NACLIM Deliverable D31.9 Setup of coupled model & hindcasts conducted with initial conditions corr. to ARGO like samplings Deliverable title (Full title: Report on the setup of coupled model and hindcasts conducted with initial conditions corresponding to ARGO-like sampling. This deliverable is a report on natural variability in long control integration of couple model and choice of initial conditions) WP No. 3.1 WP title Suitability of the ocean observing system components for initialization Work duration 1) Lead beneficiary: GEOMAR 12 15 Sept Due delivery deadline: 2013 X R= report Actual delivery date: 18 October 2013 P= prototype Nature of the deliverable D= demonstrator O= Other PU = public X Dissemination level PP= restricted to other programme participants, including the Commission services RE= restricted to a group specified by the consortium, including the Commission services CO= confidential, only for members of the consortium, including the Commission services 1) Work duration = project month Lead beneficiary: GEOMAR Mojib Latif Other contributing partners: GEOMAR Wonsun Park GEOMAR Fritz Krueger GEOMAR Vladimir Semenov Page 1 Index 1. Executive summary ........................................................................................................... 3 2. Project objectives .............................................................................................................. 3 3. Detailed report on the deliverable ...................................................................................... 4 4. References ...................................................................................................................... 11 5. Dissemination and uptake ............................................................................................... 11 5.1 Dissemination ................................................................................................................ 11 5.2 Uptake by the targeted audience .................................................................................... 12 6. The delivery is delayed: Yes No ........................................................................... 12 7. Changes made and difficulties encountered, if any.......................................................... 12 8. Efforts for this deliverable ................................................................................................ 12 10. Dissemination activities ................................................................................................. 13 Page 2 1. Executive summary With the present deliverable, we provide a setup of coupled model and hindcasts conducted with initial conditions corresponding to ARGO-like samplings. This deliverable is a report on choice of initial conditions and natural variability contributing in the North Atlantic Sector. We have constructed a coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea ice general circulation model (AOGCM), the Kiel Climate Model (KCM), and performed long control integration. With the newly updated version, hindcast experiments have been performed with reduced ocean initial conditions in which temperature and salinity distributions are ideally reduced, and similar to ARGO-like observations. We have left only certain amount of initial data that are regarded as observation, and we have filled the missing values with different strategies. Hindcast results show that the ocean states deviates from the initial conditions rather quickly, e.g. within a year, in all different strategies for filling the missing values. This indicates that reducing the initial shock is important and should be considered in the next step for the setup of the initialization. Sophisticated object analysis would be helpful to provide better initial condition. Also, probably more importantly, initial restoring techniques need to be investigated to provide dynamically consistent initial conditions that may reconcile with reduced temperature and salinity fields. 2. Project objectives With this deliverable, the project has contributed to the achievement of the following objectives (see DOW Section B.1.1): Nr. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Objective Assessing the predictability and quantifying the uncertainty in forecasts of the North Atlantic/Arctic Ocean surface state Assessing the atmospheric predictability related to the North Atlantic/Arctic Ocean surface state Monitoring of volume, heat and fresh water transports across key sections in the North Atlantic Quantifying the benefit of the different ocean observing system components for the initialization of decadal climate predictions Establishing the impact of an Arctic initialization on the forecast skill in the North Atlantic/European sector Quantifying the impact of predicted North Atlantic upper ocean state changes on the oceanic ecosystem Quantifying the impact of predicted North Atlantic upper ocean state changes on socioeconomic systems in European urban societies Providing recommendations for observational and prediction Page 3 Yes No X X X X X X X X systems Providing recommendations for predictions of the oceanic ecosystem 10. Disseminating the key results to the climate service community and relevant endusers/stakeholders 11. Constructing a dataset for sea surface and sea ice surface temperatures in the Arctic 9. X X X 3. Detailed report on the deliverable 3.1 Objective The task for this deliverable was 1) to investigate the benefit of the different ocean observing system components for the initialization of decadal climate prediction systems, 2) to quantify the impact of the different observing system components in terms of decadal hindcast skill and 3) to identify the necessary enhancements and potential reductions of the present observing systems. 