Second Essay Topics - POST

Department of Philosophy
Queen’s University
PHIL 250 – Epistemology and Metaphysics (2012)
J. Mozersky
Second Essay topics
Write an essay on one of the following:
1. Can an object change by gaining a part? Explain with reference to at least one of
the authors read in this course.
2. Quine and Lewis argue that objects are four-dimensional. Explain and evaluate
one or both of their views.
3. Can objects be three-dimensional? How? Explain with reference to at least one
of the authors read in this course.
4. David Lewis argues that possible worlds other than our own exist. What is his
argument? Does it succeed? Explain your answer.
5. What is Kripke’s view of possible worlds? Is it correct? Why/Why not?
Length: Approximately 1000-1500 words (4-6 double spaced pages).
Due date: March 14th, 2012
Essays can be handed into me (during a class prior to the due date) or else left in
the Philosophy Department Essay Drop Box, located outside the main office
(Philosophy), 3rd Floor, Watson Hall, no later than 4:00 p.m.
Late penalty: –3% per working day late (weekends = 1 day).