Chapter 10 Molecular biology and genetics of bovine spongiform



Chapter 10

Molecular biology and genetics of bovine spongiform encephalopathy

N Hunter

The Roslin Institute and R(D)SVS

The University of Edinburgh

Easter Bush

EH25 9RG




Clinical signs and pathology

The importance of PrP protein

Pathogenesis of BSE in cattle

Natural BSE in cattle

Atypical BSE in cattle

Experimental BSE in cattle

Experimental atypical BSE in cattle

Pre-clinical diagnosis of BSE in cattle

BSE transmission characteristics

Genetics of TSEs in sheep and humans

The bovine PRNP gene

Cattle PRNP gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to BSE.



Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), although a disease currently in decline, is still a subject of much debate concerning its aetiology, epidemiology, mode of transmission and genetics. BSE was first recognised as a new neurological disease in cattle in the UK in 1986 and since then there have been over 180,000 UK cases. The economic impact of BSE and the associated control measures of culling of healthy but at-risk animals has been enormous but the result is that BSE has all but disappeared from the UK (7 cases in 2011, 3 in 2012). It is present at similarly low levels in many other countries, for example Spain, Portugal and

Poland (, and without continued vigilance it could re-emerge as a major problem in later years.

BSE is one of a group of related diseases known as transmissible spongiform

2 encephalopathies (TSE) or prion diseases, the oldest known of which is scrapie which occurs in sheep and goats but there are also human forms of TSEs including variant

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) which was mostly likely the result of consumption of

BSE-contaminated cattle meat. The TSEs are all slowly progressive, inevitably fatal, neurodegenerative disorders characterised by vacuolated brain neurones and the deposition of an abnormal form of a host protein, PrP, or prion protein. TSEs are experimentally transmissible, and are usually studied in laboratory rodents. The most likely source of infection in cattle was the use of a dietary protein supplement, meat and bone meal (MBM), which was regularly fed, particularly to dairy cattle, and contained the rendered remains of

animal offal and carcases, principally from ruminants (Wilesmith et al.

, 1991, Nathanson et al.

, 1997) Such feeding practices were made illegal in July 1988 however because BSE cases

are now occurring less and less frequently there is discussion amongst government policy

makers about relaxing the surveillance and control measures (Budka, 2011). However the

heavy surveillance of cattle globally has inadvertently revealed other similar diseases of cattle

– atypical BSE forms – and the origin of these is less clear (Tranulis et al., 2011). Atypical

BSE is very rare, by 2010 only 52 cases had been reported worldwide (Seuberlich et al.


2010). Although unlikely to be related to meat and bone meal, these novel diseases are of

unpredictable risk to animal welfare and human health.

There is a strong genetic component in the patterns of disease incidence of scrapie in sheep and of some forms of human TSE and there is overwhelming evidence that the genetic component is the gene which encodes the PrP protein, PRNP . (Many papers still refer to the gene as “the PrP gene” however it is now more usual to use the term

PRNP .) In mice, sheep, goats and humans, there are polymorphisms and mutations of the PRNP gene linked to TSE disease incidence but such linkage has not so far been demonstrated for cattle.

This chapter describes PRNP genetics in cattle with respect to BSE and sets this against the background of what is known about PRNP genetics in sheep and humans.

Clinical signs and pathology


BSE affected cattle become very difficult to handle and show increasing signs of ataxia, altered behaviour with fear and/or aggression and over-sensitivity to noises and to touch.

Affected animals spend less time ruminating than healthy cattle (Austin and Pollin, 1993)

although their physiological drive to eat appears to remain normal. Several studies have noted that BSE cattle have low heart rates (brachycardia) which may be related to the low food intake associated with reduced rumination or which may indicate that there is some

damage to the vagus during disease development (Austin et al.

, 1997). BSE affected cattle

show significant neuronal loss in the brain (Jeffrey and Halliday, 1994) and the appearance of

vacuolar lesions in brain sections is very similar to that seen in sheep scrapie. BSE was confirmed as a TSE by demonstration of diagnostic TSE-related PrP protein fibrils in brain

extracts (Hope et al.

, 1988) and by transmission of the disease to mice (Bruce et al.

, 1994).

Cattle affected by the atypical forms of BSE have mostly been found during rapid high-throughput testing in cattle from abattoirs when brain samples have been positive for disease-related PrP protein. Atypical BSE cattle are usually much older than those affected by BSE and occasionally neurological clinical signs have been reported such as difficulty

standing (Hagiwara et al.

, 2007).

The importance of PrP protein

The PrP protein is a normal host protein found in every mammal so far examined and consists of approximately 250 amino acids (exact length depends on the species). PrP is glycosylated at either one, or both, of two possible glycosylation sites and is attached to the outside of the

neuronal cell membrane by a glycophosphatidylinositol anchor (Hope, 1993). The protein,

in a conformationally altered form (PrP Sc ) which is relatively resistant to protease digestion, is the major constituent of scrapie-associated-fibrils (SAF), now known to be a hallmark of

TSEs in general, and has a characteristic triple-banded pattern when visualised on electrophoresis gels. Western blots from BSE affected cattle show three bands at around

29kDa, 24kDa and 20kDa in apparent molecular weight. Forms of atypical BSE give different patterns, particularly with the lowest (unglycosylated) band which in some cases

4 appeared to be slightly higher molecular weight (H-type BSE) and in some cases slightly lower molecular weight (L-type BSE).

