Application Form for BIH Collaborative Research Grants Version 3 (Dec 16, 2013) Application Form for BIH Collaborative Research Grants Opening Remark This template offers guidance in preparing a proposal for a Collaborative Research Grant. Please consult the accompanying Guide for Applicants and the FAQ section on the website for assistance with filling this document. Instructions for completing the form are printed in grey. Grey text in parentheses (e.g. <grey>) is to be replaced by the applicant. Only text printed in black needs to appear in the final version. Please submit the completed document as one pdf-file to the online application portal until January 5, 2014 midnight. Collaborative Research Grant: <Title> Coordinating institution: Charité [ ] MDC [ ] The following information will be filled by the BIH Head Office. Eingangsvermerk Datum/Stempel Förderkennzeichen 1. Antrag auf Erstzuwendung 2. Antrag auf Anschlusszuwendung 3. Antrag auf Aufstockung der Zuwendung Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin & Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin Luisenstraße 56 ∙ 10117 Berlin Phone: + 49 30 9406 2063 ∙ Fax: + 49 30 2093 2084 ∙ BIH Title Page Proposal for a Collaborative Research Grant <Title> From <Date> to <Date> Duration of project (max. 4 years, earliest start is April 1, 2014): Coordinating institution: Charité [ ] MDC [ ] Total amount of funding requested: <Sum> € Coordinator of the Collaborative Research Grant: <Academic degree/title, first name, last name> <Affiliation> <Work address> <Phone number> <Fax> <E-mail address> Deputy coordinator of the Collaborative Research Grant: <Academic degree/title, first name, last name> <Affiliation> <Work address> <Phone number> <Fax> <E-mail address> Place, Date Signature <Name> (Coordinator of the Collaborative Research Grant) Place, Date Signature <Name> (Deputy Coordinator of the Collaborative Research Grant) Title Page Signatures of legal representatives: Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Place, Date Place, Date <Signature> Dr. Gerrit Fleige (Executive Director Finance & Administration of the Medical Faculty of the Charité) <Signature> Prof. Dr. Annette Grüters-Kieslich (Dean of the Charité) Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin Place, Date <Signature> Dr. Hans-Joachim Seehrich (Acting Administrative Director of the MDC) Place, Date <Signature> Prof. Dr. Walter Rosenthal (Scientific Director of the MDC) Table of Contents Table of Contents PART I: GENERAL INFORMATION AND FUNDS REQUESTED...................................... 6 1. General information.................................................................................................. 6 1.1. Title of the Collaborative Research Grant ........................................................ 6 1.2. Research area ..................................................................................................... 6 1.3. Keywords ............................................................................................................ 6 1.4. Consortium and project structure ..................................................................... 6 1.4.1. Principal investigators ..................................................................................... 6 1.4.2. List of projects................................................................................................. 6 1.4.3. Associated scientists ...................................................................................... 6 1.5. Profile of the Collaborative Research Grant .................................................... 7 1.5.1. Summary ........................................................................................................ 7 1.5.2. Research program .......................................................................................... 7 1.5.3. Positioning within the academic field and the local research environment ..... 7 1.5.4. Strategic Relevance for the BIH...................................................................... 7 1.5.5. Data management .......................................................................................... 7 1.5.6. Knowledge transfer ......................................................................................... 7 1.6. 2. Additional sources of extramural funding relevant to this proposal ............. 8 Funds requested ....................................................................................................... 9 2.1. Overview by category and year ......................................................................... 9 2.2. Overview of personnel requested by category, year and subproject ............ 9 2.3. Husbandry of laboratory animals .................................................................... 10 2.4. Demands on Core Facilities ............................................................................. 10 2.5. Demands on IT resources ................................................................................ 