas (U) - Covers applications that target limited areas (with horizontal resolution of a few km or smaller and stringent timeliness requirements to support services related to weather/climate/pollution, such as air quality forecasting. (The GURME SAG will review all related entries) The WIGOS/WMO application areas are given below. High-resolution numerical weather prediction (HRNWP) Nowcasting and very short range forecasting (NVSRF) Seasonal and inter-annual forecasting (SIAF) General weather forecasting Aeronautical meteorology Atmospheric chemistry Ocean applications Agricultural meteorology Hydrology Climate monitoring (as undertaken through the Global Climate Observing System, GCOS) Climate applications Space weather Cryosphere applications Energy sector Transportation sector (not endorsed yet) Health sector (not endorsed yet) Terrestrial ecology (not endorsed yet) Operational air quality forecasting Atmospheric composition forecasting (GAW leads) Atmospheric composition monitoring and analysis (GAW leads) Large urban complexes (lead yet determined) 1- Application areas It is foreseen that GURME activities will deliver capacity in the following areas of applications: - forecasting of atmospheric composition for health services; - forecasting of related atmospheric conditions for health services, in particular in the urban environment; - real-time integrated monitoring of atmospheric composition (analyses). 10 These areas align well with the two of the areas of applications defined for GAW observations, namely: - Forecasting Atmospheric Composition (F) – Covers applications from global to regional scales (with horizontal resolutions similar to global NWP (~ 10 km and coarser) with stringent timeliness requirements (NRT) to support operations such as sand and dust storm and chemical weather forecasts. - Providing Atmospheric Composition information to support services in urban and populated areas (U) - Covers applications that target limited areas (with horizontal resolution of a few km or smaller and stringent timeliness requirements to support services related to weather/climate/pollution, such as air quality forecasting. Note: The GURME SAG has been tasked to review all related entries to the later (U) area. GURME will benefit from access and advancements in the GAW network in the two areas highlighted above. It will also play an instrumental role in collaborating with the observation leads to further the concepts of real-time analyses and derived products. 2.2 Products/services ACTION ITEM #1. SAGs/ETs/SSC please provide your inputs into the overarching focus areas (including application areas) for GAW and the types of products and services. These will drive the SIP. Specifically what do you think are the overarching priority focus areas and envisioned applications, products and services? ==================From SAG PC =========================================== Comment 1: The field of air pollution has always been focused on human health endpoints, yet “human health” does not appear in this document. Comment 2: A major task of the SAG TAD in the coming year is to set a framework for the deposition program, and try to integrate between the SAGs. There is certainly also a need for integration between measurement and modelling activities, which will be more and more important in the future. One important product, which is frequently requested, is benchmark datasets -as the one the SAG produced for the Global Assessment. Comment 3: An overarching priority focus is to induce/stimulate the scientific community to maximize the geographic coverage of the atmospheric observations (physical and chemical observations) in such a way to cover all areas of application. Namely, to induce the globalization of observations, adapting to regional needs and seeking ways to minimize the limitations (instrumental and human resources). See Action Item #2. Some comments there fit here as well. 11 From UV SAG Nowcasting and very short range forecasting (NVSRF) Some NMI and other institutions provide daily UVI and few-days UVI forecast for their sites. Users: General Public, Welfare government agencies, Broadcast stations, TV stations, Newspapers. Seasonal and inter-annual forecasting (SIAF) The above-mentioned institutions provide climatological, seasonal, etch, UVI for their sites. Users: General Public, Welfare government agencies, Medical and Epidemiological studies. Climate monitoring (as undertaken through the Global Climate Observing System, GCOS) UV data to determine trends at some stations, not all of them due to instruments specifications as stablished in GAW Report No 198. Users: Welfare government agencies, Medical and Epidemiological studies. Health sector (not endorsed yet) UVI daily and short term forecast (erythema). UV effective radiation, climatologies and future trends (skin cancer, vitamin D, immunological diseases, etch). Terrestrial ecology (not endorsed yet) Some studies have shown changes in species competition with high UV levels. Then, UV values may be of interest for terrestrial ecology. While addressing the research barriers to advance the predictive capacity at increasing resolutions, and in the urban context in particular, GURME will endeavour to encourage in its projects the development and testing of derived services. The products themselves would take the form of forecasts, alerts and warnings and/or real-time/NRT maps or databases. Embedding such products in dissemination systems in a form that is well suited for large or targeted audiences is key; the linkages benefit from being created early on as the predictive capacity emerges. For GURME this means forging stronger collaboration with CBS within WMO and facilitating the inclusion of individuals with responsibilities similar to CBS in the home institutions piloting the projects. 