The normal protein is designated PrP C and is fully sensitive to protease digestion. It is thought that PrP Sc is formed directly from PrP C by a poorly understood self-propagation mechanism which induces a change to the three dimensional structure of the molecule. The main physical differences between PrP


and PrP


are shown in Table 10.1. Analysis suggests that PrP


protein has a structured C-terminus made up of three α-helices and two

small β-sheets (Chen and Thirumalai, 2012) whereas PrP


has much more β-sheet.

Molecules with high β-sheet content are more resistant to protease enzymatic digestion, probably because the structure gives regions of the protein protection from physical exposure to the enzyme.

The nature of the TSE infectious agents was an unsettled question for decades but the most widely held view is the prion hypothesis which proposes that the diseases are caused by an infectious self-replicating protein. PrP


is so closely associated with TSE infectivity that it can be considered as a reliable marker for infection, and indeed, the prion hypothesis proposes that it is PrP


which is itself the infectious agent, causing disease by acting as a seed for the conversion of the normal endogenous PrP C into new PrP Sc and thus appearing to

have replicated the infectivity (Prusiner et al.

, 1990). In order for this previously heretical

idea to be accepted, it was necessary for the process to be demonstrated to work in vitro with defined constituents free of any active live cells. In recent years this has been achieved via a process known as Protein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification (PMCA) and similar techniques

(Soto, 2011) however it is still unclear whether additional molecules other than PrP

polypeptides are required to convey strain variation information.

Different variant forms (allotypes) of the PrP protein are associated with differences

in incubation period of experimental scrapie both in laboratory mice (Carlson et al ., 1986)

and in sheep (Goldmann et al.

, 1991a). In addition, some of the human TSEs appear to be

familial and present excellent linkage between PrP gene mutations and the incidence of disease. The prion hypothesis therefore also accommodates the idea that TSEs can

5 sometimes be simply genetic in origin, with the mutant protein being more likely spontaneously to adopt the disease-associated conformation both causing disease and producing a seed for a new infection should a transmission to another individual occur

(Collinge and Palmer, 1994). There are still proponents of alternative views however, as the

biology of TSEs, for example natural sheep scrapie, resembles that of viral infections in how they spread between animals and within their body tissues. An alternative view is that variant forms of PrP


control susceptibility to an infecting agent and that PrP

Sc is a by-product of the infection perhaps the result of a “hit and run” virus, long gone by the time the clinical signs

emerge in the animal (Miyazawa et al.

, 2012).

Whatever the nature of the infectious agent, BSE, like many other TSEs, is very

resistant to heat and to chemical methods of inactivation (Taylor et al.

, 1994, Taylor et al.


1995) making it difficult and expensive to decontaminate farms, abattoirs and laboratories.

Pathogenesis of BSE in cattle

Natural BSE in cattle

A single major strain of BSE predominated throughout much of the epizootic although since

2004 high levels of surveillance resulted in the discovery of rare atypical forms (L-BSE and

H-BSE, see below) in older cattle. BSE is sometimes also known as Classical BSE (C-BSE) to distinguish it from the atypical forms however in this chapter the term BSE will be used to refer to the original and predominant form of the disease.

BSE is transmissible to laboratory mice, both inbred lines expressing the mouse

PRNP gene, and transgenic mice which express the bovine PRNP instead of, or in addition to, the endogenous mouse gene. The inbred line RIII gives the shortest incubation period and a

characteristic pattern of brain pathology following injection with BSE (Fraser et al ., 1992)

and were used in the first major investigations BSE-affected cattle. RIII bioassay detected no

infectivity in any fluid (including milk) (Taylor et al ., 1995), or tissue other than brain and

spinal cord (Fraser and Foster, 1993). The mouse bioassay is not as sensitive as

6 cattle-to-cattle transmission, however it did pick up BSE from the spleens of experimentally

infected sheep (Foster et al., 1996) providing an early suggestion that pathogenesis of BSE in

sheep was similar to scrapie in sheep and not at all like pathogenesis of BSE in cattle. The very much lower levels of infectivity in peripheral tissues of cattle are confirmed by analysis of PrP Sc protein which is detected in central nervous system (CNS) tissues in cattle but in both CNS and peripheral tissues in experimental BSE in sheep and scrapie in sheep

(Somerville et al ., 1997).

Transgenic mice expressing bovine PRNP genes produced more sensitive models for bioassay of BSE cattle tissues. The TgbovXV line was shown to be 10,000 fold more sensitive than RIII mice but even TgbovXV mice did not detect BSE infection in cattle lymphatic tissues, with the exception of Peyer’s patches in the distal ileum of the intestine.