10 PART II: RESEARCH PROGRAM BY SUBPROJECTS .................................................. 11 3. <Index Number, Subproject Title>......................................................................... 11 3.1. General information about the subproject ..................................................... 11 3.1.1. Title of the subproject ................................................................................... 11 3.1.2. Principal investigator(s) ................................................................................ 11 3.1.3. Legal issues .................................................................................................. 11 3.2. Research ........................................................................................................... 11 3.2.1. Summary ...................................................................................................... 11 3.2.2. Starting point of the project ........................................................................... 12 a) Current state of scientific knowledge and preliminary work ................................ 12 b) Project-related publications of the principal investigator(s) ................................. 12 Table of Contents 3.2.3. 3.2.4. 3.2.5. Project Outline .............................................................................................. 12 Role within the Collaborative Research Grant .............................................. 12 Delineation from other funded projects of the principal investigator(s) ......... 12 3.3. Funding of the subproject ............................................................................... 13 3.3.1. Overview of funds requested ........................................................................ 13 3.3.2. Staff .............................................................................................................. 13 3.3.3. Consumables and equipment ....................................................................... 14 ANNEX .............................................................................................................................. 15 A) List of reviewers to be excluded ........................................................................... 16 B) Conditions and Obligations ................................................................................... 17 C) Academic curriculum vitae of all applicants ........................................................ 18 Part I: General Information and Funds Requested PART I: GENERAL INFORMATION AND FUNDS REQUESTED 1. General information 1.1. Title of the Collaborative Research Grant <Title of the Collaborative Research Grant> 1.2. Research area Please tick the research area of your project. [ [ [ [ ] Exploring the immune system to control disease ] Overcoming biological barriers to treatment ] Proteostatic mechanisms in health and disease ] Exploiting the heritable dimensions of disease for improved clinical outcome 1.3. Keywords Please provide 3 to 5 keywords for your project. (1) (2) (3) 1.4. 1.4.1. Consortium and project structure Principal investigators Principal investigator <Title, first name, last name> in alphabetical order 1.4.2. Phone E-mail address Institute, research group Subproject <index number> List of projects Please list the 6 to 8 subprojects of your consortium and the responsible principal investigators. Subproject Title of the subproject Principal investigator(s), institute <index number> please assign an index number to each subproject (1, 2, 3…) 1.4.3. Associated scientists Please list researchers who will assume project responsibility but will not be applying for BIH funding. Please explain their project contribution under "1.5.2 Research Program" and in the description of the subprojects and provide the following information for each associated scientist. Associated Phone E-mail address Page 6 of 18 Institute, research Subproject Part I: General Information and Funds Requested scientist <Title, first name, group <index number> last name> 1.5. Profile of the Collaborative Research Grant Please make sure that the information given here provides comprehensive and complete information on the project. 1.5.1. Summary <Text> (max. 1,800 characters including spaces) 1.5.2. Research program Please describe the scientific concept of the planned Collaborative Research Grant, including the theme, goals and the leading question. Please specifically address the following points: Please provide a brief description of the overall objectives, problem or knowledge gap(s) to be addressed by the project. Which are the major research questions that should be addressed during the funding period? Please describe the foreseen scientific benefit achieved through the collaboration. What is the long-term perspective of the research project? Please describe how the overall project will be divided into subprojects and how the subprojects will be connected. Please indicate how the cooperation of the involved scientist will be supported and organized. Please describe