Impact of the Constitution Midterm

Mr. Trzepinska
United States History I Enriched
Impact of the Constitution Midterm - 100 points
Project Task:
The Constitution is a living and breathing document that has shaped American History, Culture,
Government, and Society for over 200 years. The impact of the constitution can be felt during
every historical era, time period, and current events. For the midterm you will have the
opportunity to select an aspect of the constitution and research its impact on history/current
events. Here are the requirements for your midterm
For example you can select a constitutional amendment, a power of government granted by the
constitution, or a Supreme Court case explaining in detail the history of your topic and analyzing
its impact through a current event that is happening
Essay (50 points)
- Must be a thesis driven essay
- Thesis will be created and supported throughout
- Chicago style footnotes OR MLA citations
- 5 Paragraphs in length (1-2 pages)
- Double spaced, traditional margins, size 11 Arial font
Visual product/presentation (50 points)
- Students can create whatever visual aid they wish (see the list on following pages)
Project must contain the following sources
- 5-7 Reliable sources
- 2 current events that explain the impact of your topic on today
- 1 primary source related to your topic (historically or current event) this can be a speech,
diary entry, article from the time period, picture, etc.
Checkpoints: It is very important to learn how to manage your time wisely. You will have other
tests/projects to prepare for in your other classes for midterms. This project will be assigned 11
days before the midterm and you will have approximately 5 class periods to work on this in
addition to time outside of class. Please be aware you might have to spend some time outside
of class working to complete this. The following checkpoints are in place to ensure that you are
on task and using class time wisely
Checkpoint 1 (2 class periods)
- Select Topic
- Conduct research on history of topic (Founding)
- Look at different secondary sources (ABC CLIO, Gale, etc.) to gain background
- Begin looking for current events related to your topic and primary source
Checkpoint 2 (2 class periods)
- Continue researching current events and primary sources
- Outline essay
- Write Essay (Due the last class before Midterms in student’s Google Drive - January
Checkpoint 3 (remaining class period )
- Begin to work on visual aid
- Visual Aid is due when the midterm period begins
List of Project Ideas:
You may choose to create a product not on this list.
● Video
● fake Facebook page / event page
● Tumblr blog / other Social Media page
● Baseball/trading card
● Timeline
● Teacher Activity
● Newspaper
● Poster
● Monument
● Artifact re-creation
● Board game
● Scavenger hunt
● Screenplay
● Mock trial
● Song
● Poetry
● App
● ??? - What, if you could make anything, would you like to make???
LIST PLEASE SEE MR. TRZEPINSKA. These are broad topic choices so it up to you to decide
the direction you want to go. Connect it to your interest and happy researching!
Amendments of the Constitution
Powers of the Constitution
● Powers of the Constitution
● Bill of Rights
○ Legislative Branch
○ 1st Amendment
■ To pass laws
○ 2nd Amendment
■ Declare War
○ 3rd Amendment
■ Regulate trade
○ 4th Amendment
■ Regulate money
○ 5th Amendment
■ Override presidential
○ 6th Amendment
○ 7th Amendment
○ Executive Branch
○ 8th Amendment
■ President as Chief
○ 9th Amendment
○ 10th Amendment
■ President as Chief
● Other Amendments to the Constitution
■ President as Chief
■ President as
■ President as Chief of
○ Judicial Branch
■ “Judicial Review”
■ Supreme Court Cases
Famous Supreme Court Cases
○ Marbury v. Madison
○ McCulloch v. Maryland
○ Gibbons vs. Ogden
○ Dred Scott v. Sanford
○ Plessy v. Ferguson
○ Brown v. Board of Education
○ Roe v. Wade
Mid Term Product Rubric
10 points
Support for
10 points
5 points
Use of
Chicago and
and Works
5 points
Creativity &
10 points
Use of Class
10 points
Needs Improvement
Thesis is precise,
knowledgeable, significant, and
distinguished from alternate or
opposing claims
Thesis is precise and
knowledgeable, and
answers the research
Thesis may be unclear
or irrelevant, and/or may
not answer the research
Thesis is missing
Information clearly supports the Information somewhat
Information partially
opinion, including several
supports the opinion,
supports the opinion,
supporting details and/or
providing a few
without sufficient details
examples from primary sources. supporting details and/or and/or examples given
examples from primary
from primary sources.
