WINDERMERE LAKE USER FORUM MINUTES of a meeting of the Windermere Lake User Forum held at the Royal Windermere Yacht Club, Fallbarrow Road, Bowness on Windermere, Cumbria at 6.00 pm on 28 September 2015. PRESENT: Mrs C Shaw (Powered Craft) – Chairman Mr D Simister (Sailor) Mr J Dearden (Commercial Users) Mr P Kelly (Canoeists/Rowers) Mr J Woodburn (Transport providers) Mr David Hall (Sailor) Mr P Hardman (Powered Craft) –Vice Chair Mrs Lynda Gooch (General Users/Youth) OTHERS PRESENT: Mr S Gaskell (LDNPA) Mr D Sykes (SLDC) Mrs V Senior (LDNPA) Mr R Muggridge (LDNPA) 1 Mr J Maguire (SLDC) Mr F Flannagan (SLDC) Mr J Turner (EA) Apologies and welcome to new members Apologies were received from Mr T Ball (Outdoor/Providers), Ms D Wright (SLDC) and Mrs S Sanderson (SLDC). Two new members were welcomed on to the Forum Lynda Gooch (General Users/Youth) and David Hall (Sailor), Colin Hill (Swimmer) has resigned due to work commitments. Mr Peter Kelly has requested to take over the swimming representation role. This leaves two vacancies. Canoe and Rowing and Angling. 2 Approval of minutes and Matters arising Minutes of the meeting on the 23 March 2015 were approved with the following amendment:Boat Safety Scheme – the date needs changing to June and December 2015. 3 Report from WLUF members and discussion Improving access to the lake Four new buoys designated for short stays whilst going ashore, have been installed at Waterhead and three at Ferry Nab. To identify these as short stay these buoys will be kept blue but will have yellow pick ups attached. A method of communicating this new facility is to be agreed as part of promotion of lake facilities. Action Discussion to be had over the winter between WLUF and SLDC CS & FF Access Group Meeting Mrs Shaw would like to see the Access Group resurrected as it has now not met for 18 months. Mr Gaskell agreed to source the minutes of the last meeting. Mr Gaskell asked if forum members could find out which businesses/ hotels around the lake have an interest in providing public access by jetty to lake shore. Action: WLUF members to contact businesses/ hotels and provide list of those interested in providing public access to Mr Gaskell. Mr Gaskell to discuss appropriate next steps on 14 October meeting with Mr Ratcliffe. Mr Maguire and Mr Gaskell will be attending a site meeting with Mr Ratcliffe on the 14 October to look at the potential for new public access at Bowness Bay. Mr Dearden will attend the meeting on behalf of WLUF members. Increases in lake charges remain within inflation Mr Maguire informed the group that mooring and encroachment fees will increase by 2% but there will be no increase in charges to other lake services. Mrs Shaw asked what reinvestment into lake services will take place in 2015/16. SLDC have increased public jetty length at Ferry Nab and there are 24 new smaller dinghy tenders. Extra moorings and redesign of the jetty is to take place at Waterhead. Planning permission has been applied for at Ferry Nab to improve the toilet facilities for both families and disabled use and also improve the washing up facilities. The facilities at Ferry Nab will be available for all the 700 mooring holders and other lake users during the day time opening hours. Out of hours the showers and toilets will only be accessible to SLDC Mooring and Berthing clients. The token relates to the purchase and payment of showers by all users except mooring and berthing clients. Mrs Shaw asked what procedures were being implemented to ensure that some mooring holders don’t hog the jetties at Ferry Nab. Mr Maguire informed the group that the lake wardens are trying to educate mooring holders and hourly checks are taking place on the hour every hour. Disabled access Mr Maguire has previously offered to meet with all the outdoor centers to discuss disabled requirements. Mr Hall offered his assistance on this matter. Action: Mr Hall to meet with Mr Flannagan to look at options and possibilities for disabled facilities at Ferry Nab. United Utilities The water level on Windermere has been low throughout the summer season. It would appear that the cause of this is repair work on a main pipe by UU. Communication on this has not been clear. There was concern that WLUF are the only body that responded to the consultation with UU over West Cumbria’s water supply and its potential impact on Windermere. Mrs Shaw felt that the LDNPA and SLDC should be kept informed when excessive water is being taken from the lake and she would like to see it raised with both LDNPA’s members and SLDC’s councilors, to ensure they are aware of any potential risks in advance of Thirlmere being dedicated to the West Coast supply. 