Seismic Landslide Hazard for the Cities of
Oakland and Piedmont, California - Exercise
Miles, Scott B. and Keefer, David K.
1. To avoid earthquake-related hazards such as tsunamis, liquefaction of soils, and the
amplification of ground shaking, people may choose to live in areas some distance
away from the coastline. However, another hazard which can be triggered by
earthquakes is landslides.
Which 2 colors on the map indicate the most hazardous areas associated with
landslides which may be triggered by earthquake / seismic events.
• What is the level of seismic landslide hazard that exists in the eastern half of the
area of Piedmont?
• What level of seismic landslide hazard exists in the very northern-most portion of
the map?
2. Characterize the topography and geology at locations listed below and discuss in
relation to the level of seismic landslide hazard.
For the series of questions below, refer to: 1) the Seismic Landslide Hazard for the
Cities of Oakland and Piedmont, California (the map associated with this Exercise),
2) the Oakland East Quadrangle 7.5-Minute Series (Topographic) map, and 3) the
Geologic Map and Map Database of the Oakland Metropolitan Area, Alameda,
Contra Costa, and San Francisco Counties, California:
The red and orange areas on the map of Seismic Landslide Hazard for the Cities
of Oakland and Piedmont, California have the greatest potential for landslides to
occur from earthquake shaking. How would you characterize the topography in
these areas? (Refer to Oakland East Quadrangle topographic map).
Location L is in an area of high seismic landslide hazard and Location K is in an
area of low seismic landslide hazard. What is different about these areas
geologically that explains this difference in the level of seismic landslide hazard?
(Refer to Geologic Map and Map Database of the Oakland Metropolitan Area,
Alameda, Contra Costa, and San Francisco Counties, California map.)
Why is the level of seismic landslide hazard at Locations H and I so different
from one another?
What factors cause Location M to be in an area of very high seismic landslide
What factors cause Location J to be in an area of high seismic landslide hazard?