HE0700 Dental Assisting - Career and Technical Education

Health Science Education
Allied Health Sciences
HE0700 Dental Assisting
National Consortium for Health Science Education
Health Care Standards
American Dental Association http://www.ada.org/sections/educationAndCareers/pdfs/da.pdf
Sample of reported job titles upon completion of the Dental Assisting Specialization: Dental Assistant,
Registered Dental Assistant, Certified Dental Assistant, Expanded Duties Dental Assistant
Sample of reported job titles upon completion of additional education: Expanded Duties Dental Assistant
(EDDA), Orthodontic Assistant, Certified Registered Dental Assistant, Oral Surgery Assistant, Surgical Dental
Certified Dental Assistant
Introduction to Health Care
REQUIRED COURSES (Required Sequence)
Note: A minimum course completion score of 80% is required for progression to next course.
Health Care Delivery System
Safety Practices
Environmental Safety
Professional Ethics and Legal Responsibilities
Leadership Development
Patient/Client Customer Service
Technical Skills
Health Maintenance Practices
Information Technology Applications
Math and Science Foundation
Personal Money Management
Client Interaction
Intra Team Communication
Information Collection
Treatment Planning and Implementation Practices
Monitoring Client Status
Patient/Client Status Evaluation
Clinical Application
Dental Science
Dental Assisting Clinical Science
Introduction to Health Care
The Skill Sets in this course are representative of the basic knowledge included in a Career and Technical
Education/Health Science concentration. Incorporated into this course are elements of introductory knowledge
and skills necessary for any health occupations career. This course is recommended as a prerequisite to any
Adult Health Science Education Cluster concentration.
*This course is not required for students who have previously completed secondary level Career and Technical
Education/Health Science courses.
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
Health Care Delivery System
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
Performance Objectives
 health care delivery system.
 role and responsibilities of the consumer within the healthcare system.
 types of health care providers.
 range of services available within the health care system.
 health care team.
 methods of payment for healthcare services.
 emerging health care issues.
Students will
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
explain the difference between public, private, government and non-profit health
care delivery systems.
 investigate factors that affect the delivery of health care.
 investigate the roles and responsibilities of the consumer within the health care
 discuss various types of health care providers and the services they provide.
 explain how different types of health care providers fit into the health care team.
 explain methods of payment for health care services.
 discuss emerging issues including technology, epidemiology, bioethics and
socioeconomics on health care delivery systems.
Safety Practices
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
Performance Objectives
 infection control.
 controlling the growth and spread of microorganisms.
 “at risk” behaviors/public education regarding infectious diseases.
 resources/services available to patient/client with infectious disease.
 Standard Precautions.
Students will
explain principles of infection control.
perform hand washing according to Centers for Disease Control regulations.
don and remove non-sterile gloves.
discuss surgical asepsis.
demonstrate how to correctly dispose of biohazardous materials according to
appropriate government guidelines such as OSHA.
recognize emerging diseases and disorders.
distinguish between fact and fiction about the transmission and treatment of
diseases caused by bloodborne pathogens including Hepatitis B.
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
identify "at risk" behaviors that promote the spread of diseases caused by bloodborne pathogens and the public education necessary to combat the spread of
these diseases.
 identify community resources and services available to individuals with diseases
caused by blood borne pathogens.
 apply infection control techniques designed to prevent the spread of diseases
caused by bloodborne pathogens to the care of all patients following Centers for
Disease Control (CDC) guidelines.
 describe and implement Standard Precautions.
 demonstrate knowledge of the legal aspects of AIDS, including testing.
Environmental Safety
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
Performance Objectives
 health, safety and environmental management systems.
 environmental safety.