There is now a considerable amount of data which supports the view that in cattle, unlike sheep and mice, BSE travels through the body from the site of infection to the brain only via

neuronal cells (Buschmann and Groschup, 2005). More recently, careful study of late-stage

clinically affected cattle has found low levels of BSE in the tongue and nasal mucosa, thought to have spread out from the brainstem via facial nerves as the animals became terminally ill, a time when they would be very unlikely to be acceptable for human

consumption (Balkema-Buschmann et al ., 2011).

Atypical BSE in cattle

Due to the usual means of detection of atypical BSE (H- and L-type) from abattoir brain sampling, access to a whole carcase to test which body tissues are infected is rare in natural cattle cases. However transmission of atypical BSEs to mice was achieved using affected

cattle brain (Baron et al ., 2006), confirming the infectious nature of atypical BSE. Using

rare samples available from Italian atypical BSE cases, no infection was found in lymphoid

and kidney tissues although skeletal muscle was positive (Suardi et al ., 2012) suggesting a

potential risk to cattle-meat consumers. Brain pathology is different in classical BSE and atypical BSE as in the former, lesions are predominantly in brain stem whereas L- and H-type

BSE both have more lesions in cortical areas. L-type BSE also has large PrP protein deposits


(amyloid plaques) which give rise to its alternative name Bovine Amyloidotic Spongiform

Encephalopathy or BASE however technically this term is only correctly used if brain sections are available to identify the plaques and that is not always possible.

Experimental BSE in cattle

Because BSE cattle are detected only at the clinical stage, experiments were set up to study development of BSE from the point of inoculation to find out how the infection spreads throughout the animal’s body till it reaches the CNS, particularly of course the brain. In one large study, calves were dosed orally with 100g BSE brain resulting in clinical signs in the cattle from about 36 months after inoculation. Infectivity was found in the distal ileum of

cattle killed at 6 and 10 months after inoculation (Wells et al., 1994, Wells et al.

, 1998).

Infectivity was also demonstrated (by inbred mouse bioassay) in the peripheral nervous system: in the cervical and dorsal root ganglia at 32-40 months after infection and trigeminal ganglia at 36 and 38 months after inoculation but in no other tissues examined. These tissues were negative in the naturally infected BSE cases but this may be related to the initial dose of infection which is likely to have been greater than in naturally infected cattle. Using more sensitive techniques, signs of infection were found in vagus nerve and adrenal gland of these

challenged cattle (Masujin et al.

, 2007). Further studies using transgenic mouse bioassay have

shown in some detail the path taken by BSE infection from the gut via the peripheral nerves

to the brain (Kaatz et al.

, 2012). Infection was first seen in distal ileum and enteric nervous

system, spreading then through sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system to the brain stem. It is clear that BSE cattle, even those receiving a huge initial dose, are far less likely to contain the relatively high levels of infectivity seen outside the CNS in scrapie-affected sheep.

An attempt was made to establish the smallest amount of BSE brain which would produce disease in inoculated cattle. Even exposure to as little as 1mg brain homogenate from clinically affected field cases of BSE was enough to produce BSE so the limiting dose

for calves must be lower than 1mg (Wells et al ., 2007). However there was found to be

fewer signs of infection in the small intestine in the lowest dose animals, similar to field cases

8 of BSE, supporting the hypothesis that field cases must have received very low amounts of

infection (Stack et al.

, 2011).

Experimental atypical BSE in cattle

Experimental challenge studies have been set up to study pathogenesis of atypical BSE development in cattle. In one experiment, six cattle were inoculated intracerebrally with

L-type BSE and five with H-type BSE (Balkema-Buschmann et al., 2013) resulting in clinical

disease in the cattle after around 15 months incubation. The main early clinical sign was depression but hyperesthesia prevented more detailed clinical analysis in later stages. The

Western blot patterns expected of L-type and H-type BSE were reproduced in the inoculated

animals. In a separate study (Konold et al ., 2012), two groups of four cattle were inoculated

with L-type or H-type BSE and the predominant clinical sign was that of difficulty rising.

Here L-type was distinguishable from H-type in immunohistochemical staining of disease related PrP with different antibodies. On Western blot examination, the pattern expected of

H-type BSE was reproduced in the inoculated animals but the L-type pattern was less obvious. As is often the case, two laboratories using slightly different techniques produce differences in detail but the main conclusion is clear that both forms of atypical BSE are transmissible to other cattle.

Preclinical diagnosis of BSE in cattle

Many research groups are looking for markers which would diagnose any of the TSEs in tests which could be carried out on live animals or humans. TSEs are remarkably difficult diseases for which to find specific markers and BSE in cattle is no exception. There is not so much interest specifically in BSE since the control measures seem to be working very well in reducing the incidence however mention of some projects is warranted. Cerebrospinal fluid

(CSF) has been found to have elevated levels of apolipoprotein E (Hochstrasser et al.

