Post-Closure Safety Assessment for Borehole Disposal of Disused Sealed Sources in Ghana 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Ghana has disused radioactive sources that need to be managed and disposed of carefully and in a safe and secure manner. These sources contain different radionuclides in highly variable quantities. Many sources are small in physical size, however they can contain very high activities, with typical levels in the 7.4E+5 Bq to 6.85E+14 Bq range. Therefore, if they are not managed properly, these radioactive sources can represent a significant hazard to human health and the environment. Storage in a secure facility can be considered as an adequate final management option for sources containing quantities of short-lived radionuclides, which decay to harmless levels within a few years. However, for some other sources a suitable disposal option is required. . Deep geological disposal offers the highest level of isolation available within disposal concepts currently actively considered. Such facilities are under consideration for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel, high level waste and intermediate level waste in a number of countries. However, they are expensive to develop and only viable for countries with extensive nuclear power programmes. As Ghana does not have an extensive nuclear power programme that would require the construction of a deep geoogical disposal facility, the disposal of disused sources in narrow diameter (a few tens of centimetres) borehole facilities would appear to provide a safe and cost effective disposal option for its disused sources. A variety of borehole designs have been used for the disposal of radioactive waste with differing depths (a few metres to several hundred metres) and diameters (a few tens of centimetres to several metres). The design evaluated in this report is based on the narrow diameter (0.26 m) design developed under the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) AFRA project (see Figures A and B) since this design has been developed specifically for the disposal of disused radioactive sources and uses borehole drilling technology that is readily available in the country. The design can accommodate disused sources of less than 110 mm in length and 15 mm in diameter meaning that the design is applicable to a wide range of sources. The sources are to be disposed at a depth of 56.5m from the ground surface. There is currently an absence of site-specific geosphere data. However, two site characterisation boreholes will be drilled in late 2011/early 2012 to allow site-specifc data to be obtained, hence this first iteration of the Post-Closure Safety Assessment (PCSA) will use data on the regional geology, hydrogeology and geochemical conditions and extrapolate to the site. 1 FIG. A. Schematic Representation of a Borehole Site 2 Figure. B. Illustrative section through a Disposal Borehole The report documents the post-closure radiological safety assessment for the borehole disposal concept, with the purpose of identifying the safety of the implementation of this concept in Ghana. The PCSA has been undertaken using an approach that is consistent with best international practice. Specifically, the approach developed by the Coordinated Research Project of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Improving Long Term Safety Assessment Methodologies for Near Surface Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities (the ISAM Safety Assessment Approach) has been used, with the aim of ensuring that the assessment is undertaken and documented in a consistent, logical and transparent manner. The ISAM Safety Assessment Approach consists of the following key steps: the specification of the assessment context; the description of the disposal system; the development and justification of scenarios; the formulation and implementation of models; and the presentation and analysis of results. 3 Each of these steps is applied to the PCSA of the borehole disposal concept and the application is described in this report. The main report is supported by a series of appendices that provide detailed information relating to specific aspects of the assessment study, namely: the approach used to identify scenarios and conceptual models for consideration in the PCSA and the screening of associated features, events and processes (in particular those associated with the borehole itself); the detailed models used to undertake the calculations of cement degradation and the corrosion of stainless steel waste capsules and disposal containers in the different environmental conditions considered; the assessment-level models and data used to calculate the impacts of disposals to the borehole disposal concept; and the results of the associated calculations. The PCSA has been developed so that it can serve as the primary post-closure safety assessment for Ghana’s disposal site that lies within the envelope of conditions assessed in this report. 4 CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...................................................................................... 1 1 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………..9 1.1 BACKGROUND……………………………………………………………9 1.2 OBJECTIVE……………………………………………………………….10 1.3 SCOPE …………………………………………………………………….10 1.4 STRUCTURE………………………………………………………………11 2 SPECIFICATION OF ASSESSMENT CONTEXT……………………….13 2.1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE…………………………………………………..13 2.2. TARGET AUDIENCE……………………………………………………..13 2.3. REGULATORY FRAMEWORK………………………………………….14 2.4. ASSESSMENTEND POINTS……………………………………………...15 2.7 TIMEFRAMES……………………………………………………………..20 3 DESCRIPTION OF THE DISPOSAL SYSTEM .......................................... 22 3.1 NEAR FIELD……………………………………………………………….23 3.1.1 Inventory ....................................................................................................... 23 3.1.2 Engineering ............................................................................................. 27 3.1.3 Hydrology and Chemistry ....................................................................... 33 3.1.4 Safety Related Functions ......................................................................... 34 3.1.5 Uncertainties............................................................................................ 37 3.2 GEOSPHERE……………………………………...………………………..37 3.2.1 Structural Geology and Stratigraphy........................................................ 37 3.2.2 Seismicity ...................................................................................................... 39 5 3.2.3 Hydrogeology .......................................................................................... 40 3.2.4 Geochemistry .......................................................................................... 41 3.2.5 Natural Resources ................................................................................... 44 3.2.6 Safety Related Functions ......................................................................... 44 3.2.7 Uncertainties............................................................................................ 44 3.3 BIOSPHERE…………………………………….………………………….45 3.3.1 Topography ............................................................................................. 45 3.3.2 Climate .................................................................................................... 45 3.3.3 Surface Water Bodies .............................................................................. 46 3.3.4 Human Activity and Biota....................................................................... 46 3.3.5 Near-surface Lithostratigraphy ............................................................... 47 3.3.6 Safety Related Functions ......................................................................... 47 3.3.7 Uncertainties............................................................................................ 47 4 IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF SCENARIOS ............... 48 4.1 APPROACH…………………………………………………………………48 4.2 DESIGN SCENARIO………………………………………………………50 4.2.1 Description ........................................................................................... 50 4.2.2 FEP Screening ......................................................................................... 54 4.3 DEFECT SCENARIO………………………………………………………55 4.3.1 Description .............................................................................................. 55 4.3.2 FEP Screening ......................................................................................... 55 6 4.4 Unexpected Geological Characteristics Scenario…………………………...57 4.4.1 Changing Environmental Conditions scenario ........................................ 57 4.4.2 Borehole Disturbance Scenario ............................................................... 58 5 DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF MODELS ............. 59 5.3 APPROACH………………………………………………………………..59 5.2 CONCEPTUAL MODELS…………………………………………………60 5.2.1 Near Field ................................................................................................ 60 5.2.2 Geosphere ................................................................................................ 64 5.2.3 Biosphere................................................................................................. 65 5.3 MATHEMATICAL MODELS……………………………………………..67 5.3.1 Assessment Model................................................................................... 67 5.3.2 Supporting Models .................................................................................. 68 5.4 DATA…………………………………………………………………….....70 5.5 IMPLEMENTATION………………………………………………………70 6 PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF RESULTS ............................ 72 6.1 RESULTS FOR THE REFERENCE CALCULATIONS…………………..74 6.1.1 Design Scenario ........................................................................................... 74 6.1.2 Defect Scenario ......................................................................................... 76 6.2 RESULTS FOR VARIANT CALCULATIONS…………………………...78 6.3 ANALYSIS OF UNCERTAINTIES………………………………………..81 6.4 BUILDING OF CONFIDENCE……………………………………………83 7 CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................................... 86 REFERENCES........................................................................................................... 88 7 APPENDIX A: SCREENING OF SOURCES .......................................................... 94 A.1 DECAY-STORAGE SCREENING………………………………………..95 A.2 ASSESSMENT SCREENING…………………………………………….98 APPENDIX B: APPROACH FOR CONCEPTUAL MODEL DEVELOPMENT . 101 B.1 NEAR-FIELD COMPONENTS………………………………………….101 GEOSPHERE COMPONENTS…………………………………………………. 102 B.3 BIOSPHERE COMPONENTS……………………………………………102 B.4 INTERACTIONS BETWEEN COMPONENTS ………………………..103 References for Appendix B .................................................................................. 103 APPENDIX C: ASSESSMENT MODEL ............................................................... 105 C.1 DESIGN SCENARIO…………………………………………………….105 C.1.1 Release Processes ................................................................................. 105 C.1.3 Exposure Mechanisms........................................................................... 116 C.2 DEFECT SCENARIO…………………………………………………….120 C.3 REPRESENTING NEAR-FIELD DEGRADATION……………………120 C.3.1 Physical Performance ............................................................................ 120 C.4.2 Chemical Performance .......................................................................... 122 APPENDIX D: ASSESSMENT DATA .................................................................. 124 D.1 INVENTORY AND RADIONUCLIDE DATA…………………………129 D.2 ELEMENT-DEPENDENT DATA………………………………………..133 D.3 NEAR-FIELD ELEMENT-INDEPENDENT DATA……………………142 D.4 GEOSPHERE ELEMENT-INDEPENDENT DATA……………………151 D.5 BIOSPHERE ELEMENT-INDEPENDENT DATA…………………….156 8 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND The application of radioactive sources in medicine, research, industry, agricultural and consumer products is a world-wide phenomenon. Ghana has disused sources that need to be managed and disposed of carefully and in a safe and secure manner. These sources contain different radionuclides in highly variable quantities. Some of these sources have decayed to a level below which the source is no longer suitable for its original purpose, in others the associated equipment has become obsolete, worn out, or damaged, and in others the source has develop a leak and so is no longer used. Even though these radioactive sources are referred to as ‘disused’ or ‘spent’1, the activities of some of them are still very high. Furthermore, despite their predominately small physical size, radioactive sources can contain very high activities, in Ghana for instance, the activities of disused radioactive sources ranges from 7.4E+5 Bq to 6.85E+14 Bq. Therefore, if they are not managed properly, radioactive sources can represent a significant hazard to human health and the environment, which is evident from the number of accidents that have taken place world-wide as a result of the mismanagement of such sources IAEA (2001). Ghana has secure storage facility (Figure 1) which is considered as an adequate final management option for sources containing quantities of short-lived radionuclides, which decay to harmless levels within a few years. However, for most other sources a suitable disposal option is required that will provide higher levels of isolation than surface storage or near-surface facilities. 1 According to IAEA (2007) subtle differences can be noted between the terms ‘spent’ and ‘disused’. A disused source differs from a spent source in that it may still be capable of performing its function, even though it is no longer used for that purpose. To be consistent, the broader ‘disused’ term is used in this document. 9 Figure 1: Ghana’s Radioactive Waste Storage Facility for Disused Sources. As Ghana does not have an extensive nuclear power programme that would require the construction of a deep geological disposal facility, the disposal of disused sources in narrow diameter (a few tens of centimetres) borehole facilities would appear to provide a safe and cost effective disposal option for its disused sources. 1.2 OBJECTIVE The objective of this report is to document the first iteration of a post-closure safety assessment (PCSA) for the implementation of the borehole disposal concept for disused sources in Ghana. 1.3 SCOPE The focus of the work described in this report is the post-closure, radiological safety assessment of the disposal of disused radioactive sources in Ghana. The report considers exposure of humans due to natural processes and human intrusion, but excludes intrusion that can be considered as deliberate (i.e. intrusion by a human when the intruder knows that the facility is a radioactive waste disposal facility). Consistent with (ICRP, 2000), the impact of deliberate human intrusion is considered 10 to be the responsibility of those intruding and is beyond the scope of the current assessment, as are malicious acts that might arise from deliberate human intrusion. A variety of borehole designs have been used for the disposal of radioactive waste with differing depths (a few metres to several hundred metres) and diameters (a few tens of centimetres to several metres) (see (IAEA, 2005) for details). The design evaluated in the PCSA is based on the narrow diameter (0.26 m) design developed under the AFRA project of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (NECSA, 2003) since this design has been developed specifically for the disposal of disused radioactive sources and uses borehole drilling technology that is readily available in Ghana. The design can accommodate disused sources of less than 110 mm in length and 15 mm in diameter. It is recognised that, while radiological safety is of key importance, it is still only part of a broader range of issues that need to be considered in a safety case such as planning, financial, economic and social issues, and non-radiological safety (IAEA, 2002). However, these issues are not specifically covered in this report. They need to be considered as part of the wider safety case documentation that should be developed to support the licence application for the construction and operation of the borehole. 1.4 STRUCTURE The PCSA has been undertaken using an approach that is consistent with international best practice, as embodied in the draft safety standards on the safety case and safety assessment for radioactive waste disposal from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (IAEA, 2010) and the recommendations of the IAEA programme for the Improvement of Safety Assessment Methodologies (ISAM)(IAEA, 2004a, b) (Figure2). This has ensured that the assessment has been undertaken and documented in a consistent, logical and transparent manner. The approach consists of the following key steps: the specification of the assessment context; the description of the disposal system; the identification and description of scenarios; the development and implementation of models; and the presentation and analysis of results. These steps are presented in Sections 2 to 6 with the overall conclusions being presented in Section 7 11 First Iteration of PCSA Specify Assessment Context Describe Disposal System Identify and Describe Scenarios Develop and Implement Models Run Analysis Compare with Acceptance Criteria and other Safety and Performance Indicators Present and Analyse Results Initial PCSA input to Safety Case Figure 2: The Safety Assessment Approach Used 12 2 SPECIFICATION OF ASSESSMENT CONTEXT The assessment context defines the scope and content of the safety assessment. Specifically, it specifies the assessment’s: purpose and scope (Section 2.1); target audience (Section 2.2); regulatory framework (Section 2.3); assessment end-points (Section 2.4); treatment of uncertainties(Section 2.5); building of confidence(Section 2.6); and timeframes (Section 2.7). 2.1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE The PCSA has three main purposes. To produce the first iteration of a site-specific post-closure safety assessment that can be used in the development of a suitable borehole disposal facility (BDF) for Ghana taking into account the inventory to be disposed and the site characteristics. To identify the key parameters that needs to be characterised at the proposed site. To demonstrate and build confidence in the use of narrow diameter boreholes as a safe disposal concept for disused radioactive sources of less than 110 mm in length and 15 mm in diameter. The PCSA’s scope is the assessment of the post-closure (i.e. once the waste has been emplaced and the borehole backfilled and closed) radiological impacts on humans arising from the disposal of disused radioactive sources at least 50m below the ground surface in a narrow diameter borehole. 2.2. TARGET AUDIENCE This report is a technical report and as such is written primarily for a technical audience whose prime interest is in the regulation and implementation of safe 13 radioactive waste disposal2. The main technical audiences are: the implementer, i.e. the National Radioactive Waste Management Centre (NRWMC) of the National Nuclear Research Institute and its support scientists, which is developing the safety case and associated PCSA for the BDF in Ghana; the regulator, i.e. the Radiation Protection Board and its support scientists, which has a direct responsibility to decide whether to grant a licence to construct, operate and close a BDF in Ghana; and any international peer reviewers (e.g. IAEA appointed experts) that might review the work. It is recognised that there is a range of other audiences that could be interested in the borehole disposal of disused sources (for example the media, politicians, and the public). However, given its technical focus, this report is not specifically aimed at these audiences. It is recognised that additional data will have to be developed that is tailored to the specific interests and needs of these other audiences. 2.3. REGULATORY FRAMEWORK As the assessment is related to the disposal of disused sealed sources in Ghana, there is the need to use Ghana-specific legislation. The 1993 Radiation Protection Statutory Instrument established the Radiation Protection Board and the regulatory infrastructure. Ghana-specific legislation for radioactive waste disposal is in the preparatory stage, so the recommendations of the IAEA safety guide for the borehole disposal facilities for radioactive waste (IAEA, 2009) are adopted. This safety guide provides post-closure protection objectives and criteria which in turn are based on the recommendations of the IAEA (1996, 2006) and ICRP (2000). Consistent with IAEA (2009), this first iteration of the PCSA adopts an individual effective dose constraint of 0.3 mSvy-1 for adult3 members of the public for all potential future exposures other than those arising from human intrusion. In future iterations of the PCSA, infants and children can be considered as well. For exposures arising from human intrusion, ICRP (2000) recommends that, if human intrusion is expected to lead to an annual dose of less than about 10 mSvy-1 to those living around the site, efforts to reduce the probability of human intrusion or to limit its 2 The report assumes that the reader is familiar with the technical terms used in safety assessment. Key technical terms are defined in IAEA (2007). 3 Doses to children and infants could also be calculated, especially if there was a need to demonstrate consideration of a wide range of calculation end points. However, various post-closure assessment studies, such as IAEA (2003), Prӧhl et. al. 2004, have demonstrated that the differences between adult, child and infant doses are usually less than a factor of two. Therefore, for the purposes of the PCSA, consideration will be limited to adult doses as an indicator of impacts. 14 consequences are not likely to be justifiable. If human intrusion is expected to lead to an annual dose of more than about 100 mSv y-1 to those living around the site, then it is almost always justifiable to make reasonable efforts at the stage of development of the facility to reduce the probability of human intrusion or to limit its consequences. Radiological impacts on non-human biota are not considered in this report since it is assumed that if individual humans are shown to be adequately protected, then nonhuman biota will also be protected, at least at the species level (ICRP 1991). The basis of this assumption is currently being investigated by various international organisations such as the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), the IAEA and the European Commission. However, in the absence of any, as yet, clear consensus and guidance on the assessment of radiological impacts on non-human biota, the recommendations of ICRP Publication 60 (ICRP 1991) are adopted. Non-radiological impacts on both humans and non-human biota, which might arise from the content of chemically or biologically toxic materials in the waste (for example beryllium in some Am-241 sources) or engineered barrier materials, are considered to be beyond the scope of this first iteration of the Ghana-Specific PCSA given its emphasis on radiological impacts. Future iterations could be extended to consider these impacts. 2.4. ASSESSMENT END POINTS Assessment end points allow potential impact and the performance of the disposal facility to be evaluated. They can be categorised as either safety indicators or performance indicators (Marivoet et al., 2008). A safety indicator: provides a statement on the safety of the whole disposal system; provides a contaminant-specific or an integrated measure describing the effects of the whole radionuclide spectrum; is a calculable time-dependent parameter; and allows comparison with safety-related reference values. In contrast, a performance indicator: provides a statement on the performance of the whole system, a subsystem or a single barrier; provides a contaminant-specific or integral measure; is a calculable, time-dependent or absolute parameter; allows comparison between different options or with technical criteria; and illustrates the functioning of the disposal system. The following safety indicators are considered for the PCSA: radiation dose to adults; and environmental concentrations of radionuclides. For the performance indicators, the following are evaluated: 15 the amount of radionuclides in various regions (borehole, geosphere and biosphere) of the disposal system; the fluxes of radionuclides at various points in the disposal system; and the radiotoxicity of the waste. The long-term assessment of impacts, e.g. calculated dose, are not absolute values and they must be seen as estimates since the reliability of quantitative predictions diminishes with increasing time (IAEA, 2006). 2.5 TREATMENT OF UNCERTAINTIES The treatment of uncertainty is an important aspect of any assessment of the safety of a radioactive waste disposal facility. The following three broad categories are used by many organisations to structure their analysis of uncertainties in post closure safety assessments (Marivoet et al., 2008): Future or scenario uncertainty: uncertainty in the evolution of the disposal system and human behaviour over the timescales of interest; Model uncertainty: uncertainty in the conceptual, mathematical and computer models used to simulate the behaviour of the repository system (e.g., due to approximations used to represent the system); and Data uncertainty: uncertainty in the data and parameters used as inputs in the modelling (e.g., due to incomplete site-specific data, and parameter estimation errors from interpretation of test results). Uncertainties are accounted for in the current safety assessment through: the assessment of a range of scenarios, models and data with deterministic calculation cases; the adoption of conservative scenarios, models and data, where appropriate; and the adoption of a stylised approach for the representation of future human actions and biosphere evolution. 2.5.1 Range of Scenarios, Models and Data In the PCSA, a range of scenarios that describe the potential evolution of the system have been used to address the uncertainty in the future evolution of the site and human behaviour (Section 4). The process of identifying and justifying scenarios, ensures that scenarios are defined to investigate the consequences of key uncertainties that are identified. Some future uncertainties can be investigated in the same way as data uncertainties and can be represented by varying parameter values. 16 Various Features/Events/Processes (FEPs) are used in the model development process to identify conceptual and mathematical models (Section 5). The availability of a computer code, AMBER, that is capable of representing different conceptualisations and mathematical descriptions of the system allows alternative conceptual representations of the system to be developed to address key conceptual and mathematical model uncertainties. Here again, some model uncertainties can be represented by varying parameter values. The multiple deterministic calculations in which alternative sets of parameter values, which provide a self-consistent representation of the system, are adopted to analyse data uncertainties (Section 6).The impact of specific uncertainties or uncertainty combinations is achieved by comparing the results of variant cases to those of the Reference Case and the discrepancies explored. In future iterations of the PCSA, probabilistic calculations could be used to complement the deterministic calculations. 2.5.2 Conservative Scenarios, Models and Data Different assumptions relating to scenarios, models or data have to be made during the assessment process. These assumptions can be categorised as ‘realistic4’ or ‘conservative5’, although, as noted in IAEA (2006b), care needs to be taken when using such terms. The key is to ensure that the nature of each major assumption used in the assessment is considered and documented, and that the potential implications are understood (see Section 6). In this PCSA, conservative assumptions have been adopted where there are high levels of uncertainty associated with the scenarios, processes and/or data being evaluated. For scenarios, processes and/or data that are understood and can be justified on the basis of the results of site investigation and/or research, realistic assumptions have been used. 2.5.3 Stylised Approach6 4Realism is defined as “the representation of an element of the system (scenario, model or data), made in light of the current state of system knowledge and associated uncertainties, such that the safety assessment incorporates all that is known about the element under consideration and leads to an estimate of the expected performance of the system attributable to that element” (IAEA 2006b). 5 Conservatism is defined as “the conscious decision, made in light of the current state of system knowledge and associated uncertainties, to represent an element of the system (scenario, model or data) such that it provides an under-estimation of system performance attributable to that element and thereby an over-estimate of the associated radiological impact (i.e., dose or risk)” (IAEA 2006b). 6A stylised representation of the biosphere, and human habits and behaviour is a representation that has been simplified to reduce the natural complexity to a level consistent with the objectives of the analysis using 17 It is unrealistic to predict human habits and behaviour over the timescale of potential relevance to the BDF. Further, major changes to the surface and near-surface environment are also likely as a result of natural changes such as erosion or as a result of future human actions. Thus, in order to estimate the potential future impacts of the BDF, a ‘reference’ biosphere approach has been adopted, consistent with the recommendations of the international BIOMASS and BIOCLIM programmes (IAEA 2003, BIOCLIM 2004). In this approach, stylised representations of the biosphere are used to allow illustrative estimates of impact to be made. Each stylised biosphere acts as a ‘measuring instrument’ for evaluating the safety and performance indicators identified in Section 2.4. 