PRE-AP WORLD HISTORY TO 1450 CE/GEOGRAPHY (WH 1) 9th Grade, Cubs Team 5th & 8th Blocks, Room 108 Ms. Smith DOMINION HIGH SCHOOL 571-434-4400 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Social, political, and economic development, and their dynamic relationships with world cultures, are central themes of World History. This course will cover history from the dawn of civilization to the “Great Convergence.” The course involves the exploration of the historical development of people, places and patterns of life from ancient times until about 1500 CE*. will examine the geography, economy, government, social structure, religion, technology and history of selected civilizations. Students will study the origins of much of our heritage using texts, maps, pictures, stories, diagrams, charts, simulations, chronological skills, inquiry/research skills, and technology skills. Cultural emphasis is placed upon literature, art, architecture, music, religion and philosophy. Historical emphasis is placed upon such areas a comparative political, economic and social system. Concepts stressed throughout the course are the same as those employed by all social scientists: critical thinking, analysis and interpretation. This course requires academic discipline, strong historical interest, independent work and analysis, and the development of a thoughtful, global perspective in preparation for AP work. * “CE” is the new abbreviation used by historians and archaeologists. It stands for “Common Era.” “BCE” stands for “Before the Common Era.”1500 CE refers to the same year as 1500 AD. REQUIRED MATERIALS: Pencils and blue/black pens Three-ring, 2-inch binder 5 dividers College-ruled loose leaf paper Agenda (provided by the school) Blue or black pen/ pencil 3 different color highlighters Pack of 3x5 index cards USB thumb drive Colored pencils (strongly recommended) Tissues or antibacterial Clorox/Lysol wipes (so we can all stay healthy!) 1 BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS: 1. Be respectful of everyone in the classroom at all times. This includes not talking while the teacher or another student is talking. 2. Remain in your seat, unless you have the teacher’s permission to move about the classroom or to leave class. 3. Students are prohibited from using any personal electronic devices in class. Doing so results in automatic confiscation. *Remember: We are here to learn history, so please act accordingly. CLASS POLICIES: Students should come to class on time, prepared--with required materials and assignments (including interactive notebooks), and ready to learn! Students will take responsibility of their learning and be proactive if they do not understand a concept or have missed an assignment. This is high school behavior. Plagiarism will result in a 0 and disciplinary action from administration. We expect all students to try their best and work hard each and every day. *LATE WORK POLICY: Completed homework must be turned in on assigned date. No late homework will be accepted unless you are absent. Students who are absent must turn in completed assignments the day after the next class attended. Major assignments such as projects and essays not turned in on time will be deducted one letter grade for each school day (not class day) late, including weekends. Reminders from the teacher regarding late work should not be expected. CLASS ROUTINES: Upon arriving to class, students should: quietly turn in any assignments to the Inbox, check their student file folders for returned assignments and absent work, take their seats and start the Bell-Ringer Activity by the time the bell rings-any students who walk in after the bell rings will be considered tardy. Homework Buddies System- Every student is assigned a homework buddy on the first day of school who will collect relevant classwork for students when they are absent and place it in their student file folder in the back of the room. In the event of a class absence, students are responsible for acquiring and making up any missed assignments, notes, handouts, etc. as soon as possible. WEB-BASED RESOURCES: Vision-This course is taught using Vision, which is an internet-based course organizer selected by LCPS. Parents and students can access Vision online using the student’s user name and password. Inside Vision are many of the unit materials, including PowerPoint presentations, handouts, and web links. Course Website- 2 GRADED WORK: Homework: Assigned every class and includes reading; worth it Quizzes & Tests: At the end of each unit expect one or the other depending on size Mid-Term and Final Exams: Summative common assessments-aligned heavily with other 9th grade world history teachers’ exams Writing: Often to build essential skills; at least one assignment per unit; research paper in 3rd quarter Projects: One per