2.3 Major new initiatives/Overarching/cross cutting strategies….. While much has been accomplished over the past 25 years, GAW will continue to evolve in response to societal needs for meteorological and environmental services to reduce risks from high impact weather (including air pollution) and to mitigate and adapt to our changing climate. These services will continue to move towards user driven products that require integrated observing and prediction systems. The future will build upon the GAW measurement networks, which provide long-term “climatequality” data on trends and spatial distributions of a variety of important chemical and climate parameters. The comprehensive/global atmospheric chemical information provided by GAW will continue to be used in a wide variety of applications including their use to calculate changes in radiative forcing since the pre-industrial era, to constrain budgets of emissions and losses at global to regional spatial scales, to verify bottom-up emission inventories and process models, and in analysis and assessments, among others 12 GAW data will also play a growing role in support of advanced numerical weather prediction and climate models that include interactions among meteorology, atmospheric chemistry, air quality, and radiation on a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, and the further development of warning networks for long-range tracking of intense, episodic events (e.g., volcanoes, sand/dust storms, wildfires, nuclear accidents). GAW surface based observations will also continue to aid the validation of retrievals of distributions from satellite radiance measurements. This use will become of increasing importance as the space based observing system evolves and as the assimilation of satellite retrievals of aerosols and trace gases in weather forecast systems grows. Services will also continue to expand to support “large-urban complexes”, which requires expanded efforts to evolve the GAW networks to these smaller scales, and to extend collaborations across a spectrum of organizations and authorities (e.g., public health, city planners, …). To meet these demands increased efforts will be directed to: i) encouraging and supporting the use of GAW data for global and regional scale model evaluation; ii) improving observational systems to allow near real-time provision of GAW data for data assimilation; and iii) supporting the scientific and technical integration of surface, vertical profile, and column datasets from different platforms to provide a unified understanding of aerosol and gas distributions. These activities will need to be accompanied by enhanced database architectures allowing for improved metadata exchange and interoperability, and to promote and facilitate the near-real time delivery of data. Efforts will be made to minimize gaps (including both geographic and species/parameter coverage) in the in-situ measurement networks at the Earth’s surface and vertical profiles, particularly in data-poor regions like the tropics, climate and pollution-sensitive regions like the Arctic, and other regions where observations are used to verify compliance with emissionreduction treaties.) Advance observations and analysis of chemical constituents of the atmosphere and UV radiation to help reduce environmental risks to society from high-impact weather and air pollution, and to mitigate the impacts of, and adapt to, changing climate. Continue to improve observational systems and data processing to: allow near real-time provision of GAW data, support integration of surface, vertical profile and column datasets from different platforms to provide a unified understanding of aerosol and gas distributions, 13 minimize gaps in the measurement networks in data-poor, ecosystem-sensitive, industrial and agricultural developing regions, support the service needs of megacities and large urban complexes, and track trends and support conventions and assessments. In addressing those priorities, GAW can contribute for example: Through observations, analysis and prediction of pollution episodes due to extreme weather events, like heat waves, or forest fires Through information on short-lived climate forcers in polar regions (including aerosol) Through megacities activities addressed by GAW and building upon GURME Through global observations of long-lived greenhouse gases and aerosols, that can be used as a tool for climate mitigation, which goes together with adaptation Through integration of different spatial and temporal scales that can be considered as a contribution to WIGOS Through long term observations and analysis of UV radiation and determining parameters (clouds, aerosols, ozone), in order to forecast future levels and contribute to mitigate health and ecosystems detrimental effects. In a view of the WMO priorities, a GAW strategy for 2016-2019 should cover the following aspects: • • • • • • • • User driven products: on Air Quality, deposition, UV, dust including volcanic ash, climate, NWP including seasonal weather forecasts, atmospheric chemical input to marine environment Towards “one chain”: Research driven and operational observations, model development and application, and services Core GAW activity: Doing Good Observations, not only collecting others’ Policy facilitation: through Air Quality regulations, environmental conventions (e.g. CLRTAP), GFCS, IPCC, new global/regional