Application Deadline is April 25 th , 2014

Application Deadline is April 25th, 2014
About the Program:
The Marianist Leadership Program has existed for almost 15 years and is designed to provide 65 students
with educational and experiential opportunities focused on faith and leadership within the 5 pillars of the
Marianist Charism – Faith, Mission, Mary, Inclusivity, and Community. Members will have the
opportunity to live in a Living Learning community in Anthony Frederick Hall and also take SMC classes
together to engage in deeper thought around faith in action. Additionally, members will attend weekly
gatherings in which they engage in a curriculum that incorporates scripture, Marianist values, leadership
development, and social justice. The Marianist Leadership Program at its core strives to serve those
around them, build community, and share the Marianist spirit with all those with whom we come in
contact. Included below is an application checklist. As part of this application, you must provide two
references, one from a current professor and another from a Faculty/Staff Member. The other
required materials are outlined further below.
Check List:
Completed Questions
Current Resume
Reference Form #1 – Current Professor
Reference Form #2 – Other Faculty/Staff Member
Basic Information:
Date of Birth:
Primary E-Mail:
St. Mary’s E-Mail:
Home Phone:
(We will contact you through this email)
Cell Phone:
Expected Graduation Date:
Educational Information:
St. Mary’s Student ID #:
Intended Major:
Please answer the questions below Feel free to use a separate word document to complete. Please do not
exceed two pages.
1. How has the Marianist Charism of Community affected your life here at St. Mary’s and how do
you hope to give back to the Community in your time here?
2. Talk about a time you have let someone down. What did you learn from this experience?
3. Who is God to you?
4. What is your experience with the Marianist on campus and why do you want to be part of this
Marianist Family?
5. What will you contribute to the Marianist Leadership Program?
TO THE RECOMMENDER: The student who has asked you to fill out this Recommendation Form is
applying for the Marianist Leadership Program. We are asking for an honest evaluation of the student.
Please know that the candidate will not be accepted or rejected on the basis of positive or negative ratings.
We ask that no family members fill out the recommendation form. Thank you for taking the time to fill
out this recommendation.
How long have you known the candidate? :
What is your relationship to this candidate? :
Snapshot Evaluation
Based on your familiarity with the candidate, how would you evaluate the candidate in the following
areas? It is helpful to compare the student to others with whom you have worked:
Top 5% Top 10% Top 25% Top 50% No Basis To Judge
Family Spirit
Community Builder
Inclusive Leadership Style
Welcoming Presence
Adaptation and Change
Adapts to Change Positively
Manages Stress Well
Participates in Class
Work Ethic
Openess to Spiritual Growth
Reflection of values in daily actions
Service, Justice and Peace
Attentative to other's needs
Engages in Community Service
Please share your honest opinion of the candidate and how their gifts and strengths would add value to the
Marianist Leadership program. (Feel free to use as much space as needed)
Do you recommend the applicant for the Marianist Leadership Program?
☐With reservations (please specify)
Please return this completed recommendation form in a signed and sealed envelope, or by email.
Civic Engagement and Career Development Center
St. Mary's University
Attn: Marianist Leadership Program
1 Camino Santa Maria
San Antonio, TX 78228
This recommendation should be submitted before April 25, 2014.