, 1997)

and another protein called 14-3-3, which is of some use as a screening method for CJD in

humans (Hsich et al.

, 1996), may also be informative in cattle with BSE (Lee and

Harrington, 1997a, Lee and Harrington, 1997b). An additional marker ERAF (erythroid

associated factor) which looked promising as a blood test for scrapie infected laboratory mice

9 unfortunately turned out not to be so useful when studies were extended to BSE cattle and

scrapie sheep (Brown et al.

, 2007).

Simply detecting PrP Sc in affected individuals is also potentially of interest, although much less of the disease associated form of PrP is found in peripheral cattle tissues than in

sheep with scrapie or experimental BSE (Somerville et al ., 1997). Humans with the new

variant form of CJD (vCJD) have been found to have PrP


deposits in tonsil biopsies,

something which is not the case with the more common sporadic CJD (Arya, 1997, Collinge et al

., 1997) although it does occur in sheep scrapie (Schreuder et al., 1996). Such tests would

simply not work in cattle due to the very low levels of PrP


in their lymphoid tissues.

Atypical BSE has a similar lack of lymphoid tissue involvement to that seen with BSE, and so diagnostic tests relying on biopsy sampling in cattle are likely to be uninformative.

BSE transmission characteristics

In order to try to understand the role of genetics in control of susceptibility to BSE, it is necessary to understand how, and to what species, it transmits and whether that etiology bears a resemblance to any of the other transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, such as scrapie in sheep and CJD in humans.

Within cattle most cases were singletons (one case per herd) and although it is thought unlikely that BSE can spread between cattle via close contact however there has been some argument about whether there is maternal transmission of disease from affected cow to calf.

This is an important issue because if maternal transmission does occur in cattle, it could suggest there is inheritance of susceptibility. However in a study on the offspring of BSE affected pedigree beef suckler cows, much less likely than dairy cattle to be fed meat and bone meal derived protein concentrates, none of 219 calves which had been suckled for at

least a month went on to develop BSE themselves (Wilesmith and Ryan, 1997). As these

animals would have consumed 111,500 litres of milk, it suggests that either cattle milk is not a potential source of infection or that inheritance of susceptibility has not occurred in the study group. A large scale cohort study has also been carried out comparing animals born to

BSE affected cattle with animals whose mothers were healthy (Wilesmith et al.

, 1997). Of

10 the offspring from BSE affected mothers, 42 out of 301 (14%) developed BSE, whereas only

13 out of 301 (4.3%) offspring of BSE-unaffected mothers developed BSE. This places the calves from BSE affected cows at greater risk of developing disease themselves (P<0.0001) but does not distinguish between inheritance of susceptibility and true maternal transmission

of disease. Re-analysis of the data provided support for a genetic component (Ferguson et al ., 1997) but the fact that a calf is even more likely to go on to develop BSE if it is born after

the onset of symptoms in its mother argues for an element of direct maternal transmission of

infection (Donnelly et al.

, 1997a). However such a low frequency of maternal transmission,

if it occurs at all, was not thought to be able to sustain the epizootic in the UK beyond 2001

(Anderson et al., 1996). BSE has however continued to occur in a trickle of cases known

collectively as BARBs (born after the reinforced feed ban). There is no satisfactory explanation for these cases and no systematic genetic study is available.

Atypical BSE, both L- and H-types, is believed to be a sporadic disease due to the occurrence of single cases which have been found globally, including a single case in Brazil where cattle are grass fed. Nevertheless there is interest in looking for evidence of natural transmission and genetic markers and in one study from Japan, the offspring of a beef cow affected by L-type BSE was retained and observed for four years before being culled and examined for disease related PrP protein, however none was detected in brain or spinal cord

(Yokoyama et al.

, 2011). There is also concern about the potential risks for humans from

consumption of meat from atypical BSE cattle and transmissions to primates indicate that

L-type BSE will cause disease in macaques by the intracerebral route (Ono et al ., 2011) and lemurs by the oral route (Mestre-Frances et al ., 2012) and therefore it is potentially a risk for

transmission to humans. This has prompted studies of infection with atypical BSE of transgenic mice encoding the human PRNP gene with variable results of very low or negative transmission rates suggesting there is a substantial barrier to human infection with atypical

BSE (Kong et al

., 2008, Wilson et al.

, 2012).

Genetics of TSEs in sheep and humans

Studies of natural scrapie in sheep have confirmed the importance of three codons in the

11 sheep PRNP

gene (136,154 and 171) (Belt et al.

, 1995, Clouscard et al

., 1995, Hunter et al.,

1996) originally shown to be associated with differing incubation periods following

experimental challenge of sheep with different sources of scrapie and BSE (Goldmann et al .,

1991a, Goldmann et al.

, 1994) and, although there are breed differences in

PRNP allele frequencies and in disease-associated alleles, some clear rules have emerged from this work.