2.6 BUILDING OF CONFIDENCE Through discussions within various international bodies such as the Nuclear Energy Agency, (NEA 2004a, b) and the IAEA (IAEA 2003, 2004), it is becoming recognised that building confidence in the long-term safety of a radioactive waste disposal facility is an increasingly important issue. To undertake a safety assessment and present the results is not sufficient. Confidence needs to be built in the safety assessment and its results. Confidence building can be achieved by (NEA,1999a; IAEA, 1999): the use of a systematic assessment methodology that allows the assessment to be undertaken using a well-structured, transparent and traceable manner; the use of an iterative approach that allows the results of previous assessments to be used to inform the current assessment; the use of a range of strategies to identify and manage the various uncertainties associated with the assessment; the demonstration that the repository system will maintain its integrity and reliability under extreme conditions (i.e. the system is robust); the use of multiple lines of evidence to support key findings; the application of a quality management system to the assessment; the peer review of the assessment and its results; and the comparison of the repository system with natural systems that have evolved over relevant timescales. Confidence of stakeholders in a PCSA can be established at two levels (IAEA, 2003). The first level involves establishing confidence within each stage of the assessment process (i.e. assessment context, system description, development and justification of scenarios, formulation and implementation of models and associated data, analysis of the results, and review and modification). assumptions that are intended to be plausible and internally consistent but that will tend to err on the side of conservatism. 18 The second level involves gaining overall confidence in the PCSA and associated implications for further data gathering, assessment and design optimisation. Various measures and attributes that can be used to develop confidence in the assessment at these two levels are summarised in Table 1. Table 1: Confidence Building Measures and Attributes Confidence in each Stage of the Assessment Process Assessment Stage Confidence Building Measures and Attributes Assessment Context Demonstration of understanding of the key components of the assessment context. System Description Demonstration of sufficient understanding of engineered and natural aspects of the borehole disposal system (near field, geosphere and biosphere) and associated uncertainties. Linkage to waste and site characterisation, and borehole design. Scenarios The set of scenarios is adequately comprehensive and is developed in a systematic, transparent and traceable way. The approach used to exclude or include scenarios is justified and well documented. Scenarios are consistent with the waste and site characterisation, and borehole design. Models Data and Analysis Results of The conceptual models and associated data are consistent with the assessment context, borehole disposal system, and scenarios. The software tools used adequately solve the problems under consideration. Alternative models, codes, data and approaches are considered. Models are consistent with the assessment context, waste and site characterisation, and borehole design. Key assumptions are documented and justified. Results are reasonable and understandable. Uncertainties are adequately addressed. Conformity with regulatory requirements and recommendations is analysed. Confidence in the Overall Safety of the BDF Use of a systematic approach consistent with international practice and recommendations. Adequate understanding of the borehole disposal system and its uncertainties. Use of multiple safety and performance indicators. Clear presentation of the assessment and its results. Application of a quality management system. Peer review of the assessment. Involvement of stakeholders in the development of the assessment. 19 Confidence in each Stage of the Assessment Process Assessment Stage Review and Modification 2.7 Confidence Building Measures and Attributes Confidence in the Overall Safety of the BDF Modifications are implemented in an organized and well-documented manner. TIMEFRAMES Table 2 summarises the timeframes for the various activities associated with the construction, operation, closure and subsequent release of the borehole from institutional control. It is assumed that following construction of the borehole, waste is disposed for a maximum period of one year since the volume of waste packages to be disposed is small (less than 0.2 m3) and, from an operational (and post-closure safety) perspective, it is best for this to be disposed over a relatively short period of time. It is assumed that following the disposal of the disused sources, the site is closed immediately and the institutional control period starts. During this period (i.e. 50 years), surveillance of the site might be undertaken for the purpose of public assurance (active institutional control), and local/national government records, planning authority restrictions maintained to prevent unauthorised use of the land and inadvertent human intrusion (passive institutional control). During the institutional control period, it is assumed that members of the public do not have access to the land in the immediate vicinity of the borehole and that inadvertent human intrusion into the facility does not occur. It is worth noting that, in the absence of guidance in legislation, this initial assessment uses an institutional control period of 50 years as the reference duration but sensitivity analysis is undertaken using alternative durations ranging from 30 to 100 years. 20 TABLE 2. TIMEFRAMES FOR THE VARIOUS ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, CLOSURE AND SUBSEQUENT RELEASE OF THE BOREHOLE FROM INSTITUTIONAL CONTROL Activity Borehole Construction and Waste Emplacement Site Closure Timeframe One year Immediately following the waste disposal operation Institutional Control Period (e.g. surveillance, local/national government records, planning authority restrictions, site marked on official maps) 50 years No control (neither active nor passive) – all records/knowledge conservatively assumed to be lost From 50 years onwards In terms of the cut off time for calculations, the regulatory framework adopted for the assessment does not impose any explicit limit on the timescale for assessment. Therefore, calculations presented in the PCSA are undertaken out to a time when it can be demonstrated that the peak value of the primary safety indicator (dose) has been passed for the radionuclide and disposal system of interest. It is important to recognise that uncertainties associated with these estimates will increase as the timescales become longer. 21 3 DESCRIPTION OF THE DISPOSAL SYSTEM Together with the assessment context, the disposal system description provides the necessary basis to develop a well-justified set of exposure scenarios (Section 4). The proposed location of the BDF is on Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) land on the Accra plains (Figure 3). Figure 3: The GAEC Site The disposal system can be divided into: the near field - the waste, the disposal zone, the engineered barriers of the borehole plus the disturbed zone of the natural barriers that surround the borehole; the geosphere - the rock and unconsolidated material that lies between the near field and the biosphere. It can consist of both the unsaturated or vadose zone (which is above the groundwater table) and the saturated zone (which is below the groundwater table); and the biosphere - the physical media (atmosphere, soil, sediments and surface waters) and the living organisms (including humans) that interact with them. These descriptions are provided in Section 3.1 to 3.3. 22 3.1 NEAR FIELD In the case of PCSA, there is a single disposal borehole and that the design assessed is based on the narrow diameter borehole design developed under the IAEA’s AFRA project (NECSA, 2003) It is assumed that the disposal zone in the borehole is 56.5 m from the ground surface thereby significantly reducing the probability of the waste being disturbed by human intrusion or other disruptive events and processes (IAEA, 2005). The disposal zone extends down to 100 m. 3.1.1 Inventory In Ghana, radioactive waste is generated mainly from research, medical and industrial applications. The current inventory includes a range of disused sources that can neither be repatriated nor decay stored. It is this inventory of disused sources that is to be disposed in the BDF. A national inventory of wastes is being compiled by NRWMC and currently lists disused sealed and unsealed sources. Supplementing this national inventory of disused sources is an inventory of sources-in-use that is compiled by the Radiation Protection Institute (RPI). The list of the radionuclides found so far in disused sources in Ghana is given in Table 3. TABLE 3.Ghana’s Inventory of Disused Sources Radionuclide Total Initial Application Activity (Bq) Form Quantity Cs-137 5.66x1012 Level Gauges Sealed 30 Co-60 1.75x106 Non Destructive Sealed Testing (NDT) 2 Cs-137/Co-60 4.09x106/ 4.90x105 Not specified Sealed 2 Cs-137/Am-241 3.70x1011/ 1.85x1012 Not specified Sealed 3 Cs-137/Am241:Be 3.00x107/ 1.80x109 Nuclear Gauges Sealed 1 Am-241 3.50x107 Smoke Detectors Sealed 105 23 Sr-90 1.25x1010 Thickness Gauges Sealed 33 Ir-192 2.26x1012 NDT Sealed 1 Cd-109 6.66x108 Research Sealed 6 Am-241 1.67x109 Nuclear Gauge Sealed 1 I-131 6.21x109 Not specified Unsealed 2 Cf-252 2.22x1010 Not specified Sealed 2 Ra-226 7.03x109 Not specified Sealed 19 H-3 (1) 3.70x107 Nuclear Gauge Unsealed (Liquid) 218 litres C-14 (2) Originally Not specified contained 2.60x107 but now empty Unsealed (Gas) 7 empty cylinders DISUESD HIGH DOSE SOURCES Radionuclide Total Initial Application Activity (Bq) Co-60 2.78x1014 Gamma research Co-60 1.85x1014 Co-60 2.22x1014 Form Quantity Cell- Sealed 1 Teletherapy Sealed 1 Food Irradiator Sealed 1 UNCHARACTERISED SOURCES I-129 4.25x1010 Not specified Sealed (assumed to be in solid form) 1 Fe-59 2.22x1010 Not specified Sealed 2 Co-57 1.11x108 Not specified Sealed 3 24 Zn-65 3.70x108 Not specified Sealed 1 Sr-89 4.77x109 Not specified Sealed 1 Tl-204 7.40x105 Not specified Sealed 2 P-32 1.18x109 Research Unsealed 4 S-35 (3) 9.25x10-6/ml Not specified Unsealed 5 Ca-45 1.85x108 Not specified Unsealed 3 Na-22 3.7x106 Not specified Unsealed 4 In-113m 2.22x109 Not specified Unsealed 12 Notes 1. Not suitable for disposal to the BDF due to the waste being liquid. The volume of solidified waste would be too large for a single BDF. Therefore, this waste is excluded from consideration in the current PCSA. 2. Containers are empty so there is no inventory to be disposed. 3. No data currently available on the volume of waste and so excluded from consideration in the current PCSA. A number of sources in Table 3 contain radionuclides with half lives of much less than a year and so could potentially be decay stored rather than disposed in the BDF. In order to identify suitable sources for decay storage, a spreadsheet has been developed to allow the calculation of doses associated with direct exposure via ingestion, inhalation and external irradiation to a source (see Appendix A.1). The calculations indicate that the P-32, Ca-45, Fe-59, Sr-89, In-113m, I-131 and Ir-192 sources can all be decay stored and do not need to be considered for disposal in the BDF. Of the remaining sources that are to be disposed in the BDF, it is possible to undertake a further screening calculation to identify those sources which contain radionuclides that, due to their half-life, maximum activity, and/or radiotoxicity, will not result in significant post-closure impacts and so do not need to be assessed in detail (see Appendix A.2). Doses associated with direct exposure via ingestion, inhalation and external irradiation to a source following a 50 year institutional control period are calculated for each type of source identified in Table 3 and not suitable for decay storage. A dose constraint of 0.3 mSv y-1 is applied (Section 2.3). This screening process results in the identification of the sources listed in Table 4 for more detailed consideration in the PCSA. The screening calculations show that the sources containing Na-22, Co-57, Zn-65, Cd-109 and Tl-204 can be safely disposed in the BDF and do not need to be assessed in more detailed. 25 Table 4 provides details on the assumed dimensions of the sources that require more detailed consideration. At present, the dimensions of the sources have not been measured. Therefore for the purposes of the PCSA, dimensions have generally been derived using information from Section 6 and/or Table 2 of Appendix III of IAEA (2007). Values have been chosen from the upper end of the ranges quoted in IAEA (2007). Table 4: Sources Screened in for Detailed Consideration in the PCSA Radionuclide Nature of Source Number of sources Total Initial Activity (Bq) Dimensions (mm) Note Co-60 NDT 2 1.75E+06 A Co-60 1 2.78E+14 Co-60 Gamma Cellresearch Teletherapy 1 1.85E+14 Co-60 Food Irradiator 1 2.22E+14 Sr-90 Thickness gauges 33 1.25E+10 Diameter: 7 Length: 15 Diameter: 8 Length: 20 Diameter: 20 Length: 30 Diameter: 11 Length: 450 Diameter: 15 Length: 10 I-129 Currently unknown Level gauges 1 4.25E+10 F 30 5.66E+12 3 3.7E+11 Diameter: 15 Length: 15 Diameter: 12 Length: 15 Diameter: 12 Length: 15 1 3.00E+7 Diameter: 12 Length: 15 G 19 7.03E+09 G 3 1.85E+12 Diameter: 12 Length: 15 Diameter: 12 Length: 15 1 1.80E+09 Diameter: 12 Length: 15 G 105 3.50E+07 Diameter: 15 Length: 10 H Cs-137 Cs- 137 Cs- 137 Ra-226 Am-241 Am-241 Am-241 Currently unknown (also contains Am-241) Nuclear gauge (also contains Am-241) Currently unknown Currently unknown (also contains Cs-137) Nuclear gauge (also contains Cs-137) Smoke detectors B C D E G G G 26 Am-241 Nuclear gauge 1 1.67E+09 Cf-252 Currently unknown 2 2.22E+10 Diameter: 12 Length: 15 Diameter: 20 Length: 30 G I Note: A: Assumed to be an industrial gamma radiography source. B: Assumed to be a high activity gamma source. C: Typical dimensions of a source for teletherapy. D:Typical dimensions of a source for food irradiation. E: Assumed to be a low energy fixed industrial guage source. F:No data given in IAEA (2007) on dimensions of source, therefore adopt assumed dimensions for the purposes of the current PCSA. G: as assumed to be a high energy gamma industrial gauge source. H: No data given in IAEA (2007) on dimensions of source, therefore adopt assumed dimensions for the purposes of the current PCSA. I: Assume to be neutron industrial gauging source. 3.1.2 Engineering Based on the narrow diameter design developed under the IAEA’s AFRA project (NECSA, 2003) the reference design for the near field comprises a series of engineered components which are described below, illustrated in Figures 4 to 6, and summarised in Table 5. Figure 4: Schematic Representation of the Borehole Site (Van Blerk, 2000) 27 Figure 5: Cross-section through the Disposal Borehole for the Reference Design TABLE 5. NEAR-FIELD COMPONENTS FOR THE REFERENCE DESIGN Near-field Component Source and its container Capsule Containment barrier Disposal container Disposal zone backfill Disposal zone plug Description Source and its container within which the source material is sealed Standard stainless steel (Type 304) capsule containing the source container Space between the capsule and the disposal container is backfilled with sulphateresistant cement grout Type 316 L stainless steel Sulphate-resistant cement grout used to separate disposal containers in vertical dimension from one another, and in the horizontal dimension from the borehole casing Sulphate-resistant cement grout plug at base of borehole 28 Near-field Component Casing Description Disturbed zone backfill High-density polyethylene (HDPE) casing emplaced at time of drilling. Top sections withdrawn at closure of borehole down to 1 m of the disposal zone Sulphate-resistant cement grout used to fill the gap between the casing and the host rock and any voids/cracks in the host rock immediately adjacent to the borehole Closure zone backfill Assume that the first 5 m from the ground surface is native soil/crushed rock and the remainder is sulphate-resistant cement grout Waste Package The waste package used for the disposal of disused radioactive sources in the borehole disposal concept comprises the following components (see Figure5). . The source and its container - the radioactive source material and its container. The dimensions of the capsule (Table 6) limit the source and its container to be less than 110 mm in length and 15 mm in diameter if the small capsule is used, and 121 mm in length and 40 mm in diameter if the large capsule is used. The capsule –is a standard stainless steel capsule (Type 304)7. The disused source and its associated container are emplaced in the capsule and sealed. No backfill material is used, which means that apart from the disused source and its container, the capsule is empty. The dimensions for the small and large versions of the capsule are presented in Table 6. The containment barrier –a backfill, comprising sulphate-resistant cement grout, filling the void between the capsule and the disposal container. The dimensions for the containment barrier are presented in Table 6. The disposal container - is manufactured from Type 316 L stainless steel with the reference dimensions given in Table 6. As shown in Figure5, the container is equipped with a lifting ring to facilitate waste emplacement in the borehole. There are also three centralisers that help to ensure that the container is emplaced centrally and vertically. The centralisers are thin (<10 mm) and do not inhibit the flow of cement grout past the top of the disposal container. 7 Stainless steels are chromiun-containing steels where the Cr provides resistance to corrosion through the formation of a protective (”passive”) Cr(III) oxide or hydroxide film. There are various classes of stainless steel, a common class being the so-called 300-series austenitic alloys. Two of these alloys have been selected for the waste capsule and disposal container. Type 304 stainless steel has the nominal composition 18-20 wt.%Cr, 810.5 wt.%Ni, 1 wt.%Si, 2 wt.%Mn, 0.08 wt.%C, 0.045 wt.%P, and 0.03 wt.%S. Type 316L stainless steel has the nominal composition 16-18 wt.%Cr, 10-14 wt.%Ni, 1 wt.%Si, 2 wt.%Mn, 0.03 wt.%C, 0.045 wt.%P, 0.03 wt.%S, and 2-3 wt.% Mo, where the addition of Mo improves the resistance to localised corrosion and the reduced C content improves resistance to intergranular attack. 29 TABLE 6. DIMENSIONS OF THE CAPSULE, CONTAINMENT BARRIER AND DISPOSAL CONTAINER FOR THE REFERENCE DESIGN Waste Package Component Capsule Containment Barrier Length (mm) S L S 110 121 186 Inside Diameter (mm) 15 40 21 L 171 48 Outside Diameter (mm) Thickness1 (mm) 21 48 102 3 4 41 102 27 Disposal Container S,L 250 103 115 6 1 As used here thickness of the capsule and disposal containers as well as the thickness of the containment barrier Using the above dimensions, it can be calculated that a total of 43 waste packages are required to dispose the inventory of disused sources in the BDF, assuming that each source type is disposed in separate capsules/disposal containers (Table 7). Table 7. No. of No. Of Diameter Length Radionuclide Sources (mm) (mm) Capsules Comments Na-22 4 15 15 1 Dimensions were assumed Co-57 3 15 15 1 Dimensions were assumed Co-60 2 7 15 1 See Table 4 for Dimensions Co-60 2 12 15 1 See Table 4 for Dimensions Co-60 1 15 15 1 Co-60 1 20 30 1 Dimensions were assumed See Table 4 for Dimensions (need large capsule) Co-60 1 11 450 5 See Table 4 for Dimensions Zn-65 1 15 15 1 Dimensions were assumed Sr-90 33 15 10 4 Cd-109 6 40 15 1 See Table 4 for Dimensions Typical Dimensions for low gamma analytical sources (needs large capsule) I-129 1 11 9 1 Cs-137 30 12 15 5 Cs-137 2 12 15 A Dimensions were assumed See Table 4 for Dimensions See Table 4 for Dimensions 30 See Table 4 for Dimensions Cs-137 3 12 15 1 Cs-137 1 12 15 1 Tl-204 2 15 15 1 Ra-226 19 12 15 4 Am-241 3 12 15 B Am-241 1 12 15 C Am-241 105 15 10 11 Am-241 1 12 15 1 See Table 4 for Dimensions Dimensions were assumed See Table 4 for Dimensions See Table 4 for Dimensions See Table 4 for Dimensions See Table 4 for Dimensions See Table 4 for Dimensions See Table 4 for Dimensions (need large capsule) Cf-252 2 20 30 1 Note: A: Joint source with Co-60 B: Joint source with Cs-137 C: Joint source with Cs-137 Disposal Borehole The disposal borehole is 260 mm in diameter and is drilled to a depth of about 100 m. The borehole is fitted with a high-density polyethylene (HDPE) casing. The inner and outer diameters of the casing are 140 mm and 160 mm, respectively, giving a casing thickness of 10 mm. Three distinct zones can be defined in the disposal borehole (see Figure 6). 31 Native Soil/ Crushed Roc k Closure Zone Bac kfill Closure Zone Anti-intrusion barrier Casing Disturbed Zone Bac kfill Disposal Zone Bac kfill Waste Pac kages Disposal Zone Disposal Zone Plug Figure 6: Illustration of the Borehole Zones for the Reference Design The disposal zone - the zone inside the casing in which the waste packages are disposed. The base of the disposal zone is 99.5 m from the ground surface. A 0.5 m thick ‘plug’ of backfill slurry is emplaced at the base of the borehole. The borehole backfill slurry is assumed to be sulphate-resistant cement grout. Once the plug material is set, the waste packages are lowered into the borehole, one at a time. After the emplacement of each waste package, backfill material is poured over the waste packages to fill the 12.5 mm thick void between the waste package and the casing wall, as well as a volume on top of the waste package. The layer of backfill on top of the waste package should be 750 mm deep. Together with the waste package, this constitutes a pitch height of 1 m per waste package. Given that there are 43 waste packages to be disposed, the total thickness of the disposal zone is 43.5 m. The closure zone: the zone between the disposal zone and the ground surface. Once the waste packages have been emplaced in the borehole, the casing in the closure zone is withdrawn from the borehole from a depth 1 m above the disposal zone. This removes a potential fast transit pathway to and from the disposal zone which might arise once the casing has degraded. An anti-intrusion barrier (for example a metallic ‘drill deflector’) is placed above the disposal zone in order 32 to deter/prevent human intrusion. The closure zone is then backfilled to a depth 5 m below the ground surface with the same backfill material used for the disposal zone. The final 5 m of the closure zone is then backfilled with native soil and/or crushed rock to the ground surface. The total depth of the closure zone is 50 m, which is an appreciable depth design to lessen the likelihood of human intrusion and to limit the type of intrusion that might occur. The disturbed zone: the zone between the casing and the wall of the borehole. Voids and cracks in the host geology immediately adjacent to the borehole are assumed to be grouted and sealed during the drilling process with the same slurry used for the backfilling of the disposal and closure zones. In addition, an average gap of 50 mm between the casing and the borehole wall is backfilled with the slurry using a pressure grouting technique (NECSA, 2004). As shown in Fig. 3, the casing is fitted with centralisers to ensure that the casing is in the middle of the borehole. These centralisers are made of thin mild steel plates inserted vertically to ensure that they do not hamper the flow of the backfill slurry. The design of the borehole disposal concept is a final disposal concept that is not designed to facilitate the retrieval of waste packages once disposed since, once each waste package has been lowered into the borehole; it is backfilled into the borehole with sulphate-resistant cement grout. Following the emplacement of the final waste package, the closure zone above the waste package is also backfilled with sulphateresistant cement grout. This greatly reduces the possibility of sabotage or theft of the disposed disused radioactive sources. 3.1.3 Hydrology and Chemistry Geochemical conditions in the borehole will be determined by the interaction of the borehole engineering and the host groundwater. The geochemical characteristics of the host groundwater are discussed in Section 3.2. Their impact on near-field geochemistry is considered in Section 5.2. 33 3.1.4 Safety Related Functions The post-closure safety related functions of the near field are summarised in Table 8. TABLE 8. POST-CLOSURE SAFETY RELATED FUNCTIONS FOR THE NEAR-FIELD COMPONENTS Near-field Component Source and its container Capsule Post-closure Safety Related Functions No safety function since it is assumed that the source container has failed prior to disposal Until breached, isolates source from water, animals and humans Until breached, prevents escape of gas from source Once breached, limits release of radionuclides available for release from the capsule until it has been corroded Containment barrier Physical barrier – can inhibit disruption of the disused source by surface erosion, human intrusion, and biotic intrusion Physical barrier – once the disposal container has been breached, can limit flow of water around the capsule due to low permeability Physical barrier – once the capsule has been breached, can act as low permeability barrier to the migration of radionuclides from the borehole in liquid and gaseous phases Cement can passivate corrosion of stainless steel capsule and reduce chloride levels in water through formation of calcium chloride Chemical barrier - once the capsule has been breached, can act as sorption barrier for radionuclides released Chemical barrier - once the capsule has been breached, can act to regulate the availability of radionuclides for release into water through its impact on the solubility of radionuclides 34 Near-field Component Disposal container Disposal zone backfill Disposal zone plug Casing Post-closure Safety Related Functions Until breached, isolates source container, capsule and containment barrier from water, animals and humans Once it and the capsule are both breached, the disposal container can limit the fraction of radionuclides available for release into the borehole until the entire container has been corroded Physical barrier – can inhibit disruption of the disused source by surface erosion, human intrusion, and biotic intrusion Physical barrier – can limit the flow of water around the disposal container due to low permeability Physical barrier – once the disposal container and capsule have been breached, can act as low permeability barrier to the migration of radionuclides from the borehole in liquid and gaseous phases Cement can passivate corrosion of stainless steel capsule and reduce chloride levels in water through formation of calcium chloride Chemical barrier - once the disposal container and capsule have been breached, can act as sorption barrier for radionuclides released Chemical barrier - once the capsule has been breached, can act to regulate the availability of radionuclides for release into water through its impact on the solubility of radionuclides Physical barrier – until the casing starts to degrade will limit the flow of water up into borehole due to low permeability Until degraded, restricts the flow of water into the disposal zone in saturated systems 35 Near-field Component Disturbed zone backfill Closure zone backfill Post-closure Safety Related Functions Physical barrier – limits the flow of water into the borehole due to low permeability Physical barrier – once the disposal container and capsule have been breached, can act as low permeability barrier to the migration of radionuclides from the borehole in liquid and gaseous phases Chemical barrier - once the disposal container and capsule have been breached, can act as sorption barrier for radionuclides released from the borehole Chemical barrier - once the capsule has been breached, can act to regulate the availability of radionuclides for release into water through its impact on the solubility of radionuclides Cement can passivate corrosion of stainless steel capsule and reduce chloride levels in water through formation of calcium chloride Physical barrier – limits the flow of water into the borehole due to low permeability Physical barrier - inhibits disruption of the disused source by surface erosion, human intrusion, and biotic intrusion Physical barrier – once the disposal container and capsule have been breached, can act as low permeability barrier to the migration of radionuclides from the borehole in liquid and gaseous phases Chemical barrier - once the disposal container and capsule have been breached, can act as sorption barrier for radionuclides released from the borehole Chemical barrier - once the capsule has been breached, can act to regulate the availability of radionuclides for release into water through its impact on the solubility of radionuclides Cement can help maintain high pH conditions which then passivate corrosion of stainless steel capsule and reduce chloride levels in water through formation of calcium chloride 36 3.1.5 Uncertainties The key uncertainty associated with the near field is the physical and chemical characteristics of the sources and their ages and hence their current activity levels. These uncertainties are now being addressed by NRWMC of GAEC through further source characterisation work. 3.2 GEOSPHERE There is currently an absence of site-specific geosphere data. However, two site characterisation boreholes will be drilled in late 2011/early 2012 to allow sitespecific data to be obtained. In the absence of site-specific data, this first iteration of the PCSA will use data on the regional geology and extrapolate to the site. Subsequent iterations will be able to use the site-specific geosphere data collected from the site characterisation programme. 