quarter; summative assessment; creative *Please note that students are required to complete a research project planned for the third quarter. The project includes a five-page double spaced research paper and a science fair board or powerpoint on a relevant world history/geography topic GRADING: A straight point system will be used in this class. Generally, homework will be worth 5-15 points. Quizzes will be worth 10-30 points. Projects and tests will be worth 75-150 points. This is a general guide, and is subject to change. We will use the DHS grading scale, which is printed on page 5 of the student agendas. The class gradebook on CLARITY will be updated at least once every 2 weeks to reflect graded assignments (homework, essays) and assessments (quizzes, tests, and projects). Students should log on to check their progress regularlyat least about every two weeks. Students should reserve questions about their individual progress for after school or during Titan Time. Students and families should expect assignments returned in class in the following time frame: o General Homework Assignments: Will be handed back within one school week o Quizzes: Will be handed back to the student within two school weeks o Projects, Essays, Essay Tests & Research Papers: Will be handed back within three school weeks (This is The Social Science Department Returned Work Timeline) EXTRA HELP/QUESTIONS: Ms. Smith is available during Titan Time to help students. Ms. Smith is also available on Tuesdays and Thursdays before school if you need extra help. She can be available after school and other mornings if you set up an appointment with her. The easiest way to do set up an appointment with Ms. Smith is by email, speaking in person before/after class or in Titan Time. Ms. Smith sets the bar high for her students, meaning she holds high expectations of success for each and every student. She is here to help students be successful, so please let her know how she can help towards that goal. 3 The best way to reach us outside of class, should you have any questions or concerns, is via e-mail. We check email in the mornings and will return your email or call within 24 hours. TENTATIVE COURSE OUTLINE: 1st Quarter: 9/2/14-10/31/14 Dates* Units/Topics 9/2-9/12 9/16-10/2 10/6-10/30 1. Geography & Early Humans 2. River Valley Civilizations 3. Persia, India, & China 2nd Quarter: 11/5/14-1/23/15 Dates* Units/Topics SOL’s WHI.1a-e&WHI.2a-d Approximate Assessment Dates** 9/12 & 9/15 WHI.3a-e 10/2 & 10/3 WHI.4a-f 10/30 & 10/31 SOL’s 11/5-12/5 4. Ancient Greece WHI.5a-f Approximate Assessment Dates** 12/4 & 12/5 12/8-1/12 5. Ancient Rome WHI.6a-k 1/12 & 1/13 3rd Quarter: 1/27/15-3/27/15 Units/Topics 6. Byzantine Empire & Russia 7. Islam 8. Africa & the Americas 4th Quarter: 4/7/14-6/16/15 Units/Topics 9. Middle Ages 10. The Renaissance 11. SOL Review-the World History I SOL will be in early May-not yet scheduled 12. Enrichment topic TBD *Dates are subject to change especially due to potential snow days **Assessment dates are subject to change due to potential snow days 4 PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN THIS SHEET TO MS. SMITH Student Name: ________________________ Parents, be aware that the students will need Internet access to complete homework assignments. Computers are available in the library before and after school, in an open computer lab before school, and during Titan Time. Students will be expected to use the Vision website to complete homework and study, however, limited paper copies of the material will be available for students without home Internet access. Check here if you do not have Internet access at home STUDENT CONTRACT: I have reviewed the course syllabus. I am aware of and understand the class policies, as well as the possibility that some things may change. I will adhere to the class policies and behavioral expectations listed above. Lastly, I understand that is my responsibility to contact the class teacher(s) with any questions or concerns I may have throughout the year. Student Signature: ________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Parent Signature: ________________________________________________________ If you didn’t fill out the following during Zero Day, please do so: I am very excited to have your child in Pre-AP World History 1 this year. Please tell me if there is anything I can specifically do to help your child be successful in our class. My child learns best when: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Contact Information: Parent/Guardian Name(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail address: _____________________________________________________________ Preferred contact phone number during school hours: Preferred contact phone number after school hours: ______________________________________ 5