4 Joint Reports from LDNPA and SLDC 4.1 All members have received a copy of the Joint Annual Report, the report runs from the 1 October 2013 – 30 September 2014 and it summarizes the services which both the LDNPA and SLDC staff have undertaken on the lake. Members asked how meaningful the data is that is gathered especially when it is used by organisations seeking planning permission. This was the case when the consultants supporting Aquatics used the data when submitting their planning application. SLDC and LDNPA confirmed that they are looking at the relevance and method of gathering of data to ensure that it is meaningful. They will discuss this with the WLUF. Mr Kelly will try to get more accurate data regarding how many swimmers use the lake. Mr Muggridge will contact Nova to see if they have any information regarding how often their participants swim in the lake. Mr Hardman asked if there had been a reduction in lone swimmers, it was reported there has been a reduction. Both SLDC and the LDNPA are trying to educate any lone swimmers that are spotted. Mr Hardman asked why there was no reference in the Joint Annual Report to the swimmer who got into difficulty and subsequently died during the Great North Swim. It was reported that the incident with a swimmer at the Great North Swim was not one the Lake Wardens or the Lake Rangers were directly involved with as it was attended by the Great North team themselves. Therefore the death was not referred to in the annual report as it was not a rescue either service was involved with. 4.2 Lake Survey Action Plan Lake Facilities Fuel – Windermere Marina have installed diesel but have no plans to install petrol. SLDC have looked into installing petrol at Ferry Nab but at present it doesn’t appear to be commercially viable. Mr Dearden felt that some commercial operators would be willing to help cover the costs of installation of the pumps. Action: Mr Maguire to speak to Mr Ratcliffe as SLDC would need 33m of jetty run to get fuel far enough away from the boathouse. Rescue and Safety Under the current lake rescue and breakdown service SLDC will tow all lake users to the nearest place of safety, if lake users request another location it is at SLDC discretion as to whether they charge. If lake users contact the Coast Guard it is a free service but they would only be taken to the nearest place of safety. Contacting the Coast Guard through the 999 system is the official way to seek emergency assistance. The wardens respond to these calls. Environment SLDC are looking at installing a boat washing facility so that boat users can wash their boats off when taking them off the water to prevent non-native invasive species being transferred to other water courses. Mrs Shaw would like water levels to be included in the Environment Section of the revised WSD, it was felt it would be better placed in the Windermere Strategy document as there is nothing that the local authorities can do to enforce water levels if UU are working within their abstraction agreement. Mr Kelly asked if there are any monitoring facilities for blue/green algae. The EA take water samples and if reports come back positive landowners around the lake put up notices. SLDC cascade this information out via email, press release and Facebook. Action: Mr Flanagan to add Mrs Shaw to the email list. Action: Mr Gaskell to send EA information leaflet to Mr Kelly. Windermere Lake User Forum There was concern that lake users know about the Windermere Lake User Forum but are unsure how to get in touch with members. Mrs Shaw asked if both authorities would be willing to pay for a website Mr Gaskell informed the group that there is no money available but he would be happy to arrange a meeting with LDNP communications team to look at and agree improvements that could be made to the WLUF page on the National Park website and looking into how the WLUF could promote themselves on Face Book. Action: Mr Gaskell to arrange a meeting with Mrs Shaw and relevant officer in Communications Team. Action: All forum members to send a photo to Mrs Shaw by the 15 October 2015 to be used on the revised WLUF page on the LDNP website. Public Jetties Fell Foot – no updates have been received from the Project Team. Bowness Bay – at present there is no room to add another jetty at Bowness Bay. However there are discussions between SLDC and LDNPA to try to improve access for boat users in this area. Action If there are any proposals in the future Windermere Lake Cruises would like to be consulted. This to be added to the Lake Access Group discussions. Waterhead – SLDC will be putting out a tender for a new jetty at Waterhead, it will be a fixed jetty but hopefully slightly longer than it is now. Communication with Lake Users (including Lake User Guide) Mr Gaskell presented members with the revised Windermere Lake User Guide for 2016. The National Park intends to get this printed in time for Easter 2016. The guide needs to provide lake users with information about their rights and responsibilities. At present the LDNPA pays £3,000 for the distribution of the 4 lake user guides and due to budget reductions the lake user guides for Coniston, Ullswater and Derwent Water will not be printed for 2016 instead copies will be made available on the website. The lake user guide for Windermere will continue to be printed and distributed. This saves £2250. 