Master’s Project Proposal: An Investigation into the use of FEA methods for the prediction of Thermal Stress Ratcheting By: Huse, Stephen 08/30/2014 Abstract: The selected topic for my master’s project is the analysis of thermal ratcheting through the use of numerical FEA methods. Thermal ratcheting results from a combination of severe pressure, moment, and thermal stresses. This project will compare the current analytical methods used in the ASME commercial code for thermal ratcheting to the FEA results of this project, with the goal being to be able to more accurately predict accumulated ratcheting strain for complex geometry. The first part of the project will focus on development of the FEA calculation methods using the computer program ABAQUS, Reference (a) for simple pipe geometry. This FEA calculation will require two models, one for heat transfer analysis and the other for elastic-plastic analysis (which uses the results from the heat transfer analysis). The models will include pipe cross section, thermal properties, mechanical properties, and load conditions. The second part of the project will broaden the focus to include thermal ratcheting analysis for a tee fitting’s more complex geometry. Background: The failure mode of thermal ratcheting was initially considered in the work of Bree, reference (c). In his article, he proposed what is now known as the Bree diagram or shakedown diagram, as shown in Figure (1). The Bree diagram was created from analyses of thin walled tubing in nuclear applications where thermal gradient stresses can be very high. The diagram analytically predicted the conditions necessary for plastic strains to accumulate in piping and pressure vessels. Figure 1: Bree’s Shakedown Diagram from Reference (b) figure 3.1, for axisymmetric shells under constant internal pressure and cyclical thermal gradient stress For figure (1), the X axis is primary stress over yield stress. For primary stress due to internal pressure the stress can be calculated with a thin walled approximation resulting PDo PDo in which leads to X where P is pressure, Do is outer diameter, t is pipe 2tS y 2t wall thickness, and Sy is yield strength at the average fluid temperature of the transient. The Y axis is half of the maximum secondary stress range over yield stress Y SE . 2S y Primary stress is loads such as deadweight and pressure that do not reduce when strain occurs, but will continue until ductile failure occurs. Secondary stress is loads such as thermal expansion moments and thermal gradient stress that will reduce when strain occurs. The labeled regions in Figure (1) are as follows: E is the pure elastic region where no plastic strain occurs, S1 and S2 are the plastic shakedown regions where initially, plastic strain accumulates but then tapers off as the pipe settles into a purely elastic response, P is the plastic stability region where plastic strain will cycle between the maximum and minimum stresses, but will not continue to failure, and lastly, R1 and R2 are the ratcheting regions where the combination of primary and secondary stresses result in eventual failure of the structure. The thermal discontinuity that Bree considered was a linearized temperature gradient through the wall of the piping. Temperature gradients, as illustrated in Figure (2), are the sum of the mean temperature, T, the linearized temperature gradient, V (more commonly written as ∆T1), and the surface temperature gradient, ∆T2. Figure 2: Illustration of temperature gradients from Reference (e), Figure NB-3653.2(b)-1 Problem Description: Nuclear power plants in particular are susceptible to high thermal ratcheting strains due to rapid increases and decreases in the temperature of the bulk water flowing through piping. When cold water from outside the power plant quickly flows through piping that was previously hot, the inside of the pipe thermally contracts while the outside diameter remains hot, causing a through wall temperature gradient resulting in tensile stress. After the piping cools down, hot water from inside the plant can quickly flow through the piping resulting in the inside of the pipe thermally expanding while the outside temporarily remains cold. This temperature inequality or gradient creates a compressive thermal stress. Related to the local through wall gradients and stresses is the gross thermal expansion and contraction of the piping system resulting in potentially high secondary moments which will bend the piping creating stress. For this project, the response of external factors such as secondary moment will be assumed. The previously discussed loads combined with large primary stresses due to high pressures result in plastic strain and thermal ratcheting. This project will attempt to predict the amount of accumulated plastic strain due to thermal ratcheting for a given load set by the use of the FEA software, Abaqus, Reference (a). Methodology: Thermal ratcheting strain will be calculated using the current requirements of the ASME Boiler and pressure vessel code, Reference (e), Section III, Division 1 – NB-3653.7. As input, this code requires that the linear through wall gradient of temperature, ∆T1, be calculated. 