The usual way to describe sheep genotypes is to use the single letter amino acid code, each codon in turn and each allele in turn. The genotype most resistant to natural scrapie in all sheep breeds is thought to be ARR/ARR This genotype is also resistant to experimental

oral challenge with both scrapie and BSE (Goldmann et al., 1994) although is susceptible if

the intracerebral route is used (Houston et al ., 2003) and so such sheep could potentially act

as non-clinical carriers of infection. Other homozygous genotypes encoding glutamine (Q) at codon 171 are more susceptible to scrapie. For example in Suffolk sheep the genotype

ARQ/ARQ is most susceptible, although not all animals of this genotype succumb to disease

and it is a relatively common genotype amongst healthy animals (Westaway et al.

, 1994,

Hunter et al.

, 1997b). The

PRNP genetic variation in Suffolk sheep is much less than in some other breeds, the so-called “valine breeds”. Breeds such as Cheviots, Swaledales and

Shetlands encode PRNP gene alleles with valine at codon 136 and the genotype VRQ/VRQ

is the most susceptible to scrapie (Hunter et al.

, 1994a, Hunter et al ., 1996). VRQ/VRQ is a

rare genotype and when it does occur, is almost always in scrapie affected sheep and so it has

been suggested that scrapie may be simply a genetic disease (Ridley and Baker, 1995).

However healthy animals of this genotype can live up to eight years of age, well past the

usual age-at-death from scrapie (2-4 years) (Hunter et al.

, 1996, Hunter et al ., 1997a) and can

be easily found in scrapie free countries (Australia and New Zealand) and so the genetic disease hypothesis seems less likely than an etiology which involves host genetic control of susceptibility to an infecting agent. Other codons in the sheep PRNP gene are also now known to be linked to, or associated with, differences in survival time, incubation period and/or susceptibility to a range of different strains of scrapie but the “three codon” genotype remains the most usual one seen in selection for resistance, for example in the UK National

Scrapie Plan (Dawson et al ., 2008).

In humans, sporadic forms of CJD are associated with PRNP gene codon 129

12 polymorphism (methionine/valine) in that homozygous individuals (either MM


or VV



are over-represented in CJD cases and heterozygosity seems to confer some protection (Lloyd et al.

, 2011). Variant CJD (vCJD), which unlike sporadic CJD is caused by an infectious

agent indistinguishable from BSE, has also been confirmed so far only in MM



Other forms of TSEs in humans appear to be genetic diseases, for example GSS which is

linked to a codon 102 proline to leucine mutation (Hsiao et al.

, 1989). There are many

other human PRNP gene mutations associated with disease, for example one familial form of CJD is linked to an insert of 144bp coding for six extra octapeptide repeats at codon 53

(Poulter et al.

, 1992) and a codon 200 mutation (glutamic acid to lysine) which is linked to

CJD in Israeli Jews of Libyan origin, Slovaks in North Central Slovakia, a family in Chile

and a German family in the USA (Prusiner and Scott, 1997). However the fact that sheep

scrapie, which also demonstrates excellent linkage with PrP genotype, has been shown to be unlikely to be a genetic disease also has implications for interpretation of the human data

(Hunter et al ., 1997a).

The bovine PRNP gene

When BSE was found in cattle, it was an obvious step to study the bovine PRNP gene for markers of resistance or susceptibility to disease similar to those which had been found in sheep and humans. There is a great deal of allelic complexity in both the PrP coding region

and in its flanking regions in the sheep (Hunter et al.

, 1989, Goldmann et al.

, 1990,

Muramatsu et al

., 1992, Hunter et al.

, 1993, Laplanche et al.

, 1993, Bossers et al.

, 1996) and

human PRNP

genes (Collinge and Palmer, 1994, Prusiner and Scott, 1997). In contrast, the

bovine PRNP gene is remarkably invariant with very few polymorphisms described.

The bovine PRNP gene coding region, which was originally mapped to bovine syntenic group

U11 (Ryan and Womack, 1993), was first sequenced in 1991 (Goldmann et al.

, 1991b) and

this sequence was subsequently confirmed by two other groups (Yoshimoto et al ., 1992,

Prusiner et al ., 1993). Allowing for various polymorphic forms of the gene in each species,

there is very little difference (>90% identity) between the cattle and sheep PRNP gene. The bovine PRNP gene has so far revealed a limited number of polymorphisms of the coding


region (Goldmann et al ., 1991b, Goldmann, 2008). These fall into four groups, firstly the

single DNA nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the PRNP gene coding region which sometimes, not always, result in an amino acid change in the protein. SNPs in cattle are relatively few compared with the numbers found in sheep and humans. Bos taurus, Bos indicus, Bos javanicus and Bos mutus have been studied and only eight different alleles have

been found, based on single amino acid changes (Goldmann, 2008). It is noticeable that in

Europe and America, domesticated cattle have very little genetic variation, compared to

African and Asian cattle. This may be due to differences in effective population sizes as a result of wider use of practices such as artificial insemination in the more industrially developed countries.