Students will
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
describe types of health, safety and environmental management systems within
health care organizations.
 discuss the importance of environmental safety to organizational performance
and regulatory compliance.
 describe personal and work site safety rules and regulations that maintain safe and
healthy work environments.
 demonstrate the safe use of medical equipment.
 explain and apply the theory of root-cause analysis.
 identify and describe methods in medical error reduction and prevention in
various healthcare settings.
 identify and practice security procedures for medical supplies and equipment.
 demonstrate personal safety procedures based on Occupations Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) regulations
(including Standard Precautions).
 recognize Materials Data Safety Sheets (MSDS) and comply with safety signs,
symbols and labels.
 demonstrate proper body mechanics and ergonomics.
 demonstrate the procedure for properly identifying patients.
 demonstrate procedures for the safe transport and transfer of patients.
 describe fire safety, disaster and evacuation procedures.
 create a disaster and/or emergency response plan.
 discuss patient safety goals provided/endorsed by The Joint Commission.
 explain emergency procedures in response to workplace accidents.
Professional Ethics and Legal Responsibilities
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
professional ethics.
legal responsibilities.
Performance Objectives
Students will
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
Performance Objectives
discuss the legal framework of health care occupations including Scope of
Practice legislation.
 explain practices that could result in malpractice, liability, negligence,
abandonment, false imprisonment and fraud.
 demonstrate procedures for accurate documentation and record keeping.
 interpret health care facility policy and procedures.
 explain the patients' "Bill of Rights."
 identify and implement standards of the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA).
 describe Advance Directives.
 discuss key issues surrounding end of life care.
 recognize the steps in the grieving process.
 distinguish between express, implied and informed consent.
 explain the laws governing harassment, labor and employment.
 differentiate between legal and ethical issues in healthcare.
 describe a code of ethics consistent with health care occupations.
 identify and compare personal, professional and organizational ethics.
 recognize the limits of authority and responsibility of health care workers
including legislated Scope of Practice.
 recognize and report illegal and/or unethical practices of health care workers.
 recognize and report abuse including domestic violence and neglect.
 evaluate and justify decisions based on ethical reasoning.
 evaluate alternative responses to workplace situations based on personal,
professional, ethical, legal responsibilities and employer policies.
 identify and explain personal and long-term consequences of unethical or
illegal behaviors in the workplace.
 interpret and explain written organizational policies and procedures.
Leadership Development
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
 public speaking.
 parliamentary law.
 leadership concepts.
 characteristics of effective teams and organizations.
Students will
develop and deliver speeches.
participate in meetings using parliamentary procedure.
attend leadership conferences and training (local, state and/or national).
volunteer in community service opportunities.
participate in career development events.
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
Patient/Client Customer Service
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
Performance Objectives
customer service.
patient/client satisfaction.
patient/client needs assessment.
quality standards for services.
Students will
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
Performance Objectives
demonstrate respectful and empathetic treatment of all patients/clients.
hear and work to resolve complaints from patients/clients or the public.
check completed work for spelling, punctuation and format.
greet visitors or callers and handle their inquiries or direct them to the
appropriate persons according to their needs.
 answer inquiries pertaining to patient care policies and services and work to
resolve patient/client complaints.
 measure and assess patient/client and employee satisfaction.
 confer with patients/clients by telephone or in person to provide information
about health care or services, take orders from superiors, obtain details of
complaints and forward to instructor/supervisor.
 keep records of patient/client interactions, recording details of inquiries,
complaints or comments, as well as actions taken per health care institution
 check to ensure that appropriate changes were made to work toward resolving
patient/client problems.
 describe points of patient safety and respond to questions.
 investigate and work to resolve complaints regarding food quality, service or
patient/client care within your scope of practice.
 identify the characteristics of each health care industry’s target market.
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
 concepts of effective communication skills.
 written communication skills.
 oral communication skills.
 interpreting information and ideas.
Students will
interpret verbal and nonverbal communication.
apply basic speaking and active listening skills including reflection,
restatement and clarification techniques.
recognize barriers to communication.
recognize the elements of communication using a sender-receiver model.
apply speaking and active listening skills.
develop basic observational skills and related documentation strategies in
written and oral form.
use appropriate medical/dental terminology and abbreviations.
recognize elements of written and electronic communication including writing
a letter (spelling, grammar and formatting).