Product includes 5-7 reliable
Project includes most of
sources, 2 current events, 1
the required sources.
primary sources that analyzed Most of the sources are
and included in the final product
analyzed in the final
All sources (information and
All sources (information
graphics) are accurately cited in and graphics) are cited,
Chicago format or MLA
but a few are not in
correct Chicago format
or MLA
Product contains superior
originality and inventiveness;
Product is visually appealing
and professional
Successfully completes work
within the allotted time in the
Project is missing many
of the required sources.
The project only
analyzes a few of the
Project is missing most of
the required sources. The
project does not analyze
any of the sources
All sources (information
and graphics) are cited,
but many are not in
correct Chicago format
or MLA
Sources (information and
graphics) are completely
missing citations
Product contains
Product contains some
obvious originality and
originality and
inventiveness; Product is inventiveness; Product is
visually appealing and mostly visually appealing
and mostly professional
Information has little or
nothing to do with support
for the opinion, or has no
examples from primary
Is on-task during allotted Is occasionally off-task
time in the classroom during allotted class time
Product shows little
attempt at originality;
Product may not be
visually appealing, or is
Is often off-task during
allotted class time
Essay Rubric - Mid Term
Introduction and
Thesis Statement
10 points
Body Paragraph 1
10 points
Body Paragraph 2
10 points
Body Paragraph 3
10 points
5 points
5 points
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Below Expectations
Far Below Expectations
The introduction includes
a hook and transitions to the thesis
statement. The thesis statement names
the topic of the essay and outlines the
main points to be discussed.
The introduction includes
a hook, transitions to the
thesis statement, and is mostly
effective. The thesis statement
names the topic of the essay.
A hook is present though not
followed by important
information. The essay includes
an attempt at an introduction
paragraph, though it is not
smooth and doesn't include a
complete thesis statement.
A hook is missing or weak and important
information is absent. There is an attempt at an
introductory paragraph, but it is not developed and
does not include a thesis statement.
The paragraph focuses on one piece of
evidence that is analyzed and supported
by many sources. Paragraph totally
supports thesis
The paragraph focuses on one
piece of evidence that is
supported by some sources.
Paragraph mostly supports thesis
The paragraph lacks focus and
does not support one main idea.
Evidence from sources is lacking.
The thesis is barely supported in
the paragraph
The paragraph is not focused at all and does not
support the thesis. There is no evidence from sources
present. The thesis is not supported.
The paragraph focuses on one piece of
evidence that is analyzed and supported
by many sources. Paragraph totally
supports thesis
The paragraph focuses on one
piece of evidence that is
supported by some sources.
Paragraph mostly supports thesis
The paragraph lacks focus and
does not support one main idea.
Evidence from sources is lacking.
The thesis is barely supported in
the paragraph
The paragraph is not focused at all and does not
support the thesis. There is no evidence from sources
present. The thesis is not supported.
The paragraph focuses on one piece of
evidence that is analyzed and supported
by many sources. Paragraph totally
supports thesis
The paragraph focuses on one
piece of evidence that is
supported by some sources.
Paragraph mostly supports thesis
The paragraph lacks focus and
does not support one main idea.
Evidence from sources is lacking.
The thesis is barely supported in
the paragraph
The paragraph is not focused at all and does not
support the thesis. There is no evidence from sources
present. The thesis is not supported.
The conclusion is strong
and leaves the reader
solidly understanding the
writer's position. The
paragraph includes an
effective restatement of
the position statement.
The conclusion is
recognizable. The author's
position is restated at a logical
point in the paragraph.
The conclusion is awkward. The
author's position is restated
within the closing paragraph, but
it may not be in a logical point.
The thesis is not restated or is found
in the same wording as the introduction.
The essay is not summed up.
The essay contains in text citations and
all sources are used. There is
information in each paragraph
The essay contains all of the most
of the required sources and is
properly cited in MLA or
Chicago Format
The essay is missing some
required sources and is not cited
properly in MLA or Chicago
The essay contains almost none of the of required
sources and is not properly cited in MLA of Chicago