3.2.1 Structural Geology and Stratigraphy The site for the BDF is within the Accra Plains and overlaps the boundary between the Togo Series and Dahomeyan System (Figure 7), both of which are of Precambrian age. The Dahomeyan is the major bedrock formation underlying the site. The Togo Series are predominantly composed of quartzite and phyllite while the Dahomeyan System consists of quartzite, gneiss and schists. The Togo-Dahomeyan boundary at this location is an ancient overthrust (actually, a group of parallel thrusts) which also results in the two formations having an interleaved relationship. Both formations are also intensely folded and have undergone various degrees of metamorphism. Because of the overthrust and interleaving character, the younger Togo series sometimes lies above and sometimes lies within the older Dahomeyan. This tectonic deformation was caused by the Pan-african event which ended during the Cambrian, around 500 million years ago. The overthrust is dipping at a shallow angle (5-10 from horizontal) and has a surface signature in the order of 100 m in width (IAEA, 2006). The Dahomeyan system occurs essentially as alternating belts of acid and basic gneisses. The acid Dahomeyan group consists of two alternating belts. The first belt lies to the immediate east of the Togo-Akwapim ranges extending from the coastal plains of Accra to Kpong in north-northeast direction. It encloses a series of disconnected linear Togo quartzite outliers. The second acid gneiss belt is located east of the metabasic rocks and stretches in a similar north-northeast direction from the east of Prampram Rocks of the acid Dahomeyan consist generally of muscovitebiotite gneiss, quartz-feldspargneiss, augen gneiss and minor amphibolites. These rocks decompose to slightly permeable calcareous clay. The basic Dahomeyan rocks could also be subdivided into two groups, namely: the metabasics and the basic intrusive (Darko et. al., 1995). 37 Figure 7: Geological map of the region immediately around the proposed site 38 20 km GAEC site Akwapim FZ Superficials Potential host rock Dahomeyan? Birriminian? Togo and Dahomeyan interleaved Dahomeyan Figure 8 Geology of Accra Plains showing Akwapim Fault zone and the Proposed Site for the BDF 3.2.2 Seismicity There are no records of any severe earthquakes. The Akwapim hills and the Togo range mark the line of a major active fault zone that runs north-east to Lake Volta and south-west to a major offshore east-west fault zone in the Gulf of Guinea: the Coastal Boundary fault (Figure 9). Three seismic active zones in the region include, two zones on the Coastal Boundary Fault (40 km south of Accra) and the area north of Akosombo on the Akwapim range (85 km north-west of Accra). Though the GAEC reactor has been designed to resist an earthquake of 0.23g of grade 8 intensity, this is not expected in the area. The whole of the site is covered by loose unconsolidated and weathered material that is generally a few metres deep but which sometimes extends to a considerable depth, especially in the western part of the site. This, it has been suggested, may reflect the presence of troughs formed by downfaulted blocks. This indicates the existence of seismic activity in the geologically past and it probably results from movements along the Akwapim fault line. The unfaulted Dahomeyan appears to be a very competent rock that would not yield to the energy imposed by a movement of the Akwapim range (IAEA, 2006). Though there is evidence of seismicity in the geological past but there is no significant current day seismic activity. 39 Figure 9.StructuralGeology of the Accra Region 3.2.3 Hydrogeology The water table at the site generally has a depth of between 3 and 15 metres. The unconsolidated deposits close to the surface appear to form a high transmissivity “active zone” that acts as the main conduit for moving groundwater. The presence of a clay layer below the unconsolidated rocks appears to act as an aquitard, isolating the active zone from the deeper rocks. Deeper groundwater appears to have lower solute levels than the surface water, which again suggests a degree of hydraulic isolation The Togo and Dahomeyan rocks do not contain aquifers in the strict sense of the word but may hold some water in joints and fissures particularly the Togo quartzites that are often well jointed (Akaho et al., 2003). Since the main rocks have very low permeability, groundwater occurrence in the Accra plains is controlled mainly by the development of secondary porosities, e.g. 40 fractures, faults joints etc. and the associated weathered zone. Two types of aquifers occur, i.e. the weathered zone aquifers and the fractured zone aquifers. The weathered zone aquifers are either semi-confined or phreatic. The fractured zone aquifers generally are mainly semi-confined or confined. Aquifer yields are also highly variable (0.7-27.5 m3 hr-1) with a mean value of 2.7 m3 hr-1. Transmitivity values are generally low due to the clayey content of the regolith. They vary from 0.23m2 hr-1 in the clayey regolith to 4.0m2 hr-1 in fissured zones (Kortatsi and Jorgensen, 2001; WRRI, 1996). 3.2.4 Geochemistry The data presented in Table 8 and Table 9 is the hydrochemical results from three boreholes on the GAEC site and boreholes in the Accra plains, respectively. Analysis of these data indicates that the water is brackish and the presence of NO3 suggests that we might have aerobic conditions. These however, would have to be from measurements of Eh from the site investigation boreholes 41 Table 8: Chemical analysis of groundwater samples from boreholes on the GAEC Site BH ID BF1 BF2 BF3 Location BNARI Farms (GAEC) BNARI Farms (GAEC) BNARI Farms (GAEC) Temp oC pH Depth TDS Ele. Con. Ca Mg Na K HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 SiO2 Total cations Total Anions (m) (mg/l) (µS/cm) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (meq/l) (meq/l) 26.8 7.7 74 1671 3760 144.3 85.9 395 70 395.01 746.08 130.3 1.5 35.1 32.9195 30.25009 26 7.5 70 438 684 32.4 17.5 87.9 10.8 92.66 149.95 41.1 2.05 11.4 7.0831 6.638362 26.6 7.7 50 379 592 31.5 17.8 74.5 12.5 83.15 139.98 39.1 1.5 11.5 6.5316 6.150867 42 Table 9: Chemical Data of Representative Samples (from WRI Data Bank) Kortatsi and Jorgensen (2001) 43 3.2.5 Natural Resources The site has no natural resources such as gold that require excavation by extensive surface excavation or underground mining. There are also no significant sources of geothermal heat or gas and oil in the vicinity. There is however the possibility of the abstraction of groundwater. Groundwater is abstracted from all geological formations in Ghana. The estimated annual abstraction of groundwater based on 12h of pumping per day for the Accra plains is 2.5E+6 m3a-1 (Kortatsi, 1994). 3.2.6 Safety Related Functions The geosphere has a number of safety-related functions; these are summarised in Table 10. TABLE10: GEOSPHERE COMPONENTS AND THEIR SAFETY RELATED FUNCTIONS System Component Saturated Zone Post-closure Safety Related Functions Physical barrier– lowers radionuclide concentrations in groundwater due to dispersion and diffusion. Physical barrier– the depth of the disposal zone (50 m below the ground surface) isolates the waste from intrusion (human and animal) and geomorphological processes such as surface erosion. Chemical barrier– can retard the migration of radionuclides due to sorption of radionuclides. This will cause greater radionuclide decay in the saturated zone and so lower concentrations reaching the biosphere. Tectonic, seismic and geomechanical stability –helps maintain the integrity of the BDF. Absence of economically viable mineral resources - limits the nature and likelihood of human intrusion into the BDF 3.2.7 Uncertainties There are uncertainties with regards to the precise nature of the stratigraphic and hydrogeological conditions at the site as the two site characterisation boreholes are yet to be drilled. In the absence of site-specific data, there are regional data that can be used. 44 3.3 BIOSPHERE 3.3.1 Topography The site of the BDF lies on a small hill on the south-eastern flank of the Akwapim hills (Figure 3), part of the Togo range that extends north-eastwards for hundreds of kilometres. The proposed disposal site location lies in the eastern part of the GAEC site in an area that has been generally allocated to radioactive waste management. This part of the site slopes gently down eastwards to the River Onyasia, a fall of less than 10 metres but still above any known flood level. A surface erosion rate for the Accra region of 1E-3 m y-1 can be calculated from data provided in Oduro-Afriyie (1996), which could result in the disposal zone being uncovered by erosion after 50,000 years (for a closure zone depth of 56.5 m – see Section 2.2.3). 3.3.2 Climate The climate of the plains is equatorial with two rainy and two dry seasons (Figure 10). There is a dry season from November to March during which rainfall is around 30 mm per month. This season is followed by a rainy season from April to June during which an average of about 130 mm rain falls per month there is a little dry season from July to August after which there is another rainy season. The mean annual rainfall is 800 mm and the mean annual temperature is 26.5°C (Figure 11). The daily variations of temperature reach between 5 °C and 6 °C. The mean annual pan evaporation is in the order of 1800 mm. Figure 10 Mean Monthly Rainfall 45 Figure 11: Mean Monthly Temperatures Source: Ghana Meteorological Services Dept. Accra/SNC LAVALIN, 1995 3.3.3 Surface Water Bodies The only major river near the BDF site is the river Onyasia. It is located 1.3 km from the proposed BDF and drains southwards through Achimota village to Accra with a measured flow velocity of 0.8 m s-1 (2.5E+7 m y-1), depth of 0.6 m and width of 6.8 m (site measurements from October 2011).The broad valley of the Onyasia river flanks the site on its eastern margin, swampy conditions are generally found in the north-east of the site. During the wet season, small localised swamps develop which may persist well into the dry season. Surface run-off in this area is very low as the top-soil is everywhere sandy. However, after heavy storms there may be some movement of water over the clay horizon below the sandy top-soil (Akaho et al., 2003). The Atlantic Ocean is 30 km away from the site (Akaho et al., 2003) therefore there is no adverse effect that is envisaged for the safety of the BDF. 3.3.4 Human Activity and Biota Members of the general public are not allowed on the site as it is within GAEC’s restricted site. Outside the boundaries, the land is used for mainly small scale agriculture. The crops grown are vegetables, maize, sugar cane and plantain. Animals reared include fowl, goats, sheep, pigs and rabbits. There is a cattle ranch near the Kwabenya village 46 where cows are reared on a commercial scale. There are two vegetable plantations in the area for growing vegetables on a commercial scale (Akaho et al., 2003). Abstracted water from boreholes and the nearby Onyasia riveris used for domestic (drinking) and agricultural purposes (watering of cattle and irrigation of vegetables). In the Accra Plains, about 70% of the boreholes are drilled for agricultural purposes and 33% of those are used for irrigation. Irrigation is limited to watering moderate to high salt tolerant vegetables such as cabbage, onion, tomatoes and carrots (Kortatsi, 1994, Kankam-Yeboah, 1987). In the Accra Plains of Southern Ghana, a pilot project for carrying out dry season vegetable farming with borehole water is currently being carried out. Crop yields of 5 t ha-1 and 3 t ha-1 in the cases of cabbage and onions have been realized (Kortatsi, 1994). The major industries located at 15 km away from the site are a brewery and a pharmaceutical manufacturing company. Stone quarries and other small scale welding industries are located about 6 km away from the site (Akaho et al., 2003). The activities of these quarrying operations are not likely to have any effect on the BDF. 3.3.5 Near-surface Lithostratigraphy The top-soil is everywhere sandy (Akaho et al., 2003). The soils are mainly Vertisols. The vertisols of the Accra Plains, generally referred to as Tropical Black Earth, is classified as Calcic Vertisol (Abunyewa et. al., 2004, FAO/UNESCO,1990). They are agriculturally under-utilized within the traditional farming practices because of constraints to crop production such as inefficient water and nutrient management practices. Available nitrogen has been found to be generally low in the Vertisols of the Accra Plains (Acquaye and Owusu-Bennoah, 1989).Vertisols are characterized by very low basic water infiltration rate or low saturated hydraulic conductivity because of their high smectite content (Dudal and Bramao 1965; Coulombe et al., 1996) and, therefore, are susceptible to water logging during the peak of the major rainy season. 3.3.6 Safety Related Functions The biosphere is seen as pathways that can lead to exposure or impacts and no safety related functions are assigned to it. 3.3.7 Uncertainties The biosphere description given above is for the present-day biosphere. Over the timescales of interest to the PCSA, the biosphere will be subject to change due to environmental processes such as erosion, long-term climate change and human processes (e.g. human activities – encroachment of housing over the last 10-20 years). These uncertainties are addressed in subsequent sections of this report. 47 4 IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF SCENARIOS A scenario is a hypothetical sequence of processes and events, and is one of a set devised for the purpose of illustrating the range of future behaviours and states of a disposal system, for the purposes of evaluating a safety case (IAEA, 2004). Scenarios handle future uncertainties associated with the processes and events by describing alternative future evolutions of the disposal system and allow for a mixture of quantitative analysis and qualitative judgements. The purpose of scenario identification is not to try and predict the future; rather, it is to use scientifically informed expert judgement to guide the development of descriptions of possible future evolution of the disposal system to assist in making safety related decisions. 4.1 APPROACH The approach to scenario identification and description used for this initial iteration of the Ghana-specific PCSA is to take the scenarios identified in the IAEA Generic Safety Assessment for the borehole disposal concept (IAEA 2008) and review and, if necessary, modify them to produce site-specific scenarios. Using information relating to the assessment context (Section 2), the system description (Section 3) and the status of scenario-generating external factors8, the ‘Design Scenario’ identified in IAEA (2008) was reviewed and modified. The scenario represents how the disposal system can be expected to evolve assuming the borehole’s design functions as planned and it provides a benchmark against which alternative scenarios can be compared. The four alternative scenarios that were then identified in IAEA (2008) by considering possible alternative conditions for the scenario-generating external factors (Table 11), were then reviewed taking account of the assessment context and the system description provided in Sections 2 and 3. It was considered that the same four alternative scenarios were applicable to the PCSA. ‘The Defect Scenario’ – it is assumed that not all components of the near field perform as envisaged in the Design Scenario due to either defective manufacturing of waste packages (e.g. welding defects), or defective implementation in the borehole (e.g. improper emplacement of cement grout). This results in the earlier release of radionuclides from the near field. 8Sub-divided into repository factors, geological processes and events, climate processes and events, and future human actions and behaviours. 48 TABLE 11. STATUS OF EXTERNAL FACTORS FOR ALTERNATIVE SCENARIOS External Factors Defect Repository Factors Not all near-field components perform as envisaged in the Design Scenario Geological Processes and Events No unexpected features, processes or events Climate Processes and Events Constant climate conditions with continuous, gradual surface erosion Future Human Actions and Behaviours Domestic and agricultural use of water from an abstraction borehole sunk at the end of the institutional control period. Construction of a dwelling above the disposal borehole at the end of the institutional control period Alternative Scenarios Unexpected Changing Geological Environmental Characteristics Conditions Borehole Borehole constructed, operated constructed, operated and closed as and closed as designed and planned designed and planned Borehole Disturbance Borehole constructed, operated and closed as designed and planned No unexpected Unexpected features, No unexpected features, processes or features, processes or events events processes or events Constant climate Constant climate Changing climate conditions with conditions with more conditions with continuous, gradual continuous, rapid surface surface erosion gradual surface erosion erosion Domestic and Domestic and Disturbance of agricultural use of agricultural use of the disposal water from an water from an borehole by abstraction borehole abstraction borehole human intrusion sunk at the end of the sunk at the end of the at the end of the institutional control institutional control institutional period. period. control period. Construction of a Construction of a Domestic and dwelling above the dwelling above the agricultural use disposal borehole at disposal borehole at of water from an the end of the the end of the abstraction institutional control institutional control borehole sunk period period immediately adjacent to the disturbed disposal borehole. Construction of a dwelling above the disturbed disposal borehole. Note: External factors in italic bold differ from those assumed for the Design Scenario. ‘The Unexpected Geological Characteristics Scenario’ – it is assumed that the actual performance of the geosphere from a safety perspective is worse than the expected performance. The geosphere is subjected to an unexpected seismic 49 event resulting in the reactivation of high permeability fractures and modification of associated sorption properties. ‘The Changing Environmental Conditions Scenario’ – it is assumed that the disposal system is affected by climate change resulting in modifications to certain geosphere characteristics (e.g. groundwater recharge rates) and biosphere characteristics (e.g. water demand, surface erosion rates). ‘The Borehole Disturbance Scenario’ – it is assumed that drilling of a water abstraction borehole immediately adjacent to the disposal borehole results in the disturbance of the disposal borehole and the earlier release of radionuclides from the near field and subsequent exposure of humans to radionuclides (e.g. due to the use of contaminated water from the abstraction borehole). On the basis of information provided in the assessment context and system description and in light of the assumed status of the EFEPs, each of the above basic scenario descriptions is developed further in the following sub-sections. 4.2 DESIGN SCENARIO 4.2.1 Description The first stage in the further development of the Design Scenario description is to consider the temporal evolution of the disposal system (i.e. the near field, geosphere and biosphere). Each component of the disposal system is considered in turn. The near field has been sub-divided into a series of components based on the system description (Table 5) and the temporal evolution of each component considered. The temporal evolution of each near-field component is documented in Table 12 together with the associated assumptions. For the geosphere component of the disposal system, there is no evolution over the assessment period since the site is located in a geologically stable area with no or extremely limited tectonic and seismic activity (see Section 3.2). 50 TABLE 12. TEMPORAL EVOLUTION OF THE NEAR-FIELD COMPONENTS FOR THE DESIGN SCENARIO Near-field Component Source container Capsule Containment barrier Disposal container Disposal zone backfill Disposal zone plug Casing Disturbed zone backfill Closure zone backfill Temporal Evolution In most cases the source containers will still be intact at the time of disposal, due to proper quality control and quality assurance procedures. However, the Na-22 sources to be disposed are not sealed (see Table 3), and the longevity of the other source containers cannot be guaranteed. Consequently, it is assumed that the source containers will have failed prior to disposal. It is assumed that the radionuclides in the source containers are available for potential release only once the capsule that surrounds the source container is breached. A number of different types of corrosion can occur including general and localised (e.g. pitting and crevice). Corrosion of capsule is assumed to start only once the disposal container and the associated containment barrier has been breached by water (see below). Physical and chemical degradation of the cement grout will start only once the disposal container has been breached and the cement grout is contacted by water. Initially the hydraulic conductivity might decrease due to carbonation, however with time it will increase due to the physical (e.g. cracking) and chemical (e.g. calcium leaching and sulphate attack) degradation of the cement grout due to contact with flowing water. Chemical degradation generally results in a decrease in the cement grout’s sorption capacity. See discussion concerning capsule for corrosion mechanisms. Corrosion of disposal container is assumed to start before the corrosion of the capsule. It is assumed that any shrinkage or jointing cracks that might form in the cement grout backfill do not act as significant water flow and hence radionuclide migration pathways. Initially the hydraulic conductivity might decrease due to carbonation, however with time it will increase due to the physical (e.g. cracking) and chemical (e.g. calcium leaching and sulphate attack) degradation of the cement grout due to contact with flowing water, especially once the borehole casing starts to fail (see below). Chemical degradation generally results in a decrease in the sorption capacity of the cement grout. Assumed to behave in the same manner as the disposal zone backfill. Processes such as embrittlement, cracking and biodegradation are assumed to result in the failure of the HDPE casing. Koerner et al. (2005) and Wienhold and Chudnovsky (2006) suggest HDPE lifetimes in the region 100 to 400 years. However, there is considerable uncertainty over lifetimes and it is therefore conservatively assumed that the casing fails immediately following closure Assumed to behave in the same manner as the disposal zone backfill. The closure zone backfill will be subjected to surface erosion at a rate of about 1E-3 m y-1. The characteristics of the native soil/crushed rock used to fill the first 5 m of the closure zone from the ground surface is assumed to remain constant. The cement grout used to fill the remainder of the closure zone is assumed to behave in the same manner as in the disposal zone. For the biosphere component of the disposal system, it is recognised that certain changes might occur due to the effects of climate change. However, for the purposes of this initial PCSA, it is assumed that such changes will not be significant. Consistent with the recommendations of ICRP (2000) no consideration is given to the development of new societal structures and technologies. Furthermore, consistent with IAEA guidelines for the siting of radioactive waste disposal facilities (IAEA, 1994), the BDF is not located in an area 51 of significant geomorphological activity (including flooding), although a constant rate of surface erosion is assumed (Section 3.3). Consistent with the above discussion and the information in the assessment context and system description, the following description of the Design Scenario can be developed. Construction, Operation and Closure Periods The current assessment only assesses post-closure safety. This section is included to clarify the status of the facility following construction, operation and closure. It is assumed that the borehole is constructed, operated and closed as designed and planned (see Section 3.1.2) with appropriate quality assurance and no accidents or unplanned events. During operations, measures are taken to ensure that the waste packages are emplaced in a dry environment, and that shrinkage cracks in the backfill are minimised. The whole site area is controlled to prevent animal and unauthorised human access. All site investigation activities are managed with the intention to ensure that there are no adverse effects on post-closure safety. Institutional Control Period Throughout the institutional control period of 50 years, a limited level of environmental monitoring will be performed for the purpose of public assurance. All monitoring activities will be managed with the intention to ensure that there are no adverse effects on post-closure performance. At closure, no markers, which might encourage deliberate human intrusion, are fixed at the site to reveal the location of a radioactive waste disposal facility. However, a detailed record of the disposal site as well as the disposal facility and its content will be kept at the municipal assembly to enforce controls of the use of the land covering the site. These land use controls are related to the erection of buildings at the site and drilling of boreholes. After the institutional control period (50 years for the Design Scenario – see Table 2), all societal memory of the site is assumed to be lost. Following construction, it is assumed that groundwater starts to enter the borehole and some corrosion of the stainless steel disposal containers begins. Nevertheless, the containers remain intact and ensure that water does not come into contact with the waste and there are no releases of gases. Post-Institutional Control Period Due to the corrosion of the stainless steel disposal containers and the subsequent corrosion of the capsules, water eventually contacts the waste in source container, which is assumed to have failed prior to disposal. The radionuclides in the source container could be in a number of different physical and chemical forms (yet to be determined) and release of radionuclides could occur in the liquid or gas phase. 52 For radionuclides released in the liquid phase, transport from the source container through the various components of the near field can occur by advection, dispersion and diffusion. The relative importance of these processes depends upon the hydrogeological conditions at the site. Migration through the near field is limited by decay/in-growth, and sorption of the radionuclides onto the cement grout in the near field. On leaving the near field, the radionuclides migrate through the geosphere by advection, dispersion and diffusion and are subject to decay/in-growth, and retardation due to sorption onto the rocks. Flow can be through pores or fractures and diffusion can occur into stagnant water in the rock matrix. Again the relative importance of these geosphere processes depends on the hydrogeological conditions at the site. The groundwater is assumed to be abstracted from the geosphere via an abstraction borehole. The borehole is assumed to be down the hydraulic gradient from the BDF and used for domestic purposes (drinking) and agricultural purposes (watering of animals and irrigation of crops) (Section 3.3). The water is not treated or stored before use. The main features of the Design Scenario for radionuclides released in the liquid phase into the saturated disposal zones are summarised in Figure 12. Disposal Borehole Closure Zone 56.5m Water Abstraction Borehole Watertable Contaminant Plume Waste Disposal Zone 43.5m Groundwater Flow Direction Figure 12.Design Scenario: Liquid Releases Contaminated groundwater might also discharge to the Onyasia river which could also be used for domestic purposes (drinking) and agricultural purposes (watering of animals and irrigation of crops). However, for the purposes of this initial PCSA, discharge via the water abstraction borehole is considered since radionuclide concentrations will be higher in the well water due to it closer proximity to the BDF resulting in less dilution, dispersion, decay and absorption in the geosphere. 53 The failure of the containers and capsules could allow any radioactive gases to be released. None of the sources currently contain radioactive gas (see Table 4), however Rn-222 will ingrow from Ra-226. The very short half-life of Rn-222 (around 3 days) means that there is likely to be significant decay within the saturated zone, and very little will reach the unsaturated zone and even less eventually discharge into the biosphere. Furthermore, the Rn-222 could be dissolved into groundwater rather than remain in gaseous form. So for the purposes of the current assessment, no gaseous releases are considered. The combination of the surface erosion rate (1E-3 m y-1 – see Section 3.3) and the depth of the disposal zone from the ground surface (56.5 m – see Section 3.1.2) results in the waste being uncovered after 50,000 years. The main features of the Design Scenario for radionuclides released in the solid phase are summarised in Figure 13. Original Ground Surface Closure Zone Eroded 56.5m Soil Contaminated by Material from Eroded Borehole Waste Disposal Zone Disposal Borehole 43.5m Figure 13: Design Scenario: Solid Releases 4.2.2 FEP Screening The Generic Safety Asssessment of the borehole disposal concept includes a screening of FEPs on the basis of information provided in the assessment context; system description and the scenario description (see Appendix D and E of IAEA (2008)). A similar screening should be undertaken for the PCSA. Time constraints associated with the development of the current iteration of the PCSA have meant that 54 this has not yet been undertaken. However, it is planned that future versions of the PCSA will include such as screening. 