01/27/2015 Meeting Minutes

Supervisor Ormsby called the Regular Meeting of the Town of Schuyler Falls Town Board to order at 6:00 p.m.
George Seymour
Barry White
Howard Newton
Willard Todd
Harold Ormsby
Donna Hamel
John Rock
Michael McCormick X
PUBLIC RECOGNITION Mary Sorrell, Barb Benkwitt
All Board Members were provided with a copy of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting that was held on December
22, 2014 before this meeting.
Mr. White made a motion to approve and accept the Minutes as presented, Seconded by Mr. Todd.
AYES: Mr. Ormsby, Mr. White, Mr. Newton, Mr. Todd
ABSENT: Mr. Seymour
All Board Members were provided with a copy of the Minutes of the Organizational Meeting that was held on
January 5, 2015 before this meeting. The Town Clerk stated that Resolution 15-11 reflected the starting rate for
minimum wage at $8.50 an hour. The starting rate for minimum wage should be $8.75.
Mr. Newton made a motion to approve and accept the Minutes as presented with the change, Seconded by
Mr. White.
AYES: Mr. Ormsby, Mr. White, Mr. Newton, Mr. Todd
ABSENT: Mr. Seymour
1. Received a copy of a letter sent to Earth Waste Systems from an attorney retained by Frank McKinney
regarding several concerns.
2. Received a letter from the Town’s Attorney, Michael McCormick, regarding on how to proceed with the
recommendation by the Codes Officer for demolition of unsafe structures on Newell Court.
3. Received a draft letter from the Town’s Attorney to send to the resident s of Macey Lane. This letter was
drafted and reviewed by both the Town’s Attorney and Garrow Water Work’s Attorney and contains
information for the residents regarding the transition of the Macey Lane Water District
Mr. Newton made a motion to file the communications, which was seconded by Mr. White. and was
unanimously approved.
MONTHLY REPORTS Town Clerk, Supervisor, Morrisonville Water, Woods Mills Water, Safety & Codes,
Mr. Todd made a motion to file the reports; Seconded by Mr. Newton.
AYES: Mr. White, Mr. Newton, Mr. Todd, Mr. Ormsby
ABSENT: Mr. Seymour
RECEIPTS Town Clerk/$445.00 Judge Cumm/$1,529.00, Judge Van Nortwick/$1,806.00
Morrisonville Water/$14,115.61.00, Woods Mills Water/$3,244.45, CC Treasurer-Snow Removal /$55,230.50,
CC 4th Quarter Sales Tax/$13,965.89, Luck Bros.-Electric Reimbursement-10/30/14-1/2/2015/$227.05,Casella
Host Fees-4th Quarter/$69,462.50
Mr. Newton made a motion to file the receipts; Seconded by Mr. White.
AYES: Mr. White, Mr. Newton, Mr. Todd, Mr. Ormsby
ABSENT: Mr. Seymour
Mr. White made a motion to file the Minutes of the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting that was held on
December 16, 2014. This motion was seconded by Mr. Todd. and was unanimously approved.
Highway/ Mr. Rock reported that he and his crew have been busy plowing and sanding the roads. They have also
been routine maintenance on the trucks. He mentioned that the new truck that was ordered will be delivered
Councilman/ Mr. Todd asked Mr. Ormsby if anything was done to get the wells for the Morrisonville Water
District ready in case of an ice jam at the temporary bridge. Mr. Ormsby said that he would contact the Town of
Plattsburgh to find out if there is an emergency plan if the water line going across the bridge were to be washed out
in the event of an ice jam occurring in the river and taking out the temporary bridge. The temporary bridge is at
least four or five feet lower than the bridge that was there. Mr. Todd mentioned possibility of getting a valve key
from the Town of Plattsburgh and putting it in the fire station for an emergency turn off of the water on that side of
the bridge. Mr. Ormsby will ask about this.
Mr. Newton told the Board members that he hopes to revisit the natural gas subject with the NYSEG officials in the
beginning of February. Donna Hamel mentioned that a resident from Woods Mills came into the office today to
inquire about natural gas. She told the resident that two members of the Town Board are working on this matter.
