701 S. Industrial Blvd Suite 115 Euless, TX 76040 Phone: 817-354-3000 Fax: 817-354-3008
Kindergarten to Fourth Grade School Supply List
1-plastic pencil box
1-12 pack colored pencils
1-box of #2 standard pencils
1-pencil sharpener
2-boxes of 24 count crayons
6-glue sticks
1-safety scissors
1-box of washable markers
1-set of watercolors (including paintbrush)
1-package of eraser tops for pencils
2-composition or spiral notebooks
3-plastic pocket folders with brads
(any of the following colors: yellow,
blue, green, red, orange, purple)
1-box of quart size Ziploc bags
1-box of gallon size Ziploc bags
1-package of lined note cards
(either 3x5 or 4x6, can be colored)
1-package of 8 1/2x11 white card stock paper
1-package of 9x12 multicolored construction paper
1-package of 12x8 multicolored construction paper
1-package of 12x8 manila paper
2-Kindergarten writing tablets
2-large boxes of facial tissues
1-container of baby wipes
1-bottle of hand sanitizer
2-containers of Lysol disinfecting wipes
1-can of Lysol spray
1-8x10 solid dry erase board
1-package of FINE POINT dry erase markers
1-pair of new white socks (to use as an eraser for dry erase board)
1-1” binder with clear outer pockets
First Grade-We are a classroom community, built upon sharing, so please do not label your child’s
supplies. Students will also need a pencil, scissors, a box of crayons, and a glue stick at home for use
for homework. There may be an additional request mid-year based on classroom need.
3-packs of #2 pencils
2-24 count boxes of Crayola crayons
4-plastic folders with prongs & pockets (red, blue, green, & yellow)
1-pack of construction paper (NO TABLETS)
1-pair of safety scissors
1-box of quart size Ziploc bags
1-box of gallon size Ziploc bags
1-package of wide ruled notebook paper
1-handwriting tablet
1-wide rule spiral notebook
2-pink erasers
1-clipboard, standard size
1-large bottle of hand sanitizer
1-container of baby wipes
1-large box of facial tissues
2-packs of manila paper (NO TABLETS)
2-glue sticks
1-plastic pencil box
1-large container of disinfecting wipes-Lysol
1-1 ½” binder with clear outer pockets
5-dividers with pockets
1-pack of sheet protectors
1-pack of FINE TIP dry erase markers
1-plastic book bin (magazine holder)
1-pack of 8 1/2x 11 white card stock paper
Second Grade
3-12 packs of (sharpened) #2 pencils
4-glue sticks
1-bottle of white glue
1-box of baby wipes
1-container of Clorox wipes
2-boxes of Kleenex
2-pink erasers
1-package of pencil top erasers
1-pair of round tip scissors
2-packages of washable markers
2-24 count boxes of crayons
2-red checking pens
1-12 count package of colored pencils
1-plastic pencil box
1-pack of 3x5 index cards
3-packages of wide ruled notebook paper
1-package each of 9x12 manila & colored paper
1-package each of 12x18 manila & colored paper
1-1 subject spiral notebook
1-3 subject spiral notebook
1-pack of regular size Post It notes
1-pack of small Post It notes
1-pack of 4 dry erase markers
4-plastic folders with pockets & brads (2 blue, 1 red, 1 green)
1- 1½ inch 3 ring binder
Third Grade and Fourth Grade-Please do not put your child’s name on their supplies as we are a
school community. Also, please do not purchase or send any permanent markers or liquid glue.
Third grade students will not be allowed to use pen (with the exception of red pens to grade).
1-Zipper binder
1-1 inch binder
1-package of dividers
4-folders (1 per subject)
4-composition books
3-packs of wooden #2 pencils (NO MECHANICAL PENCILS PLEASE)
1-container of Clorox wipes
1-pack of washable markers
4-packages of wide ruled notebook paper
1-12 pack of colored pencils
1-24 pack of crayons
1-package of round tip scissors
1-package of red pens
2-big pink erasers
1-package of eraser tops for pencils
1-enclosed pencil sharpener
1-package of regular size Post It notes
3-boxes of tissues
1-bottle of hand sanitizer
1-package of dry erase markers
1-box of Ziploc sandwich bags
1-box of gallon size Ziploc bags
1-pencil pouch (with three holes and a zipper)
2-glue sticks
1-pack of 3x5 index cards
1-8x10 dry erase board
1-clip board
1-package of construction paper
1-11x17 package of manila paper
1-package of highlighters
1-package of blue and black pens (4th GRADE ONLY)