4.3 DEFECT SCENARIO 4.3.1 Description The scenario assumes that a properly qualified team applies appropriate quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) to the construction, operation and closure activities. For example radiographic and other post-weld inspection procedures are expected to be part of the waste capsule and container fabrication process. This assumption of appropriate QA/QC limits the extent of the defects that might arise. However, as in any engineering system, some defects may arise despite best efforts to eliminate them. Furthermore, maintaining quality during field welding, as is envisaged for the borehole disposal concept, is generally more challenging than during shop welding. Therefore the scenario assumes that not all components of the near field perform as envisaged in the Design Scenario, resulting in the earlier release of radionuclides from the near field. A range of possible defects involving one or more of the near-field barriers (i.e. capsule, containment barrier, disposal container, disposal and disturbed zone backfill and casing) can be identified. These are summarised and screened in Table 13. Four Defect Scenario variants are identified: D1: all welds are satisfactory due to QA/QC except for the closure weld in one 316 L waste container. All other near-field barriers as per Design Scenario. D2: All welds are satisfactory due to QA/QC except for the closure weld in one 304 waste capsule. All other near-field barriers as per Design Scenario. D3: degraded/incomplete disposal/disturbed zone cement grout. All other nearfield barriers as per Design Scenario. D4: all welds are satisfactory due to QA/QC except for the closure weld in one 316 L waste container and one 304 waste capsule. The faulty capsule is in the faulty container. All other near-field barriers as per Design Scenario. 4.3.2 FEP Screening As is the case with the Design Scenario, time constraints have meant that FEP screening for the Defect Scenario has not yet been undertaken. However, it is planned that future versions of the PCSA will include such screening. 55 TABLE 11. POSSIBLE DEFECTS CONSIDERED IN THE DEFECT SCENARIO Description Considered in Defect Scenario Calculations (Variant Number) All welds okay due to QA/QC except for the closure weld in one 316 L disposal container. Yes (D1) Yes (D2) Feasible although considered to be lower consequence than D1. A similar probability for an individual defect (i.e., 10-3) is assumed, and for the probability that only 1 out of the 50 waste capsules will contain a defect. Yes (D3) Cannot be ruled out. Probability assumed to be c. 1%. All other near-field barriers as per Design Scenario. Missing/degraded/incomplete disposal/disturbed zone cement grout. Cannot be ruled out. For the mass production of welded structures under strict QA/QC procedures, the probability of an individual undetected, through-wall defect is of the order of 10-3-10 -4(Doubt 1984)Because of the potential for more challenging conditions for welding and inspecting the waste container, the higher end of this range (10-3) is assumed for the PCSA. The probability that the weld on 1 of the 50 disposal containers in the borehole contains a defect can be estimated based on a binomial distribution, and is found to be 0.05 for an individual probability of 10-3. The probability that 2 out of the 50 disposal containers in a borehole will contain defects is 0.0012 and is considered to be too small to be of concern here. All other near-field barriers as per Design Scenario. All welds okay due to QA/QC except for the closure weld in one 304 waste capsule. Justification Consider more rapid chemical and physical degradation of cement grout than for Design Scenario. All other near-field barriers as per Design Scenario. Case of missing cement grout is covered under “What-if” calculation presented separately from the Defect Scenario results. Missing casing. No No credit is taken for the casing in the Design Scenario Yes (D4) Based on probabilities of 10-3 for individual weld defects and of 0.05 that 1 out of the 50 disposal containers and waste capsules contain a defect, the probability that the defected waste capsule is All other near-field barriers as per Design Scenario. All welds okay due to QA/QC except for the closure weld in one 316 L disposal container and one 304 waste capsule. The 56 Description Considered in Defect Scenario Calculations (Variant Number) faulty capsule is in the faulty container. All other near-field barriers as per Design Scenario. Justification inside the defected disposal container is 0.05 x 0.05 50 = 5 x 10-5. Although this is of low probability, the consequences of this scenario could be high (since there could be immediate release from the waste package) and warrants analysis. This is considered to be the most likely twobarrier failure scenario. 4.4 UNEXPECTED GEOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS SCENARIO This scenario assumes that the actual performance of the geosphere from a safety perspective is worse than its expected performance, resulting in the more rapid transport of radionuclides through the geosphere. This could be due to a number of factors such as: higher hydraulic conductivities than anticipated; lower geosphere sorption coefficients than anticipated; the presence of undetected high permeability zone(s); and the reactivation of high permeability zone(s) due, for example, to unexpected seismic activity. It is not necessary to develop a separate scenario, as the additional geosphere parameter sensitivity analysis (presented in Section 6.2) bound the consequences of this scenario. 4.4.1 Changing Environmental Conditions scenario This scenario assumes that the disposal system is affected by climate changes.These changes could result in modifications to certain geosphere characteristics (e.g. groundwater recharge rates) and biosphere characteristics (e.g. water demand, surface erosion rates). It is not necessary to develop a separate scenario, as the geosphere and biosphere parameter sensitivity analysis (presented in Section 6.2) bound the consequences of this scenario. Furthermore, results from a previous GSA that did consider an environmental change scenario (Little et al., 2004), further support the screening out of this scenario. 57 4.4.2 Borehole Disturbance Scenario The impact of deliberate human intrusion is considered to be beyond the scope of the PCSA (see Section 1.3). The depth of the disposal zone (56.5 m thick from the ground surface), the small footprint of the disposal borehole, and its location in an area that has no natural resources requiring excavation by extensive surface excavation or underground mining (Section 3.2), all mean that the likelihood of inadvertent human intrusion directly affecting the disposal borehole is extremely low. Even if the site were to be developed, given the disposal borehole’s narrow cross-sectional area (about 5E-2 m2) and a site investigation borehole density of 1 per 1000 m2 (BSI, 1999), the likelihood of an investigation borehole being within the footprint of the disposal borehole is around 1 in 20,000. Furthermore, even if the investigation borehole were to be within the footprint of the disposal borehole, the various components of the near field, such as the steel of the disposal container and the capsule and the anti-intrusion barrier above the disposal zone (see Section 3.1.2), could be expected to deter direct intrusion into the disposal zone. Due to these reasons, further consideration is not given to the borehole disturbance scenario in the current PCSA. 58 5 DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF MODELS 5.3 APPROACH The model development and implementation process is shown in Figure 14. Information from the assessment context, system description and scenario development steps of the safety assessment approach can be used to help generate conceptual models of the disposal system for the scenarios to be assessed (i.e. the Design and Defect Scenarios). These conceptual models and their associated processes are represented in mathematical models that are then implemented in computer codes. Throughout this process, data are used to help develop the conceptual and mathematical models and as input to the computer codes. Assessment Context System Data System Description Scenarios Conceptual Models Model Formulation and Understanding Mathematical Models Implementation Implementation of (Step 4 of the ISAM Safety Assessment Approach) Model Parameter Mathematical Values and Models in Computer Tool(S) Figure 14. Model Formulation and Implementation Process Used 59 5.2 CONCEPTUAL MODELS The Interaction Matrix approach has been used to help identify the main components of the disposal system and the processes that result in the release and migration of radionuclides through the system (Appendix B). The conceptual model for each of the system’s main components (near field, geosphere and biosphere) is summarised below. 5.2.1 Near Field The near field is comprised of a series of engineering barriers. Working from the outside inwards, these comprise (see Figure 5): the disturbed zone cement grout backfill; the HDPE casing; the disposal zone cement grout backfill; the stainless steel disposal container; the cement grout containment barrier inside the disposal container; the stainless steel capsule; and the source container. The HDPE casing and source container are assumed to have failed by closure of the borehole (Table 12). Therefore, the migration of radionuclides from the near field is controlled by the degradation of the cement grout and stainless steel barriers and the release of radionuclides from the disused source into the borehole. The models for cement grout and stainless steel degradation adopted for the PCSA are consistent with those described in detail in Appendices H and I of IAEA (2008), respectively, and summarised below. The release and transport models are also presented below. Cement Grout Degradation The various alteration processes discussed in Appendices E and H of IAEA (2008) (e.g. chloride binding, carbonation, ettringite precipitation, expansion caused by corrosion) will affect the chemical and physical degradation of the cement grout. Consistent with IAEA (2008), four stages of degradation are considered based on the work reported in Berner (1992) and Berner (2004). Stage 1 - porewater pH is around 13.5, owing to the presence of significant NaOH and KOH and such high pHs can persist during flushing by about 100 pore volumes of water. It is assumed that the values for chemical and physical parameters such as sorption coefficient, porosity and hydraulic conductivity are comparable with those for undegraded cement grout. 60 Stage 2 - porewater pH has fallen slightly to about 12.5, owing to buffering by Ca(OH)2 and this pH can persist during flushing by an additional 900 pore volumes. Although pH has declined slightly, it is assumed that the chemical and physical parameter values are the same as for Stage1. Stage 3 - porewater pH diminishes steadily from 12.5 to about background groundwater pH, owing to buffering with C-S-H phases having progressively decreasing Ca/Si ratios. This stage can persist during flushing by approximately an additional 4000 to 9000 pore volumes. There is significant chemical and physical degradation of the cement grout resulting in changes in chemical and physical parameter values. It is assumed that there is a linear change during Stage 3 in parameter values from the start value (i.e. value for undegraded conditions) to the end value (i.e. value for degraded conditions). Stage 4 - porewater pH returns to that of the background waters and the cement grout is fully degraded. The chemical and physical parameter values are the same as those at the end of Stage 3 (i.e. degraded values). As discussed in Appendix H of IAEA (2008), the exact duration of each stage depends on the composition of groundwater (in particular groundwater pH), the rate of groundwater flow (the higher the flow, the more rapid the pore flushes and the more rapid the degradation) and the nature of the scenario assessed. Shorter stages are assumed for the Defect Scenario Variant D3 (incomplete or degraded disposal zone cement grout) (see Section 4.3). Stainless Steel Corrosion Given the potential aerobic groundwater at the site, stainless steel could to be subject to general corrosion, as well as localised corrosion, in the form of crevice corrosion or pitting, and stress corrosion cracking under certain conditions (Figure 15). Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) of stainless steel is also possible in natural groundwaters, but because of the conditioning of the near-field pH by the cementitious materials, microbial activity will be limited until such time that the near-field pH drops below ~pH 10. Since the majority of containers are calculated to have failed by general corrosion before the pH drops below this value, MIC has not been explicitly included in the corrosion model developed for the PCSA. 61 Is the environment aerobic or anaerobic? Aerobic Is the pH less than the critical pH for localized corrosion? Anaerobic General corrosion only Yes No General corrosion only No General corrosion only Is the Cl- concentration greater than the critical concentration for localized corrosion? Yes General and localized corrosion and SCC Figure 15: Decision Tree for the Corrosion Model Used for the Borehole Disposal Concept Generic Safety Assessment. For the corrosion model, a four-stage time-dependent evolution of the near-field chemistry has been used consistent with that used in IAEA (2008). The evolution of the cement grout porewater pH is assumed to evolve through the stages defined above. The corrosion model assumes that the corrosion rate is a function of not only pH but also chloride concentration and redox potential (reducing low chloride conditions give lower corrosion rates than oxidising high chloride conditions). The porewater chloride concentration and redox potential are assumed to be spatially and temporally constant and are consistent with the groundwater concentrations given in Section 3.2.4. 62 Table 14 provides a summary of the corrosion processes included in the model for each stage in the evolution of the environment and for the site groundwater taking into account that it is currently uncertain whether conditions are aerobic or anaerobic at the site. It is assumed that internal corrosion of the disposal containers and capsules is not significant and is therefore not considered. The four Defect Scenario variants identified in Section 4.3 will reduce the lifetimes of the affected containers due to the earlier onset of corrosion, although the processes will be the same as the Design Scenario. Variant D3 (incomplete or degraded disposal and disturbed zone cement grout) compromises the ability of the cement grout to condition the near-field pH. TABLE 12. SUMMARY OF THE PCSA CORROSION MODEL pH Aerobic conditions Anaerobic conditions Stage 1 (pH 13.5) General corrosion only General corrosion only Stage 2 (pH 12.5) General corrosion only General corrosion only Stage 3(a) General corrosion only General corrosion only (pHCRIT< pH < 12.5) Stage 3(b) General and localised General corrosion only corrosion (pHGW< pH pHCRIT) Stage 4 General and localised General corrosion only (pHGW) corrosion Note pHCRIT is defined as pH 10 for Type 316 stainless steel and pH 11 for Type 304 (see Appendix I of IAEA 2008). Anaerobic corrosion is accompanied by the generation of hydrogen gas. The rates of anaerobic corrosion are lower and are estimated to be in the range 0.01-1 m y-1, the lower end of the range corresponding to fresh, high-pH conditions and the upper end of the range to saline, near-neutral pH waters. Because the disposal containers tend to fail prior to the establishment of near-neutral pH conditions, the predicted maximum rate of H2 generation is of the order of 4-8 ml y-1 per disposal container, or 200-400 ml y-1 for the entire borehole. Following failure of the disposal containers, the rate of gas production will decrease by a factor of ~12 (for the same corrosion rate), as the surface area of the waste capsule is much smaller than that of the disposal container. It is likely that H2 generated at these rates will be transported away from the borehole and that a separate gaseous H2 phase is unlikely to develop within the borehole. Release of Radionuclides Due to the corrosion of the stainless steel disposal containers and the subsequent corrosion of the capsules, water eventually contacts the waste in source container, which is assumed to have failed prior to disposal. The radionuclides in the source container could be in a number of different physical and chemical forms and release of radionuclides could occur on breaching of the waste capsule due to the following mechanisms. 63 Instantaneous dissolution of radionuclides that are likely to be in a form that would result in immediate release to water (e.g. soluble solid, surface contamination) (i.e.Sr-90, I-129, Cs-137, Ra-226, Am-241and Cf-252). Congruent release of radionuclides that are likely to be in a form that would result in slow release to water (e.g. solid with low solubility) (i.e. Co-60 due to its typically low solubility and metallic waste form – see Table 15 of IAEA (2008)). It is recognised that the instantaneous dissolution and congruent release mechanisms could, under certain circumstances, be solubility limited. However, no solubility limitation is considered for the reference case calculations (a conservative assumption). Migration of Radionuclides For radionuclides released in the liquid phase, transport from the source container through the various components of the near field can occur by advection, dispersion and diffusion. The relative importance of these processes depends upon the hydrogeological conditions at the site. Migration through the near field is limited by decay/in-growth, and sorption of the radionuclides onto the cement grout in the near field. It is assumed that the migration is not solubility limited. For radionuclides released in the solid phase due to erosion of the closure zone, it is assumed that the radionuclide in the topmost container is transferred directly into the soil once the closure zone has been eroded (i.e. 50,000 years). The associated near field migration processes are summarised in the yellow boxes in Figure 16. Note that the processes considered for the Defect Scenario are the same as those for the Design Scenario since the faster degradation rates, earlier failure times, and faster radionuclide migration times of the Defect Scenario can be accounted for by modifying the associated parameters in the mathematical model (e.g. container degradation rates) rather than considering different processes. For disposal in the saturated zone, the position of the defective capsule/container is not important since the flow from the disposal borehole to the abstraction borehole is assumed to be horizontal. 5.2.2 Geosphere On leaving the near field, the radionuclides in groundwater migrate through the geosphere by advection, dispersion and diffusion and are subject to decay/in-growth, and retardation due to sorption onto the rocks. For BDF’s geosphere, flow occurs through pores or fractures and diffusion occurs into the rock matrix. The groundwater is assumed to be abstracted from the geosphere via an abstraction borehole that is drilled 100 m down the hydraulic gradient from the disposal borehole once institution controls are assumed to be no longer effective (i.e. 50 years after 64 closure). The associated geosphere migration processes are summarised in the blue boxes in Figure 16. 5.2.3 Biosphere The groundwater abstraction borehole is assumed to be used for domestic purposes (drinking) and agricultural purposes (watering of cows and irrigation of root and green vegetables) consistent with current practice in the vicinity of the site (Section 3.3). The water is not treated or stored before use. Humans are exposed via ingestion of water, animal products and crops, inadvertent ingestion of soil, external irradiation from soil, and inhalation of dust. For radionuclides released in the solid phase due to erosion of the closure zone, it is assumed that the contaminated soil is used for the growing of vegetables by a site dweller. Humans are exposed via ingestion of vegetables, inadvertent ingestion of soil, external irradiation from soil, and inhalation of dust. The associated biosphere migration processes are summarised in the green boxes in Figure 16. 65 Figure 16. Interaction Matrix for the Design Scenario 1 Source (degradation, dissolution, decay) 2 Advection Dispersion Diffusion Groundwater flow (only once capsule is breached) Containment Barrier (degradation, sorption, decay) Groundwater flow (only once disposal container is breached) 3 4 5 6 7 A B C Disposal Zone (degradation, sorption, decay) Groundwater flow Diffusion Advection Dispersion Diffusion Closure Zone (degradation, sorption, decay) Advection Dispersion Diffusion 10 11 12 13 Advection Dispersion Diffusion Disturbed Zone and Plug (degradation, sorption, decay) Unsaturated Zone F Groundwater flow Recharge Saturated Zone (advection, dispersion, diffusion,sorp tion, decay) G Percolation Irrigation Soil (sorption, decay) Precipitation Deposition Death and decay H I J K L 9 Advection Dispersion Diffusion D E 8 Transfer into soil due to erosion of closure zone Abstraction Excretion Bioturbation Ploughing Irrigation Suspension Root uptake Atmosphere Deposition Ingestion Crops (translocation) Cultivation Harvesting Ingestion Advection Dispersion Diffusion External irradiation Ingestion Inhalation Erosion Percolation Ingestion Food preparation losses Animals Ingestion Rearing Humans Dispersion Excretion Elsewhere (decay) M 66 5.3 MATHEMATICAL MODELS Mathematical models translate the assumptions of a conceptual model into the formalism of mathematics, usually sets of coupled algebraic, differential and/or integral equations with appropriate initial and boundary conditions in a specified domain. These equations are solved by computer software to give the temporal and spatial dependence of the quantities of interest (such as radionuclide concentrations and doses to humans). For the PCSA, an assessment model has been developed to allow the calculation of the end points identified in Section 2.4. In addition, two supporting models have been developed to represent the degradation of the cement grout and the corrosion of the containers in detail and to provide associated input into the assessment model. The assessment and supporting models are discussed in turn below. 5.3.1 Assessment Model It was decided to implement the assessment model in the most recent version of the AMBER software tool (version 5.4) (Quintessa, 2010) since it is a suitable tool in which to implement the conceptual models developed in Section 5.2. Furthermore, it has been used to develop models for the Generic Safety Assessment of the borehole disposal concept (IAEA, 2008). AMBER uses a compartment model approach to represent the migration and fate of contaminants in the disposal system. The use of AMBER places two main conditions on the mathematical representation of a disposal system. The first condition is that the system has to be discretised into a series of compartments. Using the compartment modelling approach, a disposal system may be represented by discretising it into compartments that can correspond to the components identified in the conceptual model. It is assumed that either uniform mixing occurs over the timescales of interest, or the distribution of the contaminant within the compartment is not important so that a uniform concentration over the whole compartment can be used either for subsequent transport or for deriving end points of interest. Therefore each compartment should be chosen to represent a system component for which one or other of these assumptions is reasonable. The second condition is that processes resulting in the transfer of contaminants from one compartment (the donor compartment) to another (the receptor compartment) need to be expressed as transfer coefficients that represent the fraction of the activity in a particular compartment transferred from the donor compartment to the receptor compartment per unit time. The mathematical representation of the inter-compartmental transfer processes takes the form of a matrix of transfer coefficients that allow the compartmental amounts to be represented as a set of first order linear differential equations. For the ith compartment, the rate at which the inventory of radionuclides in a compartment changes with time is given by: Equation 1 dN i ji N j N M i S i (t ) ij N i N N i dt j i j i 67 wherei and j indicate compartments, N and M are the amounts (Bq) of radionuclides N and M in a compartment (M is the precursor of N in a decay chain). S(t) is a time dependent external source of radionuclide N (Bq y-1). Transfer and loss rates are represented by λ. λN is the decay constant for radionuclide N (y-1) and λji and λij are transfer coefficients (y-1) representing the gain and loss of radionuclide N from compartments i and j. For simplicity, the above equation assumes a single parent and daughter. However, AMBER allows the representation of multiple parents and daughters. The solution of the matrix of equations given above provides the time-dependent inventory of each compartment. Assumptions for compartment sizes then result in estimates of concentrations in the corresponding media from which doses/intakes can be estimated. The mathematical equations used to represent the release and migration processes and the exposure mechanisms identified in the Interaction Matrices are described in Appendix C. 5.3.2 Supporting Models As noted above, two supporting model have been developed to provide input data for use in the assessment model. The first has been developed in an Excel spreadsheet and has been used to calculate the duration of each of the cement grout degration stages identified in Section 5.2.1 for the hydrogeological and geochemical conditions considered in the PCSA. The model is consistent with that described in Appendix H.4 of IAEA (2008). Using this model and the geosphere characteristics described in Section 3.2, the cement degradation times given in Tables 15 and 16 have been calculated. Table 15 Cement Degradation Times for the Design Scenario and Defect Scenario D1, D2 and D4 Geosphere Duration (y) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Cumulative Aerobic 1.03E+02 4.12E+02 4.91E+01 5.64E+02 Anaerobic 1.03E+02 9.27E+02 9.98E+01 1.13E+03 Aerobic 4.19E+01 1.67E+02 2.00E+01 2.29E+02 Containment Barrier Cement for Small Capsule (1) Aerobic 4.19E+01 1.67E+02 2.00E+01 2.29E+02 Anaerobic 4.19E+01 3.77E+02 4.06E+01 4.59E+02 Containment Aerobic 6.49E+00 2.60E+01 3.10E+00 3.56E+01 Backfill Cement 68 Barrier Cement for Large Capsule (1) Anaerobic 6.49E+00 5.84E+01 6.29E+00 7.12E+01 Note 1. Time from time of failure of the disposal container Table 16 Cement Degradation Times for the Defect Scenario D3 Geosphere Duration (y) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Cumulative Backfill Cement Aerobic 5.15E+01 2.06E+02 2.46E+01 2.82E+02 Anaerobic 5.15E+01 4.64E+02 4.99E+01 5.65E+02 Containment Barrier Cement for Small Capsule (1) Aerobic 2.09E+01 8.37E+01 9.98E+00 1.15E+02 Anaerobic 2.09E+01 1.88E+02 2.03E+01 2.30E+02 Containment Barrier Cement for Large Capsule (1) Aerobic 3.25E+00 1.30E+01 1.55E+00 1.78E+01 Anaerobic 3.25E+00 2.92E+01 3.15E+00 3.56E+01 Note 1. Time from time of failure of the disposal container The second supporting model has also been developed in the same Excel spreadsheet and used to calculate the failure times of the disposal container and the waste capsule for the hydrogeological, geochemical and cement grout degradation conditions considered in the PCSA. The model is consistent with that described in Appendix I of IAEA (2008). The assumed general corrosion rates used are given in Table 17 based on data given for Groundwater IDs 1 (aerobic) and 6 (anaerobic) in Table I.11 of IAEA (2008). These two groundwater IDs are considered to be closest to the conditions at the BDF site. Consistent with Appendix I.4.3 of IAEA (2008), it is assumed that the container will fail 100 years after the initiation of localised corrosion. The failure times for the disposal container and waste capsule for the Design Scenario are given in Table 18. 69 Table 17: Rates of General Corrosion Used in the Corrosion Model.* Stage 3(a) Stage 3(b) (pHGW< pH pHCRIT) Stage 4 (pH 12.5) (pHCRIT< pH < 12.5) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 1 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.05 1 Stage 1 Stage 2 (pH 13.5) Aerobic Anaerobic Geosphere (pHGW) * Rates in m y-1 Table 18: Disposal Container and Waste Capsule Failure Times for the Design Scenario Geosphere Disposal Container Failure Time (y) (1) Waste Capsule Failure Times (y) (1) Small Capsule Large Capsule Aerobic 6.40E+2 9.55E+2 7.73E+2 Anaerobic 5.91E+3 8.75E+3 9.18E+3 Notes 1. Time from time of waste emplacement. 