1 T T kr c p r r r t where r is radius, k is thermal conductivity of the cylinder, T is temperature (time and location dependent), t is time, ρ is density, and cp is specific heat. The PDE general heat transfer equation for a hollow cylinder is For steady-state conditions, the right hand side goes to zero and the equation is 1 T simplified to kr 0 . Multiplying by r, dividing by k (independent of r for r r r T A , where A is the first integration isotropic materials) and integrating gives r r T A , which integrates to T r A ln r B . constant. Dividing by r gives r r For non steady state conditions, which covers almost all scenarios, the easiest way to solve the PDE for the maximum ∆T1 when temperature changes with time is by numerical methods. Also, a common assumption is that the outside of the pipe is perfectly insulated, having a convective heat loss of zero. This assumption results in a slightly higher ∆T1 which is conservative. Fluid temperature versus time, fluid flow rate versus time, and initial temperature of the pipe are all needed for solving the PDE. The temperature and flow rate of the fluid are then used to calculate the heat transferred to the pipe through convection. The heat transferred by convection is based on the surface area, instantaneous difference in temperature between the bulk fluid and inside surface of the pipe, and the convective heat transfer coefficient, h. The convective heat transfer coefficient, h, for turbulent flow inside a cylinder is calculated with the Dittus-Boelter equation which is seen in Reference (d), Equation (3.2.99): Nu 0.023 Re 0.8 Pr n where Nu is the Nusselt number equal to Re is the Reynolds number equal to Pr is the Prandtl number equal to , vd , cp k hd k , n is 0.4 for the fluid cooling the pipe and 0.3 for the fluid heating the pipe, h is the heat transfer coefficient, d is the inner diameter, k is the thermal conductivity of the fluid, ρ is density of the fluid, v is velocity, is the dynamic viscosity, cp is the specific heat of the fluid. All properties are at bulk fluid temperature, Tb. This equation is then solved for h and used for the heat transferred to the piping with the equation Q hATb Tid where A is the surface area and Tid is the temperature of the inner diameter of the pipe. ABAQUS will accept as input the convective heat transfer coefficient and bulk fluid temperature to perform numerical analysis of the heat transfer distribution. Then, to model cyclic thermal cycles, the thermal model is run again. The second ABAQUS model will then have constant pressure applied and will read the varying thermal cycles and calculate the accumulative plastic strain. The geometry and material properties and pressure films for the models will be built in the ABAQUS pre-processor software, hypermesh. Thermal model conditions will be added by direct editing of the .inp file. The ABAQUS structural model will invoke nonlinear FEA methods for calculating large plastic strains. The material properties applied will elastic-perfectly plastic. The effects of reduced integration elements and convergence studies should be considered as proof of model integrity. Resources Required: The computing resources required includes the FEA analysis software, ABAQUS, Reference (a) as well as additional supporting software such as MS word, MS excel, and HYPERMESH (ABAQUS pre-processor). These softwares are all currently available for use on two different machines. The input files will be created partly by user input and partly with input from existing thermal analyses. Expected Outcomes / Objectives: Calculate accumulated strain with numerical methods. Compare the accumulated plastic strains from the numerical method with the analytical method results (Bree diagram and ASME code). Provide sufficient description of the ABAQUS input file sections to enable readers to create a thermal ratcheting input file for ABAQUS. Milestone List: Task Project Proposal Numerical model of Pipe First Progress report Numerical model of Tee Finish Researching references Second Progress report Final Draft Preliminary final report Final Report Deadline 9/12 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/10 10/17 11/7 11/28 12/12 References: a) ABAQUS (Version 6.13) [Software]. (2013). Providence, RI: Dassault Systèmes Simulia Corp. b) Shah, V., Majumdar, S., & Natesan, K. (2003). Review and Assessment of Codes and Procedures for HTGR Components. Argonne, IL: Argonne National Laboratory. c) Bree, J. (1967). Elastic-plastic behaviour of thin tubes subject to internal pressure and intermittent high-heat fluxes with application to fast nuclear reactor fuel elements.Journal of Strain Analysis, (2), 226-38. d) Kreith, F. (2000). The CRC handbook of thermal engineering. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press. e) 2010 ASME boiler & pressure vessel code an international code. (2010). New York, NY: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. f) Moreton, D., & Ng, H. (1981). The Extension and Verification of the Bree Diagram. Transactions of the International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, L(10/2).