For Examiner Only Case Organophosphate release Author: Valerie Dobiesz, MD Reviewer: Vivek Parwani, MD Approved: 12/28/05 ORAL CASE SUMMARY CONTENT AREA Toxicology and Disaster Medicine SYNOPSIS OF CASE An unknown gas is released in the downtown rapid transit station. It is described as a thick mist, and was found in 5 separate stops. Thousands of commuters rapidly fled the stations to the streets. The patient presents with a severe cholinergic toxidrome SYNOPSIS OF HISTORY 50 year old male found at the rapid transit station by paramedics in severe respiratory distress. The paramedics have no past medical history at the scene and are handling multiple patients. The patient was noted to have eye tearing, SOB with wheezing, vomiting and diarrhea. SYNOPSIS OF PHYSICAL Middle aged man in severe respiratory distress. He is bradycardic and tachypneic Pt is vomiting and having diarrhea shortly after arrival. His pupils are miotic and tearing He has copious secretions from mouth and bilateral wheezing CRITICAL ACTIONS 1. Skin decontamination (PC) 2. Utilizes Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment 3. Recognition of cholinergic toxidrome (MK) 4. Airway control with intubation (PBL) 5. Antidote administered (atropine and pralidoxime) (SBP) SCORING GUIDELINES (Critical Action No.) 1. Score down if patient not decontaminated on arrival. 2. Score down if staff does not use PPE, score up is patient anticipates and wears PPE and has patient decontaminated prior to entry into ED 3. Score down if cholinergic toxidrome not identified on history and physical exam 4. Score down if does not address airway on arrival 5. Score down if antidote not given, must give both atropine and pralidoxime, large amounts of atropine will be required and titrated to bronchial secretions FOR EXAMINER ONLY For Examiner Only PLAY OF CASE GUIDELINES (Critical Action No.) 1. ACTION - paramedics call with disaster situation and exposure of patient to unknown gas CONSEQUENCE - candidate should request decontamination on arrival to ED. Staff should wear masks, gowns, and gloves (PPE). If not, staff begins to become symptomatic with eye tearing, salivation, nausea, vomiting. If still no thought to decontamination a staff member may seize. A nurse may prompt this by stating she is not caring for the patient until that gas is cleaned off the patient. 2. ACTION – the candidate should quickly assess the need for definitive airway management and intubate the patient without delay. CONSEQUENCE -if not patient becomes apneic and cyanotic. Nurse may prompt candidate by stating that the patient is getting weak and the pulse ox is now 82% 3. ACTION – candidate should recognize the cholinergic toxidrome on physical examination CONSEQUENCE if not, nurse will ask what the doctor thinks may be going on and point out features such as miosis, salivation, lacrimation, vomiting, diarrhea, bradycardia, etc. Nurse may suggest calling the poison center. 4. ACTION – candidate should administer atropine and pralidoxime (2PAM) CONSEQUENCE – if not, the patient will lose consciousness and seize. The nurse will ask if there is an antidote that can be given for this unknown gas exposure FOR EXAMINER ONLY For Examiner Only Critical Actions 1. Skin decontamination (PC) This critical action is met by Decontamination prior to entering the ED Cueing Guideline: Nurse won’t care for the patient until he is cleaned up. 2. Personal Protective Equipment This critical action is met by wearing of donning appropriate PPE. Cweing Guideline: Staff may start tearing if mask and gown are not worn 3. Recognition of cholinergic toxidrome (MK) This critical action is met by Recognize cholinergic toxidrome Cueing Guideline: The nurse points out the features of the toxidrome such as miosis, salivation, lacrimation, bradycardia, etc and asks what these symptoms may be caused by 4. Airway control with intubation (PBL) This critical action is met by Intubates the patient Cueing Guideline: Patient de-saturates, becomes cyanotic, and seizes 5. Antidote administered (atropine and pralidoxime) (SBP) This critical action is met by Administers antidote Cueing Guideline: Nurse asks if there is an antidote available For Examiner Only History Data Panel Age: 50 Sex: Male Method of Transportation: Ambulance Name: Bruce Erickson Person giving information: Paramedics Presenting complaint: SOB, exposure to unknown gas Onset and Description of Complaint: Immediately after exposure to gas at rapid transit station Past Medical History Allergies: none Medical: Hypertension Surgical: Appendectomy Last Meal: Breakfast Habits Smoking: none Drugs: none Alcohol: occasional beer on weekends Family Medical History Father: Atrial fibrillation Mother: None Siblings: none Social History Married: yes Children: 4 Employed: Sports journalist Education: BA PMD: Dr. Roy For Examiner Only Physical Data Panel General Appearance: Middle aged man in severe respiratory distress. Pt is noted to be vomiting and having several episodes of diarrhea