LIFE GUARDS Date Designation 2013-10-11 19 300:42 694 Your reference Your date Your designation Our reference Our previous date Our previous designation Page 1 (10) Mailing list SWEDINT/ Mr Frank Larsson Reply before 2013-11-11 INVITATION UN Integrated Missions and the Relationship with Humanitarian organisations. A Partnership at Risk? A seminar for national and international participants. November 18-19, 2013 (PWA) Mailing Address Visiting Address Telephone Fax E-mail, Internet Livgardet SE-196 85 Kungsängen SWEDEN Granhammar +46 8 584 540 00 +46 8 585 540 80 LIFE GUARDS Date Designation 2013-10-11 19 300:42 694 INVITATION UN Integrated Missions and the Relationship with Humanitarian organisations. A Partnership at Risk? A seminar for national and international participants. SWEDINT Swedish Armed Forces International Centre/ The Royal Life Guards, Kungsängen, Sweden Page 2 (10) LIFE GUARDS Date Designation 2013-10-11 19 300:42 694 The Swedish Armed Forces International Centre, SWEDINT, hereby cordially invites you to participate in a seminar on the relationship between UN Missions and humanitarian organisations. The Seminar aims to engage both international, and national, actors in order to explore and develop more effective standards for training, monitoring and implementing complex mandates. Focus will be on the civilian, military and police components in an UN integrated mission and their interaction with humanitarian organisations in order to reach a common understanding of the difficulties in a mission area. The seminar will try to find ways how to improve the relationship and enhance the relationship between the integrated mission structures and humanitarian organisations The seminar will address separate aspects and will include lead-in presentations and group studies with presentations. No seminar fee will be charged. Participants are expected to bear their own costs regarding travel, food and lodging. The nearest hotel is Welcome Hotel in Järfälla/Barkarby. E-mail: Tel: +46(0)8-621 61 00 Prices at SWEDINT: Lunch 80 SEK A number of representatives from civilian-, police, and military organisations have been invited to attend. The draft agenda is attached to this letter. The language for the conference will be English without translation Details of attendance (Name, organisation, address, telephone, e-mail address, etc.) should be forwarded to the points of contact for this seminar, Mr. Frank Larsson, Tel: 46/8/5845 2654 - fax: 46/8/5845 2620, e-mail: Capt. Petter Wahlgren, Tel: 46/8/5845 2653-fax46/8/5845 2620, e-mail: NLT November 11, 2013 Page 3 (10) LIFE GUARDS Date Designation 2013-10-11 19 300:42 694 For those attending, information and forms you are required to fill out are to be found at Click on SWEDINT, than click on Info to Admitted Students and you will find RFV under Related Documents. Forms to be filled out: 1. Request for visit (RFV): Fill immediately out the RFV! If you have any questions regarding this document, please contact a. If you represent a government agency (e.g. the Armed Forces, the Police) you must send the RFV to your defence attaché accredited to Sweden (or Embassy in Sweden). b. If you represent an organisation other than governmental (e.g. NATO, UN, the Red Cross) you must send the RFV to the Swedish Supreme Commander’s Protocol Department via ec. mail (scanned copy) or fax +46 8 788 79 31. Subsequent additional contacts (practical arrangements, supporting documents etc.) will be sent to the attendees once the request for visit procedures has been completed Lena Persson Herlitz CO SWEDINT Page 4 (10) LIFE GUARDS Date Designation 2013-10-11 19 300:42 694 Draft Agenda Monday November 18 Coffee and Registration before 09.00 to the course administration, main entrance SWEDINT. Please inform guards at the main gate that you will attend a seminar at SWEDINT. 