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On April 16-19, 2013 in KyivExpoPlaza Exhibition Centre, at 2b Salyutna Str., Kyiv,
will be held the main large-scale event for the experts in the sphere of healthcare of Ukraine –
• 380 companies
• 18 countries
• 14000 specialists
• 60 scientific-practical activities for physicians of different specialisations
• 500 speakers-experts of the healthcare industry of Ukraine
• MEDZoom – special zones of master classes and practical schools
For the fourth time from 16 to 19 April 2013 in the KyivExpoPlaza Exhibition Centre hospitably opens its doors
to the International Medical Forum «Medicine Innovations – the Nation’s Health», which, over the years, has
acquired the status of a large-scale complex innovation-oriented event of the health care industry of Ukraine,
combined a powerful scientific and practical programme, schools, specialised exhibitions, created an information
platform for the exchange of experience and improvement of professional skills for the professionals of the
healthcare industry.
The Forum organizers: National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of
Ukraine, LMT Company with the support of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Healthcare, State Administration
of Ukraine on Medical Products, with the assistance of medical associations, higher educational medical
institutions of Ukraine and social funds.
The main aim of the Forum is the creation of a broad interdisciplinary platform for the constructive dialogue
between the scientists, practitioners, experts, manufacturers, suppliers and users of the medical equipment and
services, having covered all areas of this sphere from theoretical to practical aspects. For the physicians of the
related specialities, it is an opportunity to improve their skills level, receive new knowledge, exchange
experience, expand and improve their practical and theoretical skills, learn about new methods and techniques of
treatment, and familiarise with the innovative technologies, professional modern equipment, and new
The whole scientific and practical programme is based on the II INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CONGRESS
«Introduction of medical science advances into healthcare practice in Ukraine», entered into the Register of
conventions, congresses, symposia and scientific and practice conferences, which will take place in the year of
2013 (Section: Congresses, No. 5, p. 10). The Congress programme includes 60 scientific and practice events
for the physicians of various specialisations: healthcare field organization and management, laboratory medicine,
medical radiology, therapy and family medicine, gastroenterology, oncology, cardiology, endocrinology, urology
and nephrology, obstetrics and gynaecology, surgery and neurosurgery, anaesthesiology, neurology, medical and
laboratory genetics, haematology and transfusiology, emergency medical assistance, traumatology and
orthopaedics, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, dermatology and dermatovenereology, epidemiology and
infectious diseases, otolaryngology, phthisiology and pulmonology, biomedical engineering, gerontology,
stomatology, medical tourism, and events for pharmaceutical market specialists.
The traditional events in the framework of the Forum are: practice conference for private medical institutions;
special programmes in medical radiology and laboratory medicine; scientific and practice conference on
achievements in neurosurgery; activities on medical and physical rehabilitation; events for therapists and family
physicians; seminars for gastroenterologists and other activities. For the first time, will be held scientific and
practical activities concerning the topical issues of cardiology. This year, as part of the special MEDZoom
project, will take place Ukrainian Laboratory School, School of Ultrasonic and Functional Diagnostics, School of
Emergency Medical Care, International School of Rehabilitation Therapy, and Ukrainian School of Nursing.
The exposition part of the Forum combines: MEDICAEXPO International healthcare exhibition and
PHARMAEXPO International pharmaceutical exhibition. The General Partner of the Forum is the representative
office of Toshiba Medical Systems in Ukraine. For the first time, Mercedes-Benz will act in the status of the
Official Partner of the Forum. Charitable Foundation Rinat Akhmetov's «Foundation for Development of
Ukraine» acts in the status of the Social Partner of the Forum. Among the Partners of the Forum are: UMT ,
Chemlaborreactiv, Medio-Group Ltd rehabilitation centre, MED EXIM Ltd, ZRO Kvant Ltd, Polypromsyntes
Llc., INTERO Ltd, Tokyo Boeki Technology Ltd., DiaVeritas Ltd, TechMedKontract Ltd, Sinevo Ukraine Ltd,
SPC KRAS Llc and OCTANORM Ukraine.
Traditionally, the following companies will take part in the Forum: DIAMEB Ltd, Vector-Best-Ukraine Ltd,
Teleoptic PRA, BioLine Ukraine, Modem 1 Ltd, Roche Diagnostics, Abbott Laboratories, Radmir company,
Medaparatura Kyiv Industrial Corporation, Medigran Ltd, Bionix Lab Ltd, the SEC, Zdravo Ltd, MedHouseUkraine Ltd, MedPack Swiss GmbH, Vilan Medical Ltd, New Medical Technologies Ltd, Medimex-Ukraine Ltd,
Granum Scientific and Production Laboratory Ltd, Hemoplast JSC, and others.
The following companies are among the new participants: representative office of Samsung-Medison Ltd,
Profimed-Service Ltd, Medonica Co. Ltd., MEDRAM PLLC, DUSO Ltd, Dana Llc, OMB Ltd, and the Balton
Sp., company, 3М Ukraine Company, IKA-Werke GmbH & Co. KG, Sherl Ltd, and many others.
Simultaneously with the Forum, will be held International exhibition of medical tourism SPA&Wellness –
Healthcare Travel Expo. Among the participants are leading clinics, medical and rehabilitation centres, health
resorts, SPA&Wellness health resorts of Austria, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkey, Finland, Czech Republic,
Poland, Bulgaria, Malaysia, Slovakia, Cuba, Switzerland, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Jordan, Ukraine, Cuba and
The event is accompanied by a major advertising campaign in the media. General Strategic Partner of the Forum
is Zaslavsky Publishing House; General information partner of PHARMAEXPO exhibition is APTEKA weekly
newspaper; General information partner is Management of the Health Care Institution journal; Official
information partners are Zdorovie Ukrainy XX storichchya, Меdical Newspaper, Ltd., Ukrainian Medical
Journal, Medkniga publishing house, Pharmaceutical Courier, magazine; Specialised partner is MEDIASERVICE
Ltd; General Internet partner is medical portal of Ukraine, and many other information and
Internet partners.
The official opening ceremony of the Forum will take place on April 16, at 11.00 in conference hall No. 9
We invite you to take part in
which will be held on April 16-19, 2013 in KyivExpoPlaza Exhibition Centre, at 2b Salyutna Str., Kyiv
Additional information:
The Forum organising committee
Tel.: +380 (44) 526-90-25, 361-07-21