Supervisor/ Mr. Ormsby told the Board members that on January 22nd, he and Mr. Seymour met with RJ LaBerge,
Ed and Larry Garrow, Mr. McCormick and Lori Cantwell, the attorney representing the Garrows’ to finalize the few
items that needed to be settled before the final purchase of the water district on Macey Lane. After a lengthy
meeting, he thinks that the purchase closing date will be on January 28 th.
Pete Keenan, County Legislator, met with Mr. Ormsby regarding the new contract between the Town and the
Landfill. Mr. Keenan was supposed to send paperwork for the Board to review, but to date, has not received
Mr. Ormsby attended a County Supervisor’s meeting. At the meeting, it was requested that all Towns provide Mr.
Bassett who is the Chairman of the County Supervisors, with the salaries of all employees that receive a paycheck
from their municipality including elected, appointed, salaried, civil service. A master list of the salaries with be
compiled and sent to the Towns for comparison.
Andrew Davis, a resident on Maple Street inquired on what it would cost to have his meter pit taken out and
replaced by a meter in his house. Mr. Ormsby was quoted a price of $2,862.00 from Branon Construction, the
company that is installing meter pits and meters for the Town. A letter was sent to Mr. Davis for his information.
Mr. Ormsby told the Board members that a resident from the Woods Mills Water District needed to have a water
meter pit replaced. He mentioned that the Town needs to update their policy regarding the water laws as there really
is nothing concrete regarding the repair or replacing of meters or meter pits.
Mr. Ormsby received a letter from the Peru Central School informing him that once again, the Budget Advisory
Committee is recruiting individuals in the Town who reside within the boundaries of the school to attend
information meetings regarding the budget. Mr. Newton mentioned that he would be interested in attending these
Historian/Barb Benkwitt visited the County Museum on Saturday for an exhibit that will be there until the end of
October. This year, the County Museum days will be held on June 6 th and 7th.
MOTION BY: Mr. Newton
WHEREAS, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, provides that no qualified
individual shall, solely by reason of his or her handicap, be excluded from program participation, including
employment, be denied program benefits, or be subjected to discrimination.
WHEREAS, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 establishes provisions for assuring equality of
opportunity, full participation, independent living and self-sufficiency of disabled persons relative to
employment, benefits and services accommodations, commercial facilities and multi-family housing.
WHEREAS, it is the Town’s responsibility to adopt and provide notice of specific grievance procedures that
incorporated due process standards and provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of Section 504
related complaints, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Town of Schuyler Falls adopts the ADA Policy as required by the with the
Americans with Disabilities ACT and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act 1973.
AYES: Mr. White, Mr. Newton, Mr. Todd, Mr. Ormsby
ABSENT: Mr. Seymour
MOTION BY: Mr. White
WHEREAS, the Town Board did provide in its 2015 budget an appropriation in the amount of $500.00 for
RESOLVED, the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to sign the contract between the Town of Schuyler
Falls and North Country Life Flight, Inc. for the year 2015.
AYES: Mr. White, Mr. Newton, Mr. Todd, Mr. Ormsby
ABSENT: Mr. Seymour
MOTION BY: Mr. White
RESOLVED, that the Town of Schuyler Falls enter into an agreement with the Elmore SPCA in the
amount of 3,146.00 for the calendar year of 2015.
DISCUSSION: Amount of Contract the same as last year
AYES: Mr. White, Mr. Newton, Mr. Todd, Mr. Ormsby
ABSENT: Mr. Seymour
MOTION BY: Mr. White
RESOLVED, that the Regular Town Board Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 24, 2015 be
rescheduled for Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.
AYES: Mr. White, Mr. Newton, Mr. Todd, Mr. Ormsby
ABSENT: Mr. Seymour
MOTION BY: Mr. White
RESOLVED, that the records of the records of the following Town officials who receive or disburse any
money of the Town will be accepted and approved as presented:
Mary Sorrell, Secretary to the Supervisor
DISCUSSION: Year end for 2014 is now complete
AYES: Mr. White, Mr. Newton, Mr. Todd, Mr. Ormsby
ABSENT: Mr. Seymour
MOTION BY: Mr. White
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 284 of the Highway Law requires that prior to expending any funds
appropriated for improvement or repair of highways, the Town Board and the Highways Superintendent is
required to execute an agreement dictating how and where expenditures made for improvement and repair of
highways, and
WHEREAS, under the statutory framework, the Highway Superintendent is responsible for preparing an
annual budget for mandated items for the fiscal year, while the Town board is responsible for receiving and
securing the public funds and may modify the budget prepared by the Highway Superintendent: be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board along with the Superintendent of Highways enter into the agreement
attached for the repair and improvement of highways for the year 2015, and be it further
RESOLVED, that any changes to this agreement must be modified by all parties.