shortly after arrival Vital Signs: BP : P : R : T : O2Sat : Glucose : 140/80 40 34 98.7 88% RA 108 Neurological: No focal deficits Mental Status: Anxious Head: Atraumatic Eyes: pupils 2mm bilat not reactive and frequent tearing Ears: normal Mouth: +copious secretions from mouth, no erythema/edema Neck: normal Skin: moist, no rashes, no evidence of trauma Chest: tachypneic, bilateral wheezing Heart: bradycardic Abdomen: soft, hyperactive bowel sounds, no guarding, no rigidity Extremities: normal Rectal: large amount of watery stool heme negative Pelvic: Defer Back: normal Other exam findings: None For Examiner Only Lab Data Panel Stimulus #2 – CBC WBC Hgb Hct Platelets Differential Segs Lymphs Monos Eos 10/mm3 14g/dL 40% 216/mm3 80% 10% 3% 1% Stimulus #3 – Chemistry Na+ 140 mEq/L K+ 3.6 mEq/L HCO324mEq/L Cl112mEq/L Glucose 95mg/dL BUN 12 mg/dL Creatinine 1.0mg/dL Stimulus #4 – Urinalysis Color Yellow Sp Gravity 1.010 Glucose Negative Protein Negative Ketone Negative Leuk. Est. Negative Nitrite Negative WBC 0/HPF RBC 0/HPF Stimulus #5 – Serum cholinesterase level – pending Erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase activity level - pending Stimulus #6 – Pulse ox – 88% on room air Stimulus #7 – ABG – pH 7.32/PO2 66/PCO2 28/Bicarb 17/ 88% sat Stimulus #8 – EKG – sinus bradycardia, rate 40, no acute ischemia Stimulus #9 – CXR - nl heart, pulmonary edema VERBAL REPORTS For Examiner Only Stimulus Inventory Stimulus #1 – Emergency Admitting Form Stimulus #2 – CBC Stimulus #3 – Chemistry Stimulus #4 – Urinalysis Stimulus #5 – Serum cholinesterase level – pending Erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase activity level - pending Stimulus #6 – Pulse ox 88% on room air Stimulus #7 – ABG – pH 7.32/PO2 66/PCO2 28/Bicarb 17/ 88% sat Stimulus #8 – EKG – sinus bradycardia, rate 52, no acute ischemia Stimulus #9 – CXR - nl heart, pulmonary edema FOR EXAMINER ONLY Mock Oral Feedback Form – ABEM model Case Date: Examiner: Examinee: Data acquisition Worst 1 NOTES 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Best Problem solving Worst 1 NOTES 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Best Patient management Worst 1 2 NOTES 3 4 5 6 7 8 Best Resource utilization Worst 1 2 NOTES 3 4 5 6 7 8 Best Health care provided Worst 1 2 NOTES 3 4 5 6 7 8 Best 4 5 6 7 8 Best Comprehension of path physiology Worst 1 2 3 4 NOTES 5 6 7 8 Best Clinical competence (overall) Worst 1 2 3 NOTES 5 6 7 8 Best Patient Interpersonal relations Worst 1 2 3 NOTES 4 Dangerous actions and Critical Actions 1. Skin decontamination (PC) omissions 2. Appropriate PPE 3. Recognition of cholinergic toxidrome (MK) 4. Airway control with intubation (PBL) toxidrome not identified immed 4. 5. Antidote administered (atropine and pralidoxime) (SBP) 6. does not address airway 5. FOR EXAMINER ONLY 1 patient not decontaminated 2. staff does not use PPE, score up if staff anticipate pt 3. cholinergic antidote not given, must give both atropine and pralidoxime Mock Oral Feedback Form – Core Competencies Date: Examiner: Does not meet expectations Examinee: Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations 1. Patient care 2. Medical knowledge 3. Interpersonal skills and communication 4. Professionalism 5. Practice-based learning and improvement 6. Systems-based practice Dangerous actions and Critical Actions 1. Skin decontamination (PC) omissions 2. Appropriate PPE 3. Recognition of cholinergic toxidrome (MK) 4. Airway control with intubation (PBL) toxidrome not identified immed 4. 5. Antidote administered (atropine and pralidoxime) (SBP) 6. does not address airway 5. FOR EXAMINER ONLY 1 patient not decontaminated 2. staff does not use PPE, score up if staff anticipate pt 3. cholinergic antidote not given, must give both atropine and pralidoxime Stimulus #1 ABEM General Hospital Emergency Admitting Form Name : Bruce Erickson Age : 50 Sex : Male Method of Transportation : Ambulance Person giving information : Paramedics Presenting complaint : SOB, exposure to unknown gas Background: The paramedics call you on the radio alerting you to a disaster situation with multiple victims. They are bringing a middle aged man found at the scene with moderate to severe respiratory distress. Witnesses at the scene reported seeing a thick mist at the rapid transit station Vital Signs Pulse 40 Resp 44 BP 140/80 Stimulus #2 – CBC WBC Hgb Hct Platelets Differential Segs Lymphs Monos Eos 10/mm3 14g/dL 40% 216/mm3 80% 10% 3% 1% Stimulus #3 – Chemistry Na+ 140 mEq/L K+ 3.6 mEq/L HCO324mEq/L Cl112mEq/L Glucose 95mg/dL BUN 12 mg/dL Creatinine 1.0mg/dL Stimulus #4 – Urinalysis Color Yellow Sp Gravity 1.010 Glucose Negative Protein Negative Ketone Negative Leuk. Est. Negative Nitrite Negative WBC 0/HPF RBC 0/HPF Stimulus #5 Serum cholinesterase level – pending Erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase activity level - pending Stimulus #6 – Pulse ox 88% on room air Stimulus #7 – ABG – pH 7.32/PO2 66/PCO2 28/Bicarb 17/ 88% sat Stimulus #8 – EKG Stimulus #9 – CXR