the contribution of associated scientists. Please include a bibliography of all references cited in 1.5.2 that do not involve applicants of this grant at the end of the text. If citing work from applicants of this proposal, please refer to the corresponding publication lists of the subprojects (3.3.2.). <Text> (18,000 - 24,000 characters including spaces) 1.5.3. Positioning within the academic field and the local research environment <Text> (max. 1,000 characters including spaces) 1.5.4. Strategic Relevance for the BIH Please outline how the research project fits into the strategic perspective of the BIH (see Guide for Applicants). How do you foster collaboration across disciplines and scientific exchange between clinicians and basic scientists? How do you implement the systems medicine approach of the BIH? What is the translational perspective of your research and the foreseen impact on diagnostics and therapy? <Text> (max. 1,800 characters including spaces) 1.5.5. Data management Please indicate how the data collected with the proposed research project will be secured, kept and provided for research purposes. <Text> 1.5.6. Knowledge transfer If applicable please describe how the research results are planned to be exploited. Page 7 of 18 Part I: General Information and Funds Requested <Text> (max. 1,000 characters including spaces) 1.6. Additional sources of extramural funding relevant to this proposal Principal investigator Subproject Project title <index number> Page 8 of 18 Funding period Funding agency Part I: General Information and Funds Requested 2. Funds requested The maximum funding volume per sub-project should not exceed € 200.000 per year. Budget demands need to be scientifically well justified. In exceptional cases, e.g. particular and expensive use of core facilities, preclinical studies or need for special investments, additional budget may be granted. Please give all figures in Euro. For further information please refer to the FAQ section on the website. 2.1. Overview by category and year Please calculate personnel costs using the personnel rates given below (adapted from DFG personnel rates for 2013). Please note that the budget for Total Consumables and Other Costs will be adjusted to compensate for actual personnel costs. The number of people refers to full time equivalents. Doctoral researchers should be entered as 1 FTE. 2014 Cost Category Personnel Personnel Personnel Personnel Personnel Details Postdoctoral researcher or comparable (E13-3 to E14-2) Physician scientist (Ä1-2 to Ä2-1) Doctoral researcher (65% E13-2 to E14-1) Other research assistant (employees with bachelor’s degree, E9 to E12) Non-academic staff member (E2-1 to E9-2) Salary p. a. 62,100 2015 ∑ # 2016 ∑ # 2017 ∑ # Total Sum ∑ ∑ # 82,500 37,245 48,300 42,600 Total Personnel Consumables Travel Costs Animal Costs* Services IT Equipment Total Consumables and Other Costs Overall Total #, Number of persons ∑, Sum *, For Animal Costs please calculate with the fees that the animal facility you will be using charges you Overview of personnel requested by category, year and subproject <Index number> Total Page 9 of 18 Other research assistant and non-academic staff Doctoral researcher Physician Scientist Postdoctoral Researcher 2017 Other research assistant and non-academic staff Doctoral researcher Physician Scientist Postdoctoral Researcher 2016 Other research assistant and non-academic staff Doctoral researcher Physician Scientist Postdoctoral Researcher 2015 Other research assistant and non-academic staff Doctoral researcher 2014 Postdoctoral Researcher Subproject Physician Scientist 2.2. Part I: General Information and Funds Requested 2.3. Husbandry of laboratory animals Subproject Species Number Average number of weeks kept Housing costs per animal and week Purchasing costs per animal Funds requested <Index number> Total 2.4. Demands on Core Facilities Please indicate which BIH, Charité or MDC core facilities will be required for the proposed research and the estimated amount of effort required. Please discuss all demands on Core Facilities for the subproject with the academics responsible for the facilities and indicate whether fees will be charged to you. Costs arising there should be included in the calculation and tabled as “Services”. <Text> 2.5. Demands on IT resources Please describe the IT and Bioinformatics related requirements for this project, incl. server capacity (virtual or physical; operating system; CPUs; RAM; disk space), HPC compute and mass storage capacities, central storage needs (initially; expected yearly increase; archive), software licenses, bioinformatics services. <Text> Page 10 of 18 Part II: Subproject <Index number (name of principal investigator)> PART II: RESEARCH PROGRAM BY SUBPROJECTS Part II is a template for a subproject. Please duplicate this template for each subproject. 3. <Index Number, Subproject Title> Please fill out the index number and the title of the subproject according to the information you provided under 1.4. Please duplicate this template for each subproject. 