The second group of polymorphic variants, again in the PRNP coding region, involves

a series of glycine rich repeats encoded by 24 or 27 nucleotide G-C-rich elements (Goldmann et al.

, 1991b, Prusiner et al.

, 1993) forming octapeptide repeats in the protein (Figure 10.1).

This region produces variants with different numbers of these repeats, a phenomenon also seen in PRNP

genes from other species including humans (Goldfarb et al., 1992) where many

variations in the PrP octapeptide repeat number have been described, some of which have

clear linkage to the incidence of human TSE (Poulter et al ., 1992). In cattle

PRNP alleles

have been described with four to seven repeats (Goldmann, 2008).

The coding region may be rather invariant but there are polymorphisms in the control regions of the PRNP gene in cattle. In the promoter and first intron (Figure 10.1) two short

insertion/deletions (indels) of 23 and 12 bp have been described (Haase et al.

, 2007). These

are potentially of interest as levels of PrP protein are directly linked to susceptibility to

scrapie in mice (Bueler et al ., 1993) and the same might be true for cattle.

Cattle PRNP gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to BSE

PRNP gene

Two early studies addressed the question of association of PRNP genotype with incidence of


BSE in cattle hoping to find similarly clear linkage with disease to that seen in sheep scrapie.

One study is discussed in the next section on family studies but in the other (Hunter et al.,


PRNP genotypes of BSE affected cattle were compared with healthy animals and a case-control study of a single BSE affected herd. Genotype frequencies of the 5.6 octapeptide repeat polymorphism are presented for 172 histopathologically confirmed BSE affected cattle in Table 10.2. The majority of the cattle (91%) were of the 6:6 genotype with

9% 6:5 and no 5:5 animals. For convenience cattle were separated into 5 breed groups:

Friesian (92), Friesian X Holstein (14), other Friesian crosses (20), Ayrshire (16) and others

(30). Friesian X Holsteins and Ayrshires had higher frequencies of the 6:5 genotype (21% and 31% respectively) than other breed groups (ranging from 0 - 10%) but these differences were not significant.

In the case-control single herd study cattle (total 90 animals) shown in Table 10.3 the octapeptide repeat frequencies were 89% 6:6 and 11% 6:5 in the 85 healthy cattle. All five

BSE cases were 6:6. (BSE case study frequencies are also given in Table 10.3 for comparison). There were no significant differences between BSE affected and healthy cattle in this herd in frequencies of the octarepeat PRNP polymorphisms.

The healthy (or unaffected) cattle group represented 108 animals from three herds with no history of BSE. Again the majority of animals were of the genotype 6:6 (82%) with

17% being 6:5. A single animal of 5:5 genotype (representing 1% of this sample) was also found. The age of onset was also examined. The youngest animal, an Ayrshire, was 29 months (m) and the oldest, an Ayrshire cross, was 121m. Table 10.4 gives the age/octarepeat genotype comparisons for all 172 cattle in the BSE case study and for three breed groups large enough to analyse: Friesian, Ayrshire and Friesian X Holstein. There was no association between genotype and age. All the 6:5 genotype animals fell well within the age range set by the greater numbers of 6:6 animals.

Whether or not the cattle were home bred (born on the same farm where they later became BSE-affected) or purchased (born elsewhere and transferred at some later date to the affected farm) may give an indication of where the animals contracted BSE. Of the BSE

15 affected cattle samples collected in 1991 (146 animals, all female) the majority (67%) were home bred. There was no evidence that this frequency was related to genotype, for instance the ten 6:5 animals in the 1991 group were 80% home bred. The frequency was breed dependent, however, in that in this sample, more than 80% of Friesian, Ayrshire and

Friesian X Hostein cattle were home bred but other Friesian crosses, Aberdeen Angus crosses, Simmental, Limousin, Herefords and other crosses were much more likely to have been purchased animals.

The genotype frequencies found in the above study (Hunter et al.

, 1994b) were

similar to frequencies found in studies of healthy Belgian (Grobet et al.

, 1994) and US

cattle (McKenzie et al.

, 1992) and in 210 Holstein and 46 Hereford bulls used actively in

artificial insemination programmes in the US, the frequency of 6:6 was 97% and 99%

respectively (Brown et al ., 1993). The other bulls were 6:5 reducing the frequency of the 5:5

genotype to less than 0.5% in these US Holsteins.

According to a review of the published data in 2008, in a total of 1,250 cattle PRNP alleles,

16% (representing 200 alleles) showed variation in the protein coding sequence (Goldmann,

2008). Although none of these was conclusively linked to BSE incidence, the two 23 and 12

bp indel polymorphisms in the upstream region of the PRNP gene from cattle of Holstein and

Simmental-related breeds are at higher risk of developing BSE (Sander et al.

, 2004, Sander et al.