3.2 Setup of coupled model We have constructed a coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea ice general circulation model (AOGCM) and we have performed long control integration. The model is an updated version of the Kiel Climate Model (KCM, Park et al., 2009). Compared to the previous version described in Park et al. (2009), the updated version uses higher horizontal resolutions of atmosphere. Different cloud parameterization in the atmosphere is used, and some of ocean and sea ice parameters are different from the previous version, e.g. advection scheme. The atmosphere component of the KCM is the EHCAM5 (Roeckner et al., 2006), atmosphere general circulation model (AGCM) that uses on T42 (2.8x2.8) horizontal resolution with 19 levels in vertical. Ocean and sea ice model is NEMO (Madec, 2008) that runs on ORCA2-grid configuration with a nominal 2 degrees horizontal resolution with 31 vertical level. Tropical ocean has finer grids with 0.5 degree in latitude. The control run has been integrated with the present levels of greenhouse gases (e.g. CO2=348 ppm). It has been initialised with the Levitus climatology of 3-dimensional temperature and salinity and runs on 1300 years. 3.3 Experiments with reduced initial conditions Hindcast experiments have been performed with reduced ocean initial conditions. Perfect initial conditions, i.e. observations are available at all grid points, have been selected after 1000 model years to skip model’s spin-up phase. We performed ten runs starting at certain dates of Page 4 the control run (1st of January every 20 years) with reduced initial conditions of temperature and salinity. The model temperature and salinity can be regarded as ARGO-like observations. Reducing initial condition first left temperature and salinity only at grid points and filled the rest missing points with different strategies as described in the next section. Figure 1 shows some examples of distribution of horizontal known and unknown data points. The missing values are given also in all layers of the ocean model. Figure 1: Examples of setup of potential availability of the observed data. 'O' stands for the model grids where observations are available, 'I' for missing point where data should be provided by using adjacent observation with relevant Interpolation. 3.4 Interpolation Several interpolation algorithms were considered to fill the values at missing points. Linear interpolation has been applied when more observed values than missing ones were available as illustrated in Fig. 1a. For instance, a linear interpolation was performed at the missing points of in x-direction by using adjacent values, and then in y-direction. If the values v1 and v 3 at grid points x1 and x3 are known, the value v 2 at point x2 is obtained by the interpolation, v2 | x 3 x 2 | v1 | x 2 x1 | v 2 . | x 3 x1 | Page 5 In the case more known values than missing values were available, as in Figure 1b, an inverse distance weighted interpolation has been used. For example, if value v at grid point x is unknown, and the 4 neighbouring known values v1,v2,v3,v4 at grid points x1,x2,x3,x4 are used |x x| v v |x x| 4 in 1 i1 4 i1 i i 1 i In the following this interpolation strategy is called INTER. 3.5 Climatology data In this rather simple strategy, we can also take climatology data to fill the missing points instead of using interpolation. We calculated monthly mean climatology in the previous 10 years from the control simulation and used this climatology to provide the initial conditions at the points where observations were not available. This may provide ocean initial state at decadal time scales. This strategy is called here MIX. 3.6 Averaging climatology and interpolation value The missing values were calculated by averaging linear interpolation and the climatology, called here MIXINTER vav (vin vcl )/2 . 3.7 Smoothing using a Gaussian filter Since the changed data is not very smooth especially for the last two variants, we considered also an additional smoothing using a Gaussian filter. v ga (i, j,z) gk gl v ik, j l,z k,l , where v denotes the already changed variable by one of the above strategies and g denotes the 1d-Gaussian filter of length 7 with standard deviation 1: gk c exp( k 2 /2), 1 k 3,K ,3, c ( exp( (k 2 l 2 ) /2) k,l . Note that the coastal regions are not changed. Additionally, the known values of the original data arealso changed. In the following we indicated this smoothing variant as SMOOTHED. Page 6 Figure 2 shows examples of the SST difference of the initial conditions compared to the control initial state (perfect) case. MIX strategy shows quite unsmooth result, while SMOOTHED seems to be even smoother than the original data Figure 2: Initial SST differences to control run for strategies (a) MIX, (b) INTER, (c) MIXINTER and (d) SMOOTHED. We next checked the global conservations of the reduced initial conditions. Figure 3 shows the global mean values of sea surface temperature and salinity with different interpolation strategy. Interpolated field always underestimate the global means, which is not fully understood at this stage. It is clear that our interpolation schemes underestimate the integral over a concave function, meaning that the second deviation is always negative. Zonal mean of temperature and salinity have a "concave-like" shape in latitudinal direction, and we speculate that this may provide the source of the underestimation. Following the estimation of the trapezoidal rule one may expect v v new b a 2 '' h v () 12 , Page 7 where a, b the boundaries of the calculation region, h the grid size (in an equidistant grid) and a value in [a, b]. This systematic