09.30-09.45 Welcome address: CO SWEDINT COL Lena Persson Herlitz 09.45-10:15 Introductory speaker Minister Elisabeth Rehn 10.15- 10.30 Presentation by Mr. Frank Larsson, SWEDINT. Present situation in civil, police and military cooperation and co-ordination. Aim with the seminar 10.45-11.45 Relationsship with UN from a NGO perspective Ms Erin A Weir, Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) 11.45- 12.45 Lunch break 12.45-13.30 The impact of integrated missions on humanitarian principles: an NGO perspective. Mr Pieter-Jan van Eggermont, Doctors without borders/MSF Page 5 (10) LIFE GUARDS Date Designation 2013-10-11 19 300:42 694 13.45-14.30 UN CIMIC and Humanitarian Civil Military Coordination UN CMCoord Christopher Holshek Colonel, U.S Army Civil Affairs (ret.) 14.30-15.00 Coffee break 15.00-16.00 UN OCHA and Humanitarian Coordination in Somalia Mr. Paul Rafter 16.00-17.00 Panel discussions 19.00 (NLT) Dinner hosted by SWEDINT Tuesday November 19 08.00-10.00 Study group work 10.00-11.30 Presentation by study groups Closing remarks: Page 6 (10) LIFE GUARDS Date Designation 2013-10-11 19 300:42 694 Page 7 (10) Mailing list Danish Armed Forces Operational Command, Denmark Danish Defence Personnel Organisation, NATO & INTOPS Branch, Denmark Finnish Joint Forces Command, J1/J7, PO Box 919, FI00131 HELSINKI, Finland Finnish Army Command, G1, PO Box 145, FI-50101, MIKKELI, Finland Finnish Defence Forces International Centre, FINCENT, Finland Norwegian Defence Personnel Agency, Norway Norwegian Defence International Centre, NODEFIC, Norway Embassy of Costa Rica (Norway) Embassy of Côte d’Ivoire (Denmark) Embassy of Croatia (Sweden) Embassy of Cyprus (Sweden) Embassy of the Czech Republic (Sweden) Embassy of Denmark (Sweden) Embassy of the Dominican Republic (Sweden) Embassy of Ecuador (Sweden) Embassy of Egypt (Sweden) Embassy of El Salvador (Sweden) Embassy of Eritrea (Sweden) Embassy of Estonia (Sweden) Embassy of France (Sweden) Embassy of Fiji (UK) Embassy of Afghanistan (Norway) Embassy of Finland (Sweden) Embassy of Albania (Sweden) Embassy of the Gabonese Republic (Germany) Embassy of Algeria (Sweden) Embassy of the Gambia (UK) Embassy of Angola (Sweden) Embassy of Georgia (Sweden) Embassy of Argentina (Sweden) Embassy of Germany (Sweden) Embassy of Armenia (Armenia) Embassy of Ghana (Denmark) Embassy of Australia (Sweden) Embassy of Greece (Sweden) Embassy of Austria (Sweden) Embassy of Guatemala (Sweden) Embassy of Azerbaijan (UK) Embassy of Guinea (Germany) Embassy of Bahrain (UK) Embassy of Honduras (Sweden) Embassy of Bangladesh (Sweden) Embassy of Hungary (Sweden) Embassy of Barbados (UK) Embassy of India (Sweden) Embassy of Belarus (Sweden) Embassy of Indonesia (Sweden) Embassy of Belgium (Sweden) Embassy of Iran (Sweden) Embassy of Benin (Denmark) Embassy of Iraq (Sweden) Embassy of Bhutan (Switzerland) Embassy of Ireland (Sweden) Embassy of Bolivia (Sweden) Embassy of Israel (Sweden) Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sweden) Embassy of Malta (Denmark) Embassy of Botswana (Sweden) Embassy of Italy (Sweden) Embassy of Brazil (Sweden) Embassy of Jamaica (UK) Embassy of Bulgaria (Sweden) Embassy of Japan (Sweden) Embassy of Burundi (Germany) Embassy of Jordan (Germany) Embassy of Cambodia (UK) Embassy of Kazakhstan (UK) Embassy of Cameroon (UK) Embassy of Kenya (Sweden) Embassy of Canada (Sweden) Embassy of the