, 2005). The main link to BSE incidence was from the deletion of the 12 bp sequence but

highest risk of BSE in the tested cattle was associated with PRNP genotypes which had the 23 bp and the 12 bp deletions on both alleles. Around 450 BSE affected and 430 control cattle were included in this study. However this relationship was not seen in all breeds as German

Brown and Swiss Brown cattle did not show the association despite having good frequencies of the deletion alleles. It seems that these polymorphisms may modulate disease outcome but that the main controller of BSE incidence is whether or not the animal is exposed to infection

in the first place (Sander et al

., 2004, Gedermann et al.

, 2006, Juling et al.

, 2006, Kashkevich et al ., 2007).

Unfortunately the evidence suggests that the upstream region polymorphisms are not


associated with atypical BSE incidence (Brunelle et al., 2007) and indeed there is no

definitive evidence of any PRNP link with these diseases. However there are tantalising pieces of information, one of which concerns a variant at codon 211 (glutamate to lysine) which was found in a US case of atypical BSE. Further study showed this polymorphism to be very rare (<1 in 2000) in US cattle so if it was linked to disease it presents a low risk

(Heaton et al., 2008). Further more detailed analysis has suggested there is a haplotype,

straddling the PRNP gene which may be a genetic determinant of susceptibility to atypical

BSE however it is a frequent haplotype in healthy cattle so would not be straightforward to

use for selection breeding in cattle (Clawson et al.

, 2008).

Family studies

Given the paucity of evidence for the involvement of PRNP gene in cattle susceptibility to

BSE, is there any sign that offspring of BSE affected cows are at more risk of contracting

BSE themselves? Several studies attempting to find evidence of inheritance of genetic control of susceptibility, rather than maternal transmission of disease, have not conclusively ruled out some element of genetic control of susceptibility in cattle (Curnow and Hau, 1996;

Wilesmith and Ryan, 1997; Donnelly et al.

, 1997b; Fergusson et al ., 1997; Wilesmith et al .,


The information for atypical BSE is lacking however as mentioned previously one reported instance of following the offspring of a cow affected by L-type BSE in Japan found

no evidence of disease after four years (Yokoyama et al ., 2011) .

Influence of other genes

Various researchers have tried to find other genes which might show linkage with BSE. One

study (Neibergs et al.

, 1994) used a technique known as single strand polymorphism

analysis (SSCP) which is designed to reveal the presence of a polymorphism within stretches of DNA but does not provide details of exactly what that polymorphism is. The SSCP analysis revealed three possible alleles (designated A, B and C) in the PRNP gene region

(Neibergs et al., 1994). The source of the changes in DNA which resulted in each allele was

17 unknown, however BSE-affected animals and their relatives were found to be more likely to have the AA genotype than the other animals analysed, with BSE-affected animals giving AA frequency of 48%, their relatives 58% and unrelated healthy animals 29%. Although the AA genotype cannot be regarded as a marker for BSE susceptibility in these cattle, it is suggestive that there may be some genetic linkage with disease incidence outwith the PrP gene coding region itself. It is interesting that in this study, non-UK cattle (Boran and N'Dama from

Kenya, Friesian Sahiwal, Brahman and Brahman crosses from Australia and Brangus from the USA) had extremely low frequencies of AA (5%), suggesting that something is indeed genetically different about UK cattle, however this has never been followed up.

In recent years the development of sophisticated and powerful methods allowing whole genome study has shown that there are likely to be several possible loci involved in control of different aspects of BSE susceptibility to cattle. Different techniques have pointed to different chromosomal regions for example on bovine chromosomes BTA 5, 10 and 20

(Hernandez-Sanchez et al., 2002) and using a larger data set BTA 17 and BTAX/Y



some additional evidence for BTA 1, 13 and 19 (Zhang et al ., 2004). More detailed study of

BTA 10 revealed a candidate gene HEXA , a gene associated in humans with a

neurodegenerative disorder Tay-Sachs disease (Juling et al.

, 2008). The mRNA from this

gene is also elevated in mice inoculated with CJD and the product of the gene is the alpha subunit of β hexosaminidase A which in the lysosomal catabolic pathway catalyses nerve cell membrane components. HEXA has SNPs in intron regions which were associated with absence of BSE in UK cattle. A comparison with German Holstein cattle revealed the opposite effect such that it was over represented in BSE affected animals. This linkage disequilibrium may be significant and could tell us more about the development of BSE however it is unlikely at present to be as useful a marker of resistance as PRNP gene polymorphisms are in sheep. There are undoubtedly many gene products which will have an influence on the progress of disease and on the pathology and degeneration once infection is established and this may be what is being picked up in these studies.

Is BSE not subject to host genetic control by the PRNP gene?


Despite the lack of evidence that the PRNP gene coding region controls incidence of BSE and atypical BSE in cattle, transmission studies of classical BSE to mice, to sheep and to goats strongly suggest that BSE infectivity does "select" animals of certain PRNP genotypes in

these experimental models. In the mouse transmission studies of (Fraser et al., 1992),

BSE-affected cattle brain homogenate was injected into strains of mice which differed at amino acids 108 and 189 of the PrP

gene (Hunter et al ., 1992) giving shorter incubation

periods in the mice of Prnp a/a

genotype (leucine and threonine at codons 108 and 189) than in mice of Prnp b/b

genotype (phenylalanine and valine). Transmission of BSE to Cheviot

sheep (Goldmann et al ., 1994) also reveals an association of disease with the

PRNP genotype homozygous for glutamine at codon 171 and when BSE is injected into goats, animals with

isoleucine rather than methionine at codon 142 have longer incubation periods (Goldmann et al.