5.4 DATA The tables in Appendix D provide data for each of the parameters of the assessment model described in Appendix C. Data relating to the inventory, borehole and its design and the associated geosphere and biosphere characteristics have been drawn from the system description (Section 3). Other radionuclide/element dependent and independent data have been drawn from a number of relevant sources such as previous safety assessments (e.g. Little et al., 2004) and data compilations (e.g. IAEA, 1994). Source references are given at the end of each table in Appendix D. 5.5 IMPLEMENTATION As mentioned in Section 5.3, the AMBER software tool was used to implement the assessment model. The mathematical model and data described in Appendix C and D were encoded directly into AMBER and quality assurance checks undertaken to ensure that the implementation was correctly performed. The time dependent solution method used by AMBER is described in Byrne and Hindmarsh (1975) and Robinson (2001). The verification of the solution is discussed in (Quintessa, 2010) In implementing the models and data in AMBER, the aim was to minimise the number of input files that needed to be created and thereby reduce input error, facilitate checking and 70 updating, and avoid the replication of data needed by all or most calculation cases (e.g. decay rates and dose coefficients). This was achieved through the use of a series of “literal” parameters as switches to allow variant cases to be easily set up from a common “source” file. Literal parameters used include: TypeScenario – is set to ‘Design’, ‘DefectD1’, ‘DefectD2’, ‘DefectD3’, ‘DefectD4’, or ‘BhEros’9; and TypeGeosphere – is set to ‘AerobicFractured’, ‘AerobicPorous’,‘Anaerobic Fractured’, or ‘AnaerobicPorous’ to account for uncertainty in the nature of the oxidising/reducing conditions and the geosphere flow 9 Although the erosion of the cover above the borehole is included in the Design Scenario, for the purposes of the AMBER modelling it is account for using a different TypeScenario literal. 71 6 PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF RESULTS Before presenting and analysing the results of the PCSA, it is important to summarise the main assumptions that have been adopted. This ensures that the reader is aware of these assumptions and can review their appropriateness when applying the PCSA and its results to a specific disposal system. The main assumptions are summarised in the first column of Table 17 (those appearing in italics relate to parameters that are site-specific). These assumptions have been identified by reviewing each step of the approach used in the PCSA (i.e. the specification of the assessment context (Section 2), the description of the disposal system (Section 3), the development and justification of the scenarios (Section 4), and the formulation and implementation of models (Section 5)). Where appropriate, each assumption has been classified (in the second and third columns) as to whether it is considered to be conservative or realistic, consistent with the definitions of these terms provided in Section 2.6.2. The sections of this report that provide the justification for each assumption are listed in the fourth column. TABLE 19. KEY ASSUMPTIONS MADE IN THE PCSA Assumption 1. Narrow diameter borehole (up to 50 cm) and so small diameter sources (up to 15 mm) 2. Disused sealed sources 3. Only consider post-closure issues 4. Exclude deliberate human intrusion 5. Depth of cover 50 m 6. Assume that the derived reference activity values are total values applicable to an entire site 7. Only consider radiological impacts on humans 8. Regulatory framework and associated end points 9. No explicit consideration of radiolysis, criticality and thermal effects Conservative Assessment Context N/A Realistic Justification N/A Sections 1.3 and 2.1 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sections 1.3, 2.1 and 2.1 Sections 1.3 and 2.1 N/A N/A Section 1.3 N/A Yes N/A - Sections 1.3 and 2.1 Section 2.1 N/A N/A Section 2.1 N/A N/A Sections 2.3 and 2.4 No No Such effects are considered to be insignificant for the 72 Assumption Conservative Realistic - Yes Justification typical inventories to be disposed Section 2.6 N/A Yes N/A Section 2.6 Section 2.6 Yes Section 3.1.1 and Appendix A - Yes Section 3.1.2 N/A N/A Section 3.1 N/A Yes Section 3.1.2 5. Borehole located in saturated zone s 6. Absence of geological complexity and variability can be averaged 7. Water abstraction borehole as GBI (drilled at end of institutional control period) 8. Geological stability (tectonic and seismic) 9. No natural resources requiring excavation 10. Flux and travel time through geosphere and distance to GBI 11. Sorption coefficients N/A Yes Section 3.1.3 N/A Yes Section 3.2 Yes - Section 3.2 N/A N/A Section 3.2 N/A N/A Section 3.2 N/A N/A Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 N/A N/A 12. Climatic conditions 13. Soils capable of supporting crops 14. Subdued relief 15. Limited geomorphological activity (e.g. no coastal processes) N/A N/A N/A N/A Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 Section 3.3 Section 3.3 N/A N/A N/A N/A Section 3.3 Section 3.3 1. Identified scenarios adequately illustrate the range of future behaviours - Yes Section 4 10. Borehole operated only for one year and then closed 11. Period of institutional control 12. No cut-off time for calculation of dose 1. The radionuclides are representative of those that can be found in sealed sources 2. Sources have been appropriately conditioned prior to disposal 3. Using borehole disposal concept design and materials broadly similar to that defined in Section 3.1 4. 43 waste packages System Description - Scenarios 73 Assumption and states of the disposal system 2. Unexpected geological conditions and environmental change scenarios are adequately covered by the other scenarios and associated variant calculations Conservative Realistic Justification - Yes Sections 4.4 and 4.5 - Yes Section 5.3 Yes (for liquid release of certain solubility limited radionuclides) No Yes (for most radionuclides and releases) Section 5.3 - Section 5.3 Some Some Section 5.5 Models 1. Use of the compartment modelling approach is appropriate for the problem 2. Linear relationship between activity and dose 3. Activity levels derived by considering radionuclides independently 4. Assume that the data used are appropriate 6.1 RESULTS FOR THE REFERENCE CALCULATIONS 6.1.1 Design Scenario Table 20. Total Peak Dose for Aerobic Fractured (Design Scenario) Radionuclide Dose (Sv/y) Co-60 Sr-90 I-129 Cs-137 <1E-15 4.3E-14 3.0E-3 <1E-15 Ra-226 Chain 9.3E-6 Am-241 Chain 1.8E-8 Cf-252 Chain 1.5E-13 Total 3.0E-3 The assessment results for liquid releases for the design scenario are presented in Table 20 and Figure 17 in terms of the peak dose an observer is exposed to at the end of the institutional control period. From the table, it could be seen that the total dose resulting from all the radionuclides and their chains is 3.0E-3Sv/y which is higher than the dose criterion of 0.3mSv/y. From the table and the Figure, the dose from all the radionuclides is insignificant except that from I-129 (3.0E-3Sv/y) hence the need for different disposal option for this radionuclide. The total peak dose from the daughters of various radionuclides is shown in Table 21. The dose for various times has also been presented in Figure 17. It can be seen from the table that, the contribution from Cf-252 is negligible (less than 1E-15 Sv/yr) but some of the daughters contribute appreciable doses. 74 Table 21. Total Peak dose from radionuclides and their daughters for Aerobic Fractured (Design Scenario) Chain Ra-226 Members Ra-226 Pb-210 Po-210 Am-241 Np-237 U-233 Pa-233 Th-229 Cf-252 Cm-248 Pu-244 Pu-240 U-236 Th-232 Ra-228 Am-241 Cf-252 Peak Dose (Sv/yr) 2.6E-7 3.3E-6 5.7E-6 1.2E-11 1.9E-9 7.9E-10 1.9E-11 1.5E-8 <1E-15 2.4E-15 6.8E-14 7.0E-14 1.3E-14 <1E-15 <1E-15 D_Tot_Chain[Farmer] 1 0.1 D_Tot_Chain (Sv y-1) 0.01 0.001 Co60 0.0001 Sr90 1E-05 I129 1E-06 Cs137 Ra226 1E-07 Am241 1E-08 Cf252 1E-09 1E-10 1 100 10000 1000000 Time (Years) Figure 17. Scenario) Calculated Dose from the Radionuclides for Aerobic Fractured (Design 75 Table 22. Total Peak Dose Due to Erosion of Closure zone Radionuclide Dose (Sv/y) Co-60 0 Sr-90 0 I-129 8.5E-1 Cs-137 0 Ra-226 Chain 2.7E-11 Am-241 Chain 5.3E-4 Cf-252 Chain 2.7E-7 Total peak dose for solid releases after the waste have been uncovered by erosion are provided in Table 22. They show that all radionuclides, other than I-129 and those with long-lived daughters (i.e. Ra-226, Am-241 and Cf-252) decay before the waste is uncovered. This is also depicted in Figure 18. But for I-129, the dose that a site dweller will be exposed to from any of the radionuclides is less than 0.3mSv/y. D_Tot_Chain[SiteDwellerErosion] D_Tot_Chain (Sv y-1) 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Co60 0.0001 Sr90 0.00001 I129 Cs137 0.000001 Ra226 0.0000001 Am241 1E-08 Cf252 1E-09 1E-10 5000 50000 500000 Time (Years) Figure 18. Calculated Dose from the Radionuclides for Aerobic Fractured (Design Scenario, Solid Releases to Site Dweller) 6.1.2 Defect Scenario Table 23. Total Peak Dose for Aerobic Fractured (D4 Scenario) 76 Radionuclide Co-60 Dose (Sv/y) Sr-90 0 I-129 1.4E-12 5.8E-1 Cs-137 4.1E-14 Ra-226 Chain 1.2E-5 Am-241 Chain 3.5E-8 Cf-252 Chain 3.0E-13 In this case a particular capsule is failed and this failed capsule is in a failed container. If the failed capsule contains Co-60, then the observer will not be exposed to any dose. However, if it contains Sr-90, then the observer will be exposed to a peak dose of 1.4E-12 Svy-1 and this applies to all radionuclides shown in Table 23 and Figure 18. I-129 is of much concern for this scenario as the peak dose, 5.8E-1 Sv/y , exceeds the acceptance dose of 0.3mSv/y. D_Tot_Chain[Farmer] D_Tot_Chain (Sv y-1) 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Co60 0.0001 Sr90 0.00001 I129 0.000001 Cs137 0.0000001 Ra226 1E-08 Am241 1E-09 Cf252 1E-10 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 Time (Years) Figure 18. Calculated Dose from the Radionuclides for Aerobic Fractured (D4 Scenario) Table 24. Total Peak Dose for Aerobic Fractured (D3 Scenario) Radionuclide Dose (Sv/y) Co-60 0 Sr-90 I-129 Cs-137 1.7E-11 1.4E+0 4.7E-13 Ra-226 Chain 2.0E-5 Am-241 Chain 3.5E-8 Cf-252 Chain 3.0E-13 Total 1.4E+0 The dose that an observer will be exposed to, in the event that the cement grout in disposal/disturbed zone is degraded/incomplete (D3 Scenario) is presented in Table 24 and Figure 19. Apart from I-129, the total peak dose from all the radionuclides for this scenario is below the acceptance dose of 0.3mSv/y. 77 D_Tot_Chain[Farmer] D_Tot_Chain (Sv y-1) 10 1 0.1 0.01 Co60 0.001 Sr90 0.0001 I129 0.00001 Cs137 0.000001 Ra226 0.0000001 Am241 Cf252 1E-08 1E-09 1E-10 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 Time (Years) Figure 18. Calculated Dose from the Radionuclides for Aerobic Fractured (D3 Scenario) 6.2 RESULTS FOR VARIANT CALCULATIONS In order to investigate the sensitivity of the results presented in Section 6.1, to conceptual model and data assumptions, 3 variant cases were identified and associated calculations undertaken. The cases considered: Aerobic Porous geosphere Anaerobic Porous geosphere Anaerobic Fractured geosphere The results for these cases are presented in Tables 25 to 27 and Figures 19 to 21. For all the cases, the total peak dose that an observer is exposed to are below 0.3mSv/y except the case of Aerobic Porous geosphere in which the total is 3.0E-3 Sv/y. 78 Table 25. Total Peak Dose for Aerobic Porous (Design Scenario) Radionuclide Co-60 Dose (Sv/y) Sr-90 0 I-129 9.3E-14 3.0E-3 Cs-137 2.7E-15 Ra-226 Chain 1.7E-4 Am-241 Chain 2.7E-5 Cf-252 Chain 4.8E-9 Total 3.0E-3 D_Tot_Chain[Farmer] D_Tot_Chain (Sv y-1) 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Co60 0.0001 Sr90 0.00001 I129 Cs137 0.000001 Ra226 0.0000001 Am241 1E-08 Cf252 1E-09 1E-10 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 Time (Years) Figure 19. Calculated Dose from the Radionuclides for Aerobic Porous (Design Scenario) 79 Table 26. Total Peak Dose for Anaerobic Porous (Design Scenario) Radionuclide Co-60 Dose(Sv/y) Sr-90 0 I-129 0 1.8E-3 Cs-137 0 Ra-226 Chain 5.8E-6 Am-241 Chain 2.9E-5 Cf-252 Chain 4.7E-9 Total 1.8E-3 D_Tot_Chain[Farmer] D_Tot_Chain (Sv y-1) 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Co60 0.0001 Sr90 I129 0.00001 Cs137 0.000001 Ra226 0.0000001 Am241 1E-08 Cf252 1E-09 1E-10 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 Time (Years) Figure 20. Calculated Dose from the Radionuclides for Anaerobic Porous (Design Scenario) 80 Table 27. Total Peak Dose for Anaerobic Fractured (Design Scenario) Radionuclide Co-60 Sr-90 <1E-15 <1E-15 I-129 1.8E-3 Cs-137 <1E-15 Ra-226 Chain 3.2E-7 Am-241 Chain 1.8E-8 Cf-252 Chain 1.5E-13 Total 1.8E-3 Dose (Sv/y) D_Tot_Chain[Farmer] D_Tot_Chain (Sv y-1) 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Co60 0.0001 Sr90 I129 0.00001 Cs137 0.000001 Ra226 0.0000001 Am241 1E-08 Cf252 1E-09 1E-10 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 Time (Years) Figure 21. Calculated Dose from the Radionuclides for Anaerobic Fractured (Design Scenario) 6.3 ANALYSIS OF UNCERTAINTIES When undertaking a long-term safety assessment of a radioactive waste disposal system, it is important to be aware of and to manage, as far as possible, the various sources of uncertainty that arise. In addition, appropriate steps should be taken to build confidence in the assessment and its results. Various measures have been implemented as part of the current assessment to address uncertainties and build confidence. Uncertainties can be considered to arise from three sources (IAEA, 1993). 81 First there is uncertainty in the evolution of the disposal system over the timescales of interest (scenario uncertainty). This has been accounted for in the current assessment by considering five scenarios, two of which have been evaluated quantitatively (Design and Defect Scenarios). The development and justification of these scenarios is discussed in Section 4. For the given disposal system, the range in associated activity levels for the two scenarios assessed quantitatively is generally small (much less than an order of magnitude). However, Defect Scenario D4 (which involves a failed waste capsule being within a failed disposal container) does result in a total peak dose of 5.8E-1Sv/y for I-129 compared with values in excess of 5.77E-1Sv/y for the Design Scenario. The second source of uncertainty is uncertainty in the conceptual, mathematical and computer models used to simulate the behaviour and evolution of the disposal system (e.g. owing to the inability of models to represent the system completely, approximations used in solving the model equations, and coding errors) (model uncertainty). Various quality assurance checks have been undertaken to ensure that the mathematical model and data specified in Appendix C and D have been correctly implemented in the AMBER software tool and, as discussed in Section 5.6, independent verification tests for AMBER have been undertaken. Different concepts for the release of radionuclides from the near field and the use of abstracted water have been considered in Section 4.2.1, indicating that differences can arise compared to the reference assumptions. The PCSA considers that the GBI to be a water abstraction borehole and erosion of the closure zone (see Section 4.2). Alternative interfaces could be considered in future iterations that might result in the accumulation of certain long-lived radionuclides (e.g. groundwater discharge into lake sediment). This sediment could subsequently be uncovered resulting in the exposure of humans to the accumulated radionuclides. The third source of uncertainty is uncertainty in the data and parameters used as inputs in the modelling (data and parameter uncertainty). This first iteration of the PCSA made use of regional geosphere data as site specific data is not available yet. Such uncertainties can be assessed through deterministic and/or probabilistic sensitivity analysis if resources allow. The range of different geospheres considered in the current assessment allows an initial assessment of the impact of different parameter values (e.g. different corrosion and degradation rates, sorption coefficients, and hydraulic conductivities). In addition, deterministic calculations have been reported in Section 6.2 that illustrate the sensitivity of the results to different parameter values. Differences of high orders of magnitude are observed for certain radionuclides for some parameters (e.g. geosphere pathlength and sorption coefficient). But for other parameters, the differences are significantly less than an order of magnitude. In addition to the above sources of uncertainty, a further type of uncertainty, subjective uncertainty (uncertainty due to reliance on expert judgement), is also linked with the above sources of uncertainty (IAEA, 2004). In common with many other assessments, expert judgement has been used at many stages during the current assessment due to a variety of reasons such as a lack of knowledge concerning current and future conditions, conceptual models and data/parameter values (and distributions). Where such judgements have been made in the current assessment, they have been documented and, as far as practicable, justified – see for example Section 4 for the scenario development and justification process and Appendix D for the data values. 82 6.4 BUILDING OF CONFIDENCE Thorough discussions within various international fora (such as the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA, 2004a, 2004b) and the (IAEA 2003, 2004) it is becoming increasingly recognised that building confidence in the long-term safety of a radioactive waste repository is an increasingly important issue. To undertake a safety assessment and present the results is not sufficient. Confidence needs to be built in the safety assessment and its results. There is also a need to have confidence in other aspects of the long-term safety of the repository in order to build confidence to the satisfaction of all stakeholders (i.e. regulators, the public, wider scientific community, political decision makers etc.). In particular, confidence in the long-term safety needs to be promoted and communicated through a more broadly based ‘safety case’ IAEA, 2003. The safety case puts the findings of the safety assessment into a broader context with other factors and considerations that are relevant to the decision making process and are important for the stakeholders involved. Given that the focus of the current document is the safety assessment rather than the broader based safety case, the emphasis of this sub-section is on measures that have been taken to building confidence in the safety assessment and its results. Confidence in the safety assessment should be established at two levels IAEA, 2003. The first level involves establishing confidence within each stage of the safety assessment process (i.e. assessment context, system description, development and justification of scenarios, formulation and implementation of models, analysis of the results, and review, modification and subsequent iterations). The second level involves gaining an overall confidence, which involves gaining confidence in the overall safety assessment methodology, safety assessment approach and the safety assessment findings through the use of a range of techniques IAEA, 2003. The measures undertaken within the current assessment to building confidence at these two stages are summarised in Table 28 and Table 29. 83 TABLE 3: MEASURES TAKEN TO BUILD CONFIDENCE IN EACH STAGE OF THE SAFETY ASSESSMENT Stage of the Assessment Specification of assessment context Description of the system Development and justification of scenarios Formulation and implementation of models Confidence Building Measures taken in the PCSA The assessment context for the PCSA of the borehole disposal concept is explained and justified in detail in Section 2. Each of the components of the context (purpose and scope, regulatory framework, end points, philosophy, and timeframes) is discussed in turn. Different geospheres (aerobic, anaerobic, porous and fractured) are considered. The approach used is consistent with that used in a previous IAEA study to derive generic activity levels IAEA, 2003and a previous generic safety assessment of a borehole disposal concept, Little et. al., 2004 Representative information has been taken from a range of relevant sources documented in Section 3 and Appendix D. A set of five scenarios has been developed and justified in Section 4. It is considered to be a credible and comprehensive set and to have been developed in a systematic, transparent and traceable manner using an international panel of experts with differing fields of expertise. The approach and screening criteria used to exclude or include scenarios has been justified and documented. The development of conceptual models, consistent with the assessment context, the disposal systems and with the scenarios to be investigated, has been undertaken in a systematic manner consistent with best international practice (Section 5). The mathematical models used are consistent with those used in previous assessments such as (IAEA , 2003, 2004), Little et. al., 2004 and data are derived from a wide range of published and internationally recognised references. The software tool in which the mathematical models are encoded (AMBER) has been used in a variety of assessments (see for example (IAEA , 2003, 2004), Little et. al., 2004 ,Maul and Robinson, 2002 and Penford, 2003 ) The verification of the time dependent solution method used by AMBER solution is discussed in Robinson et. al., 2006. The implementation of the models in the software has been audited. Consideration has been given to the use of alternative conceptual models and data. The results obtained for the wide range of disposal systems and scenarios have been presented in Sections 3 and 4 and compared against the relevant regulatory criteria. Both referenceand variant calculations have been considered. Consideration has been given in Section 6.3 to the various sources of uncertainty (scenario, model and data/parameter). Analysis of the results 84 TABLE 29: MEASURES TAKEN TO BUILD CONFIDENCE IN THE OVERALL SAFETY ASSESSMENT Confidence Building Measures Application to the PCSA Use of a systematic approach An approach based upon the internationally recognised ISAM Safety Assessment Approach IAEA, 2004a, 2004b has been used. The approach allows the PCSA and its associated assumptions to be documented in a clear manner. Peer review Yet to be peer reviewed. Quality assurance The assessment has been carried out under Quintessa’s Quality Management System, which is compliant with the ISO 9001:2000 standard IOS, 2000 Verification, calibration and, if possible, validation of models The verification of the time dependent solution method used by AMBER solution is discussed in Robinson et. al., 2006. Due long timescales, validation of the models is not considered to be possible. Consideration of relevant analogues No consideration has been given to this issue in the PCSA. Involvement of stakeholders IAEA Experts (Richard Little, Mathew W.Kozak ,and Jacobus J.V. Blerk) have been involved in the development of the approach followed and the identification and justification of the scenarios for assessment. Consideration and treatment of uncertainties This is discussed in Section 6.3. Presentation of the assessment and its results The results are presented in Sections 6.1 and 6.2. The other components of the assessment are discussed in Sections 2 to 5 and the supporting appendices. 85 7 CONCLUSIONS This is an initial first iteration of a Ghana-specific post-closure safety assessment – it will be refined in light of further iterations. It has shown that the IAEA’s GSA is a useful starting point for the development of country-specific assessment. The assessment indicates that Ghana’s current inventory of disused sealed sources that cannot be repatriated appear to be capable of being safely disposed using the borehole disposal concept. Some have key caveats are: o An alternative disposal option needs to be found for the liquid H-3 waste o The I-129 needs to be further investigated and might not be suitable for disposal in the BDF o Further characterisation is required of the sources, geosphere and biosphere. In terms of source characterisation, assumptions have been adopted relating to the dimensions and activity levels of the sources (Section 3.1.1). These need to be reviewed/revised in light of on-going source characterisation work. The source dimensions impact on the size of capsule that can be used. In terms of geosphere characterisation, assumptions have been adopted relating to the geosphere (Section 3.2). These need to be reviewed /revised in light of the proposed geosphere characterisation work – two boreholes are to be sunk in the next 6 months. It will be particularly helpful to obtain data on the nature of groundwater flows (fracture vs porous), the hydraulic parameters (hydraulic conductivity, gradient, porosity), salinity and Eh conditions. In terms of biosphere characterisation, more site-specific information could be collected. However, it is noted that biosphere characteristics are likely to change with time and so the use of the generic parameters (that are chosen to maximise impacts) used in the current assessment might be adequate. 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For the purposes of these screening calculations, the activity associated with each type of source is assumed to be distributed evenly over the number of capsules to be used for that source type. TABLE A.1. SOURCES CONSIDERED SCREENING CALCULATIONS Radionuclide No. of No. of Sources containers IN THE Total Initial Inventory (Bq) Half-life (y) Na-22 4 1 3.70E+06 2.60E+00 P-32 4 1 1.18E+09 3.91E-02 Ca-45 3 1 1.85E+08 4.46E-01 Co-57 3 1 1.11E+08 7.42E-01 Fe-59 2 1 2.22E+10 1.22E-01 Co-60 2 1 1.75E+06 5.27E+00 Co-60 2 1 4.90E+05 5.27E+00 Co-60 1 1 2.78E+14 5.27E+00 Co-60 1 1 1.85E+14 5.27E+00 Co-60 1 5 2.22E+14 5.27E+00 Zn-65 1 1 3.70E+08 6.68E-01 Sr-89 1 1 4.77E+09 1.38E-01 Sr-90 33 4 1.25E+10 2.91E+01 Cd-109 6 1 6.66E+08 1.27E+00 In-113m 12 1 2.22E+09 1.89E-04 I-129 1 1 4.25E+10 1.57E+07 I-131 2 1 6.21E+09 2.20E-02 DECAY-STORAGE 94 Cs-137 30 5 5.66E+12 3.00E+01 Cs-137 2 1 4.09E+06 3.00E+01 Cs-137 3 1 3.70E+11 3.00E+01 Cs-137 1 1 3.00E+07 3.00E+01 Ir-192 1 1 2.26E+12 2.03E-01 Tl-204 2 1 7.40E+05 3.78E+00 Ra-226 19 4 7.03E+09 1.60E+03 Am-241 3 1 1.85E+12 4.32E+02 Am-241 1 1 1.80E+09 4.32E+02 Am-241 105 11 3.50E+07 4.32E+02 Am-241 1 1 1.67E+09 4.32E+02 Cf-252 2 1 2.22E+10 2.64E+00 Two screening calculations have been undertaken: A.1 a calculation to determine which sources are suitable for decay storage rather than borehole disposal (Appendix A.1); and a calculation to determine which sources to be disposed in the borehole do not need to be assessed in detail (Appendix A.2). DECAY-STORAGE SCREENING A number of sources in Table A.1 contain radionuclides with half lives of much less than a year and so could potentially be decay stored rather than disposed in the BDF. In order to identify suitable sources for decay storage, a spreadsheet has been developed to allow the calculation of doses associated with direct exposure via ingestion, inhalation and external irradiation to a source. The results are reproduced in Table A.2. The initial activity (i.e., the activity at manufacture) of each source type given in Table A.1 has been decay-corrected to account for 10 years of use and storage prior to disposal. Sources that result in a dose of less than 1 µSv y-1 are considered suitable for decay storage and do not need to be disposed in the BDF. These are the P-32, Ca-45, Fe-59, Sr-89, In-113m, I-131 and Ir-192 sources. 95 Table A.2: Decay Storage Screening Calculations Radionuclide Na-22 No. of Sources 4 P-32 4 S-35* 5 Ca-45 3 Co-57 3 Total Initial Inv (Bq) Half-life (y) 3.70E+06 1.18E+09 Decayed inv per container (Bq) Ingestion Dose (Sv) Inhalation Dose (Sv) External Dose (Sv) MeV Ingestion (Sv/Bq) Inhalation (Sv/Bq) External (Sv/h per Bq) 2.60E+00 2.19E+00 3.2E-09 1.3E-09 3.1E-13 2.6E+05 8.2E-04 3.3E-04 3.2E-06 3.91E-02 1.07E-03 2.4E-09 3.4E-09 1.5E-16 1.2E-68 2.9E-77 4.1E-77 7.2E-83 2.39E-01 2.09E-06 7.7E-10 1.9E-09 2.9E-19 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 1.85E+08 4.46E-01 8.80E-06 7.1E-10 2.7E-09 1.2E-18 3.3E+01 2.3E-08 8.9E-08 1.6E-15 1.11E+08 7.42E-01 1.20E-01 2.1E-10 5.5E-10 1.7E-14 9.7E+03 2.0E-06 5.4E-06 6.5E-09 Fe-59 2 2.22E+10 1.22E-01 1.19E+00 1.8E-09 3.7E-09 1.7E-13 4.7E-15 8.5E-24 1.7E-23 3.1E-26 Co-60 2 1.75E+06 5.27E+00 2.50E+00 3.4E-09 1.0E-08 3.5E-13 4.7E+05 1.6E-03 4.7E-03 6.6E-06 Co-60 2 4.90E+05 5.27E+00 2.50E+00 3.4E-09 1.0E-08 3.5E-13 1.3E+05 4.5E-04 1.3E-03 1.8E-06 Co-60 1 2.78E+14 5.27E+00 2.50E+00 3.4E-09 1.0E-08 3.5E-13 7.5E+13 2.5E+05 7.5E+05 1.0E+03 Co-60 1 1.85E+14 5.27E+00 2.50E+00 3.4E-09 1.0E-08 3.5E-13 5.0E+13 1.7E+05 5.0E+05 7.0E+02 Co-60 1 2.22E+14 5.27E+00 2.50E+00 3.4E-09 1.0E-08 3.5E-13 1.2E+13 4.1E+04 1.2E+05 1.7E+02 Zn-65 1 3.70E+08 6.68E-01 5.81E-01 3.9E-09 1.6E-09 8.1E-14 1.2E+04 4.5E-05 1.8E-05 3.8E-08 Sr-89 1 8.45E-05 2.6E-09 6.1E-09 1.2E-17 7.3E-13 1.9E-21 4.5E-21 3.5E-28 33 4.77E+09 1.25E+10 1.38E-01 Sr-90 2.91E+01 2.00E-03 3.1E-08 3.8E-08 2.8E-16 2.5E+09 7.6E+01 9.4E+01 2.8E-05 Cd-109 6 6.66E+08 1.27E+00 3.18E-03 2.0E-09 8.1E-09 4.5E-16 2.8E+06 5.7E-03 2.3E-02 5.1E-08 In-113m 12 2.22E+09 1.89E-04 2.52E-01 2.8E-11 2.0E-11 3.5E-14 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 I-129 1 4.25E+10 1.57E+07 1.27E-06 1.1E-07 3.6E-08 1.8E-19 4.2E+10 4.7E+03 1.5E+03 I-131 2 6.21E+09 2.20E-02 3.79E-01 2.2E-08 7.4E-09 5.3E-14 9.1E-128 2.0E-135 6.8E-136 3.0E-07 1.9E139 Age of source (years) Duration of exposure (hours) Dose constraint (Sv/y) 10 40 1.00E-06 96 Cs-137 30 5.66E+12 3.00E+01 5.60E-01 1.3E-08 3.7E-08 7.8E-14 9.0E+11 1.2E+04 3.3E+04 2.8E+00 Cs-137 2 4.09E+06 3.00E+01 5.60E-01 1.3E-08 3.7E-08 7.8E-14 3.2E+06 4.2E-02 1.2E-01 1.0E-05 Cs-137 3 Cs-137 Ir-192 Tl-204 Ra-226 Am-241 Am-241 Am-241 Am-241 Cf-252 1 1 2 19 3 1 105 1 2 3.70E+11 3.00E+07 2.26E+12 7.40E+05 7.03E+09 1.85E+12 1.80E+09 3.50E+07 1.67E+09 2.22E+10 3.00E+01 3.00E+01 2.03E-01 3.78E+00 1.60E+03 4.32E+02 4.32E+02 4.32E+02 4.32E+02 2.64E+00 5.60E-01 5.60E-01 8.11E-01 1.05E-03 1.70E+00 2.13E-02 2.13E-02 2.13E-02 2.13E-02 6.12E+00 1.3E-08 1.3E-08 1.4E-09 1.2E-09 2.8E-07 2.0E-07 2.0E-07 2.0E-07 2.0E-07 9.0E-08 3.7E-08 3.7E-08 6.6E-09 3.9E-10 3.5E-06 4.2E-05 4.2E-05 4.2E-05 4.2E-05 2.0E-05 7.8E-14 7.8E-14 1.1E-13 1.5E-16 2.4E-13 3.0E-15 3.0E-15 3.0E-15 3.0E-15 8.6E-13 2.9E+11 2.4E+07 3.3E-03 1.2E+05 1.7E+09 1.8E+12 1.8E+09 3.1E+06 1.6E+09 1.6E+09 3.8E+03 3.1E-01 4.7E-12 1.4E-04 4.9E+02 3.6E+05 3.5E+02 6.3E-01 3.3E+02 1.4E+02 1.1E+04 8.8E-01 2.2E-11 4.6E-05 6.1E+03 7.6E+07 7.4E+04 1.3E+02 6.9E+04 3.2E+04 9.2E-01 7.5E-05 1.5E-14 7.0E-10 1.7E-02 2.2E-01 2.1E-04 3.7E-07 2.0E-04 5.5E-02 Notes 1. Short-lived daughters with a half life of less than 25 days are assumed to be in secular equilibrium with their parent and included in the parent’s dose coefficient. A list of short-lived daughters is given in Table A.3. 