كلية الطب Cairo University June- 2012 Faculty of Medicine Pathology Department Time allowed : 2 hours Total allocated marks: 75 PATHOLOGY EXAM PAPER I All questions are to be answered QUESTIONS GROUP I (total 25 marks) A) A male patient aged 50 years had repeated attacks of bleeding per rectum together with abdominal pains and progressive loss of weight. Endoscopy revealed a large rectal mass .Ultrasonography enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes and multiple liver nodules . (Total 7marks). 1-What is the possible diagnosis of the rectal mass? (1 mark) 2-Give one possible cause of mesenteric lymph node enlargement (1 mark) 3-What is the possible nature of the liver nodules(1 mark) 4-What is the Dukes stage of this case ? (1 mark) 5- Mention the microscopic picture of the rectal mass (3 marks) B) A male female patient 45 years old -------------------- (Total 8 marks) 1234C) List ( Total 10 marks): 1- Four causes of bronchiectasis (2 marks) 2- Four complications of ulcerative colitis (2 marks) . 3- Four gross types of gastric carcinoma (2 marks) 4- Four clinical effects of ------- (2 marks) 5-Four microscopic features of ------- (2 marks) QUESTIONS GROUP II (total 25marks) A) Define each of the following (1 mark each, total 5 marks): 1- Hematemesis 2- Endometriosis 3-Vesicular mole 4- -----------5- ------------ B) Write a note on each of the following (total 20 marks) 1-Aetiology & pathological features of hydronephrosis (6 marks) 2-Risk factors & athogenesis of atherosclerosis ( 4 marks) 3--------------(5 marks) 4-----------------(5 marks) QUESTIONS GROUP III (25 marks) A)Complete the following statements (2 mark each, total 10 marks): 1-Urinary obstruction together with -------- & -------- are complications of urinary stones 2-----------------------3--------------4------------5-Gastric carcinoma is more common in patients of blood group----, while peptic ulcer Is more common in patients of blood group ------B) Put right ()or wrong (X) in front of each answer and correct the wrong answer (1 mark each, total 10 marks): 1-Dissecting aneurysm affects the small arteries 2-Linitis plastic is a gross type of gastric carcinoma 3------------------4----------5-------------------6---------------7----------------8---------------9---------------10---------------------C) Multiple choice questions . For each question chose only one answer (1 mark each, total 5 marks) 1- Which of the following tumors is benign : a) Mesothelioma b) Osteoblastoma. c) Nephroblastoma d) Hepatoblastoma 2- Which of the following tumors arises from the bone marrow : a) Ewing’s sarcoma b) Squamous cell carcinoma c) Adenocarcinoma d) Rhabdomyoma 3- -----------: a) b) c) d) 4- - -----------: a) b) c) d) 5- - -----------: a) b) c) d) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOOD LUCK كلية الطب Cairo University June- 2012 Faculty of Medicine Pathology Department Time allowed : 2 hours Total allocated marks: 75 PATHOLOGY EXAM PAPER II All questions are to be answered QUESTIONS GROUP I (25 marks) A) Write a note on types of nonsuppurative acute inflammation (10 marks). B)A male patient aged 45 years had repeated attacks of hemoptysis. Radiology revealed a cavitary lesion at the apex of right lung. Sputum analysis showed acid fast bacilli (total 6 marks) 1234- What is your diagnosis? (1 mark) Describe the microscopic picture of this lesion ? (2 mark). Enumerate four complications of this condition (2 marks) Is this condition more common in children or adults ? (1 mark) C) A female patient aged -------- (total 4 marks) D) Write a note on carcinoma in situ (5 marks) QUESTION S GROUP II (25 marks) A) Define the following terms (1 mark each, total 5 marks) 1-Embolism 2-amyloidosis 345- B) Mention a disease characterized by the following (1 mark each, total 5 marks. No details required): 1-Invagination of one loop of intestine into another 2-Localized suppurative inflammation of the back of neck opening in the skin by multiple sinuses 345C) Write a note on each of the following (total 15 marks): 1- Compare in a table between hyperplasia and neoplasia (5 marks) 2- Neuroblastoma 3- ------------------- QUESTION GROUP III: (25 marks) A) Complete the following statements (1 mark each, total 5 marks) 1- The most common site of distant metastases in case of colonic carcinoma is ------------------. 2- Krukenberg tumors develop in the ------- due to -------- spread 345- B) Put right ()or wrong (X) in front of each answer and correct the wrong answer (1 mark each, total 10 marks): 1-Prostatic adenocarcinoma mainly occurs in the central portion of the prostate 2-Choriocarcinoma is a tumor of choroid plexus 345678910- C)Multiple choice questions . For each question chose only one answer (1 mark each, total 10 marks) 1-All of the following are complications of colonic bilharziasis except: a) Liver bilharziais b) Colonic carcinoma c) Intestinal ulcers and bleeding d) Intestinal stenosis 2------------- a) b) c) d) 3------------- a) b) c) d) 4- - -----------: a) b) c) d) 5- - -----------: a) b) c) d) 6- -----------: a) b) c) d) 7- - -----------: a) b) c) d) 8- - -----------: a) b) c) d) 9- -----------: a) b) c) d) 10a) b) c) d) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOOD LUCK PRACTICAL EXAM (70 marks) All slides (glass slides + data show) All jars, except those exempted from the classes Fresh specimens Do not forget your CD Revision 2 weeks GENERAL PATHOLOGY As the first semester (do not forget bilharziasis and sarcoidosis) SYSTEMIC PATHOLOGY 1-Heart & vessels , not including a)Congenital diseases b)Valve diseases (except mitral stenosis) study Mitral Stenosis c)Cardiomyopathy 2-Respiratory 3-GIT, liver, gall bladder. Pancreas, peritoneum----: a)Category A all except category B b)Category B: Glossitis, cheleitis, stomatitis, Sialadenitis, ulcers of oesophagus, typhoid, hernia, malabsorption syndromes tables of grading and staging of chronic hepatitis, jaundice (important in oral exam), 4-Urinary a)Category A all except category B b)Category B: Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, membranous GN, focal proliferative GN, focal msegmental GN diffuse measngial prolifetaive GN, other types of GN (except chronic diffuse GN), types of tubulointerstital nephritis, staging of renal tumors, renal transplant rejection. 5-Male Genital 6-Femal genital except diseases of vulva and vagina 7-Breast 8-Bone & joints 9Lymphoid all (see note below for NHL) Note in non Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL) study: - Diffuse small lymphocytic lymphoma - Diffuse large B cell lymphoma - Rest of types of NHL rapidly (category C) 10-Blood: Study Leukemia - Rest = category C 11- Endocrine study: - Thyroid - Parathyroid - Pituitary tumors - Adrenal tumors - Rest = category C 12- Nervous system study: - Meningitis - Brain abscess - Cerebral Hge - Intracranial tumors - Peripheral nerve tumors - Rest = category C