AYES: Mr. White, Mr. Newton, Mr. Todd, Mr. Ormsby
ABSENT: Mr. Seymour
MOTION BY: Mr. White
WHEREAS, in December 2014, the Codes Officer received pre-demolition asbestos inspection reports for
the residential structures located at 34, 57, and 60 Newell Court in the Town of Schuyler Falls, and
WHEREAS, after review of the reports and in accordance with the Town of Schuyler Falls Local Law titled,
“Unsafe Structure Law” has concluded that 34 Newell Court, Tax Map #204.-3-23.4, 57 Newell Court, Tax
Map #204.-3-23.5 and 60 Newell Court, Tax Map #204.-3-23.3 are deemed dangerous or unsafe to the general
public, and
WHEREAS, the owners or persons with interest of record are New England Waste Service of NY, Harding
& Carbone, 3903 Bellaire Blvd, Houston, TX 77025, now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Schuyler Falls Town Board hereby approves the continuation of the
process, including, but not limited to, the forwarding of the required Notice of Unsafe Building or Structure
to the required owners or persons with interest, and all required legal action regarding the enforcement of
the provisions of the Town Code and the Local Law for these properties known as 34, 57 and 60 Newell
AYES: Mr. White, Mr. Newton, Mr. Todd, Mr. Ormsby
ABSENT: Mr. Seymour
MOTION BY: Mr. Newton
RESOLVED, that the Town Board re-appoints Sandra Maddox to the Planning Board, appointment effective
immediately and to expire on December 31, 2021.
SECONDED BY: Mr. Mr. White
AYES: Mr. White, Mr. Newton, Mr. Todd, Mr. Ormsby
ABSENT: Mr. Seymour
$ 77,559.06
General Abstract for the Month of January
$ 253,993.48
Highway Abstract for the Month of January
$ 53,513.61
Morrisonville Water Abstract for the Month of January
$ 48,916.06
Woods Mills Water Abstract for the Month of January
$ 319,872.62
Macey Lane Water Abstract for the Month of January
Audit only Abstract for the Month of January
Fire Districts Abstract for the Month of January
$ 100,250.00
Ambulance Dist. #1 Abstract for the Month of January
Vouchers for Claims
Vouchers for Audit Only (#20150002-201500019)
Payroll Claims for Month of January (#201500020-201500033 VOIDED)
Mr. Newton made a motion to pay the claims, which was seconded by Mr. White.
AYES: Mr. White, Mr. Newton, Mr. Todd, Mr. Ormsby
ABSENT: Mr. Seymour
The Town Clerk told the Board members that at the Association of Towns meeting in February, the Town Board can
designate a delegate and an alternate delegate to attend the Association’s Annual Business meeting on the
Wednesday, February 18. She said that the Deputy Supervisor usually attends the meeting, but being that there are
two Councilmen attending the conference, it might be a good experience for one of them. Mr. Newton expressed his
interest in being the delegate. Mr. White made a motion to designate Mr. Newton as the delegate. This motion was
seconded by Mr. Todd and unanimously approved. Mr. Newton made a motion to designate Mr. Todd as the
alternate. This motion was seconded by Mr. White and was unanimously approved. The Town Clerk will send the
paperwork down to the Association of Towns.
Mr. Ormsby told the Board members that unless the landfill contract comes in the mail for the Board members to
review, he really does not have any other reason to hold a work session on the 2 nd of February. It was said that all
Board members are still reviewing the noise ordinances from the two other Towns.
Work Sessions (If Needed)
Regular Meeting
February 2, 2015
February 17, 2015
5:00 p.m.
February 25, 2015
6:00 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT Mr. Newton made a motion to adjourn, which was Seconded by Mr. Todd; and was
UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED Adjournment/ 6:45p.m.
Donna Hamel/Town Clerk