alliances, and fewer parallel processes in the technical activities underpinning policies Data stewardship: through WIS (WIGOS) and user-data provider interaction Foster country contributions to research, infrastructure, education, institutional building Management structure should be through community of practice. The priorities for the GAW Programme development were discussed by the participants. In response to the question of “THE priority”, Prof. Hov stressed that background observations is a unique feature of the GAW Programme and it must be preserved as well as attempt should be made to consider where those observations can be moved to services. He also stressed that regional networks (that a capable of detecting pollution 14 episodes) should be encouraged to join GAW and implement its Quality Assurance principles. • • • The participants also requested if the principle «Science for service» refers to scientific or commercial services. Prof. Hov explained that WMO works to address user needs, so the services are user driven. Redundancy of activities should be avoided. The general evolution of the system should be aligned with the changing user requirements. For example, meteorological data is a public good, but funding is needed to provide it, hence specific information should be priced. The GAW Symposium 2013 meeting report also has a summary from the breakout groups will be integrated into the SIP. The breakout groups were: Communication and outreach; QA/QC and Rolling Review of Requirements Current socio-economical and policy priorities and sustainability and expansion of networks; and Integrated use of observations Most recent input from SAGs et al., • • • • • - What sets GAW apart from other research-driven observing programs are the notions of long-term, known quality observations primarily in very remote areas or at least in areas reasonably spared from local influence. That is what GAW contributors are proud of, that is where their commitment originates, that is what needs to be protected. - We need to strengthen (and speak about) our service-orientation. I think the recent IGAC meeting demonstrated nicely that GAW contributes a lot to integrating global atmospheric chemistry and climate observations. It is not always clear who benefits who. GAW doesn't provide the funding to do observations per se, yet without GAW, I am convinced many of the long-term observations would not have been taken up. At the very least, I think GAW can claim some stewardship. If our WDCs and contributing regional or program data centres can be integrated with GAWSIS and OSCAR, and if we can develop these applications to provide one-stop-shops to harmonized metadata (and eventually, by way of links, data), WMO and GAW will continue to provide useful services. - This vision of further integration needs the strong commitment by SSC and the Secretariat. As an ET, we can only facilitate interoperability by improving standards and by giving guidance, but we cannot push this other networks to buy into GAW. - I personally believe it makes a lot of sense to increase the efforts to engage regional networks more formally as contributing networks for the mutual benefit of both these networks and GAW. This includes in particular EMEP and AERONET. - WMO/MeteoSwiss are building OSCAR to integrate metadata of all meteorological and climatological (incl. hydrological and oceanic) observations in one place. This is a major undertaking under WIGOS. GAW(SIS) will also be part of this database. At present, 15 GAWSIS integrates WOUDC, WDCGG, WDCA and WRDC, as well as (parts of) EMEP. BSRN will also be integrated. With several other contributing networks, there is not yet any automated metadata exchange. And then there are networks that are active in the "realm" of GAW that have not formally agreed to contribute at all, but that are critical to display a global picture (e.g., AERONET). WMO-GAW should boost efforts to bring them on board. • • • One general comment. Historically the SAG UV has been attached to ozone, but at present, and future, other factors affecting UV are becoming more important, as consequence of climate change. In the past, the concern about UV increases related to ozone decreases was the main driver. At present, UV research is oriented to the study of the effect of other factors, in addition to ozone. This is reflected by the fact that UV is no longer part of the WMO/UNEP Ozone Assessment and a more comprehensive chapter is now available in the UNEP Environmental Effects of Ozone Depletion and its Interactions with Climate Change. Then, new objectives are directed to consequence of climatological variations in parameters affecting UV, such as cloud cover and types, earth reflectivity (albedo), aerosols, etch, resulting in an improvement in cross cutting activities with other SAGs. In light of the current state of the science, the SAG TAD (formerly SAG PC) will expand into the areas of dry and total deposition, particularly as they relate to the transport and fate of acidifying and oxidizing species, nutrient cycling, and climate forcers. The SAG TAD will also work with regional organizations and programmes, such as the Deposition of Biogeochemically Important Trace Species (DEBITS), in order to increase spatial coverage of long-term global precipitation chemistry monitoring sites in scientifically important locations (e.g., background areas, areas of increasing anthropogenic emissions, areas of extreme ecosystem sensitivity, areas experiencing rapid temperature change, and urban areas). ACTION ITEM #2. SAGs/ETs/SSC please provide your inputs into the overarching new initiatives/cross cutting strategies. These will drive the SIP. Specifically what do you think are overarching new initiatives/cross cutting strategies that GAW should concentrate on? =====================From SAG PC===================================== Comments: Concerning overarching initiatives and crosscutting strategies… The new SAG TAD will have to work closely with Aerosol and RG SAGS to improve estimates of dry and total deposition and to determine the influence of new industrial and agricultural emissions areas on ecosystem and human health. Relevant products and services include the provision of basic tools necessary to support Air Quality Forecasting and critical loads. 