Republic of Korea (Sweden) Embassy of Cape Verde (Austria) Embassy of Kuwait (Sweden) Embassy of Central African Republic (Belgium) Embassy of Kyrgyzstan (Germany) Embassy of Chile (Sweden) Embassy of Laos (Sweden) Embassy of China (Sweden) Embassy of Latvia (Sweden) Embassy of Colombia (Sweden) Embassy of Lebanon (Sweden) Embassy of the Republic of the Congo (Sweden) Embassy of Liberia (Germany) Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo (Sweden) Embassy of Libya (Sweden) Embassy of Lithuania (Sweden) Embassy of Saudi Arabia (Sweden) Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Denmark) Embassy of Senegal (UK) Embassy of Macedonia* (Sweden) Embassy of Serbia (Sweden) LIFE GUARDS Embassy of the Republic of Malawi (UK) Embassy of Malaysia (Sweden) Embassy of the Republic of Mali (Germany) Embassy of Malta (Denmark) Embassy of Mexico (Sweden) Embassy of the Republic of Moldova (Sweden) Embassy of Mongolia (Belgium) Embassy of Montenegro (Montenegro) Embassy of Morocco (Sweden) Embassy of Mozambique (Sweden) Embassy of Namibia (Sweden) Embassy of Nepal (UK) Embassy of The Nederland’s (Norway) Embassy of Norway (Sweden) Embassy of New Zealand (Belgium) Embassy of Nicaragua (Sweden) Embassy of Niger (Germany) Embassy of Nigeria (Sweden) Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman (Germany) Embassy of Pakistan (Sweden) Embassy of Paraguay (UK) Embassy of Peru (Sweden) Embassy of The Philippines (Sweden) Embassy of Poland (Sweden) Embassy of Portugal (Sweden) Embassy of Qatar (UK) Embassy of Romania (Sweden) Embassy of Russia (Sweden) Embassy of the Republic of Rwanda (UK) Date Designation 2013-10-11 19 300:42 694 Page 8 (10) Embassy of Sierra Leone (UK) Embassy of Singapore (Singapore) Embassy of Slovakia (Sweden) Embassy of Slovenia (Sweden) Embassy of South Africa (Sweden) Embassy of Spain (Sweden) Embassy of Sri Lanka (Sweden) Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan (Sweden) Embassy of Swaziland (UK) Embassy of Switzerland (Sweden) Embassy of Syria (Sweden) Embassy of Tajikistan (Tajikistan) Embassy of Tanzania (Sweden) Embassy of Thailand (Sweden) Embassy of Togo (Germany) Embassy of Trinidad and Tobago (UK) Embassy of Tunisia (Sweden) Embassy of Turkey (Sweden) Embassy of Turkmenistan (Turkmenistan) Embassy of Uganda (Denmark) Embassy of Ukraine (Sweden) Embassy of the United Arab Emirates (Sweden) Embassy of the United Kingdom (Sweden) Embassy of the United States (Sweden) Embassy of Uruguay (Sweden) Embassy of Venezuela (Sweden) Embassy of Vietnam (Sweden) Embassy of Yemen (The Nederland’s) Embassy of Zambia (Sweden) * Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) Permanent Delegation of Sweden to the EU, Brussels, Belgium - Through the Permanent Delegation of Sweden: - European Community Humanitarian Office - European Union Crisis Management Group - European Union Monitoring Mission Permanent Mission of Sweden to the OSCE, Vienna, Austria - Through the Permanent Mission of Sweden: - Permanent Missions of OSCE participating states - OSCE secretariat and organisation SWE PLT for distribution to SHAPE and other PLT and NMRs. Distribution via E-mail to: (For courses announced in i ePRIME). Permanent Mission of Sweden to the UN, New York, USA - Through the Permanent Mission of Sweden: - Permanent Missions of UN member states - United Nations Department for Political Affairs - United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations - United Nations Department for Disarmament Affairs - United Nations Children’s Fund - United Nations Development Programme - UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - UN