underestimation becomes higher when more missing values are applied. It is also found that the smoothing leads to an underestimation of the mean. The MIX strategy is between the climatology and the original value, the MIXINTER, as expected, always always between MIX and INTER. Figure 3: Global mean of (a) sea surface temperature and (b) sea surface salinity from initial conditions obtained from different interpolation strategies. black: control, blue: INTER, green: MIX, red: MIXINTER. For comparison, the corresponding mean of Page 8 Hindcast experiments were performed by starting the KCM with reduced initial conditions. Figure 4 shows the ensemble mean of the mean absolute error compare to the control run with different interpolation strategies. All figures correspond for the resolution shown in Fig. 1a (half resolution). There is not a big difference between the different strategies. In particular, SST shows an initial "shock", meaning that the error is almost saturated after about 3 months. This shock appears to be independent of the interpolation or filling strategy. We assume that the other variables in the model are not adapted to the changed temperature and salinity, and thus dynamically in consistent start occurs in the hindcast experiments. Figure 4: The ensemble global mean of absolute error reference to control run with several strategies. Page 9 Figures 5 and 6 show the time in months when the error to the control run is stagnating, i.e. the error is not increasing strongly for at least after 10 months. For different initial grid resolution there is not much effect seen. This also supports that reducing initial shock is the next solution for a better setup of the initialization. We consider further steps. Sophisticated object analysis can be used to provide better initial condition to fill the missing values. Also initial restoring techniques can be used to provide dynamically consistent initial conditions that can be reconciled with reduced temperature and salinity fields. Figure 5: Time (months) when the difference of SST to one control run is stagnating, i.e. for at least ten months not increasing anymore for the MIX strategy cases at different resolutions. (a), (b), and (c) are corresponding to the missing strategy Fig Page 10 Figure 6: Time (months) when the difference of SSS to one control run is stagnating, i.e. for at least ten months not increasing anymore for the MIX strategy cases at different resolutions. (a), (b), and (c) are corresponding to the missing strategy Fig 4. References Madec, G. (2008), NEMO ocean engine, Note du Pole de modélisation 27, Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace, France. Park, W., N. Keenlyside, M. Latif, A. Stroeh, R. Redler, E. Roeckner, and G. Madec (2009), Tropical Pacific Climate and Its Response to Global Warming in the Kiel Climate Model, J. Climate, 22(1), 71–92, doi:10.1175/2008JCLI2261.1. Roeckner, E., and M.-P.-I. F. Meteorologie (2003), The atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM5: Part 1: Model description, Report Number 349, Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie. 5. Dissemination and uptake 5.1 Dissemination Peer reviewed articles: None yet. Publications in preparation OR submitted: None yet. Page 11 5.2 Uptake by the targeted audience According to the DOW, the audience for this deliverable is: The general public (PU) X The project partners, including the Commission services (PP) A group specified by the consortium, including the Commission services (RE) This reports is confidential, only for members of the consortium, including the Commission services (CO) How are you going to ensure the uptake of the deliverables by the targeted audience? The deliverable has been already circulated to the other partners of the NACLIM consortium. It will be also made available in the intranet. Results will be published in peer-reviewed journals, which will provide information mainly to the observational oceanography and climate modelling community. 6. The delivery is delayed: Yes No 7. Changes made and difficulties encountered, if any None. 8. Efforts for this deliverable How many person-months have been used up for this deliverable? Partner Person-months GEOMAR 6 6 Period covered 01/11/2012- 18/10/2013 Total Total estimated effort for this deliverable (DOW) was 6 person-months. Page 12 10. Dissemination activities Add the dissemination activities (starting from November 2012) related to this deliverable. Fill in the table below in all its parts. [3] Indicate here which type of activities from the following list: Publications, conferences, workshops, web, press releases, flyers, articles published in the popular press, videos, media briefings, presentations, exhibitions, thesis, interviews, films, TV clips, posters, Other. [4] Indicate here which type of audience: Scientific Community (higher education, Research), Industry, Civil Society, Policy makers, Medias ('multiple choices' is possible. Type of activities[3] Main leader Title (+website reference) Presentation GEOMAR Presentation GEOMAR Date Place Type of audience[4] Mojib Latif 16-19July 2013 (GEOMAR): Dynamics and predictability of the AMOC US.AMOC/U.K. RAPID International Science Meeting‘ AMOC Variability: Dynamics and Impacts’ http://naclim.zma on.2509.0.html Baltimore (USA) Scientific Community (higher education, Research) Mojib Latif (GEOMAR): A dynamical/statist Trieste (IT) Scientific Community (higher Page 13 1-2 October 2013 Size of audience 60 Countries addressed Have you sent a copy to Chiara (project office) via mail? USA, Europe Yes USA, Europe Yes ical approach to predict multidecadal AMOC variability and related North Atlantic SST anomalies http://naclim.zma l Page 14 education, Research) Page 15