16 A comment I received from one SAG member states: Since the data posted on the web sites of contributing regional networks (e.g. NADP, EMEP, etc.) are typically 8 months to a year+ old, perhaps the most useful product we can provide is a quality-assured global data set for use in evaluating (1) spatial and temporal trends, (2) source-receptor relationships and how these change on temporal and secular timescales, and (3) model estimates. A goal might be to work closely with a modeler or team of modelers interested in recurring measurement-model evaluations. These evaluations could be used to prioritize measurement needs, that is to identify where measurement-model differences are largest and of greatest potential importance and where measurements are needed to ascertain the cause/source of these differences. Measurements, complemented by verified model output, offers the best alternative for confirming the effect of emissions on atmospheric composition and deposition. Note: It has been proposed to add a modeler to SAG TAD meetings, perhaps as an expert or as a member. In terms of applications for near-real-time effects of dust storms, volcanic eruptions, tropical storms, etc., The SAG PC is not well placed to contribute to these efforts. Contributing regional networks on the other hand, may be able to observe and report on these effects on their respective web sites; and we continue to maintain links to these sites. Ultimately if resources permit, we could generate retrospective analyses of the effects of these events, but for now, it seems unlikely Joint activities, like documents production and data exchange, with health and ecosystems organizations and groups will be encourage. Implementing GAW data exchange in more friendly formats for medical and biological communities would help to improve cross cutting. • Modelling research in support of above • • • Numerical models are the basis of GURME’s strategy. It is therefore critical for GURME to foster the research initiatives and collaborations that advance its goals. In the context of the urban environment, this means, amongst other, facilitating the convergence of interests in improving the modelling of the planetary layer with the sub-kilometer scale meteorology community, fostering the emerging joint research in micro-physics and radiation, supporting the crossdiscipline initiatives to represent surface characteristics, and continuing to contribute to the development of coupled meteorology/chemistry modelling systems and understanding the role and importance of interactions at different temporal and spatial scales. GURME will seek the appropriate expertise and engagement with the WWRP working group as well as the broader community internationally. As capacity grows, GURME will consider to explore opportunities for model intercomparisons under pilot and demonstration projects and/or under WGNE. Implementation • Major new initiatives • Development of joint initiative(s) with Joint Mesoscale/Nowcasting WWRP working group to advance urban scale modelling for weather and environmental prediction 17 • • • Assessment of observation needs to advance urban research and predictions, including: • State of knowledge and lessons learned from the last 20 years of research with a comprehensive look across meteorology and air quality • What is missing to develop and evaluate prediction systems for the urban environment and deriving a set of recommendations Establishing a community of practice that builds on existing efforts in weather/air quality/climate targeting the urban environment • Facilitate the sharing of urban scale geophysical information Foster a urban scale integrated pilot (Tokyo 2020?) with WWRP to advance integrated high-resolution modelling in urban environment. • Overarching/cross cutting strategies • Participation in integrated modelling initiatives and intercomparisons (CCMM symposium, WGNE aerosol project, IWAQFR….) • Establish/consolidate dialogue with health community with engagement of appropriate GAW SAGs and TF. • Enabling elements • Data management • Does this applies to GURME? ET-WDC reviewed the draft 2016-2023 GAW SIP. A suggested overarching theme from a data centre perspective is the requirement for enhanced access and use of GAW data. The ETWDC has begun exploring strategies for meeting these requirements with a focus on enhancing interoperability and delivering of data in near-real time. Interoperability and Geospatial Implement standards (OGC, ISO, WMO…) based data services o A Web service is a method of communications between two electronic devices over the World Wide Web. It is a software function provided at a network address over the web with the service always on as in the concept of utility computing (on demand). Catalog Service for the Web (CSW) - catalogue of geospatial records A Web Map Service (WMS) - georeferenced map images Web Feature Service Interface Standard (WFS) – discovery, query