30,000 Windermere lake user guides will be produced and distributed. The draft for the 2016 guide needs to be finalised by October. Action: 5 Members to pass any comments on the draft lake user guide to Mr Dearden before the 13 October, who will then work with Mr Gaskell. Windermere Strategy update Mr Sykes informed the group that due to staffing issues neither authority has been able to progress with the Windermere Strategy, now looking at external support to take forward and aiming for a conclusion by September 2016. Action: Mr Sykes to circulate updates when available. Mrs Shaw would the like forum to be included in these discussions and any new proposals and developments for a revised strategy document. 6 Reports and Proposed Consultations from LDNPA Update on boat safety scheme The LDNPA is waiting for the pending court case to be concluded before it can consider the Marine Accident Investigation Branch’s recommendations. After the court case is concluded the matter will be returned to authority members for their consideration. Action: All members have been asked to update themselves on the Boat Safety Scheme (on their website) before the next meeting. Exemption update by the LDNPA The LDNPA received two applications in 2015. Windermere Motor Boat Racing Club put an application in to hold four events over the next 2 years, the 2015 events have taken place successfully. The Lakes Flying Company proposed to fly a replica Waterbird on the 17 September this has had to be cancelled as they are awaiting for the CAA to give approval for the structural integrity of the floats. They now hope to fly in spring 2016. When a date has been agreed the LDNPA will have to consult with consultees on the new date. Mr Hardman and Mrs Shaw presented the forum with a proposal to consult with a range of lake users and interested parties on an exemption to allow waterskiing and wakeboarding on Windermere. Mr Hardman outlined the proposal that seeks views on locations and timings and methods of monitoring and controlling the use of such an exemption. Mr Dearden confirmed that he understood the proposal presented was to consult on suitable time and locations prior to progressing with an exemption request. Mr Hardman confirmed that this was the case. Members discussed the proposal, there were a variety of views, all agreed that a lot more discussion would need to take place. Mr Gaskell said that the proposal does not fit within the policy for an exemption. If the applicant wanted to discuss any initial ideas with him directly, he could give a clear steer on whether it would be a viable proposal. Mrs Shaw said if an exemption proposal were to be submitted to the LDNPA for discussion then if the policy is a problem it would need to be looked at further. 7 Reports and proposed consultations from SLDC Lake Admin update Fees and charges for Windermere will be going to Lake Admin on the 7 October. Dredging has been raised and discussed. It was asked where the 20 moorings will be relocated from Aquatics, Mr Maguire didn’t think they would be relocated. In effect the new permanent berths have replaced this mooring option. Waterhead and Ferry Nab The scheme has been finalised and procurement running to target. Tenders will still be able to come ashore for short stays. Action Mr Maguire is looking to see if rings can be added to the retaining wall. Glebe Foreshore Update Details have not yet been finalized. Mrs Shaw asked if there will be formal consultation on the development of the area between the Pump House and Lake District Boat Club. Mr Maguire informed members that no decision has been made on the landscape plans yet and that CCC has been leading on this. CCC is managing the tendering process. Action: Mr Maguire to enquire what consultation has taken place on the landscaping section. Mr Hardman asked if consideration could be given to any speed humps that need installing as boat trailers run low and this can cause a problem. Mrs Shaw asked that WLUF be included in the consultation on the landscaping area as this has been a major topic for some members for many years. 8. There were no items of AOB and Mrs Shaw thanked all those who had contributed to what had proved to be a very positive meeting. The meeting closed at 9.35pm 9 Date of next meeting Next meeting to take place on the 14 March 2016 at 6.00pm, venue to be confirmed.