3.1. General information about the subproject 3.1.1. Title of the subproject Title: <Title of the subproject> Index Number: as assigned in 1.4 3.1.2. Principal investigator(s) <Academic degree/title, first name, last name> <Affiliation> <Work address> <Phone number> <Fax> <E-mail address> Does the above mentioned person hold a fixed-term position? <yes/no> If applicable End date: <Date> Further employment is planned until: <Date>. 3.1.3. Legal issues This project includes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Research on human subjects or human material A copy of the required approval of the responsible ethics committee is included with the proposal. Clinical studies A copy of the studies’ registration is included with the proposal. Experiments involving vertebrates Experiments involving recombinant DNA Research involving human embryonic stem cells Legal authorisation has been obtained. Use of Core Facilities 3.2. 3.2.1. Research Summary Please summarize the overall goals and methods of the subproject. <Text> (max. 3,000 characters including spaces) Page 11 of 18 <yes, no> <yes, no, n/a> <yes, no> <yes, no, n/a> <yes, no> <yes, no> <yes, no> <yes, no, n/a> <yes, no> Part II: Subproject <Index number (name of principal investigator)> 3.2.2. Starting point of the project a) Current state of scientific knowledge and preliminary work Please provide a brief overview of the literature as well as all preliminary work relevant to your proposal. Please include a bibliography of all references cited in this part that are not your own work at the end of the text. If citing your own work, please refer to the publication list in 3.3.2. <Text> (max. 4,500 characters including spaces) b) Project-related publications of the principal investigator(s) Please list a maximum of 12 of your own publications per principal investigator that directly relate to the project. If applicable, please structure your publication list as follows: a) peer-reviewed publications, which have been accepted for publication or are published, b) other publications, c) relevant patents filed. <Publication list> 3.2.3. Project Outline Please state the overall question of your research, the methods you plan to use and the working program. Please outline your project plan including all work packages, defined interim milestones and a time line. Please summarize the expected results and how you plan to exploit the results. Please indicate which new methods will be applied or developed and to which extent other research groups will be involved. <Text> (18,000 – 24,000 characters including spaces) 3.2.4. Role within the Collaborative Research Grant Please explain how the subproject is thematically, methodically and organizationally connected to the other subproject(s) within the proposal. Please outline how the research project fits into the strategic perspective of the BIH (see Guide for Applicants). How do you foster collaboration across disciplines and scientific exchange between clinicians and basic scientists? How do you implement the systems medicine approach of the BIH? What is the translational perspective of your research and the foreseen impact on diagnostics and therapy? <Text> (max. 1,500 characters including spaces) 3.2.5. Delineation from other funded projects of the principal investigator(s) Please describe how the proposed project is different from other currently funded projects. <Text> (max. 3,000 characters including spaces) Page 12 of 18 Part II: Subproject <Index number (name of principal investigator)> 3.3. Funding of the subproject The funding volume per subproject should not exceed € 200.000 per year. Budget demands need to be scientifically justified. In exceptional cases, e.g. particular and expensive use of core facilities, preclinical studies or need for special investments, additional budget may be granted. Please give all figures in Euro. For further information please refer to the FAQ section on the website. 3.3.1. Overview of funds requested Please calculate personnel costs using the personnel rates given below (adapted from DFG personnel rates for 2013). Please note that the budget for Total Consumables and Other Costs will be adjusted to compensate for actual personnel costs. The number of people refers to full time equivalents. Doctoral researchers should be entered as 1 FTE. 2014 Cost Category Personnel Details Postdoctoral researcher or comparable (E13-3 to E14-2) Physician scientist (Ä1-2 to Ä2-1) Doctoral researcher (65% E13-2 to E14-1) Other research assistant (employees with bachelor’s degree, E9 to E12) Non-academic staff member (E2-1 to E9-2) Personnel Personnel Personnel Personnel Salary p. a. 62,100 # 2015 ∑ # 2016 ∑ # 2017 ∑ # ∑ Total Sum ∑ 82,500 37,245 48,300 42,600 Total Personnel Consumables Travel Costs Animal Costs* Services IT Equipment Total Consumables and Other Costs Overall Total #, Number of persons ∑, Sum *, For Animal Costs please calculate with the fees that the animal facility you will be using charges you 3.3.2. Staff Here, staff