or data transformation operations o Users can dynamically mix and match Web services to perform complex transactions with minimal programming Develop standards based file formats for users who want to access GAW data files 18 o o o o Vector - OGC observations and Measurements standard (O&M)…XML Raster – NetCDF, HDF, GeoTIFF Station / Sensor Metadata – SensorML Adopt metadata standards of the WMO Information System (WIS) and the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) for improved interoperability GAW data policy, citation rules and practice including doi application to better serve data users Reach out to existing long-term data centres outside the WDCs and integrate them in GAW data management (not all “GAW data” are archived by WDCs) Support development and use of common vocabularies Near-real time delivery Work with SAGs and data contributors to implement equipment and software at the sites to transmit data in near-real time WDCs to build software to convert files to standard file formats and to share on GTS/WIS WDCs can provide better feedback to laboratories and QA/SACs to support their improvement of data quality. GAW aims at collaborating with national, regional, and international networks operating station infrastructures (e.g. US EPA, EC, UNECE EMEP) to facilitate near-real-time data submission and dissemination. DRAFT TEXT FOR INCLUSION IN THE GENERAL SUMMARY WCRP, WWRP and GAW Joint Research 19 4.3(5).1 Congress acknowledged the existence of a number of joint research activities between the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and, the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Programme and the World Weather Research Programme (WWRP), both under the Commission for Atmospheric Sciences (CAS), to address the complex feedbacks between atmospheric composition, and weather and climate processes. Congress strongly encouraged the Programmes and CAS to explore further integration of their objectives and programmatic components where applicable. Working Group on Numerical Experimentation 4.3(5).2 Congress recognized the role of the Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE) to foster cooperation on model development and model evaluation across time scales between CAS and WCRP. Congress noted the importance of the WGNE project led by the Environment Canada and focussing on the treatment of surface drag in models to compare the parameterized and physics components of modelled surface stress. The WGNE aerosol project, led by Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos (CPTEC) in Brazil, to evaluate aerosols impacts on weather and climate predictions, and the grey zone project to evaluate model capabilities at the 1-10 km resolution range are two further important WGNE research areas aimed at improving models and predictions. The Congress encouraged Regional and Global NWP centres to actively participate in these WGNE activities. 4.3(5).3 Congress noted with satisfaction the progress made by the WGNE Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) Task Force in the six sub-projects on: process-oriented diagnostics and metrics; boreal summer monsoon intraseasonal variability; the analysis of CMIP5 model capabilities on intraseasonal variability; the vertical structure of the MJO and diabatic processes; air-sea interactions; and the MJO over the Maritime Continent. 4.3(5).4 Recognizing the importance of the two-way interaction between atmospheric composition and weather/climate processes, congress solicited WCRP and CAS to further fully integrate GAW research on atmospheric composition into the work of WGNE. Congress supported the idea to establish a dedicated task force on seamless/coupled meteorology-chemistry modelling within WGNE. 4.3(5).5 Congress particularly recognized the importance of land-surface interactions with atmospheric chemistry, and encouraged the development of appropriate coupled models designed for short-term weather and climate studies. Congress encouraged WGNE to foster the development of a seamless prediction system for this topic in close coordination with WWRP and WCRP and GAW. Congress supported the idea that a first research priority could be on biomass burning and wild fires prediction and on the development of pre-operational products. 20 How will the World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) and the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) programme collaborate together? The WWRP background. Three main legacy projects pursue and extend the THORPEX scientific objectives and promote the development of a Seamless Prediction of the Earth System from minutes to months, namely: i) the High-Impact Weather (HIWeather) Project; ii) the Sub- seasonal to Seasonal Prediction Project (S2S), a joint initiative between the World Weather Research Program (WWRP) and the World Climate Research Program (WCRP); iii) the Polar Prediction Project (PPP), developed in collaboration with WCRP. The WMO Executive Council at its 66th session, expressed its satisfaction with the recent progress of three THORPEX legacy projects aligned to meet the requirements of Members and the GFCS namely. The three projects address societal relevant topics and needs: HIWeather aims to promote cooperative international research to achieve a dramatic increase in resilience to high impact weather, worldwide, through improving forecasts for timescales of minutes to two weeks and enhancing their communication and utility in social, economic and environmental applications. The scope of the project is defined by the needs of users for better forecast and