LLA PreK-5 2013-2014 - Jubilee Academic Center


LLA 2013-2014 School Supply List


3 boxes-24 count crayons

1-pair of 5” Friskar blunt (round tip) scissors

2-bottles of glue

1-gallons size Ziploc bags

1-quart size Ziploc bags

1-sandwich size Ziploc bags

1-jumbo pack (chubby beginner) pencils

3-boxes of Kleenex

2-bottles of hand sanitizer

1-plastic folder of each color-red, blue, yellow, green

3-composition books wide rule

4-large erasers 

3-packs of wipes 

2-pack of play dough

6-glue sticks

2-packages construction paper

1-ream color copy paper

1-pack of paper plates

1-pencil box (plastic)

1-8 ct. washable thick markers

1-8 ct. washable thin markers

1-can of shaving cream

2-pkgs. 4 Expo dry erase markers

1 change of clothes


1- pkg. 25 sheet protectors


1-pack of construction paper

4- manuscript tablets



1- K-2 Primary

1- 24 pack of pencils

1-3 pack of jumbo pencils 

2- 24 count colors 

2- jumbo erasers 

1 pair of scissors

(round tip) 

6-glue sticks 

3- plastic pocket folders 

(yellow) with prongs

1 school box 

1-1 inch 3 ring binder

1box- quart Ziploc 

1 box-gallon Ziploc 

2 cans of Lysol/Clorox wipes 

1pack of baby wipes 

2 bottles of hand sanitizer

1- dry erase tablet 

1- 4pack of dry erase markers 

2- 4pk play dough 

2- boxes of Kleenex

1-4 pk. Finger Paint 

1 change of clothes





4-composition notebooks

4-boxes 24 count crayon boxes 

4-#2 boxes of pencils


8-glue sticks 

25-clear sheet protectors (thick) 

1- 1⁄2 inch binder with clear front pockets (white only)

1-1” binder with pockets (white only)

4-plastic folders with brads & pockets(blue, red, green, yellow)

1-gallon size Ziploc bags (boys) 

1-sandwich Ziploc bags


2-boxes of Kleenex

1-pk Clorox wipes

8-dry erase markers

1-pk wide ruled notebook paper

1-8 count markers


4-large pink erasers

1-pack assorted construction paper

2-1 subject spiral notebooks (wide rule)

1 pkg 12 ct. colored pencils

2-bottles of hand sanitizer

1-pack of index cards

1-pair of scissors


1-small bottle Elmer’s glue (white)

1- 12’ wooden ruler

1 school supply box


1 change of clothes


*Label all supplies with student names

Optional: clear tape, play dough, water colors



1-pair scissors 


1-pencil box or case

2-packs notebook paper (wide rule)

4- plastic pocket folders with brads (2 yellow & 2 green) 

2-large erasers

1-pack dry erase markers

1-gallon size Ziploc bags

2-packs of disinfecting wipes 

1- 16 qt. storage box

1 pack construction paper (multicolored)

2 spiral notebooks

2nd Grade

2-#2 packs of pencils

2-box 24 count crayons

1-map colors 

1-bottle of glue 

1-pencil sharpener with cover

2-box of Kleenex

1-bottle hand sanitizer

1-pack clear sheet protectors 

1-washable markers

1-pack index cards

1-backpack (any style)

1-pack highlighters

8-folders with prongs (3 red, 2 yellow, 3 green)

8 journals

3-boxes 24 count crayons

6-boxes Kleenex 

1-box gallon size

Ziploc bag 

1-box quart size

Ziploc bags 

1-box markers 

1-pack construction paper 

2- bottle hand sanitizer

8-highlighters yellow 

4-poster boards

(2white, 2color) 

2 pks of eraser tops

1 pk of blue pens

2- 12ct map colors

1 pk of heavy sheet protectors




8-glue sticks 

4 packs-#2 pencils

(24 count)

1-pencil sharpener with cover 

1-school box or zipper bag 

2-1-1⁄2 in. white binder with pockets 

1-bottle glue 

2-packs index cards (5x7)

1-packs loose leaf paper

(wide rule) 

1-set of tab dividers

4 pk Expo dry erase markers 

3-clorox wipes

1-pair scissors

1-pocket dictionary

2 pks of erasers toppers





6-#2 packs of pencils

 4-glue sticks

1- pair of scissors purple, green)

2-Pack of Paper

5- 1 subject spiral notebooks (red, blue, black,

2-box of Crayons 24 count

1- pack of Map Colors

1-pack markers


6 –plastic pocket folders (blue, green, yellow, red, black, purple)

2 -binder (1 1/2’ in) green & blue 

1- box of large ziplock bags

1- box of sandwich ziplock bags

2- boxes of Kleenex 

2 –containers of Clorox wipes

2 -pack index cards 

5 th grade student supplies please label:

1 mesh backpack, labeled with student’s name (no graffiti/handwriting)

1 individual pencil sharpener w/cover

4-1 ½ binders with clear front cover

4 sets of 5 dividers

Zipper pencil pouch (no boxes)

*Any extra supplies for any projects throughout the year, will be given at the time of the project.




5 th grade community supplies (do not label)

2 bxs of Kleenes

2 tub of Clorox Wipes

8 packages of “college ruled” lined paper

1 set of washable markers

1 pair of sissors

2 bottles of hand sanitizer

1 bx 2 gallon-sized ziplock bags

1 ruler

5 packs of pencils (24 ct)

3 packages each of red and blue pens

3 boxes 24 ct crayons

8 glue sticks

2 boxes 12 ct map colors

1 package 4 Expo Dry Erase Markers

6 erasers

1 pk highlighters

1 pk of heavy sheet protectors

2 pks index cards 4x6

1 pk construction paper (multicolor)

4 pocket folders w/prongs (yellow, blue, red, green)
