Three Rivers / Tuscarora Districts Spring

Three Rivers / Tuscarora
Spring 2015 Camporee
Are You Divergent?
APRIL 17-19 2015
2500 Princess Place Rd.
Palm Coast FL. 32137
Leaders GUIDE
Date & Time:
April17-19 2015 – Check in from 5:00 – 9:00 pm.
2500 Princess Place Rd. Palm Coast FL. 32137
Contact Person: Elizabeth Preis (Camporee Chair) 386-253-3092
Bob Preis (Camporee Advisor) 386-253-3092 / 386-679-5936
All Boy Scout Troops in the Three Rivers and Tuscarora Districts are invited to attend.
Webelos Scouts are welcome to attend and participate during the day but cannot spend the night.
Webelos Dens will compete in the same events that the troops do, but will be judged separately.
Advanced registration is required. A $25.00 deposit will be required. This deposit will be
applied to the total registration fee. The Camporee staff requires all units to preregister so that
they will be able provide adequate campsites.
Camporee Fees:
The Camporee fee is $14.00 per person. For Troops that register online there is a $2.00 discount.
This fee includes a Camporee patch.
OA Grill
The Tomoka Chapter will be providing an OA grill for the event. Menu’s available at February
Roundtable. Preorders need to be turned in at March Roundtable. There will be a $.50 discount
on preorders.
Check in:
Check-in begins on Friday at 5:00 pm. until 9:00 pm. Fees for any additional participants will be
paid at that time.
Only one vehicle/trailer combination will be allowed per campsite. All other vehicles must be
parked in the designated parking area. Any unauthorized vehicles will cause that Troop to
receive a zero on their campsite inspection.
Sanitation & Fires:
The District will be providing port-a-lets. However, it is the responsibility of each Troop to
provide their own water. NO ground fires are allowed in the campsites. No Alcoholic beverages
are allowed at the Camporee. Smoking will be allowed in designated areas only.
First Aid:
Minor first aid should be handled by the troops. Any serious injury must be reported to the
Camporee Staff.
Scout Uniforms:
This is a Scouting event. Scout uniforms should be worn during the weekend. Activity uniforms
(Scout t-shirt and scout pants) can be worn during the activities. Field Uniforms (Class A) should
be worn to ALL flag ceremonies and the Saturday night campfire.
Saturday night’s campfire will include skits/cheers/songs from each troop.
awarded for participation in the campfire.
Awards will be awarded after the Sunday morning Scouts Own service.
Points will be
Patrol Events
Hancock Tower:
How close can “Tris” get to the wall? Points will be averaged for all patrol members
for a total score.
Erik’s Knives:
Throw knives at target with a twist. Points will be averaged for all patrol members for
a total score.
Factionless Shelter:
Build a shelter from supplied materials that can house the entire patrol. This is a timed
Use your Brain:
Each patrol must find the parts and build a working motor. This is a timed event.
Scavenger Hunt:
Find 20 items in the allotted time and take a “selfie” with them. Bonus opportunities.
This is a timed event.
Troop Events
Each troop will build a gateway on the Camporee theme. Facades will be allowed.
Gateway construction cannot start until 6:00 am Saturday. Points awarded for staying
on theme and safety of construction.
Feed the Factionless: Cooking Competition Troops will provide a meal for Judges.
Tug of War:
Troop Tug of War – 1500 lb. limit. A Scout is Trustworthy.
Adult Tug of War:
Adult tug of War – Sorry only 1500 lb. allowed.
Capture the Flag:
All troops will be randomly divided into two (2) teams. Bragging Right Only.
Campsite Inspection: Campsites will be inspected based on attached criteria. Inspection is part of overall score.
Faction test:
Troops Senior Patrol Leader will take test included in Leaders Guide and e-mail the
answers to Camporee Chief Elizabeth Preis at Camporee Chief
will respond with test results. Troops are encouraged to follow the results in the theme.
Participation will be factored into Spirit Award.
Schedule of Events
Friday, April 17, 2015
5:00 – 9:00 pm
9:30 pm.
10:00 pm.
11:00 pm.
Check in
SPL/Scoutmasters Meeting.
Cracker-barrel for everyone.
Lights Out
Saturday, April 18, 2015
6:00 am.
Reveille! Everybody up. Cook breakfast, clean up. Build Gateway
9:00 am.
District assembles at flag pole for opening ceremony and instructions. Field Uniform
(Class A)
9:30 am.