warning information to enhance the resilience of communities and countries in responding to a carefully selected set of hazards. The research will focus on five hazard areas (urban floods, wildfires, localized extreme winds, disruptive winter weather, urban heat waves and air pollution), which cover a wide range of impacts so that advances in building resilience to them may be expected to have more general relevance. S2S ( aims to improve forecast skill and understanding on the sub-seasonal to seasonal timescale through producing a multi-model ensemble system database and assessing their skill in high-impact case studies, and to promote its uptake by operational centres and exploitation by the applications community. From the enduser perspective, the sub-seasonal to seasonal time range is critical to many management decisions in agriculture and food security, water, disaster risk management and health issues. Improved weather-to-climate forecasts promise to be of significant social and economic value. PPP aims to “Promote cooperative international research enabling development of improved weather and environmental prediction services for the polar regions, on time scales from hourly to seasonal” ( This project constitutes the 21 hourly to seasonal research component of the WMO Global Integrated Polar Prediction System (GIPPS). It is emphasized that the expected benefits go beyond the time scales (hourly to seasonal) and regions (Arctic and Antarctic). Anticipated improvements in the representation of polar key processes in (coupled) models such as stable boundary layers and sea ice dynamics are expected to reduce systematic errors in climate models and, hence, help narrowing uncertainties of regional climate projections. The Year of Polar Prediction will complement the GIPPS observational effort with a targeted field campaign with special observing periods between 2017 and 2019. We are entering a new era in technological innovation and in use and integration of different sources of information for wellbeing and ability to cope with multi-hazards. New predictive tools in order to detail weather conditions to neighbourhood and street level, to provide early warnings a month ahead, and to forecast from rainfall to energy consumption will be the main outcome of the next 10 years research activities in weather science. A better understanding of small-scale processes and their inherent predictability should go together with a better comprehension of how weather related information influence decisional processes and with a better communication strategy. Key common scientific objectives. The technical commission for atmospheric science (CAS) identified key long term goals: 1. High Impact Weather and its socio-economic effects in the context of global change 2. Water: Modelling and predicting the water cycle for improved DRR and resource management 3. Integrated GHG Information System: Serving society and supporting policy 4. Aerosols: Impacts on air quality, weather and climate 5. Urbanization: Research and services for megacities and large urban complexes 6. Evolving Technologies: Their impact on science and its use Based on this long-term view, in the near future (2-3 years) WWRP and GAW can share three main scientific objectives: 1. The development and improvement of atmospheric composition forecasting systems with a focus on urban areas. 2. The development of new assimilation methods for chemistry compounds within the context of earth system modeling framework. 3. The advancement of underpinning research for services delivery, considering as a priority the link between sub-seasonal to seasonal forecast and chemistry compounds. 22 Future activities. WWRP and GAW should prioritize their collaboration through these tasks: 1. The establishment of a systematic collaboration among GAW, WWRP and WGNE in order to promote new collaborative numerical experimentations within the context of the atmospheric composition forecasting. 2. The participation of GAW experts to HIW meetings with a target on air quality and related applications. 3. Exchanging information and developing new initiatives between the Working Group on Data Assimilation and Observing Systems (DAOS) and the new Expert Team on Integrated Atmospheric Composition products. 4. The organization of joint initiatives with S2S programme. 3 FRAMEWORK 3.1 Observing network, evolution and RRR 3.2 Modeling elements 3.3 QA/QC 3.4 Data management GAW data centers as a service to the community? Value-added data products? Doi Recognition of regional networks/data centers Role of data centers when more modeling is included; data centers versus portal Nrt vs. long-term Version control Metadata – Oscar – wigos Link databases of related variables (portal) 23 3.3 Outreach/communications 3.4 Capacity Building a. Central facilities (?) i. In the context of linking/exchanging databases, for major projects, or for training, GURME may want to consider whether there would be a need for some central functions distributed across a number of centres. b. Outreach/communication (?)/reports i. What collaborations should we develop to better address these areas (if needed)? c. GURME trust fund i. The trust fund was created but has not been active. How is it feasible to change that? 4 Implementations of GAW 4.1 SAGs and ETs (ToRs) 4.2 Central Facilities (TORs) 4.3 Station requirements and procedures 4.4. Network requirements and procedures 5. RESOURCES 6. OUTLOOK REFERENCES LIST OF FIGURES, TABLES AND BOXES OVERVIEW OF RESPONSIBLE BODIES AND ASSIGNED TASKS ANNEX: ACRONYMS and ABBREVIATIONS GLOBAL ATMOSPHERE WATCH REPORT SERIES 24