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
Performance Objectives
recognize the importance of courtesy and respect for clients/patients and other
health care workers and maintain good interpersonal relationships.
 discuss how to adapt communication skills to varied levels of understanding
and cultural orientation including diverse age, cultural, economic, ethnic and
religious groups.
 distinguish between and report subjective and objective information.
 report relevant information in order of occurrence.
 select and employ appropriate communication concepts and strategies to
enhance oral and written communication in the workplace.
 locate, organize and reference written information from various sources.
 design, develop and deliver formal and informal presentations using
appropriate media to engage and inform diverse audiences.
 develop and interpret tables and charts to support written and oral
Health Maintenance Practices
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
 healthy behaviors.
 wellness.
 nutrition.
 disease prevention.
 complementary/alternative health practices.
Students will
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
Performance Objectives
apply behaviors that promote health and wellness.
identify personal health practices and environmental factors which affect
optimal function of each of the major body systems.
identify psychological reactions to illness including defense mechanisms.
discuss the adverse effects of the use of alcohol, tobacco and both legal and
illegal drugs on the human body, and apply safety practices related to these
and other high risk behaviors.
distinguish among the five schedules of controlled substances.
explain basic concepts of positive self-image, wellness and stress.
develop a wellness and stress control plan that can be used in personal and
professional life.
explore and utilize the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s MyPlate Food guide.
examine the basic food group.
identify the six essential nutrients.
describe strategies for the prevention of disease including health screenings
and examinations.
 discuss complementary (alternative) health practices as they relate to wellness
and disease prevention.
Technical Skills
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
 medical emergency response procedures.
Students will
monitor and record vital signs.
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
Performance Objectives
describe legal parameters related to the administration of emergency care.
obtain and maintain training or certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation
(CPR), automated external defibrillator (AED), foreign body airway
obstruction (FBAO) and first aid.
 recognize adverse drug related emergencies and take appropriate first aid
Information Technology Applications
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
 information technology.
Students will
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
Performance Objectives
communicate using technology to access and distribute data and other
 describe technology applications in healthcare.
 define terms and demonstrate basic computer skills.
 interpret information from electronic medical documents.
 employ technological tools to expedite workflow including word processing, databases
reports, spreadsheets, multimedia presentations, electronic calendar, contacts,
email and Internet applications.
 use personal information management (PIM) applications to increase workplace
 employ computer operations applications to access, create, manage, integrate
store information.
 employ collaborative/groupware applications to facilitate group work.
Math and Science Foundation
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
 math and science.
Students will
construct charts/tables/graphs to interpret health care practices using functions
and data.
measure time, temperature, distance, capacity, and mass/weight.
make, use and convert using both traditional and metric units.
make estimates and approximations and judge the reasonableness of the result.
convert from regular time to the 24-hour clock.
demonstrate ability to evaluate and draw conclusions.
formulate scientifically investigable questions, construct investigations, collect
and evaluate data, and develop scientific recommendations based on findings.
demonstrate knowledge of arithmetic operations.
analyze and apply data and measurements to solve problems and interpret
discuss the role of creativity in constructing scientific questions, methods and
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
Personal Money Management
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
Performance Objectives
personal money-management concepts, procedures and strategies.
Students will
identify and describe the services and legal responsibilities of
financial institutions.
describe the effect of money management on personal and career goals.
develop a personal budget and financial goals.
complete financial instruments for making deposits and withdrawals.
maintain financial records.
read and reconcile financial statements.
research, compare and contrast investment opportunities.
Dental Assisting (A)
Dental Science
WVEIS 0746
* Foundations of Health Science (0711) and Advanced Principles of Health Science (0715) provide the
introductory core for all Health Science Concentrations and require a minimum course completion score of
80% in order to advance to Dental Science (0746).