that is meant to be financed through the grant has to be listed. Additional information on staff with own resources contributing to the sub-project is welcome but not obligatory. In case the subproject is headed by more than one principal investigator, please explain why it is scientifically necessary and justified. Name, academic degree, position Field of research Academic staff Nonacademic staff Page 13 of 18 Charité/MDC Commitment in hours/week Part II: Subproject <Index number (name of principal investigator)> 3.3.3. Consumables and equipment The funding of major research equipment (>10,000 €) is not designated within the Collaborative Research Grants and will only be granted in exceptional occasions when absolutely necessary to reach the project’s scientific aims. Please discuss all demands on Core Facilities for the subproject with the academics responsible for the facilities and indicate whether fees will be charged to you. Costs arising there should be included in the calculation and tabled as “Services”. A formal bid for external services is not necessary at this stage. Category Consumables Travel costs Animal costs Services IT Equipment Description and justification of item <Description and justification of item> Page 14 of 18 Year Costs ANNEX Page 15 of 18 A) List of reviewers to be excluded If you wish to exclude reviewers for revision of this proposal please list them below. Please save this table as a separate PDF file and do not include it into the final version of your proposal. In the application portal a special upload field will be provided for submission of this list. Name Institute, Research Group <Title, first name, last name> Page 16 of 18 Reason B) Conditions and Obligations In submitting a proposal to MDC for the BIH, all applicants agree to adhere to the rules of good scientific practice of MDC and Charité. inform MDC immediately of any changes to the information provided in this proposal. observe all relevant laws, regulations and guidelines that pertain to the project and in particular to obtain all necessary approvals, certifications, etc., in a timely manner. use the grant exclusively and in a targeted manner to realize the funded project. submit research progress reports according to the dates specified in the award letter and to present financial accounts to the MDC for BIH detailing the use of funds. Please tick: [ ] We accept the foregoing conditions and obligations. [ ] We agree to: the MDC’s electronic processing and storage of data provided in conjunction with this proposal. This information may be passed to reviewers and the BIH bodies as part of the review and decisionmaking process. having all address and communication data (e.g. telephone, fax, e-mail, internet website), as well as information on the content of this research project, if approved, published in BIH reports. I/We understand that the electronic publication of this information may be opposed by contacting the MDC for the BIH. Before this proposal can be processed, MDC for the BIH requires signatures from all applicants listed above certifying that they accept and will comply with the conditions and obligations as stated. Multiple applicants may sign and submit this form jointly; they may also submit a signed copy of this form separately. Place, date <Signature > <Name>, (Coordinator) Place, date <Signature> <Name>, (Deputy Coordinator) Place, date <Signature> <Name>, (Principal Investigator, subproject <index number>) You can either submit one document signed by all applicants or several copies with multiple or single signatures, as long as signatures of all applicants are provided. Page 17 of 18 C) Academic curriculum vitae of all applicants Please attach an academic curriculum vitae of all applicants including the following details. Curriculum vitae Please specify: [ ] coordinator, subproject <index number> [ ] deputy coordinator, subproject <index number> [ ] principal investigator, subproject <index number> Last name Last name at birth First name(s) Academic Degree/title Gender m[ ] f[ ] Year of birth Year of PhD Affiliation Work address Phone number Fax E-mail address Research experience Experience as a coordinator of a research consortium (if applicable) Education Please list, in reverse chronological order, your research experience including type of position, duration, the research topic, the institute and supervisor (if applicable). For the coordinator and the deputy coordinator please state the experience in coordinating larger research consortia. Please list, in reverse chronological order, your education including the university, major subject and degree obtained. Present position In case you are between jobs please specify your last position. Research field Please describe the on-going research in your laboratory (max. 1,800 characters including spaces). Top five publications Please highlight your name in bold. Previous scientific achievements Please state important grants, awards, honors, fellowships, and memberships in professional societies. Page 18 of 18