APPENDIX AA@ REVISED MARCH 12th, 2012 FILE NO.: 04-T-2009-01 The City of Cornwall=s conditions and amendments to final plan approval for registration of subdivision File No. 04-T-2009-01, Subdivision Folder 275 are as follows: No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 CONDITIONS That this approval applies to the Draft Plan prepared by K.L.Stidwill, Ontario Land Surveyor, dated May 11, 2009, which shows 14 lots for single-detached dwellings, 18 lots for semi-detached dwellings, and 11 lots for multi-unit townhouses for a total of 84 units and Block 29 as a parkland dedication. Additional blocks/easements will be required to be dedicated to the City for sewer and watermain locations, also blocks will need to be dedicated to the City of Cornwall, for future walkways and easements. Please Note Phase 1 as 52M-18 has been registered on this Draft Plan. That the Storm Water Management Report be further evaluated and revised for the subject lands during the final civil engineering design of this subdivision and submitted to the City of Cornwall and the Raisin Region Conservation Authority for approval. The Storm water Management Report shall ensure compliance with current Ministry of the Environment (MOE) standards and the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) guidelines. Prior to final approval, the Developer shall prepare a Lot Grading and Drainage Plan to be approved by the Raisin Region Conservation Authority and the City of Cornwall, depicting the proposed building envelopes, drainage patterns, contours, lot and road grading, as well as detailed sediment and erosion control measures to be implemented. Site alteration and development is prohibited within the 1:100 year flood elevation of the South Branch of the Raisin River. Site alteration includes activities such as fill, grading and excavation. The Boales Drain is located within the 1:100 year flood line of the South Branch of the Raisin River. The 1:100 year flood elevations are noted on Drawing C.1 and Drawing C.2 of the South Branch Raisin River Storm water Management Study, City of Cornwall and the Raisin Region Conservation Authority, December 17, 2003, by the Thompson Rosemount Group. In particular, Section 60 with a flood elevation of 58.17 m pertains to the 1:100 year flood elevations for the subject area. The Developer shall ensure fill is not deposited within the 1:100 year flood risk area. The Subdivider’s Agreement, Offer of Purchase and Sale Agreement shall include the following statement: Purchasers are advised that part of lots 31 to 36 contain flood risk areas on the west portion of the lots (adjacent to Block 30). Development and site alteration is not permitted at or below a geodetic elevation of 58.17m. Proposed structures shall be flood-proofed to ensure that the structures and contents will not sustain flood damages and to provide for the continued occupancy of the structure throughout a flood event. The following items will be detailed in the Subdivider’s Agreement and must be addressed at time of building permit review: Minimum Elevations 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Slab-on-grade Construction, on Fill Buildings Supported by Piers or Columns Wet Flood Proofing Dry Flood Proofing (full basement) Notice to Prospective Purchasers Appropriate setbacks shall be established from all drainage areas, and sediment and erosion control devices shall be maintained until the site has been re-established to preconditions or better. The Subdivider’s Agreement shall provide that the approved Storm water Management Plan, the Lot Grading and Drainage Plan and the 30 m setback from the Boales Drain shall be implemented. That the road allowances included in this Draft Plan shall be shown and dedicated as public highways. The City Traffic/Transportation Section of the Engineering Division should review the requirement of a daylighting triangle at the southwest corner of the intersection of Tollgate Road and Sunset Boulevard (i.e. Arterial Road meeting a Collector Street). The Engineering and Servicing Report must show a driveway and building location for this lot. This will determine the required setback from Tollgate Road for any structure on Lot 1 and determine how much of the 0.3 m "one foot" reserve to keep along Sunset Boulevard near this intersection. The Owner agrees, in writing, to satisfy all requirements, financial and otherwise, of the municipality concerning the provision of roads, including the future streets, sidewalks, fencing, installation of services, and drainage as required. That the Developer be responsible for the construction of sidewalks and that the sidewalks be implemented into the Engineering drawings of this Plan, along Blackburn Drive and Sunset Boulevard. That easements may be required for utility or drainage purposes and shall be granted to the appropriate authority. As well easements may be required to allow access to the rear of the lots for multi-unit dwellings on Lots 1 through 7 and Lot 45 to 48. That the noise study be updated to include mitigation for the roadways, if required, The CN rail is within 300 metres. CN's standard principal main line requirements which should be addressed where appropriate, which, at this distance, should include a noise study (a vibration study is not required beyond 75 metres) and the environmental easement. It is expected that brick veneer on facades facing the railway and central air conditioning will be required. The Subdivider’s Agreement shall provide that the approved stormwater management plan, Servicing Report, lot grading and drainage plans, prepared by the Developer, be implemented. That the Subdivider’s Agreement between the Owner and the Municipality be registered against the lands to which it applies, once the Plan of Subdivision has been registered. That any dead ends and open sides of road allowances created by this Draft Plan be terminated in a 0.3 metre reserve, to be conveyed and held in trust by the City of Cornwall. That the Owner enters into a Servicing Agreement with Bell Canada, complying with any underground servicing conditions imposed by the Municipality and, if no such conditions are imposed, the Owner shall advise the Municipality of the arrangements made for such servicing. The Owner shall consent, in the Agreement, in words satisfactory to Bell Canada, to grant Bell Canada any easements that may be required for telecommunication services. Easements may also be required on final servicing decisions. In the event of any conflict with existing Bell Canada facilities or easements, the Owner/Developer shall be responsible for the relocation of such facilities or easements. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. All measurements in the Subdivision’s final plans must be presented in metric units. The Delivery Service Officer at Canada Post shall determine the location for the Community Mail Boxes which shall be indicated on the final Draft Plan. The Community Mail Boxes are to be approved by the City of Cornwall’s Planning and Engineering Divisions and should also be indicated on the final Draft Plan. The Developer shall inform all prospective owners of the proposed location of the Community Mail Boxes. Also, the Developer shall provide depressed curbs at the Community Mail Box site. These curbs shall be 2 metres in width and no higher than 25mm. If a grassed boulevard is planned between the curb and the sidewalk, the Developer shall install a 1.0 metre walkway across the boulevard, and this shall be handicap accessible. The Final Draft Plan to be authorized by the City of Cornwall must be signed by an Ontario Land Surveyor. That should this phase of the subdivision not be given final approval within 3 years (March 2015) then the Draft Plan Approval shall lapse. NOTES TO DRAFT APPROVAL 1. It is the applicant=s responsibility to fulfill the conditions of draft approval and to ensure that the required clearance letters are forwarded by the appropriate agencies to the City of Cornwall=s Planning Division, 2nd Floor, Civic Complex, 100 Water Street East, Cornwall, quoting the Subdivision File Number. 2. It is suggested that you make yourself aware of the Certificate of Title under the Certification of Titles Act or an application for first registration under the Land Titles Act, which may be available through your solicitor=s office. Plans of Subdivision cannot be registered before the requirements of the applicable Act have been compiled with. 3. Clearances are required from the following departments/agencies: 1. Mr. Stephen Alexander General Manager Department of Planning, Parks and Recreation City of Cornwall 100 Water Street East, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 877 Cornwall, Ontario K6H 5T9 2. Ms. Kim McDonald Manager of Planning and Regulations Raisin Region Conservation Authority P.O. Box 429 Cornwall, Ontario K6H 5T2 3. Mr. Jamie Fawthrop Approvals and Construction Engineer City of Cornwall 1225 Ontario Street Cornwall, Ontario K6H 4E1