2. Data taken from ICRP (1996) for adults. 3. Data taken from ICRP (1996) for adults, adopting the recommended default absorption class, where no recommendation is made, then the most conservative (highest) dose coefficient is adopted from the range of absorption classes reported. 4. Dose factor for point source at 1 m calculated by multiplying mean gamma energy in MeV by 1.4E-13 Sv/h per Bq/MeV (Smith et al., 1988). Emissions data are taken from ICRP (1983) and Browne and Firestone (1988). Photons with individual energies below 50 keV have not been included because the equation used to calculate the dose coefficient from a point source substantially over-estimates the dose rate below this value, and the contribution to effective dose equivalent, given the existence of other exposure pathways, would in any event be very small. 5. Dose calculated assuming exposure duration of 40 hours. 97 References ICRP (International Comission on Radiological Protection). 1996. Age-dependent doses to members of the public from intake of radionucldes: Part 5. Compilation of ingestion and inhalation dose coefficients.Annals of the ICRP 26(1), ICRP Publication 72, Pergamon Press. Oxford, UK. Smith G M, Fearn H S, Smith K R, Davis J P and Klos R (1988). Assessment of the radiological impact of disposal of solid radioactive waste at Drigg. National Radiological Protection Board, NRPB-M148, Chilton, UK. ICRP (1983). Radionuclide Transformations Energy and Intensity of Emissions.International Commission on Radiological Protection, ICRP Publication 38. Pergamon Press, Oxford. Browne and Firestone (1988). Table of the Radioactive Isotopes.J Wiley and Sons. TABLE A.3. SHORT-LIVED DAUGHTERS WITH HALF-LIVES OF LESS THAN 25 DAYS ASSUMED TO BE IN SECULAR EQUILIBRIUM WITH THEIR PARENTS Parent Sr-90 Cs-137 Pb-210 Ra-226 Th-229 Short Lived Daughters Y-90 (branching ratio 0.946) Ba-137m Bi-210 Rn-222 Po-218 (branching ratio 0.9998) Pb-214 Bi-214 (branching ratio 0.9998) Po-214 (branching ratio 0.0002) At-218 Bi-214 (branching ratio 0.9998) Po-214 Ra-225 Ac-225 Fr-221 At-217 Bi-213 (branching ratio 0.9784) Po-213 Pb-209 (branching ratio 0.0216) Tl-209 Pb-209 A.2 ASSESSMENT SCREENING Of the remaining sources that are to be disposed in the BDF, it is possible to undertake a further screening calculation to identify those sources which contain radionuclides that, due to their half-life, maximum activity, or radiotoxicity, will not result in significant post-closure impacts and so do not need to be assessed in detail. A dose constraint of 0.3 mSv y-1 is applied for these calculations (consistent with the constraint for disposal given in Section 2.3). Institutional control periods are often taken into consideration such that there is a period within which exposures are assumed not to occur. For this PCSA an institutional control period of 50 years has been adopted (Section 2.6), within which exposures are considered not to occur. However, for the purpose of these screening 98 calculations a shorter, more conservative institutional control period of 30 years is assumed. Doses associated with direct exposure via ingestion, inhalation and external irradiation to a single disused source following a 30 year decay period (to present the institutional control period) are calculated using the same dose coefficients as used in the decay-storage screening calculations (Table A.2) The screening calculation assumes that a human is directly exposed to a single sealed source following the end of the institutional control period. Exposure through ingestion, inhalation and external irradiation is considered. The resulting doses are given in Table A.4. TABLE A.4.–ASSESSMENT SCREENING: DOSES ASSOCIATED WITH DIRECT EXPOSURE TO A SEALED SOURCE Radionuclide No. of No. of in source Sources containers Na-22 4 1 Co-57 3 1 Co-60 2 1 Co-60 2 1 Co-60 1 1 Co-60 1 1 Co-60 1 5 Zn-65 1 1 Sr-90 33 4 Cd-109 6 1 I-129 1 1 Cs-137 30 5 Cs-137 2 1 Cs-137 3 1 Cs-137 1 1 Tl-204 2 1 Ra-226 19 4 Am-241 3 1 Am-241 1 1 Am-241 105 11 Am-241 1 1 Cf-252 2 1 Activity after 30 y per container (Bq) 1.2E+03 7.5E-05 3.4E+04 9.5E+03 5.4E+12 3.6E+12 8.6E+11 1.1E-05 1.5E+09 5.2E+01 4.2E+10 5.7E+11 2.0E+06 1.9E+11 1.5E+07 3.0E+03 1.7E+09 1.8E+12 1.7E+09 3.0E+06 1.6E+09 8.4E+06 Ingestion External Dose Inhalation Dose (Sv) Dose (Sv) (Sv) 4.0E-06 1.6E-06 1.5E-08 1.6E-14 4.1E-14 5.0E-17 1.2E-04 3.4E-04 4.7E-07 3.2E-05 9.5E-05 1.3E-07 1.8E+04 5.4E+04 7.5E+01 1.2E+04 3.6E+04 5.0E+01 2.9E+03 8.6E+03 1.2E+01 4.4E-14 1.8E-14 3.6E-17 4.7E+01 5.8E+01 1.7E-05 1.0E-07 4.2E-07 9.2E-13 4.7E+03 1.5E+03 3.0E-07 7.4E+03 2.1E+04 1.8E+00 2.7E-02 7.6E-02 6.4E-06 2.4E+03 6.8E+03 5.8E-01 2.0E-01 5.6E-01 4.7E-05 3.6E-06 1.2E-06 1.8E-11 4.9E+02 6.1E+03 1.7E-02 3.5E+05 7.4E+07 2.1E-01 3.4E+02 7.2E+04 2.0E-04 6.1E-01 1.3E+02 3.6E-07 3.2E+02 6.7E+04 1.9E-04 7.6E-01 1.7E+02 2.9E-04 99 The screening calculations show that the sources containing Na-22, Co-57, Zn-65, Cd-109 and Tl-204 give rise to doses less than the 0.3 mSv y-1dose constraint and so can be safely disposed in the BDF and do not need to be assessed in more detailed. 100 APPENDIX B: APPROACH FOR CONCEPTUAL MODEL DEVELOPMENT Once the scenarios have been developed, their consequences must be analysed. To allow this, it is necessary to develop a conceptual model of the disposal system, its environmental setting and the associated release, transport and exposure mechanisms and media. A conceptual model can be defined as “a set of qualitative assumptions used to describe a system” [1]. A conceptual model should comprise a description of: the model’s features, events and processes (FEPs); the relationships between these FEPs; and the model’s scope of application in spatial and temporal terms. The model should have enough detail to allow appropriate mathematical models to be developed to describe the behaviour of the system and its components. For the purpose of the current assessment the Interaction Matrix Approach is used to develop conceptual models in a traceable manner. This approach is based on ideas developed in BIOMOVS II [2] and subsequently developed and enhanced in a number of studies such as [3, 4, 5, 6]. The use of the Interaction Matrix allows the graphical representation of system interactions through the use of formalised procedures and has the advantage of allowing disposal system components to be included explicitly in the Interaction Matrix. The approach starts with a top down approach to dividing the system into constituent parts. The main components are identified and listed in the leading diagonal elements (LDEs) of the matrix. The interactions between the LDEs are then noted in the off-diagonal elements (ODEs). When using the Interaction Matrix approach the convention is to allocate ODEs in the direction of contaminant migration. In this way, contaminant migration pathways and the associated exposure pathways and exposure groups can be traced and translated into the conceptual model. Each transfer of contaminant from LDE to another LDE via an ODE can be represented by a mathematical formalism and incorporated into the mathematical model. As noted above, the first step in developing the Interaction Matrix is to identify the main components of the disposal system that can be distinguished on the basis of their chemical and/or physical characteristics. At the top level, the disposal system can be divided into the near field, geosphere and biosphere. Based on the description of the disposal system (Section 3) and the scenarios to be assessed (Section 4), the near field, geosphere and biosphere components listed below can be identified. B.1 NEAR-FIELD COMPONENTS Five near-field components can be identified. Source: The source material, the source container (in which the radioactive source material is held), and the stainless steel capsule (in which the source container is assumed to be emplaced). It is conservatively assumed that the source container will have failed prior to disposal, however the stainless steel capsule 101 is assumed to start to corrode once the disposal container has been breached. Once the disposal container has been breached, various corrosion mechanisms (including localised and general corrosion) are assumed to occur and cause the capsule to be breached (see Table 11). Containment Barrier: The barrier between the capsule and the disposal container, which is assumed to be cement grout. Physical and chemical degradation of the cement grout of barrier is assumed to start once the disposal container has started to degrade (see Table 11). Disposal Zone: The stainless steel disposal container, the disposal zone backfill (cement grout) and the associated borehole casing are considered to comprise the disposal zone. Whilst the HDPE casing is conservatively assumed to fail on closure, it is assumed that the stainless steel disposal container remains intact until breached by corrosion (see Table 11). Closure Zone: The cement grout backfill, the anti-intrusion barrier and the uppermost 5 m of native soil or crushed rock are considered to comprise the closure zone (Figure 4). Disturbed Zone and Plug: The plug at the bottom of the borehole and the backfill in the disturbed zone between the casing and the native rock are assumed to be cement grout (Figure 4). GEOSPHERE COMPONENTS At a high level (appropriate for the PCSA), the geosphere can be divided into two zones. Unsaturated Zone: comprising the region between the ground surface and the water table but excluding the rooting zone for major food crops (soil). Saturated Zone: comprising the region below the water table. B.3 BIOSPHERE COMPONENTS Given that the exposure pathways being considered in the Design Scenario are the domestic and agricultural use of contaminated water by humans and the erosion of the cover zone above the sources (Section 4.2.1), the biosphere can be sub-divided into six components. Humans: who are assumed to be farmers or house dwellers. Soil: the region in which significant biological activity occurs from the ground surface to the base of the rooting zone for major food crops. Atmosphere: the air breathed by humans and fauna, including dust in it. Crops: the root and green vegetables that are irrigated using contaminated water and are harvested by humans. 102 Animals: the cattle that are raised by humans and are given contaminated drinking water. Elsewhere: Radionuclides can be lost by a number of mechanisms from the immediate vicinity of the release (e.g. ventilation of the dwelling, groundwater flow past the abstraction borehole). They are no longer of interest in the evaluation of individual doses since they are lost to locations where radionuclide concentrations are lower and the associated doses lower. For the purpose of this safety assessment and the conceptual model, these locations are described as being ‘elsewhere’. B.4 INTERACTIONS BETWEEN COMPONENTS Based upon expert judgement (gained from previous assessments of the borehole disposal concept such as [3, 4, 7]) and information from the description of the disposal system and the scenarios to be assessed, key interactions between the various disposal system components have been identified that result in the release and migration of radionuclides through the system and the subsequent exposure of humans for both the Design and Defect Scenarios. These are shown on Figure 7 for the case where the disposal zone is saturated. References for Appendix B [1] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Radioactive Waste Management Glossary, 2003 Edition, IAEA, Vienna (2003). [2] BIOMOVS II, Development of a Reference Biospheres Methodology for Radioactive Waste Disposal, BIOMOVS II Technical Report No. 6, published on behalf of the BIOMOVS II Steering Committee by the Swedish Radiation Protection Institute, Sweden (1996). [3] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Improvement of Safety Assessment Methodologies for Near Surface Disposal Facilities, Volume II: Test Cases, IAEA-ISAM-2, IAEA, Vienna (2004). [4] LITTLE, R.H., VAN BLERK, J., WALKE, R.C. and BOWDEN, R.A., Generic Post-Closure Safety Assessment and Derivation of Activity Limits for the Borehole Disposal Concept, Quintessa Report QRS-1128A-6 v2.0, Quintessa Limited, Henley-on-Thames (2004). [5] ANDERSSON, J., RIGGARE, P. AND SKAGIUS, K., Project SAFE - Update of the SFR-1 Safety Assessment Phase 1, SKB Report R-98-43, Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company, Stockholm (1998). [6] BNFL, Drigg Post-Closure Safety Case, British Nuclear Fuels plc, Sellafield (2002). [7] KOZAK, M.W., STENHOUSE, M.J. AND VAN BLERK, J.J., Borehole Disposal of Spent Sources, Volume II: Preliminary Safety Assessment of the 103 Disposal Concept, NECSA Report GEA-1353 (NWS-RPT-00\013), South African Nuclear Energy Corporation, Pretoria (2000). 104 APPENDIX C: ASSESSMENT MODEL C.1 DESIGN SCENARIO It is important to note that the release and migration processes described in Section C.1.1 are assumed to occur only once the capsule containing the source container has started to fail (see Section 4). Details concerning the mathematical model used to represent the failure of capsule and other near-field engineered barriers are given in Appendix C.3. The processes identified in leading and off diagonal elements in the Interaction Matrices in Figures 7 and 8 are listed in Table C.1. The associated equations are listed in Table C.1 and discussed below. C.1.1 Release Processes As discussed in Section 5.2.1, the radionuclides in the source container could be in a number of different physical and chemical forms and release of radionuclides could occur on breaching of the waste capsule due to the following mechanisms. Instantaneous dissolution of radionuclides that are in a form that would result in immediate release to water once the capsule containing the source has failed (e.g. liquid, soluble solid, surface contamination) (H-3, Ni-63, Sr-90, Cs-137, Pb-210, Ra226 and Am-241). 105 TABLE C.1. RELEASE AND MIGRATION PROCESSES AND ASSOCIATED EQUATIONS FOR THE DESIGN SCENARIO System Component Near Field Process Equation/Comment Dissolution Once water contacts the source, it is assumed that radionuclides in the source can be dissolved and transferred from the capsule containing the source into the surrounding containment barrier/disposal zone due to advection, dispersion and/or diffusion. Instantaneous dissolution congruent release models are considered depending on the chemical and physical form of the source. Sorption Equation 6, the following general formula: Equation 8 to Equation 10, Decay Degradation Advection Dispersion Equation 12 to Equation 15, Equation 17 and Equation 18 Equation 1 See Appendix K.3 Equation 6, Equation 10, Equation 14, and Equation 15 Implicitly represented through the discretisation of the geosphere into a series of compartments and allowing compartment widths to increase perpendicular to groundwater flow Diffusion Groundwater flow Percolation Geosphere Sorption Equation 12, Equation 13, Equation 17 and Equation 18 Equation 11 and Equation 16 Set equal to the minimum of the infiltration rate of water through the unsaturated zone, and the hydraulic conductivity of the disposal zone and containment barrier the following general formula: Equation 8, Equation 14, Equation 15, Equation 17, Equation 18 and Equation 20 106 System Component Process Equation/Comment Decay Advection Dispersion Equation 1 Equation 14 and Equation 15 Implicitly represented through the discretisation of the geosphere into a series of compartments and allowing compartment widths to increase perpendicular to groundwater flow Equation 17, Equation 18, Equation 19 and Equation 20 Equation 16 Rate specified in Section 3.2.1 Not explicitly represented. Implicitly represented via percolation and groundwater transport. Equation 21 Not explicitly represented. Implicitly represented by modelling the abstraction of water from the geosphere from consumption by humans and assuming it is directed to the “elsewhere” compartment (Equation 21). Not explicitly represented. Implicitly represented by not modelling the loss of activity from the soil due to uptake by flora. Not explicitly represented. Implicitly represented by assuming uniform concentration of radionuclides in the soil. Not explicitly represented. Implicitly represented by assuming uniform concentration of radionuclides in the soil. Diffusion Groundwater flow Percolation Recharge Biosphere Abstraction Excretion by humans Excretion by animals Bioturbation Ploughing Decay Precipitation Sorption Suspension Deposition onto soil Deposition onto flora Equation 1 Not explicitly represented. Implicitly represented via percolation in unsaturated zone and groundwater flow in saturated zone. Equation 24Equation 35 Equation 24 Not explicitly represented. Implicitly represented by not modelling the loss of activity from the soil due to suspension. Equation 32 107 System Component Process Equation/Comment Translocation Root uptake Erosion Percolation Death and decay of crops Cultivation Harvesting Rearing Food preparation losses Equation 32 Equation 32 Equation 23 Equation 14 Not explicitly represented. Implicitly represented by not modelling the loss of activity from the soil due to uptake by crops. Considered by modelling the ingestion of crops by humans (Equation 31) Considered by modelling the ingestion of crops by humans (Equation 31) Considered by modelling the ingestion of animals by humans (Equation 33) Equation 32 Congruent release of radionuclides that are in a form that would result in slow release to water (e.g. solid with low solublity) (Co-60). It is recognised that the instantaneous dissolution and congruent release mechanisms could, under certain circumstances, be solubility limited (see Table 15 and Appendix J of Generic Safety Assessment(GSA)). However, no solubility limitation is considered for the reference case calculations (a conservative assumption). For the congruent release model, it is assumed that once the engineered barriers containing the sealed source have failed, the source will begin to corrode/dissolve and radionuclides become available for release. The fraction of the sealed source inventory released in any time period is equal to the amount which becomes available divided by the inventory remaining in the source. For short time periods this simplifies to the rate of change of availability with time divided by the amount which remains unavailable. It is assumed that the source is a sphere of material whose radius decreases with time as it dissolves / corrodes. Ignoring decay (since this will automatically be calculated by AMBER), the amount available at a time t, is therefore equal to: 108 Equation 2 4 3 4 3 r (r C r t ) 3 I 3 4 3 r 3 where I is the radionuclide inventory (Bq), r is the initial radius of the source (m), Cr is the corrosion / dissolution rate (m y-1). Cancelling terms and expanding gives: Equation 3 r 3 r 3 3r 2 C r t 3rC r2 t 2 C r3t 3 I 3 3 3 3 3 r r r r r Therefore the amount available at time t equals: Equation 4 3r 2 C r t 3rC r2 t 2 C r3t 3 I 3 3 3 r r r Differentiating with respect to time gives the rate of change of the amount available with time: Equation 5 3r 2 C r 6rC r2 t 3C r3t 2 I 3 r3 r 3 r C.1.2 Liquid Migration Processes Advective and Dispersive Release – Disposal in the Unsaturated Zone The advective and dispersive transfer rate of radionuclides released from the capsule containing the source due to percolation of water through the near field (UnsatLeach, in y-1)is given by: Equation 6 109 UnsatLeach q PERC f Lc wc Rc where qPERC is the annual percolation rate through the capsule compartment (i.e. the compartment representing the capsule that contains the source) (m y-1) (equal to the minimum of the infiltration rate of water through the unsaturated zone, and the hydraulic conductivity of the disposal zone and containment barrier), f is the fraction of the waste that is available for release (unitless) (given by Equation 37, Equation 38 and Equation 39), Lc is the length of the capsule compartment in the direction of water flow (m), wc is the water-filled porosity of the capsule compartment (unitless), and Rc is the element dependent retardation of the capsule compartment (unitless). wc is calculated using the following general formula: Equation 7 w where ε is the degree of saturation (unitless) in the compartment and θ is the total porosity of the compartment (unitless). For the purposes of the GSA, it is assumed that all the water-filled porosity contributes to flow and so total porosity and effective porosity have the same values. Rc is calculated using the following general formula: Equation 8 R 1 Kd w where is the dry bulk density of the compartment (kg m-3) and Kd is the sorption coefficient of the element in the compartment (m3 kg–1). is calculated using the following general formula: Equation 9 g 1 where gis the grain density of the compartment (kg m-3). Advective and Dispersive Release - Disposal in the Saturated Zone The advective transfer rate from the release of radionuclides from the capsule containing the source due to the flow of groundwater through the near field (SatLeach,, in y-1) is given by: 110 Equation 10 SatLeach qc f wc Lc Rc where qc is the Darcy velocity of the groundwater through the capsule compartment (m y-1), wc is the water-filled porosity of the capsule compartment (unitless), Lc is the length of capsule compartment in the direction of groundwater flow (m), and Rc(unitless) is the retardation factor in the capsule compartment for the radionuclide. qc is calculated by: Equation 11 qc K c H x where Kc (m y-1) is the hydraulic conductivity of the capsule compartment and H/x is the hydraulic gradient (unitless). The dispersion of radionuclides in the direction of groundwater movement (longitudinal dispersion) is not represented explicitly as a mathematical model. This is because when a flow path is divided into a number of equally sized compartments in the direction of groundwater flow, the mathematical representation as a series of well-mixed compartments introduces dispersion. The effective Peclet number (a measure of dispersion) is twice the number of compartments in the flow path (see discussion in Appendix B of [K.1]). Where the compartments are not of the same size, the effective Peclet number is dominated by the largest compartment. Diffusive Release – Disposal in the Unsaturated and Saturated Zones The diffusive release from the capsule compartment (DiffRelF,, in y-1) is given by: Equation 12 DiffRelF Adiff f DEffc Rc Vc c wc where Adiff (m2) is the cross-sectional area relevant to the diffusive release from the capsule, f is the fraction of the waste that is available for release, DEffc (m2 y-1) is the effective diffusion coefficient for the capsule compartment, Rc(unitless) is the 111 retardation factor in the capsule compartment for the radionuclide, Vc (m3) is the volume of the capsule compartment, c (m) is a representative diffusion length between the capsule compartment and the adjacent compartment, generally taken to be the distance between the mid-points of the compartments in the direction of the diffusive flux, and wc is the water-filled porosity of the capsule compartment. In addition to this ‘forward’ diffusive transfer rate, there is a need to represent a corresponding ‘backward’ diffusive transfer rate in the reverse direction from the compartment adjacent to the capsule compartment (DiffRelB,, in y-1). This transfer rate is given by: Equation 13 DiffRelB Adiff f DEffA R A V A c wA where DEffA (m2 y-1) is the effective diffusion coefficient for the compartment adjacent to the capsule compartment, RA(unitless) is the retardation factor for the radionuclide in the compartment adjacent to the capsule compartment, VA (m3) is the volume of the compartment adjacent to the capsule compartment, c (m) is a representative diffusion length between the adjacent compartment and the capsule compartment, generally taken to be the distance between the mid-points of the compartments in the direction of the diffusive flux, and wA is the water-filled porosity of the compartment adjacent to the capsule compartment. Advective and Dispersive Transport – Disposal in the Unsaturated Zone The transfer rate of contaminated water percolating (due to advection and dispersion) through the unsaturated near field, unsaturated geosphere and soil (PERC, in y-1) is given by: Equation 14 PERC q PERC Lw R where qPERC is the annual percolation rate through the compartment (m y-1), L is the length of the compartment in the direction of water flow (m), w is the water-filled porosity of the compartment (unitless), and R is the element dependent retardation of the compartment (unitless) (given by Equation 7). For flow in a fracture it is assumed that there is no retardation, and so R is unity 112 Advective and Dispersive Transport in the Saturated Zone For transport through the saturated zone, the advective transfer rate (A, in y-1)is given by: Equation 15 A q w L R where q is the Darcy velocity of the groundwater in the compartment (m y-1), w is the water-filled porosity of the compartment (unitless), L is the length of the compartment in the direction of water flow, and R is the element dependent retardation of the compartment (unitless). q is given by: Equation 16 q K H x where K (m y-1) is the hydraulic conductivity of the compartment and H/x is the hydraulic gradient (unitless). As discussed above, the dispersion of radionuclides in the direction of groundwater movement (longitudinal dispersion) is implicitly represented through the discretisation of the saturated zone into a series of compartments. Contaminant dispersion at right angles to the direction of groundwater movement in the saturated medium (transverse dispersion) is not represented explicitly as a process because the compartment dimensions can be defined to represent the increase in plume dimensions due to lateral spreading. Diffusive Transport – Disposal in the Unsaturated and Saturated Zones The ‘forward’ diffusive transfer rate (DiffD, in y-1) is given by: Equation 17 DiffD AU D EffU RU VU U wU where AU (m2) is the cross-sectional area relevant to the diffusive transfer from the upstream compartment, DEffU (m2 y-1) is the effective diffusion coefficient for the upstream compartment, RU(unitless) is the retardation factor in the upstream compartment for the radionuclide, VU (m3) is the volume of the upstream compartment, U (m) is a representative diffusion length between the upstream and 113 downstream compartments, generally taken to be the distance between the midpoints of the compartments in the direction of the diffusive flux, and wU is the water-filled porosity of the upstream compartment. In addition to this ‘forward’ diffusive transfer rate, there is a need to represent a corresponding ‘backward’ diffusive transfer rate in the reverse direction (DiffU,, in y-1). This transfer rate is given by: Equation 18 DiffU AU DEffD RD VD U wD where AU (m2) is the cross-sectional area relevant to the transport, DEffD (m2 y-1) is the effective diffusion coefficient for the downstream compartment, RD(unitless) is the retardation factor for the radionuclide in the downstream compartment, VD (m3) is the volume of the downstream compartment, U (m) is a representative diffusion length between the upstream and downstream compartments, generally taken to be the distance between the mid-points of the compartments in the direction of the diffusive flux, and wD is the water-filled porosity of the downstream compartment. The diffusive transfer rate from a fractured compartment into a matrix compartment (rm, in y-1) is given by: Equation 19 rm 2 a DEffm wf where a is the flow wetted surface area per unit volume of rock (m2 m-3), wfis the water-filled fracture porosity (unitless), DEffmis the effective diffusion coefficient of the matrix compartment (m2 y-1), and is the depth of the matrix compartment (m). The reverse transfer rate from a matrix compartment back to the fracture (mr, in y-1) is given by: Equation 20 mr 2 DEffm Rm 2 wm where Rm is the retardation coefficient of the radionuclide in the matrix, and wm is the water-filled matrix porosity (unitless). 