*This program should meet requirements from the most current edition of the American Dental Association
Accreditation Standards for Dental Assisting Education Programs (c.1992).
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
Academic Foundation/Dental Science
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
Performance Objectives
structures, functions and pathologies of dental and general head and neck
 oral embryology.
 oral histology.
 oral pathology.
 nutrition.
 dietary deficiencies and practices.
Students will
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
Performance Objectives
identify structures and explain functions of head and neck anatomy including
bones, muscles, sinuses, salivary glands, nerves and blood vessels.
 describe common pathologies of dental and general head and neck anatomy.
 identify embryonic development of head, oral cavity and teeth.
 identify teeth and their landmarks.
 describe the histological components of the head and oral cavity including
elements of the teeth and supporting structures.
 recognize and describe oral pathological conditions.
 identify the elements of nutrition, basic food groups and therapeutic diets.
 identify dietary deficiencies and dietary practices that contribute to the
manifestation of symptoms in the oral cavity.
Career Preparation Skills/Dental Science
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
 careers in dental science.
 goal development and achievement.
Students will
discuss levels of education, credentialing requirements and employment trends
in dental science.
compare careers within dental science.
develop components of a personal portfolio.
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
Client Interaction/Dental Science
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
Performance Objectives
evaluate patient’s/client’s ability to understand information given.
demonstrate empathy for patients/clients.
choose jargon-free language appropriate to the situation.
adjust communication to the needs of the patient/client.
preventive dentistry.
Students will
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
apply speaking and active listening skills.
recognize elements of written and electronic communication (spelling,
grammar and formatting).
 identify and instruct patient/client on applicable methods of preventive
Intra Team Communication/Dental Science
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
Performance Objectives
dental care delivery systems.
dental terminology.
proper dental terminology in the dental environment.
dental care teams.
dental team member participation.
communicate patient/client information within a team.
use of information technology in a dental office.
Students will
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
understand the dental care delivery system (public, private, government and
 describe the responsibilities of consumers within the dental care system.
 identify and define common dental terms.
 demonstrate the use of proper dental terminology in the dental environment.
 recognize characteristics of effective dental teams.
 recognize methods for building positive team relationships in a dental office.
 analyze attributes and attitudes of an effective leader.
 distinguish appropriate role and responsibilities of each team member.
 respect and value the expertise and contributions of all team members.
 evaluate relevancy of information to be conveyed.
 formulate and report information in a way that is clear and concise.
 communicate using technology to access and distribute data and other
information in a dental setting.
Information Collection/Dental Science
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
recording patient/client assessment and treatment data.
chairside assisting for general dentistry.
general dental business office procedures.
Performance Objectives
Students will
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
Performance Objectives
take and record medical-dental histories.
record assessment of existing oral conditions.
record conditions diagnosed by the dentist.
record treatment-related data on the patient’s/client’s clinical record.
record treatment plan and treatment in patient’s/client’s chart.
maintain appointment control.
maintain an active recall system.
prepare and maintain accurate patient/client records.
prepare and maintain patient/client financial records and collect fees.
prepare and maintain office financial records.
prepare and maintain dental office inventory control and purchasing.
demonstrate public relations responsibilities of the secretary/receptionist.
demonstrate skills in use of office equipment.
maintain the dental business office environment.
receive, prepare and dismiss patients/clients and visitors.
Safety Practices/Dental Science
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
 infection control.
 controlling the growth and spread of microorganisms.
 prevention of disease transmission.
 personal and environmental safety.
 radiation safety measures.
