You are cordially invited to attend a 1920s Dinner Party on Friday, April 26 Each of you will take on the personality of a significant figure from the 1920s. You will spend time in class and at home researching your character; you will be required to complete the research questionnaire attached. Then, on Friday, during the double, we will hold the dinner party. During the dinner party, you will have a series of conversations – some impromptu and some based on specific questions. Throughout the dinner party, you will be responsible for taking notes on each of the other guests. Your notes will be used for a class activity on Monday. You will be encouraged to dress up, and we can talk about music and bringing in festive refreshments for the event. Guests Scheduled To Attend: Feminism – Emily Post, Zelda Fitzgerald Leadership – W.E.B. Dubois, Marcus Garvey Literature - T.S. Eliot, Langston Hughes Business – Henry Ford, Eugene V. Debs Politics – J. Edgar Hoover, Sacco and Vanzetti Heroes – Charles Lindbergh, Al Capone You will be graded on the following: Research (Research questionnaire and NoodleTools) Participation Notes During Dinner Party Activity Following Dinner Party /30 points /30 points /20 points /20 points 100 points Deadlines: All research must be complete for Friday’s double – NoodleTools and Research Questionaire. On Monday, April 29 you will complete a class activity where you will be permitted to use the notes you took during the Dinner Party. PERSONALITY RESEARCH: (yes, you will be turning this in) NAME_______________________________________________________________________ PERSONAL BACKGROUND and FAMILY LIFE PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND ISSUES and IDEAS YOU ARE INVOLVED WITH POINT OF VIEW (Think about politics, controversial issues of the time, etc.) SIGNIFICANCE PRIMARY DOCUMENTS (Identify at least TWO primary documents connected to your personality. As you choose primary documents, think about how you might be able to incorporate them into the the dinner table conversation). DINNER PARTY NOTES As you converse with the various dinner party guests it will be important to take notes on their lives, accomplishments, and significance. Be sure to incorporate the primary documents used/referenced in discussion, too! Yes, you will be turning these in. Feminism Emily Post Zelda Fitzgerald Leadership W.E.B. DuBois Marcus Garvey Literature T.S. Eliot Business Henry Ford Langston Hughes Eugene V. Debs Politics (Red Scare) J. Edgar Hoover Heroes Charles Lindbergh Sacco and Vanzetti Al Capone