Office of the USG and Special Adviser on Africa Permanent Mission of Sweden to the UN, Geneva, Switzerland - Through the Permanent Mission of Sweden: - UN Agencies LIFE GUARDS Date Designation 2013-10-11 19 300:42 694 Other organizations (through SWEDINT) Peace Support Training Centre Vimy Post Office, Canada The Danish Logistic Centre, Vordingborg ACCORD Director, Durban Akademic der Polizei Baden-Wurttemberg Wertheim Branch, Wertheim Centre for Conflict Resolution, Rondebcsc Civil-Military Cooperation Center of Excellence, Holland Enschede Folke Bernadotte Academy, Sandöverken Forum Syd, Stockholm General Inspectorate of Police International Relations Section, Bucharest ICRC DD/DFA, Geneva Infanterischule, German UN Training Centre, Hammelburg Institute for Security Studies, Dr Jakkie Cilliers Executive Director, South Africa Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), Stockholm Life Peace Institute (Liv och Fredsinstitutet), Uppsala Medecins sans Frontiers (Läkare utan Gränser), Stockholm National Defence Collage (Förvarshögskolan), Stockholm National Police Service, Sofia Save the Children (Rädda Barnen), Stockholm SIDA, Stockholm South African Institute of International Affairs, Braamfontein The swedish peace and arbitration society (Svenska Freds och Skiljedomsföreningen), Stockholm Swedish redcross (Svenska Röda Korset), Stockholm Canada Vordingborg Durban Page 9 (10) Birkesrod Umhlanga Rocks Rondebcsc Sandöverken Stockholm Bucharest Geneva Tehran Hammelburg Sydafrika Stockholm Uppsala Stockholm Stockholm Sofia Stockholm Stockholm Nea santa, Kilkis Braamfontein Stockholm Stockholm New York The swedish institute of international affairs (Utrikespolitiska Institutet), Stockholm UN OCHA, Geneva Uppsala Stockholm Geneva Info Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sweden Ministry of Defence, Sweden Swedish Armed Forces HQ Attn: Attn: - Supreme Commander´s Staff, NordSam (LEDS PLANEK NORDSAM) - Supreme Commander´s Staff, International Department (LEDS INT) LIFE GUARDS Date Designation 2013-10-11 19 300:42 694 Attn: Attn: Attn: Norrbotten Regiment (I 19) Life Regiment Hussars (K 3) Skaraborg Regiment (P 4) South Skåne Regiment (P 7) Artillery Regiment (A 9) Air Defence Regiment (Lv 6) Göta Engineers (Ing 2) Armed Forces Command and Control Regiment (LedR) Logistic Regiment (TrängR) 1st Submarine Flotilla (1. ubflj) 3rd Naval Warfare Flotilla (3. sjöstriflj) 4th Naval Warfare Flotilla (4. sjöstriflj) 1st Marine Regiment (Amf 1) Naval Base (Marin B) Skaraborg Wing (F 7) Blekinge Wing (F 17) Norrbotten Wing (F 21) Armed Forces Helicopter Wing (Hkpflj) Armed Forces Logistic (FMLOG) Armed Forces Network and Telecommunications Unit (FMTM) Military Academy Karlberg (MHS K) Military Academy Halmstad (MHS H) Land Warfare Centre (MSS) Naval Warfare Centre (SSS) Air Combat Training School (LSS) The National Home Guard Combat School (HvSS) The Armed Forces Technical School (FMTS) Swedish EOD and Demining Centre (Swedec) National CBRN Defence Centre (SkyddC) Armed Forces Intelligence and Security Centre (FMUndSäkC) Armed Forces HR-Centre (FMHRC) Armed Forces Centre for Defence Medicine (FömedC) Internal Life Guards COS Life Guards G 1 Life Guards International Training Unit Life Guards Internal SWEDINT CO Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations OC Plans OC Academics OC PSO OC PSO GF OC Admin/Support Page 10 (10) - COS Operations, J0-J9, LCC, ACC, MCC - COS Armed Forces Training & Procurement (Training) (PROD FÖRBAND) - COS Armed Forces Training & Procurement (Training) (PROD UTB) LIFE GUARDS Date Designation 2013-10-11 19 300:42 694 Page 11 (10)