114 Water Abstraction The transfer rate of radionuclides in groundwater abstracted from the geosphere to soil due to irrigation of crops (irrig, in y-1) is given by: Equation 21 irrig Dil Virrig ww Vw Rw where Dil is the fraction of the water demand supplied by contaminated water, Virrig is the volume of irrigation water that reaches the soil (m3 y-1), ww is the water-filled porosity of the compartment from which the water is abstracted (unitless), Vw is the volume of the compartment from which the water is abstracted (m3), Rw is the retardation coefficient (unitless) of the compartment from which the water is abstracted. For this abstraction, it is necessary to consider only the volume of irrigation water reaching the soil since it represents the transfer of radionuclides from the geosphere to the soil (rather than to the crops). Some of the water abstracted from the geosphere for irrigation purposes will be intercepted by the crops and will not reach the soil since it is either taken up directly into the crop or evaporated from the crop surface. This water is accounted for in the other water abstraction considered below. The transfer rate of radionuclides due to abstraction of water for watering of animals and domestic purposes (other, in y-1) is given by: Equation 22 other Dil Vother ww Vw Rw where Dil is the fraction of the water demand supplied by contaminated water, Vother is the volume of water abstracted for watering of animals and domestic purposes (includes the volume of irrigation water not reaching the soil due to interception by crops) (m3 y-1), ww is the water filled porosity of the compartment from which the water is abstracted (unitless), Vw is the volume of the compartment from which the water is abstracted (m3), and Rw is the retardation coefficient (unitless) of the compartment from which the water is abstracted. Erosion The transfer rate of radionuclides by erosion of a compartment (λEROS, in y-1) is given by: 115 Equation 23 EROS d EROS D where dEROS is the erosion rate for the compartment (m y-1), and D is the depth of the compartment from which erosion takes place (m). Suspension The suspension of dust above a soil compartment is modelled by using dust loading factors, where the concentration of a radionuclide in the air above the soil, CAir (Bq m-3) is given by: Equation 24 C Air Dry ( RSoil 1) c Dust RSoil where χDryis the radionuclide concentration in the dry surface soil (Bq kg-1 dry weight soil), RSoil is the retardation coefficient for soil compartment (unitless), cDustis the dust level in the air above the soil compartment (kg m-3). χDry is given by: Equation 25 Dry C Soil Soil where CSoil is the radionuclide concentration in the soil (Bq m-3) and Soil is the dry bulk density of the soil (kg m-3). CSoil is given by: Equation 26 C Soil Amount Soil VSoil where AmountSoil is the amount of the radionuclide in the soil (Bq) and VSoil is the volume of the compartment representing the soil (m3). C.1.3 Exposure Mechanisms 116 For the Design Scenario, it is assumed that exposure can only occur once the capsule has started to fail and the institution control period has ended (Section 4.2). Details concerning the mathematical model used to represent the failure of capsule and other near-field engineered barriers are given in Appendix C.3 and it is assumed that the institutional control period ends 50 years after site closure (Section 4.2). The exposure mechanisms identified in the off diagonal elements in the Interaction Matrices in Figures 7 and 8 are listed in Table C.2. Equations are given below that are used to calculate the annual effective dose received by an average adult member of an exposure group from these exposure mechanisms. TABLE C.2. EXPOSURE MECHANISMS AND ASSOCIATED EQUATIONS FOR THE DESIGN SCENARIO Mechanism Ingestion Equation Inhalation Medium Groundwater Soil Crops Animals Dust External Irradiation Soil Equation 36 Equation 27 Equation 29 Equation 31 Equation 33 Equation 35 Ingestion of Groundwater The annual individual effective dose to a human from the consumption of drinking water (DWat, in Sv y-1) is given by: Equation 27 DW at CW Ing W at DC Ing where CW is the radionuclide concentration in the abstracted water (Bq m-3), IngWat is the individual ingestion rate of water (m3 y-1), and DCIng is the dose coefficient for ingestion (Sv Bq-1). CW is given by: Equation 28 CW Dil Amountw w Vw Rw where Dil is the contribution of the water from the abstraction borehole to the total water ingested, Amountw is the amount of the radionuclide in the compartment from which the water is abstracted (Bq), w is the water-filled porosity of the 117 compartment (unitless), Vw is the volume of the compartment from which the water is abstracted (m3), and Rw is the retardation coefficient of the compartment from which the water is abstracted (unitless). Ingestion of Soil Soil can be inadvertently ingested by humans. The annual individual dose to a human from the ingestion of soil (DSed, in Sv y-1) is given by: Equation 29 D Sed W et Ing Sed OOut DC Ing where χWet is the radionuclide concentration in the soil (Bq kg-1 wet weight), IngSed is the individual inadvertent ingestion rate of soil (kg wet weight h-1), OOut is the individual occupancy on the soil (h y-1), and DCIng is the dose coefficient for ingestion (Sv Bq-1). χWet is given by: Equation 30 Wet C Soil Soil wSoil Wat where Csoil is the radionuclide concentration in the soil (Bq m-3), Soil is the dry bulk density of the soil (kg m-3), wSoil is the water filled porosity of the soil (unitless), and Watthe density of water (kg m-3). Ingestion of Crops The annual individual effective dose to a human from the consumption of a crop, (DCrop, in Sv y-1), is given by: Equation 31 DCrop Crop Ing Crop DC Ing where Crop is the radionuclide concentration in the crop (Bq kg-1 fresh weight of crop), IngCropis the individual ingestion rate of the crop (kg fresh weight y-1), and DCIng is the dose coefficient for ingestion (Sv Bq-1). The χcrop term is calculated using: Equation 32 118 Crop (CFCrop (1 f Pr ep ) sCrop ) Dry Crop d Irr CW (1 f Pr ep )(1 f Trans ) e T Wcrop f Trans YCrop where CFcrop is the concentration factor for the crop (Bq kg-1 fresh weight of crop/Bq kg-1 (dry weight of soil)), fPrep is the fraction of external contamination on the crop lost due to food processing (unitless), sCrop is the soil contamination on the crop (kg dry weight soil kg-1 fresh weight of crop), χDryis the radionuclide concentration in the dry surface soil (Bq kg-1 dry weight soil), cropis the interception fraction for irrigation water on the crop (unitless), dIrr is the depth of irrigation water applied to the crop (m y-1), CWis the radionuclide concentration in the abstracted water (Bq m3 ), fTrans is the fraction of activity transferred from external to internal plant surfaces (unitless), T is the interval between irrigation and harvest (y), Wcrop is the removal rate of irrigation water from the crop by weathering processes (weathering rate) (y-1), and YCrop is the yield of the crop (kg fresh weight of crop m-2 y-1). Ingestion of Animals The annual individual effective dose to a human from the consumption of animal produce (DAnm, in Sv y-1) is given by: Equation 33 D Anm Anm Ing Anm DC Ing where χAnm is the radionuclide concentration in the animal product (Bq kg-1 fresh weight of product), IngAnm is the individual consumption rate of the animal product (kg fresh weight of product y-1) and DCIng is the dose coefficient for ingestion (Sv Bq-1). The χAnm term is calculated using: Equation 34 Anm CFAnmCW Ing AW where CFAnmis the concentration factor for the animal product (d kg-1 fresh weight of product), Cw is the radionuclide concentration in the water used for watering animals (Bq m-3) and IngAW is the consumption rate of water by the animal (m3 d-1). Inhalation of Dust The annual individual dose to a human from the inhalation of dust (DDust, in Sv y-1) is given by: 119 Equation 35 DDust C Air OOut InhSed DC Inh whereCAir is the radionuclide concentration in the air above the soil (Bq m-3), InhSed is the breathing rate of the human on the contaminated soil (m3 h-1), and DCInh is the dose coefficient for inhalation (Sv Bq-1). External Irradiation The annual individual dose to a human from external irradiation from soil (DExSoil, in Sv y-1) is given by: Equation 36 DExSoil C Soil OOut DC Exts where CSoil is the concentration in the soil (Bq m-3), OOut is the individual occupancy outdoors on the contaminated soil (h y-1), and DCExtsis the dose coefficient for external irradiation from soil (Sv h-1/Bq m-3). C.2 DEFECT SCENARIO The mathematical model for this scenario is the same as that for the Design Scenario discussed in Appendix C.1, although some different parameter values are used (Appendix D). C.3 REPRESENTING NEAR-FIELD DEGRADATION It is necessary to consider the degradation of the following near-field components (see Table 11): the stainless steel capsule that contains the source container (the source container is assumed to have failed before disposal) and the stainless steel disposal container that contains the capsule; and the containment barrier, the disposal zone backfill and plug, the closure zone backfill, and the disturbed zone backfill. Degradation can affect both the physical and chemical performance of the near-field components. C.3.1 Physical Performance Capsule and Disposal Container Failure times for each component are specified in Appendix D based upon the corrosion modelling reported in Appendix I. The physical performance of each of 120 these components could fail in a linear manner over a period of time. It could start at a user-defined time (tPhysDegStart, in y) (when the water/gas tightness of the component is first breached) and end at a user-defined time (tPhysDegEnd, in y) (when the component has totally failed and is fully degraded). Between these two times, linear failure could be assumed. However, corrosion model results discussed in Appendix I indicate that the physical performance of each components can be consider to occur essentially instantaneously. Nevertheless, flexibility in the model is maintained by adopting the linear failure model but setting tPhysDegEnd to be marginally greater than tPhysDegStart. Prior to the start of the failure of the stainless steel capsule none of the waste is available for release. However, once the capsule starts to fail (at time tCapPhysDegStart, in y), the fraction of the waste available for release is assumed to start to increase in a linear manner until all of the waste is assumed to be available once the capsule is fully degraded ((at time tCapPhysDegEnd, in y). Thus, the value of the fraction of waste available for release (f, unitless) (as used in Equation 6, Equation 10, Equation 12 and Equation 13) is a function of time: Equation 37 f t 0 t < tCapPhysDegStart f t 1 t ≥ tCapPhysDegEnd Equation 38 Equation 39 f t t t CapPhysDegStart t CapPhysDegEnd t CapPhysDegStart otherwise Containment Barrier and Backfill Material The hydraulic conductivity and total porosity of the cement grout containment barrier and backfill material are assumed to increase due to physical degradation (e.g. cracking) and chemical degradation (e.g. calcium leaching and sulphate attack) for all scenarios (see Appendix H). These changes can be represented by the definition of ‘undegraded’ and ‘degraded’ values for both parameters. A function, fPhysDeg, can be used to describe the transition of the values from the undegraded state prior to the start of degradation (at time tMatPhysDegStart , in y) to the end of degradation (at time tMatPhysDegEnd , in y): Equation 40 121 f PhysDeg (t ) 0 t < tMatPhysDegStart Equation 41 f PhysDeg (t ) 1 t ≥ tMatPhysDegEnd Equation 42 f PhysDeg (t ) t t MatPhysDegStart t MatPhysDegEnd t MatPhysDegStart otherwise The value ofhydraulic conductivity at a given time (K(t), in m y-1) can be determined using the function as follows: Equation 43 K (t ) (1 f PhysDeg (t )) K UnDeg f PhysDeg (t ) K Deg where KUnDeg and KDeg are the undegraded and degraded hydraulic conductivities, respectively (both in m y-1). The same approach can be used to calculate the total porosity (θ, unitless): Equation 44 (t ) (1 f PhysDeg (t )) UnDeg f PhysDeg (t ) Deg whereθ UnDeg and θ Deg are the undegraded and degraded total porosities, respectively (both unitless). C.4.2 Chemical Performance Degradation of the chemical performance of cement grout containment barrier and backfill material is assumed to occur in all scenarios. The processes that lead to chemical degradation, such as calcium leaching and sulphate attack, are implicitly rather than explicitly modelled. Failure times for each component are specified in Appendix D based upon cement grout degradation model presented in Apppendix H. It is assumed that the chemical performance of each of these components does not degrade instantaneously; degradation is assumed to occur in a linear manner over a period of time. It is assumed to start at a user-defined time (tChemDegStart, in y) and end at a user-defined time (tChemDegEnd, in y). Between these two times, linear degradation is assumed. It is assumed that chemical evolution of the cement grout near field affects the nearfield sorption coefficients. An approach similar to that used for modelling the change in hydraulic conductivity and porosity is used to represent changes in sorption coefficients. A function, fChemDeg, can be used to describe the transition of the values 122 from the undegraded state prior to the start of degradation (at time tMatChemDegStart, in y) to the end of degradation (at time tMatChemDegEnd, in y): Equation 45 f ChemDeg (t ) 0 t < tMatChemDegStart f ChemDeg (t ) 1 t ≥ tMatChemDegEnd Equation 46 Equation 47 f ChemDeg (t ) t t MatChemDegStart t MatChemDegEnd t MatChemDegStart otherwise The value of a radionuclide’snear-field sorption coefficient at a given time (Kd(t), in m3 kg-1) can be determined using the function as follows: Equation 48 K d (t ) (1 f ChemDeg (t )) K dUnDeg f ChemDeg (t ) K dDeg where KdUnDeg and KdDeg are the undegraded and degraded sorption coefficients, respectively (both in m3 kg-1). References for Appendix C C.1 PENFOLD, J.S.S., LITTLE, R.H., ROBINSON, P.C., AND SAVAGE, D., Improved Safety Assessment Modelling of Immobilised LLW Packages for Disposal, Ontario Power Generation Technical Report 05386-REP-03469.310002-R00, Toronto (2002). 123 APPENDIX D: ASSESSMENT DATA Table D.1 lists the parameters used in the mathematical models described in Appendix C and identifies the table in which the associated data can be found. TABLE D.1. PARAMETERS FOR THE MATHEMATICAL MODEL AND LOCATION OF ASSOCIATED VALUES Symbol Δc ΔU δ H/x θ θDeg θH θUndeg w wA wB wc wDC wf wm wSoil wU ww λA λDiffD λDiffRelB λDiffRelF λDiffU EROS λirrig mr λN other Perc rm Definition a representative diffusion length between the upstream and downstream compartments a representative diffusion length between the capsule compartment and the adjacent compartment depth of the matrix compartment hydraulic gradient degree of saturation total porosity total porosity of degraded cement grout total porosity of the base of the house total porosity of undegraded cement grout water-filled porosity water-filled porosity of the compartment adjacent to the capsule compartment water-filled porosity of the downstream compartment water-filled porosity of capsule compartment water-filled porosity of the contaminated drill core water-filled fracture porosity water-filled matrix porosity water-filled porosity of the soil water-filled porosity of the upstream compartment water-filled porosity of the compartment from which the water is abstracted advective transfer rate in the saturated zone forward (downstream) diffusive transfer rate backward diffusive transfer rate from the compartment adjacent to the capsule forward diffusive release rate from capsule compartment Units m backward (upstream) diffusive transfer rate transfer rate due to erosion transfer rate in groundwater abstracted from the geosphere to soil due to irrigation of crops diffusive transfer rate from matrix to fracture decay constant for radionuclide N transfer rate due to abstraction of water for watering of animals and domestic purposes advective and dispersive transfer rate through the unsaturated zone diffusive transfer rate from fracture to matrix Value Tables D.15, D.19 and D.20 m Table D.15 m - Tables D.19 and D.20 Tables D.13 and D.18 Tables D.13, D.18, D.22 Tables D.13, D.18, D.22 Table D.13 Table D.22 Table D.13 Calculated using Equation 10 Calculated using Equation 10 - Calculated using Equation 10 - Calculated using Equation 10 Calculated using Equation 10 - Calculated using Equation 10 Calculated using Equation 10 Calculated using Equation 10 Calculated using Equation 10 - Calculated using Equation 10 y-1 y-1 y-1 Calculated using Equation 15 Calculated using Equation 17 Calculated using Equation 13 y-1 Calculated using y-1 y-1 y-1 Equation 12 Calculated using Equation 18 Calculated using Equation 23 Calculated using Equation 21 y-1 y-1 y-1 Calculated using Equation 20 Table D.4 Calculated using Equation 21 y-1 Calculated using Equation 14 y-1 Calculated using Equation 19 124 Symbol λSatLeach λUnsatLeach v crop Bh g Soil Wat ΧAnm Definition advective and dispersive transfer rate from capsule containing the source due to groundwater flow advective and dispersive transfer rate from capsule containing the source due to water percolation ventilation rate of the house interception fraction for irrigation water on the crop dry bulk density dry bulk density of the borehole’s disposal zone grain density dry bulk density of the soil density of water radionuclide concentration in the animal product χCrop radionuclide concentration in the crop χDry radionuclide concentration in the surface soil χWet radionuclide concentration in the surface soil A CFAnm flow wetted surface area per unit volume of rock cross-sectional area of the disposal borehole cross-sectional area relevant to the diffusive release from the capsule amount of a radionuclide in a compartment amount of Ra-226 in the borehole’s disposal zone amount of a radionuclide in the soil amount of a radionuclide in the compartment from which the water is abstracted cross-sectional area relevant to the diffusive transfer from the upstream compartment breathing rate of the human in the house concentration of a radionuclide in the air above the soil dust level in the air above the soil compartment concentration factor for the animal product CFcrop concentration factor for the crop Cr CSoil CW corrosion/dissolution rate of source radionuclide concentration in the soil radionuclide concentration in the abstracted Ab Adiff Amount AmountRaBh AmountSoil Amountw AU BRgas CAir cDust Units y-1 Value Calculated using Equation 10 y-1 Calculated using Equation 6 y-1 - Table D.22 Table D.24 kg m-3 kg m-3 Calculated using Equation 9 Calculated using Equation 9 kg m-3 Tables D.13, D.18,D.22, D.5 and D.7 Calculated using Equation 9 1000 kg m-3 Calculated using Equation 34 kg m-3 kg m-3 Bq kg-1 fresh weight of product Bq kg-1 fresh weight Bq kg-1 dry weight Bq kg-1 wet weight m2 m-3 m2 m2 Calculated using Equation 32 Calculated using Equation 25 Calculated using Equation 30 Tables D.2 and D.3 Table D.14 Table D.15 Bq or moles Bq Calculated using Equation 1 Calculated using Equation 1 Bq Bq Calculated using Equation 1 Calculated using Equation 1 m2 Tables D.2 and D.3 m3 h-1 Bq m-3 Table D.23 Calculated using Equation 24 kg m-3 Table D.22 d kg-1 fresh weight of product Bq kg-1 fresh weight of crop/Bq kg-1 (dry weight of soil) m y-1 Bq m-3 Bq m-3 Table D.12 Table D.8 Table D.13 Calculated using Equation 26 Calculated using Equation 28 125 Symbol fChemDeg Definition water depth of the compartment from which erosion takes place annual individual effective dose to a human from the consumption of animal produce thickness of the borehole’s closure zone dose coefficient for external irradiation from soil dose coefficient for ingestion dose coefficient for inhalation annual individual effective dose to a human from the consumption of a crop annual individual dose to a human from the inhalation of dust effective diffusion coefficient for the compartment adjacent to the capsule compartment effective diffusion coefficient for the capsule compartment effective diffusion coefficient for the downstream compartment effective diffusion coefficient for the matrix compartment effective diffusion coefficient for the upstream compartment erosion rate for the compartment annual individual dose to a human from external irradiation from soil contribution of water from abstraction borehole to the total water demand depth of irrigation water applied to the crop annual individual dose to a human from the ingestion of soil annual individual effective dose from the consumption of drinking water fraction of the waste that is available for release extent of chemical degradation fPhysDeg extent of physical degradation - fPrep fraction of external contamination on the crop lost due to food processing fraction of activity transferred from external to internal plant surfaces disposed inventory of the radionuclide, decay-corrected to the start time of the capsule’s physical failure - Calculated using Equation 37 to Equation 39 Calculated using Equation 45 to Equation 47 Calculated using Equation 40 to Equation 42 Table D.11 - Table D.10 D DAnm dBh DCExts DCIng DCInh DCrop DDust DEffA DEffc DEffD DEffm DEffU dEROS DExSoil Dil dIrr DSed DWat f fTrans Ig IngAnm individual ingestion rate of animal product Units m Sv y-1 m Sv h-1/Bq m-3 Value Table D.22 Calculated using Equation 33 Table D.14 Table D.5 Sv Bq-1 Sv Bq-1 Sv y-1 Table D.5 Table D.5 Calculated using Equation 31 Sv y-1 Calculated using Equation 35 m2 y-1 Table D.16 m2 y-1 Table D.16 m2 y-1 Table D.16 m2 y-1 Table D.16 m2 y-1 Table D.16 m y-1 Sv y-1 Table D.22 Calculated using Equation 36 - Table D.21 m y-1 Sv y-1 Table D.24 Calculated using Equation 29 Sv y-1 Calculated using Equation 27 - Bq kg fresh weight of product y-1 Calculated from I e- λt where I is the initial inventory disposed (1E+12 Bq, Section 3.1.1), λ (y1 ) is the decay constant (Table L.4), and t (y) is the start time of the capsule’s physical failure (Tables D.16 and D.17) Table D.23 126 Symbol IngAW IngCrop Definition consumption rate of water by the animal individual ingestion rate of the crop IngSed individual inadvertent ingestion rate of soil IngWat InhSed individual ingestion rate of freshwater breathing rate of the human on the contaminated soil hydraulic conductivity of a medium K Kc Kd KdDeg KDeg KdUnDeg KUnDeg L Lc Ogas OOut Q qc qPERC r R RA Rc RD Rm RSoil RU Rw sCrop hydraulic conductivity of the capsule compartment sorption coefficient of the element in the compartment sorption coefficient of degraded cement grout Hydraulic conductivity of degraded cement grout backfill sorption coefficient of undegraded cement Hydraulic conductivity of undegraded cement grout backfill length of compartment in the direction of water flow length of capsule compartment in the direction of water flow individual occupancy in the house The individual occupancy on the soil Darcy velocity of groundwater through a compartment Darcy velocity of groundwater through the capsule compartment annual percolation rate through the capsule compartment initial radius of the source element dependent retardation of the compartment element dependent retardation of the compartment adjacent to the capsule compartment element dependent retardation of the capsule compartment element dependent retardation of the downstream compartment element dependent retardation of the matrix compartment element dependent retardation of the soil compartment element dependent retardation of the upstream compartment element dependent retardation of the compartment from which the domestic and agricultural water is abstracted soil contamination on the crop Units m3 d-1 kg fresh weight y-1 kg wet weight h-1 m3 y-1 m3 h-1 m y-1 m y-1 m3 kg –1 Value Table D.23 Table D.23 Table D.23 Table D.23 Table D.23 Tables D.13 and D.18 For cement grout in near-field calculated using Equation 43 Table D.13 m3 kg –1 m y-1 Table D.7 For cement grout in near-field calculated using Equation 48 Table D.7 Table D.13 m3 kg –1 m y-1 Table D.7 Table D.13 m Tables D.15, D.19 and D.20 m Table D.15 h y-1 h y-1 m y-1 Table D.23 Table D.23 Calculated using Equation 16 m y-1 Calculated using Equation 11 m y-1 Table D.13 m - Table D.13 Calculated using Equation 11 - Calculated using Equation 11 - Calculated using Equation 11 - Calculated using Equation 11 - Calculated using Equation 11 - Calculated using Equation 11 - Calculated using Equation 11 - Calculated using Equation 11 kg dry weight Table D.24 127 Symbol T tCapPhysDegStart tCapPhysDegEnd tChemDegStart tChemDegEnd tDelay tMatChemDegStart tMatChemDegEnd tMatPhysDegStart tMatPhysDegEnd tPhysDegStart tPhysDegEnd V Definition is the interval between irrigation and harvest time at which failure of the capsule’s physical performance starts time at which failure of the capsule’s physical performance ends time at which failure of a barrier’s chemical performance starts time at which failure of a barrier’s chemical performance starts average radon travel time from the soil into the house time at which failure of the cement grout containment barrier’s and cement grout backfill’s chemical performance starts time at which failure of the cement grout containment barrier’s and cement grout backfill’s chemical performance ends time at which failure of the containment barrier and backfill material’s physical performance starts time at which failure of the containment barrier and backfill material’s physical performance ends time at which failure of a barrier’s physical performance starts time at which failure of a barrier’s physical performance ends volume of the compartment Units soil kg-1 fresh weight of crop y y Table D.24 Tables D.16 and L.17 y Tables D.16 and D.17 y Tables D.16 and D.17 y Tables D.16 and D.17 y Table D.22 y Tables D.16 and D.17 y Tables D.16 and D.17 y Tables D.16 and D.17 y Tables D.16 and D.17 y Tables D.16 and D.17 y Tables D.16 and D.17 m3 m3 y-1 Derived from dimensions, Tables D.15, D.19, D.20 and D.22 Derived from dimensions, Table D.15 Derived from dimensions, Section 3.1.2 Derived from dimensions, Table 5 Derived from dimensions, Tables D.15, D.19 and D.20 Table D.24 Derived from dimensions, Table D.22 Table D.22 m3 y-1 Table D.22 m3 VBh volume of the compartment adjacent to the capsule compartment volume of the borehole’s disposal zone Vc volume of the capsule compartment m3 VD volume of the downstream compartment m3 VDC Vh volume of the contaminated drill core total volume of the house m3 m3 Virrig is the volume of irrigation water that reaches the soil volume of water abstracted for watering of animals and domestic purposes (includes the volume of irrigation water not reaching the soil due to interception by crops) volume of the compartment representing the soil volume of compartment from which water is abstracted volume of the upstream compartment VA Vother VSoil Vw VU Value m3 m3 m3 m3 Derived from dimensions, Table D.22 Derived from dimensions, Tables D.19 and D.20 Derived from dimensions, Tables D.15, D.19 and D.20 128 Symbol Wcrop YCrop D.1 Definition removal rate of irrigation water from the crop by weathering processes (weathering rate) yield of the crop Units y-1 kg (fresh weight of crop) m-2 y-1 Value Table D.9 Table D.24 INVENTORY AND RADIONUCLIDE DATA TABLE D.2. RADIONUCLIDES DISPOSED AND ASSOCIATED DAUGHTERS CONSIDERED Disposed Radionuclide (1) Co-60 Sr-90 I-129 Cs-137 Ra-226 Am-241 Cf-252 Short-lived Daughter(s) (2) Daughter(s) * * * Pb-210* Po-210 Np-237 Pa-233 U-233 Th-229* →(branching ratio 0.9691)Cm-248→(branching ratio 0.9161)Pu-244*→Pu-240→U236→Th-232→Ra228*→Th-228* Notes 1. For each disposed radionuclide, an inventory of 1 TBq per waste package is assumed (see Section 3.1.1). It is also assumed that there are 50 waste packages per borehole (see Section 3.1.2), giving a total inventory of 50 TBq for each radionuclide. 2. * indicates a daughter with a half-life of less than 25 days (see Table D.3) 129 TABLE D.3. SHORT-LIVED DAUGHTERS WITH HALF-LIVES OF LESS THAN 25 DAYS ASSUMED TO BE IN SECULAR EQUILIBRIUM WITH THEIR PARENTS Parent Sr-90 Cs-137 Ra-226 Short Lived Daughters Y-90 (branching ratio 0.94) Ba-137m Rn-222 Po-218 (branching ratio 0.9998) Pb-214 Bi-214 (branching ratio 0.9998) Po-214 (branching ratio 0.0002) At-218 Bi-214 (branching ratio 0.9998) Po-214 Ac-227 →(branching ratio 0.0138) Fr-223→( branching ratio 0.9862) Th-227→Ra-223→Rn-219→Po215→Pb-211→Bi-211 Th-229 Ra-225 Ac-225 Fr-221 At-217 Bi-213 (branching ratio 0.9784) Po-213 Pb-209 (branching ratio 0.0216) Tl-209 Pb-209 Ra-228 Th-228 Pu-244 →Ac-228 →Ra-224→Rn-220→Po-216→Pb-212→Bi-212→(branching ratio 0.641)Po-212 → (branching ratio 0.359)Tl-208 → (branching ratio 0.9988)U-240→Np-240m→(branching ratio 0.0011)Np-240 130 TABLE D.4. RADIONUCLIDE HALF-LIVES AND DECAY RATES Radionuclide Half-life (y) (1) 5.27E+00 2.91E+01 1.57E+07 3.00E+01 2.23E+01 3.79E-01 5.75E+00 1.60E+03 5.75E+00 1.91E+00 7.34E+03 1.40E+10 7.39E-02 1.59E+05 2.34E+07 2.14E+06 4.32E+02 6.54E+03 8.26E+07 3.39E+05 2.64E+00 Co-60 Sr-90 I-129 Cs-137 Pb-210 Po-210 Ra-228 Ra-226 Ra-228 Th-228 Th-229 Th-232 Pa-233 U-233 U-236 Np-237 Am-241 Pu-240 Pu-244 Cm-248 Cf-252 Decay rate (y-1) (2) 1.32E-01 2.38E-02 4.41E-08 2.31E-02 3.11E-02 1.83E+00 1.21E-01 4.33E-04 1.21E-01 3.63E-01 9.44E-05 4.95E-11 9.38E+00 4.36E-06 2.96E-08 3.24E-07 1.60E-03 1.06E-04 8.39E-09 2.04E-06 2.63E-01 Notes 1. Data from [1]. 2. Decay constant = ln 2 half life References for Table D.4 [1] ICRP (1983). Radionuclide Transformations Energy and Intensity of Emissions.International Commission on Radiological Protection, ICRP Publication 38. Pergamon Press, Oxford. 131 TABLE D.5. RADIONUCLIDE DOSE COEFFICIENTS FOR INGESTION, INHALATION AND EXTERNAL IRRADIATION Radionuclide Dose Coefficients for Adults (1) Ingestion Inhalation External Irradiation (Sv Bq-1) (Sv Bq-1) from soil (2) (2) (Sv h-1/Bq m-3) (3) Water Immersion (Sv h-1/Bq m-3) (4) Co-60 3.4E-09 1.0E-08 3.0E-13 9.3E-13 Sr-90 3.1E-08 3.8E-08 7.9E-16 4.0E-15 I-129 1.1E-07 3.6E-08 1.8E-16 2.4E-15 Cs-137 1.3E-08 4.6E-09 6.2E-14 2.0E-13 Pb-210 6.9E-07 1.2E-06 1.5E-16 1.5E-15 Po-210 1.2E-06 3.3E-06 9.5E-19 3.0E-18 Ra-226 2.8E-07 3.5E-06 2.1E-13 6.5E-13 Ra-228 6.9E-07 1.6E-05 0 0 Th-229 6.1E-07 8.6E-05 2.9E-14 1.1E-13 Th-232 2.3E-07 1.1E-04 8.8E-18 5.9E-17 Pa-233 8.7E-10 3.9E-09 1.8E-14 6.7E-14 U-233 5.1E-08 3.5E-06 2.4E-17 1.1E-16 U-236 4.7E-08 8.7E-06 3.4E-18 3.2E-17 Np-237 1.1E-07 2.3E-05 1.4E-15 7.2E-15 Am-241 2.0E-07 4.2E-05 7.2E-16 5.5E-15 Pu-240 2.5E-07 5.0E-05 2.2E-18 2.9E-17 Pu-244 2.4E-07 4.7E-05 3.7E-14 1.2E-13 Cm-248 7.7E-07 1.5E-04 1.2E-18 2.0E-17 Cf-252 9.0E-08 2.0E-05 2.6E-18 3.0E-17 Notes 1. Values include effects of short-lived (half-life less than 25 days) daughters not explicitly listed, assuming secular equilibrium at time of intake or exposure. A list of short-lived daughters is given in Table L.3. 2. Data taken from [1]. 132 3. Data taken from [2] assuming contamination to an infinite depth. 