Events Start. Round Robin format. Scouts in activity uniform.
End of morning sessions. Return to campsites for lunch.
1:30 pm.
Start afternoon activities. All troop meet at flagpole.
1:45 pm.
Troop Tug of War
2:30 pm.
Adult tug of War
3:00 pm.
Capture the Flag
4:30 pm.
Return to Campsite for dinner prep
6:00 pm.
Dinner - Deliver meal to Judges.
Assemble at flagpole. Field Uniform (Class A). Then proceed to campfire site.
11:00 pm.
Lights out
Sunday, April 19, 2013
7:00 am.
Reveille! Cook, eat breakfast
9:00 am.
District assemble at flagpole for Flags, Scouts Own service and awards
Break camp. Have area inspected and follow check out procedures. Have a safe trip
Pre-Registration Form
Three Rivers / Tuscarora Districts Spring Camporee
April 17-19, 2015
2500 Princess Place Rd. Palm Coast FL. 32137
Instructions for Unit Leaders
Units are required to register in advance. We ask that you do this so that we may prepare for your arrival and speed up
the registration process. This advance registration will reserve your unit a campsite. A deposit of $25.00 is required and
must be paid by March 31, 2015. The camporee fee is $14.00 per person, this includes a camporee patch. There will be
a $2.00 discount for online registration. Units that preregister will be given preference to those that do not. Please return the
bottom half of this form. The first party of your to arrive will check-in an be assigned a campsite, as the rest of your unit
arrives they will be directed to your campsite. Balance of fees owed must be paid by 9:00 pm. Friday night. Please bring
the top half of this form when you pay the balance.
For additional information please refer to your Leaders Guide or contact Elizabeth Preis or Bob Preis at 386-253-3092 or
386-679-5936 or at
Unit Number____________________________
Leaders Name________________________________________
Phone Number__________________________
Number of Scouts________ Number of Webelos_______ Number of Adults_________ Total Attending______________
Total Attending______ X $12.00 (online registration)
= Total online amount paid $______________
Total Attending______ X $14.00 (onsite registration)
= Total onsite amount paid $______________
Paid by cash $_________
By check $__________ Check Number__________
TOTAL PAID $______________
Camporee Unit Pre-Registration Form. Detach and Return to Council.
Unit Number____________________________
Leaders Name________________________________________
Phone Number__________________________
Number of Scouts________ Number of Webelos_______ Number of Adults_________ Total Attending______________
Deposit Paid $________________ Paid by cash $_________
By Credit Card
By check $__________ Check Number_____________
If by Credit Card fax to (407) 889-4406
Card Number_______________________________________ (Visa/MasterCard). Expiration Date__________________
Return to:
Central Florida Council, BSA
1951 South Orange Blossom Trail, Ste.102
Apopka, Florida 32703-7747
Today’s Date____________________
For Office Use Only:
Date Received: ________ Amount received: $________
Check #: _____________ Cash______ Charge________
TX #: ________________ Received by______________
Three Rivers / Tuscarora Districts Spring
2015 Camporee
April 17-19, 2015
2500 Princess Place Rd. Palm Coast FL. 32137
On Site Registration Form
Please Print Neatly. This Form Must Be Completed And All Fees Paid When Units Check In
Unit Number______ District_________________ # of Scouts Attending________ Total Attending________
Campsite Assigned___________ # of Patrols________ # of Webelos ________
# of Leaders_________
Total Preregistered ______ @ $12.00 each = __________ (online registration)
Total Attending ________ @ $14.00 each = ____________
Cash _________________
Balance Due at Check-in___________
Check #_________________
Scoutmaster on site_______________________________
Phone Number_________________
Assistant Scoutmaster_____________________________
Phone Number_________________
Other Leader____________________________________
Phone Number_________________
Other Leader____________________________________
Phone Number_________________
Other Leader____________________________________
Phone Number_________________
Senior Patrol Leader____________________________________________
Assistant SPL__________________________________________________
Other Leader__________________________________________________
Other Leader__________________________________________________
Patrol Name_______________________________
Patrol Leader___________________ Rank________
APL __________________________ Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________
Patrol Name_______________________________
Patrol Leader___________________ Rank________
APL __________________________ Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________
Patrol Name_______________________________
Patrol Leader___________________ Rank________
APL __________________________ Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________
Patrol Name_______________________________
Patrol Leader___________________ Rank________
APL __________________________ Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________
Scout _________________________Rank________