Example Learning Objectives – Migrations projects CONCEPT – Migration. SWBAT define and explain migration as a journey of a population from an old home to a new home; distinguish examples from non-examples, and explain why. CONCEPT – In-migration and out-migration places: SWBAT define, explain, distinguish examples and non-examples, and explain why. CONCEPT – Push and pull forces: SWBAT define, explain, distinguish push from pull forces, and explain why. CONCEPT – Means and obstacles to migration: SWBAT define, explain, distinguish examples and non-examples, and explain why. CONCEPT – Race, nationality, and ancestry: SWBAT define, explain, distinguish examples and non-examples, and explain why. CONCEPT – Generation: SWBAT define, explain, distinguish examples and non-examples, and explain why. SKILL - SWBAT make clear and accurate observations from visual texts (maps, images) SKILL - SWBAT describe patterns of mapped data SKILL - SWBAT describe change over time using census data SKILL - SWBAT describe change over time using dates, timelines, and units of time SKILL - SWBAT make relevant and realistic inferences from texts (maps, images) SKILL - SWBAT connect maps and data to migration stories about real people FACT - SWBAT give examples of census variables, show which variables are available, and state limitations FACT - SWBAT describe the migrants, out-migration places, and push forces for [a migration] FACT - SWBAT describe the migrants, in-migration places, and pull forces for [a migration] FACT - SWBAT give examples of reasons why some people migrated and others did not DISPOSITION - Students will show curiosity about migrations and migrants’ histories, and ask historical questions DISPOSITION - Students will show respect for migrants with different races, nationalities, and histories DISPOSITION - Students will question where data come from, the limits of data, and imagine other sources of information DISPOSITION - Students will question race, ancestry, and nationality as categories of people