Laura Bradt 2011-2012 UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWS PROGRAM PROPOSAL INTRODUCTION An Argonne National Labs study indentifies produced water as underground water brought to the surface by oil or gas production. The United States generates 1.7 to 2.3 billion gallons of produced water every day [1]. This water contains high levels of organic and salt compounds. Produced water management either involves reuse or disposal. Disposal can occur by re-injection into the well, discharge into the environment, reuse in oil production, or beneficial consumption. Discharging and reusing for beneficial consumption both involve strict quality regulations. However, current treatments struggle to remove small oil particles and solvated pollutants [2]. Oil producing countries with extreme shortages of water seek processes treating water or beneficial consumption [3]. Beneficial consumption involves agricultural and consumer use of water. Geographic location, geologic formation, type of hydrocarbon produced, and age of production well influence the physical and chemical properties of produced water [1]. In addition, re-injection of produced water into wells can affect the properties of water produced from that well. The Argonne study found that Texas creates the most produced water at over seven million barrels. The most used methods of disposal are injection for enhanced recovery, injection or disposal, and surface discharge, respectively [1]. Produced water research approach at Texas A&M University involves studying the treatment process of pretreatment followed by reverse osmosis. The system is optimized using models of flow, feed composition, temperature, and pressure. The goal of my research is to Laura Bradt develop an inexpensive, optimal, high reliability, and low maintenance unit for produced water treatment [4]. One of the goals of treatment is beneficial re-use. This usually involves lowering the concentration of salt and organic pollutants in the water [5]. Depending on the method, produced water treatment can be cheaper than reinjection. Water poor areas highly value this treated water [6]. Mohamed, Maraqa, and Al Handhaly evaluated the procedures for disposal of reject brine into the desert soils of the Middle East. Disposal occurred into an unlined pit with chemical content exceeding Gulf Cooperation Council standards [7]. Al-Faifi describes the deterioration of soil that occurs with the disposal of waste brine into evaporation ponds. The main issue involves the exchange of calcium ions in the soil with sodium ions from the waste brine. This process decreases the water infiltration and aeration of the soil [3], because sodium ions disperse clay. Clay is essential to the water infiltration, aeration, and nutrient content of the soil. OBJECTIVE Treatment options in desalination plants include chemical, physical, and biological methods to create water for consumption and use. Desalination plants often dispose of the waste brine and treated water onto the land. Movement of water and salts are major soil forming processes. Waste Brine Land Disposal Treated Produced Water Re-use and Land Disposal Cumulative Effects on Soil Figure 1: Research Project Focus Areas Desalination Process Produced Water Retrieved from Well Laura Bradt The research project will seek to address the gap in engineering knowledge of the cumulative effect of wastewater retrieval, treatment, and disposal on the soil and surrounding environment. Filling this knowledge gap will lead to a methodology that identifies any part of the treatment process that negatively affects soil subjected to treated water, waste brine, land disposal. Identifying these issues will help achieve process optimization leading to the most favorable process configuration for a given soil. METHODOLOGY The initial phase of research will involve compiling detailed descriptions and process diagrams of several desalination processes including reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, and waste stabilization ponds. This phase will be followed by research on the general impacts of the components of treated produced water and waste brine on any soil. Identifying undesirable components will guide evaluation and optimization of each process. The software, Lingo, can aid in solving optimization problems; and the software, Aspen, can aid in modeling processes. SUMMARY This research will occur during the Fall of 2011 and the Spring of 2012. The goal is to optimize desalination of water processed to produce minimal effect on soil after land disposal of the treated water and waste brine. The results, will contribute to a process design and demonstrate use of a methodology to evaluate the impact of any process on soil after land disposal of products. WORKS CITED: Laura Bradt [1] C.E. Clark, J.A. Veil, Produced Water Volumes and Management Practices in the United States, in, Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, 2009. [2] F.R. Ahmadun, A. Pendashteh, L.C. Abdullah, D.R.A. Biak, S.S. Madaeni, Z.Z. Abidin, Review of technologies for oil and gas produced water treatment, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 170 (2009) 530551. [3] H. Al-Faifi, A.M. Al-Omran, M. Nadeem, A. El-Eter, H.A. Khater, S.E. El-Maghraby, Soil deterioration as influenced by land disposal of reject brine from Salbukh water desalination plant at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Desalination, 250 (2010) 479-484. 4] G. Morales, M. Barrufet, Desalination of Produced Water Using Reverse Osmosis, in, Texas A&M University, 2002. [5] M. Melo, H. Schluter, J. Ferreira, R. Magda, A. Junior, O. de Aquino, Advanced performance evaluation of a reverse osmosis treatment for oilfield produced water aiming reuse, Desalination, 250 (2010) 1016-1018. [6] A. Szep, R. Kohlheb, Water treatment technology for produced water, Water Science and Technology, 62 (2010) 2372-2380. [7] A.M.O. Mohamed, M. Maraqa, J. Al Handhaly, Impact of land disposal of reject brine from desalination plants on soil and gr[oundwater, Desalination, 182 (2005) 411-433.