, 1996). BSE in mice, sheep and goats does associate with

PRNP variants so why not in cattle?

It may be that in cattle the 6 octarepeat PRNP allele is dominant in conferring susceptibility as most of the BSE cases so far described have been 6:6 or 6:5. This could be tested by direct challenge of cattle and/or transgenic mice carrying different octarepeat alleles however if the 6 allele does confer susceptibility, why have there not been more BSE cases in a cattle population which has apparently very high frequencies of this allele? The evidence from variants in the promoter region which controls expression levels of PrP protein may point to differences in susceptibility controlled via this route but cattle are clearly different from sheep and humans in the lack of a definite marker for prediction of the risk of development of prion disease.

Using BSE occurrence as sole measure of the frequency of susceptible cattle and "absence of BSE" to estimate the numbers of resistant cattle could simply be wrong. John

Wilesmith (Wilesmith et al.

, 1988), writing at the height of the epizootic and suggesting that

BSE resulted from feeding cattle infected ruminant material, also described the difficulties of

carrying out case-control studies to confirm this (Wilesmith et al., 1992). The difficulties still

remain in epidemiological studies of BSE cattle data. Of particular interest now in the UK are the BSE cases which continue to occur well after the banning (in 1988) of feeding of

19 ruminant derived protein to ruminants (BARB cases). In BARB animals a link with home-made feed mixes has been noted but no association with environmental sources of contamination or indeed of waste on grassland or the presence of other species on the holding

(Ortiz-Pelaez et al.

, 2012).

It remains true that most UK dairy cattle would have been fed potentially contaminated concentrates before 1988, however most did not develop BSE. There may therefore have been uneven distribution of infection in the food and only those cattle ingesting a large enough dose went on to develop BSE. This problem which affects the epidemiology may also apply to the PRNP genetics. With essentially one form of the cattle

PRNP gene predominating and if this is the "susceptible" allele, most cattle may have the potential to develop BSE if given a sufficiently high dose of infection.

10. Conclusions

In cattle, unlike sheep, the option to control TSE disease by breeding for resistance is not available - there are no genetic markers linked in a straightforward way with BSE. BSE in the UK is in decline as a result of the physical measures taken to control cattle food along with the slaughter of any animal considered at risk of disease. Because of this, it may be thought that there is no point trying to understand the genetics of BSE, however BSE has in the past apparently spread to other species including humans and it has the potential to do so again if control measures lapse. In particular the BARB cases in the UK, although few in number, represent a risk for a future source of infection should control measures be relaxed beyond a safe point. Our knowledge of BSE may therefore protect us from similar new disease outbreaks in the future.


Table 10.1. Differences between normal PrP (PrP c ) and its disease associated isoform (PrP Sc )

Proteinase K (PK) Sensitive

PrP c



Partially resistant

Molecular mass (-PK)

Molecular mass (+PK)










Prion Infectivity

Cell surface


Does not copurify





Table 10.2. PRNP gene octarepeat genotypes in a BSE case-study (data taken from Hunter et al., 1994b)

Breed group



Fr X Holstein

Friesian crosses (Others)










Genotype frequency %















*6:6 – homozygous for the 6-octapeptide repeat-encoding allele.

†6:5 – heterozygous for the 6- and the 5-octapeptide repeat-encoding alleles.

‡5:5 – homozygous for the 5-octapeptide repeat-encoding allele.








Table 10.3. Cattle PRNP octapeptide genotype frequencies (data taken from Hunter et al.



Cattle group

Case-study BSE

Herd study




No. of cattle










Frequency (%)






*6:6 – homozygous for the 6-octapeptide repeat-encoding allele.

†6:5 – heterozygous for the 6- and the 5-octapeptide repeat-encoding alleles.

‡5:5 – homozygous for the 5-octapeptide repeat-encoding allele.







Table 10.4. BSE case-study: genotype comparison with age of onset of BSE (data taken from

Hunter et al.

, 1994b)

* Genotype designation as in Tables 2 and 3.





Friesian X


Genotype* Number

























Mean age














SD (Months) Range


13 29-121
























Figure legends.

Figure 10.1. Bovine PRNP gene polymorphisms. Octapeptide repeats are indicated in the protein coding open reading frame in Exon 3 of the gene. Each octapeptide repeat is distinguishable on the basis of DNA sequence, the extra repeat in the 6 repeat encoding allele is therefore indicated in stripes rather than dots. Insertion/deletion polymorphisms (indels) are indicated in promoter region and the intron between Exons 1 and 2. Direction of transcription is from left to right.



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