Students will
differentiate between pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms.
describe pathogens and modes of disease transmission.
differentiate between aseptic and non-aseptic environments.
perform aseptic hand washing technique.
describe and apply methods of cleaning, disinfection and sterilization.
identify chemicals and their uses for controlling the spread of disease in the
dental environment.
identify and practice the current CDC guidelines for infection control in dental
healthcare settings.
identify and manage hazardous dental materials and wastes in accordance with
the OSHA Hazard Communications Standard and Environmental Protection
Agency regulations.
describe the duties of the dental office safety coordinator.
identify areas of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard (29cfr-1910.1030)
applicable to the dental office environment.
apply skills to obtain training and/or certification in Bloodborne Pathogens –
Preventing Disease Transmission.
demonstrate knowledge of radiation safety measures.
produce diagnostic radiographic surveys on manikins prior to exposing
radiographs on patient/client.
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
Treatment Planning and Implementation Practices/Dental Science
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
Performance Objectives
Students will
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
Performance Objectives
the general purpose and components of the treatment plan.
healthy behaviors for dental care.
aseptic working area and sterile instruments for intraoral procedures.
explain the treatment plan incorporating patient/client input.
apply behaviors that promote health and wellness to dental science.
describe strategies for the prevention of diseases including health screenings
and examinations as they relate to dental science.
discuss complementary (alternative) health practices as they relate to wellness
and disease prevention in dental science.
identify psychological considerations influencing behaviors of dental
prepare and maintain aseptic working area and sterile instruments for intraoral
use equipment and instruments according to the manufacturer’s guidelines and
accepted safety practice.
Monitoring Client Status/Dental Science
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
 monitoring patient/client health status.
 assessing health status as relates to dental science.
Students will
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
Performance Objectives
evaluate patient/client and client response to administered treatments and
 analyze and report patient/client and other client response.
Patient/Client Status Evaluation/Dental Science
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
 dental instruments and equipment.
Students will
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
choose appropriate evaluation tools to assess a dental patient/client and other
client response to treatment plan.
 perform a visual assessment of existing oral conditions.
Technical Skills/Dental Science
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
dental instruments and equipment.
pharmacology and anesthesia related to dentistry.
management of dental and medical emergencies.
Performance Objectives
Students will
identify various types, functions and operation of dental operatory and
laboratory equipment.
identify types and functions of operative, restorative, surgical, prosthodontic,
orthodontic and endodontic dental instruments.
maintain dental operatory equipment and instruments.
identify types and functions of specific dental hygiene instruments with
emphasis on category rather than individual instruments.
prepare and set up for oral prophylaxis.
apply prophylactic treatments.
identify drug requirements, agencies and regulations.
demonstrate how to record a drug prescription in a patient/client chart.
identify drug actions, side effects, indications and contraindications; verify with
Physician’s Desk Reference or its equivalent.
identify drugs and agents used for treating dental-related infection.
identify common drugs used in dentistry including properties of anesthetics.
prepare and apply topical anesthetic agent.
prepare syringes for the administration of local anesthetics.
monitor/identify precautions in use of nitrous oxide-oxygen conscious sedation.
describe dental office emergencies and their prevention.
apply skills to obtain training or certification in Health Care Provider or
Professional Rescuer CPR, AED, FBAO and First Aid.
Dental Assisting Clinical Science
WEVIS 0743
* Foundations of Health Science (0711) and Advanced Principles of Health Science (0715) provide the
introductory core for all Health Science Concentrations and require a minimum course completion score
of 80%.
*Dental Science (0746) is a prerequisite for Dental Assisting Clinical Science (0743) and requires a mimimum
course completion score of 80%.
*This program should meet the most current edition of the American Dental Association Accreditation
Standards for Dental Assisting Education Programs (c.1992).
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
Performance Objectives
Client Interaction/Dental Assisting Clinical Science
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
 communication skills.
 various strategies to respond to questions and concerns of patient/client.
 psychological considerations influencing behaviors of dental patient/client.
Students will
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
Performance Objectives
provide pre-operative and post-operative instructions prescribed by dentist.
adjust communication to the needs of the patient/client.
identify ways to deal with different behaviors of dental patient/client.
Information Collection/Dental Assisting Clinical Science
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
 recording patient/client assessment and treatment data.