4. Data taken from [2]. References for Table D.5 [1] ICRP (1996). Age dependent doses to members of the public from intake of radionuclides: Part 5, Compilation of ingestion and inhalation dose coefficients. ICRP Publication 72.Ann. ICRP 26 No. 1, Pergamon Press, Oxford. [2] USEPA. Date Accessed: 16 September 2004. Online Database of Dose Coefficients from Federal Guidance Report No. 12. [3] UNSCEAR (2000). Nations, New York. D.2 Sources and Effects of Ionizing Radiation. United ELEMENT-DEPENDENT DATA TABLE D.6. EFFECTIVE DIFFUSION COEFFICIENTS (M2 Y-1) Element Co Sr I Cs Pb Po Ra Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm (7) Cf (7) Capsule (1) 4E-2 4E-2 8E-2 8E-2 8E-2 8E-2 8E-2 1E-1 1E-1 1E-1 1E-1 1E-1 1E-1 1E-1 1E-1 Cement (3) Undegraded Degraded 8E-5 8E-5 8E-5 8E-5 8E-5 8E-5 8E-5 8E-5 8E-5 8E-5 8E-5 8E-5 8E-5 8E-5 8E-5 4E-3 4E-3 4E-3 4E-3 4E-3 4E-3 4E-3 4E-3 4E-3 4E-3 4E-3 4E-3 4E-3 4E-3 4E-3 Fractured System (2) 9E-7 (4) 1E-5 3E-7 3E-5 1E-6 (6) 1E-6 (5) 1E-6 2E-7 1E-6 1E-6 1E-6 1E-6 1E-6 1E-6 1E-6 Flow Rate Porous System (3) 2E-2 2E-2 2E-2 2E-2 2E-2 2E-2 2E-2 2E-2 2E-2 2E-2 2E-2 2E-2 2E-2 2E-2 2E-2 Notes 1. Data for free water diffusion from [1]. Used for capsule compartment since capsule is assumed not to be backfilled (see Section 3.1.2). 133 2. Data from [2]. 3. Data from [3]. 4. Ni used as an analogue. 5. Pb used as an analogue. 6. Sn used as an analogue. 7. Am used as an analogue. References for Table D.6 [1] Little R H, van Blerk J, Walke R C and Bowden R A (2004). Generic PostClosure Safety Assessment and Derivation of Activity Limits for the Borehole Disposal Concept. Quintessa Report QRS-1128A-6 v2.0, Quintessa Limited, Henley-on-Thames, UK. [2] Andersson J (1999). SR 97 Data and Data Uncertainties.Compilation of Data and Data Uncertainties for Radionuclide Transport Calculations.SKB Technical Report TR-99-09, Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company, Stockholm. [3] Savage, D. and M. J. Stenhouse (2002). SFR Vault Database. SKI Report R0253, Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate, Stockholm, Sweden. 134 TABLE D.7. SORPTION COEFFICIENTS (M3 KG-1) Element Capsule (9) Co Sr I Cs Pb Po Ra Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Cf 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cement (6) Undegraded Degraded 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.01 0.02 0.001 0.001 0.005 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.05 5 1 0.5 0.1 1/5 (5) 0.1/1 (5) 2/5 (5) 0.2/1 (5) 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 (1) 1 (1) Saturated Zone (7) 0.1 (3) 0.005 (2) 0 0.05 0.1 0.1 (4) 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 (1) Values for Sandy Soil (8) 0.06 0.013 0.001 0.27 0.27 0.15 0.49 3.0 0.54 0.033 0.0041 0.054 2.0 9.3 (10) 9.3 (1) Notes 1. Cm used as an analogue. 2. In the absence of data in [4], it is assumed that Sr sorption values are an order of magnitude lower than Cs values, consistent with the information given in [1] and [3]. 3. Pd used as an analogue. 4. Pb used as an analogue. 5. First value is for oxidising conditions, second is for reducing conditions. 6. Data from [2]. 7. Data from [4] for sandstone with fresh type groundwater. 8. Data from [3]. 135 9. Capsule is assumed not to be backfilled and so has no sorption properties (see Section 3.1.2). 10. Data from [5]. References for Table D.7 [1] Nagra (2002). Project Opalinus Clay: Models, Codes and Data for Safety Assessment. Demonstration of Disposal Feasibility for Spent Fuel, Vitrified High-level Waste and Long-lived Intermediate-level Waste (Entsorgungsnachweis). Nagra Technical Report 02-06. [2] Savage, D. and M. J. Stenhouse (2002). SFR Vault Database. SKI Report R0253, Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate, Stockholm, Sweden. [3] IAEA (2003). The Use of Safety Assessment in the Derivation of Activity Limits for Disposal of Radioactive Waste to Near Surface Facilities. IAEATECDOC-1380, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. JNC (2000). H12: Project to Establish the Scientific and Technical Bais of HLW Disposal in Japan. Supporting Report 3: Safety Assessment of the Geological Disposal System. JNC Report JNC TN1410 2000-004, Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute, Tokai, Japan. [5] IAEA (2010). Handbook of Parameter Values for the Prediction of Radionuclide Transfer in Terrestrial and Freshwater Environments. International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Report Series 472. Vienna, Austria. 136 TABLE D.8. SOIL TO PLANT CONCENTRATION FACTORS (BQ KG-1 FRESH WT/BQ KG-1 DRY SOIL) FOR CROPS Element Co Sr I Cs Pb Po Ra Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm (2) Cf (2) Root Vegetables (1) 3E-2 9E-2 1E-1 3E-2 1E-2 2E-4 4E-2 5E-4 4E-2 1E-3 1E-3 1E-3 1E-3 1E-3 1E-3 Green Vegetables (1) 3E-2 3E+0 1E-1 3E-2 1E-2 2E-4 4E-2 5E-4 4E-2 1E-3 1E-2 1E-4 1E-3 1E-3 1E-3 Notes 1. Data from [1]. 2. Am used as an analogue. References for Table D.8 IAEA (2003). The Use of Safety Assessment in the Derivation of Activity Limits for Disposal of Radioactive Waste to Near Surface Facilities. IAEA-TECDOC1380, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. 137 TABLE D.9: WEATHERING RATES (Y-1) Element Co Sr I Cs Pb Po Ra Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Cf (2) Root Vegetables (1) 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 Green Vegetables (1) 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 5.1E+1 5.1E+1 5.1E+1 1.8E+1 1.8E+1 Notes 1. Data taken from [1]. 2. Cm used as an analogue. References for Table D.9 [1] Smith G M, Fearn H S, Smith K R, Davis J P and Klos R (1988). Assessment of the radiological impact of disposal of solid radioactive waste at Drigg.National Radiological Protection Board, NRPB-M148, Chilton, UK. 138 TABLE D.10: FRACTION OF ACTIVITY TRANSFERRED FROM EXTERNAL TO INTERNAL PLANT SURFACES (-) Element Co Sr I Cs Pb Po (2) Ra Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Cf (3) Root Vegetables (1) 1.7E-1 1.4E-1 7.4E-2 3.0E-1 2.2E-1 2.2E-1 9.9E-2 2.9E-1 2.9E-1 4.3E-2 2.9E-1 4.3E-2 2.9E-1 1.1E-1 1.1E-1 Green Vegetables (1) 1.8E-1 2.0E-1 6.1E-1 1.9E-1 2.2E-1 2.2E-1 1.8E-1 3.8E-2 4.5E-1 3.6E-1 4.5E-1 3.6E-1 2.8E-1 2.7E-1 2.7E-1 Notes 1. Data taken from for root vegetables and leafy vegetables [1]. 2. Pb used as an analogue. 3. Cm used as an analogue. References for Table D.10 [1] Ashton J and Sumerling T J (1988). Biosphere Database for Assessments of Radioactive Waste Disposals.UKDoE Report No. DoE/RW/88.083. 139 TABLE D.11. FOOD PREPARATION LOSSES (-) Element Co Sr Cs Pb Po Ra I Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Cf (3) Root Vegetables (1) 0.0E+0 0.0E+0 0.0E+0 0.0E+0 0.0E+0 0.0E+0 0.0E+0 0.0E+0 0.0E+0 0.0E+0 0.0E+0 0.0E+0 0.0E+0 0.0E+0 0.0E+0 Green Vegetables (2) 9.0E-1 9.0E-1 9.0E-1 9.0E-1 9.0E-1 9.0E-1 9.0E-1 9.0E-1 9.0E-1 9.0E-1 9.0E-1 9.0E-1 9.0E-1 9.0E-1 9.0E-1 Notes 1. Data from [1]. 2. Data from [2]. 3. Cm used as an analogue. References for Table D.11 [1] Simmonds J R and Crick M J (1982). Transfer parameters for use in terrestrial foodchain models. National Radiological Protection Board, NRPB-M63, Chilton, UK. [2] Smith G M, Fearn H S, Smith K R, Davis J P and Klos R (1988). Assessment of the radiological impact of disposal of solid radioactive waste at Drigg.National Radiological Protection Board, NRPB-M148, Chilton, UK. 140 TABLE D.12: TRANSFER COEFFICIENTS TO ANIMAL PRODUCE Element Co Sr I Cs Pb Po Ra Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm (2) Cf (3) Beef (d kg-1 fresh weight) (1) 1.0E-2 8.0E-3 4.0E-2 5.0E-2 4.0E-4 5.0E-3 9.0E-4 2.7E-3 5.0E-5 3.0E-4 1.0E-3 1.0E-5 4.0E-5 9.8E-5 9.8E-5 Cow’s Milk (d l-1) (1) (m3 kg-1 fresh weight) (1) 3.0E-4 2.8E-3 1.0E-2 7.9E-3 3.0E-4 3.4E-4 1.3E-3 5.0E-6 5.0E-6 4.0E-4 5.0E-6 1.1E-6 1.5E-6 9.0E-6 9.0E-6 3E-1 6E-2 4E-2 2E+0 3E-1 5E-2 5E-2 1E-1 1E-2 1E-2 3E-2 3E-2 3E-2 3E-2 3E-2 Fish Notes 1. Data from [1]. Data for fish only used for variant calculation that assumes contaminated groundwater is used to supply a fish farm. 2. Data from [2]. 3. Cm used as an analogue. References for Table D.12 [1] IAEA (2003). The Use of Safety Assessment in the Derivation of Activity Limits for Disposal of Radioactive Waste to Near Surface Facilities. IAEATECDOC-1380, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. [2] Ashton J and Sumerling T J (1988). Biosphere Database for Assessments of Radioactive Waste Disposals.UKDoE Report No. DoE/RW/88.083. 141 D.3 NEAR-FIELD ELEMENT-INDEPENDENT DATA TABLE D.13. NEAR-FIELD LIQUID RELEASE AND FLOW DATA Parameter Hydraulic conductivity Total porosity Grain density Hydraulic gradient in saturated zone (4) Initial radius of source Corrosion/dissolution rate of source (11) Units m y-1 kg m-3 - Small and Large Capsule 1E+6 (6) 1.0E+0 (7) 1.0E+3 (8) m m y-1 Near-field Cement Undegraded Degraded 3.2E-1 (1) 3.2E+2 (2) 1.0E-1 (3) 2.4E+3 (3) 0.05 2.5E-1 (3) 2.4E+3 (3) 5.5E-3 (small capsules) (9) 1.0E-2 (large capsule) (10) 1E-8 Notes 1. Based on data from [1] which gives range of 3.2E-3 to 3.2E-1 m y-1 for structural cement. 2. Typical value for sand and gravel. 3. Data from [2]. 4. Data from [4] . 5. See Section 3.2.1. 6. Nominal value adopted to ensure flow in the near field is not limited by the hydraulic conductivity of the capsule. 7. Capsule assumed to be void space. 8. Assumed to be the same as water. 9. Average radius of Co-60 sources to be disposed in small capsule (see Table 7). 10. Radius of Co-60 source to be disposed in the large capsule (see Table 7). 11. [3] gives a value of 1E-3 g m-2 d-1 (approx. 1E-7 m y-1) for glass at a temperature of 60 °C and notes that the dissolution rate is about an order of magnitude lower at 20 °C. It is conservatively assumed that the dissolution rate for ceramic will be the same as for glass. 142 References for Table D.13 [1] Nagra (1994). Report on Long-Term Safety of the L/ILW Repository at the Wellenberg Site. Nagra Report NTB 94-06. Wettingen, Switzerland.. [2] Allard, B., Höglund, L. O., and Skagius, K. (1991). Adsorption of Radionuclides in Concrete, SKB Progress Report SKB/SFR 91-02, Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company, Stockholm, Sweden. [3] JNC 2000. H12: Project to establish the scientific and technical basis for HLW disposal in Japan. Second Progress Report on Research and Development for the Geological Disposal of HLW in Japan. JNC Technical Report JNC TN1410 2000-002. [4] Groundwater assessment report 1996, Water Research Institute, CSRI, TABLE D.15. NEAR-FIELD TRANSPORT DATA Compartment Type Small Capsule (containing source container) 1 (1) Length in Direction of Flow (m) 1.05E-2 (4) Large Capsule (containing source container) 1 (1) 2.40E-2 (4) 1.16E-2 (8) 3.25E-2 3.65E-1 Containment Barrier for small capsule Containment Barrier for large capsule Disposal Zone (horizontally adjacent to capsule) Disposal Zone (vertically adjacent to capsule) (2) Disturbed Zone (Backfill) 1 (1) 4.10E-2 (5) 6.83E-1 (8) 2.68E-2 2.15E+0 1 (1) 2.70E-2 (5) 3.49E-2 (8) 1.98E-2 1.10E-1 1 (1) 1.25E-2 (6) 5.32E+0 (8) 3.13E-2 1.67E+1 - - - - - 1 (1) 5.00E-2 (7) 9.88E+0 (8) 2.75E-1 3.10E+1 - - - - - Disposal Zone (Plug) (3) Number of Compartments Area Perpendicular to Flow (m2) 8.32E-2 (8) Diffusion Length (m) (9) 2.58E-2 Area for Diffusion (m2) (10) 2.61E-1 Notes 1. Flow is horizontal and so the flow path length through the disposals is equal to the diameter of the borehole (0.26 m) (Section 3.1.2) and so one compartment is sufficient to represent the flow path through each near-field component. 143 2. The material within the disposal zone vertically adjacent to the capsule is not explicitly modelled as it is assumed not to participate in the transport of radionuclides. 3. Flow moves horizontally through the concrete backfill of the disturbed zone between the casing and the borehole wall. The plug is not modelled since it is assumed not to participate in the transport of radionuclides. 4. The outside radius of the small and large capsule is 10.5 mm and 24 mm, respectively (Table 6). Flow moves horizontally through the capsules giving a length in the direction of groundwater flow of 0.0105 m and 0.024 m for the compartment used to represent the small and large capsule, respectively. 5. Flow moves horizontally through the containment barrier. The length of the cement grout containment barrier in the direction of water flow is therefore the same as its thickness, i.e. 41 mm for the containment barrier for the small capsule and 27 mm for the containment barrier for the large capsule (Table 5). 6. Flow moves horizontally through the disposal zone. The length of the disposal zone in the direction of water flow is therefore the same as the distance between the disposal container and the borehole casing, i.e. 12.5 mm (Section 3.1.2). 7. Flow moves horizontally through the backfill of the disturbed zone between the casing and the borehole wall. The length of the disturbed zone in the direction of water flow is therefore the same as the distance between the borehole casing and the borehole wall, i.e. 50 mm (Section 3.1.2). 8. Flow moves horizontally through the borehole. Therefore, the area of each compartment perpendicular to water flow is calculated using a formula based on the depth of compartment multiplied by the diameter of compartment 9. Taken to be the distance between the mid points of the adjacent compartments. 10. Equal to the circumference of the compartment multiplied by its depth. 144 TABLE D.16. TIMES FOR THE FAILURE OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THE NEAR-FIELD COMPONENTS FOR THE DESIGN SCENARIO Component Failure Times (y, from time of disposal) Aerobic Conditions Anaerobic Conditions Start of Failure (3) Totally Failed (4) Start of Failure (3) Totally Failed (4) Backfill Cement (1) 5.15E+02 5.64E+02 1.03E+03 1.13E+03 Stainless steel disposal container (2) 6.40E+02 6.40E+02 5.91E+03 5.91E+03 Containment Barrier (small capsule) (1) 8.49E+02 8.69E+02 6.32E+03 6.36E+03 Stainless steel capsule (small) (2) 9.55E+02 9.55E+02 8.75E+03 8.75E+03 Containment Barrier (large capsule) (1) 6.73E+02 6.76E+02 5.97E+03 5.98E+03 Stainless steel capsule (large) (2) 7.73E+02 7.73E+02 9.18E+03 9.18E+03 Notes 1. Data derived from Table H.1. (IAEA, 2008.) 2. Data taken from Table I.13. (IAEA, 2008.) 3. Represents start of degradation for cement grout (i.e. end of Stage 2/start of Stage 3). 4. Represents end of degradation for cement grout (i.e. end of Stage 3/start of Stage 4). 145 TABLE D.17. TIMES FOR THE FAILURE OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THE NEAR-FIELD COMPONENTS FOR THE DEFECT SCENARIO VARIANTS Defect Scenario D1 Component Failure Times (y, from time of disposal) Aerobic Conditions Start of Failure (8) Anaerobic Co Totally Failed (9) Start of Failure (8) Backfill Cement (1) 5.15E+02 5.64E+02 1.03E+03 Stainless steel disposal container (2) 6.40E+02 6.40E+02 5.91E+03 Containment Barrier (small capsule) (1) 8.49E+02 8.69E+02 6.32E+03 0 9.55E+02 0 6.73E+02 6.76E+02 5.97E+03 0 7.73E+02 0 Defective stainless steel capsule (small) (5) Containment Barrier (large capsule) (1) Defective stainless steel capsule (large) (5) 146 F Defect Scenario D2 Component Failure Times (y, from time of disposal) Aerobic Conditions Anaerobic Conditions Start of Failure (8) Totally Failed (9) Start of Failure (8) Totally Failed (9) Backfill Cement (1) 5.15E+02 5.64E+02 1.03E+03 1.13E+03 Failed stainless steel disposal container (3) 0.00E+00 6.40E+02 0.00E+00 5.91E+03 Containment Barrier (small capsule) (1) 5.15E+02 5.64E+02 4.19E+03 4.59E+03 Stainless steel capsule (small) in failed disposal container (4) 6.30E+02 6.30E+02 6.89E+03 6.89E+03 Containment Barrier (large capsule) (1) 5.15E+02 5.64E+02 1.03E+03 1.13E+03 Stainless steel capsule (large) in failed disposal container (4) 6.30E+02 6.30E+02 4.31E+03 4.31E+03 147 Defective Scenario D3 Component Failure Times (y, from time of disposal) Aerobic Conditions Anaerobic Conditions Start of Failure (8) Totally Failed (9) Start of Failure (8) Totally Failed (9) Backfill Cement (6) 2.58E+01 4.94E+01 5.15E+01 9.95E+01 Stainless steel disposal container (2) 1.38E+02 1.38E+02 4.90E+03 4.90E+03 Containment Barrier (small capsule) (6) 1.48E+02 1.58E+02 4.92E+03 4.94E+03 Stainless steel capsule (small) (2) 2.51E+02 2.51E+02 7.34E+03 7.34E+03 Containment Barrier (large capsule) (6) 1.39E+02 1.41E+02 4.90E+03 4.90E+03 Stainless steel capsule (large) (2) 2.40E+02 2.40E+02 8.10E+03 8.10E+03 148 Defective Scenario D4 Component Failure Times (y, from time of disposal) Aerobic Conditions Anaerobic Conditions Start of Failure (8) Totally Failed (9) Start of Failure (8) Totally Failed (9) 5.15E+02 5.64E+02 1.03E+03 1.13E+03 Failed stainless steel disposal container (7) 0 6.40E+02 0 5.91E+03 Containment Barrier (small capsule) in failed disposal container (1) 5.15E+02 5.64E+02 4.19E+03 4.59E+03 Failed stainless steel capsule (small) in failed disposal container (7) 0 9.55E+02 0 8.75E+03 Containment Barrier (large capsule) in failed disposal container (1) 5.15E+02 5.64E+02 1.03E+03 1.13E+03 Failed stainless steel capsule (large) in failed disposal container (2) 0 7.73E+02 0 9.18E+03 Backfill Cement (1) 149 Notes 1. Data derived from Table H.1. of IAEA, 2008. 2. Data taken from Table I.13. of IAEA, 2008. 3. Assumes that disposal container has a defective weld. 4. Early failure of disposal container only affects failure time of capsule in that container. 5. Assumes that one capsule has a defective weld. It is assumed that the defective weld allows access to 10% of the waste once the disposal container has failed. It is assumed that, once the defective capsule fails, there is a ramp up to 100% of the waste being available. Note that although the defective capsule is assumed to have failed at t=0, no releases of radionuclides occur until the waste container is breached. 6. Data derived from Table H.2 of (IAEA, 2008). 7. Assumes that one capsule has a defective weld and this is contained in a disposal container that also has a defective weld. It is assumed that the defective weld in the capsule allows access to 10% of the waste. It is assumed that, once the defective capsule fails, there is a ramp up to 100% of the waste being available. 8. Represents start of degradation for cement grout (i.e. end of Stage 2/start of Stage 3). 9. Represents end of degradation for cement grout (i.e. end of Stage 3/start of Stage 4). 150 D.4 GEOSPHERE ELEMENT-INDEPENDENT DATA TABLE D.18. GEOSPHERE FLOW DATA Parameter Saturated Geosphere Units Porous System m y-1 7.3E+1 Hydraulic gradient (1) - 5E-2 Total porosity (1) - 1.5E-1 Degree of saturation (3) - 1E+0 kg m-3 2.65E+3 Hydraulic conductivity (1) Grain density (4) Fractured System Fracture 7.3E+1 Matrix Fracture Matrix Fracture Matrix Fracture Matrix Fracture Matrix 5E-2 1.5E-1 5E-3 (2) 1E+0 1E+0 2.65E+3 2.65E+3 151 Notes 1. Data is taken from Section 3.2.3. It is assumed in the fractured system that the matrix does not contribute to flow and so hydraulic conductivity and hydraulic gradient values do not need to be specified. 2. For fractured system assume matrix porosity to be 5E-3 (consistent with [1]). 3. By definition, the degree of saturation in the saturated zone is unity. 4. Grain density of quartz assumed. References for Table D.18 [1] Andersson J (1999). SR 97 Data and Data Uncertainties.Compilation of Data and Data Uncertainties for Radionuclide Transport Calculations.SKB Technical Report TR-99-09, Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company, Stockholm. TABLE D.20. GEOSPHERE TRANSPORT DATA FOR DISPOSAL IN THE SATURATED ZONE System Parameter Number of compartments between the disposal borehole and the abstraction borehole Length of each compartment in direction of water flow (3) Area of each compartment perpendicular to water flow (4) Diffusion length between adjacent compartments (6) Area over which diffusion occurs (8) Units Porous System - 5 (1) m 20 m2 38 m 20 m2 38 Fractured System Fracture 5 (1) Matrix 5 (2) Fracture Matrix Fracture Matrix Fracture Matrix Fracture Matrix (m2 m-3) 20 20 (2) 38 - (5) 20 0.02 (7) 38 1 (9) Notes 1. For an advection dominated system, the number of compartments should equal the Peclet number divided by two (see [1]). Peclet number is equal to the distance from the disposal borehole to the abstraction borehole (100 m ) divide by the longitudinal dispersion length (assumed to be 10% (see [2]) of the distance from the disposal borehole to the abstraction borehole). 2. Assumes that each fracture compartment has an associated matrix compartment between which there is a diffusive flux. 153 3. The distance to the abstraction borehole from the disposal borehole (100 m) divided by the number of compartments in the saturated zone (5). 4. It is assumed that the radionuclides enter the saturated zone over the entire length of the disposal zone considered in the AMBER model (38 m) and then are dispersed transverse to the direction of flow. The degree of transverse dispersion is assumed to be 1% of the distance to the abstraction borehole, consistent with [3], resulting in a plume cross-sectional area of 50 m2.. 5. It is assumed that there is no flow water in the matrix. 6. Assumed to be equal to the length of each compartment. 7. Value taken from [4] for rock matrix depth. 8. Assumed to equal to the area of each compartment perpendicular to water flow. 9. Assumes that transverse diffusion occurs from/to fracture into/from rock matrix (see Equation 19 and Equation 20). Values represent the flow wetted surface area per unit volume of rock and are based on data given in [4] taking into the assumed degree of saturation (see Table D.18). References for Table D.20 [1] Penfold, J.S.S., R.H. Little, P.C. Robinson, and D. Savage. 2002. Improved Safety Assessment Modelling of Immobilised LLW Packages for Disposal. Ontario Power Generation Technical Report 05386-REP-03469.3-10002-R00. Toronto, Ontario. [2] IAEA (2004). Improvement of Safety Assessment Methodologies for Near Surface Disposal Facilities. Volume I: Review and Enhancement of Safety Assessment Approaches and Tools. IAEA-ISAM-1, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. [3] Neuman, S.P. (1990). Universal Scaling of Hydraulic Conductivities and Dispersivities in Geological Media, Water Resources Research, Vol. 26, No. 8, pp. 1749-1758. 154 [4] Andersson J (1999). SR 97 Data and Data Uncertainties.Compilation of Data and Data Uncertainties for Radionuclide Transport Calculations.SKB Technical Report TR-99-09, Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company, Stockholm. TABLE D.21. FRACTION OF WATER DEMAND SUPPLIED BY CONTAMINATED WATER FOR DIFFERENT GEOSPHERES AND CALCULATION CASES Drinking Water Only Calculation Case All Other Cases Location of Disposal Zone Saturated Zone (1) Location of Disposal Zone Saturated Zone (2) Porous system 1.00E+0 5.22E-1 Fractured system 1.00E+0 5.22E-1 Geosphere Note 1. The minimum value of unity and the result of dividing the water flux in which the contaminated plume is mixed (139 m3 y-1– derived by multiplying the cross-sectional area of the plume (Table D.20) by the hydraulic gradient and hydraulic conductivity (Table D.19)), by the assumed drinking water abstraction rate (2.92 m3 y-1) (2 l d-1 per person). 2. The minimum value of unity and the result of dividing the water flux in which the contaminated plume is mixed (139 m3 y-1), by the assumed water abstraction rate (266 m3 y-1) (Table D.22). 155 D.5 BIOSPHERE ELEMENT-INDEPENDENT DATA TABLE D.22.BIOSPHERE COMPARTMENT PARAMETERS AND PROCESSES Parameter Depth Length Width Total porosity Degree of saturation Grain density Percolation rate Inhalable dust concentration Erosion rate Volume of irrigation water that reaches the soil Volume of non-irrigation water plus irrigation water intercepted by crops Site Dweller (9) Units Farmer (8) m m m kg m-3 m y-1 kg m-3 m y-1 Surface Soil 2.5E-1 (1) 3.51E+1 (2) 1E+1 (2) 3E-1 (1) 3.3E-1 (3) 2.65E+3 (4) 5E-2 (3) 2E-8 (1) 1E-3 (5) Surface Soil 2.5E-1 (1) 3.51E+1 (2) 1E+1 (2) 3E-1(1) 3.3E-1 (3) 2.65E+3 (4) 5E-2 (3) 2E-8 (1) 1E-3 (5) m3 y-1 71 (6) - (10) m3 y-1 195 (7) - (10) 156 Notes 1. Data taken from [1]. 2. An area of 351 m2 is required to grow root and green vegetables to meet the assumed demand of an exposure group of four people (Table D.23), assuming the yields given in Table D.24. Assuming a nominal width of 10 m, the length is therefore 35.1 m. 3. Consistent with [2]. 4. Grain density of quartz. 5. See Section 3.3.1. 6. Value derived by multiplying the depth of irrigation water applied to root and green vegetables (Table D.24), the area of root and green vegetables required to meet the assumed demand of an exposure group of four people (Table D.23) (assuming the yields given in Table D.24), and unity minus the interception fraction for irrigation water (Table D.24). 7. Value derived by summing the volume of water intercepted by crops and the volume of water required by cows and humans. The volume of water intercepted by crops is calculated by multiplying the depth of irrigation water applied to root and green vegetables (Table D.24), the area of root and green vegetables required to meet the assumed demand of an exposure group of four people (Table D.23) (assuming the yields given in Table D.24), and the interception fraction for irrigation water (Table D.24). The volume of water required by cows is calculated by multiplying the number of cows (i.e. four) required to meet the assumed meet and milk demands of an exposure group of four people (Table D.23) by the annual water consumption rate of cows (derived from the daily rate given in Table D.24). The volume of water required by humans is calculated by multiplying the number of humans in the exposure group (i.e. four) by the annual water consumption rate of humans (Table D.23). 8. Exposed via the liquid release resulting from corrosion of the disposal container and waste capsule. 9. Exposed via the solid release resulting from erosion of the cover zone. 10. Does not use contaminated water. References for Table D.22 [1] IAEA (2003). The Use of Safety Assessment in the Derivation of Activity Limits for Disposal of Radioactive Waste to Near Surface Facilities. IAEATECDOC-1380, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. 157 [2] IAEA (2008). Generic Post-closure Safety Assessment for Borehole Disposal of Disused Sealed Sources. IAEA Draft Safety Report (Draft 0.8), International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. [3] Little R H, van Blerk J, Walke R C and Bowden R A (2004). Generic PostClosure Safety Assessment and Derivation of Activity Limits for the Borehole Disposal Concept. Quintessa Report QRS-1128A-6 v2.0, Quintessa Limited, Henley-on-Thames, UK. [4] BNFL (2002). Drigg Post-Closure Safety Case. British Nuclear Fuels plc, Sellafield. TABLE D.23. HUMAN BEHAVIOUR PARAMETERS Exposure Mechanism Contaminated drinking water Contaminated root vegetables Contaminated green vegetables Contaminated beef Ingestion Contaminated cow’s milk Contaminated soil Contaminated fish Contaminated outdoor air Contaminated indoor air Time spent on contaminated soil Time spent in contaminated building Time spent in contaminated water Inhalation Occupancy Units m3 y-1 kg fw y-1 kg fw y-1 kg fw y-1 kg fw y-1 kg fw h-1 kg fw y-1 m3 h-1 m3 h-1 Farmer 0.73 (1) Exposure Group House Site Dweller Dweller (6) - 235 (2) - 235 (2) 62 (2) - 62 (2) 95 (2) - 300 (2) - - 1.5E-5 (3) - - 6.9 (4) - - 1 (2) - 0.75 (2) 1 (2) - h y-1 2192 (2) - 2192 (2) h y-1 - 6575 (2) - h y-1 365 (5) - - Notes 1. Assumes water consumption rate of 2 l/d. 2. Data taken from [1]. 3. Data taken from [2] assuming that the annual value quoted in [2] results from an exposure to contaminated soil of 8 hours per day. 158 4. Data taken from [3]. Ingestion of fish only considered for the variant calculation that assumes contaminated groundwater is used to supply a fish farm. 5. Assumes 1 h d-1. Only considered for the variant calculation that assumes contaminated groundwater is used for bathing. References for Table D.23 [1] IAEA (2003). Only exposed through growing crops on contaminated soil due to erosion of closure zone. The Use of Safety Assessment in the Derivation of Activity Limits for Disposal of Radioactive Waste to Near Surface Facilities. IAEA-TECDOC-1380, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. [2] Yu C, Loureiro C, Cheng J-J, Jones L G, Wang Y Y, Chia Y P and Faillace E (1993). Data Collection Handbook to Support Modelling the Impacts of Radioactive Material in Soil.Argonne National Laboratory, Report ANL/EA15-8. [3] IAEA (2003). “Reference Biospheres” for Solid Radioactive Waste Disposal: Report of BIOMASS Theme 1 of the BIOsphere Modelling and ASSessment (BIOMASS Programme). IAEA-BIOMASS-6, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. TABLE D.24. NON-ELEMENT DEPENDENT PLANT PARAMETERS Parameter Soil contamination of crop Yield of crop Depth of irrigation water applied to crop Interception fraction for irrigation water Time interval between irrigation and harvesting kg dw soil/kg fw crop (1) kg fw m-2 y-1 (2) Root Vegetables 1.5E-4 3.5E+0 Green Vegetables 1.0E-4 3.0E+0 m y-1 (2) (3) 3.0E-1 3.0E-1 - (2) (3) 3.3E-1 3.3E-1 y (3) (4) 4.0E-2 2.E-2 Units Notes 1. Data taken from [1]. 2. Data taken from [2]. 159 3. Irrigation of crop with contaminated water only considered for the liquid release calculation cases. 4. Data taken from [3]. References for Table D.24 [1] Little R H, van Blerk J, Walke R C and Bowden R A (2004). Generic PostClosure Safety Assessment and Derivation of Activity Limits for the Borehole Disposal Concept. Quintessa Report QRS-1128A-6 v2.0, Quintessa Limited, Henley-on-Thames, UK. [2] IAEA (2003). The Use of Safety Assessment in the Derivation of Activity Limits for Disposal of Radioactive Waste to Near Surface Facilities. IAEATECDOC-1380, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. [3] IAEA (2003). “Reference Biospheres” for Solid Radioactive Waste Disposal: Report of BIOMASS Theme 1 of the BIOsphere Modelling and ASSessment (BIOMASS Programme). IAEA-BIOMASS-6, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. TABLE D.25. NON-ELEMENT DEPENDENT ANIMAL PARAMETERS Parameter Units Cows Consumption of water m3 d-1 6E-2 (1) Notes 1. Data taken from [1]. References for Table D.25 [1] IAEA (2003). The Use of Safety Assessment in the Derivation of Activity Limits for Disposal of Radioactive Waste to Near Surface Facilities. IAEATECDOC-1380, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. 160 161