Students will
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
take and record medical-dental histories.
record assessment of existing oral conditions.
record conditions diagnosed by the dentist.
record treatment-related data on the patient’s/client’s clinical record.
record treatment plan and treatment in patient’s/client’s chart.
Treatment Planning and Implementation
Practices/Dental Assisting Clinical Science
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
Performance Objectives
collaboration in planning procedures.
how planned procedures support the goals and objectives of the treatment plan.
clinical supportive treatments.
Students will
create a treatment plan using a problem-solving model and evaluate for
intervention opportunities.
select appropriate resources to implement treatment plan.
evaluate priorities in order to organize work.
implement procedures within their scope of practice
document actions according to facility protocol and regulatory guidelines.
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
Performance Objectives
Monitoring Patient/Client Status/Dental Assisting Clinical Science
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
 health status as relates to dental science.
 monitoring patient/client health status.
 reporting results to a treatment team.
 clinical supportive treatments.
Students will
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
Performance Objectives
evaluate patient/client response to administered treatments and procedures.
report patient/client response.
assess need for follow up and alternative care.
Patient/Client Status Evaluation/Dental Assisting Clinical Science
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
 client needs, strengths and problems.
Students will
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
Performance Objectives
analyze information gathered regarding patient/client needs, strengths and
Technical Skills/Dental Assisting Clinical Science
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
 properties, uses and manipulation of dental materials.
 safety standards in the dental setting.
 dental and carpal radiographic procedures.
 general dental business office procedures.
 collection of diagnostic data.
 chairside assisting for general dentistry and specialty procedures.
Students will
identify properties/uses and manipulate gypsum.
identify properties/uses and manipulate restorative materials.
identify properties/uses and manipulate dental cements.
identify properties/uses and manipulate impression materials.
identify properties/uses and manipulate acrylics and/or thermoplastics.
identify properties/uses and manipulate waxes.
perform dental laboratory procedures to include assisting with and/or
placing/removing rubber dam, preliminary impressions, study casts and
occlusal registrations.
 identify, describe, maintain and utilize dental instruments and equipment.
 perform dental laboratory procedures to include the fabrication of casts,
custom trays and/or temporary crowns and bridges.
 clean and polish removable dental appliances.
Skill Set
Knowledge Objectives
Performance Objectives
identify properties and uses of abrasive agents used to polish coronal surfaces
and appliances.
 identify and manage hazardous dental materials and wastes in accordance with
the OSHA Hazard Communications Standard and Environmental Protection
Agency regulations.
 describe history, physics and biological effects of ionizing radiation.
 identify parts of the X-ray machine including accessories.
 demonstrate radiologic health protection techniques.
 perform dark room processing procedures and mix solutions.
 describe the proper disposal of hazardous radiographic waste.
 place and expose dental radiographic films and digital sensors.
 perform carpal radiography as required for dental diagnostic procedures.
 identify radiographic anatomical landmarks and pathologies.
 mount radiographic surveys.
 maintain unexposed film inventory and storage.
 maintain digitally acquired radiographic images.
 apply principles of four handed dentistry.
 evacuate and maintain the operating field.
 perform expanded functions as permitted by the West Virginia statute/law
pertaining to dentistry.
 choose appropriate evaluation tools to assess dental patient/client response to
treatment plan.
 assemble instruments and assist in general and specialty dental procedures.
 prepare tray set-ups for specific specialty procedures.
 select, prepare, mix and manipulate correct dental materials for general and
specialty procedures.
 assist with and/or perform extra/intra oral examinations.
 perform a visual assessment of existing oral conditions.
 demonstrate appropriate patient/client management skills.
Clinical Application/Dental Assisting Clinical Science
Students will demonstrate knowledge of
 dental assisting theory.
 workplace skills.
Students will
prior to clinical assignment demonstrate minimum competence in performing
procedures in a laboratory setting.
perform skills listed and obtained through mastery of theory content.
perfect individual competency in performing dental assisting functions.
assist with and participate patient/client care.
assist a dentist.