
By Dr. Ramona Warren
During the month of January we have been focusing on the digestive system since a
healthy gut is the foundation of health. Once food moves from your mouth to your
stomach, it then enters the small intestine where it is mixed with “juices” from the liver,
gallbladder and pancreas. Food may remain in the small intestine for up to four hours
and will become a very thin, watery mixture that is absorbed into the cells lining the
small intestine and then pass through to the blood stream. Once in the blood stream,
these nutrients go to the liver, and the leftover waste in the small intestine will pass on
to the colon.
In a healthy small intestine there is a single layer of cells tightly fit together with no
space in between them. Think of the lining of the small intestine like a tight mesh screen
where only small particles are allowed through the cells into the blood stream. If the
lining breaks down, it develops “leaks” and becomes more like chicken wire, which
allows large molecules of partially digested food, toxins and bacteria to enter the blood
stream. These molecules are viewed by the body as foreign substances and cause
inflammation throughout the body. This condition is often referred to as Leaky Gut
Syndrome or Intestinal Permeability.
According to James A. Ferrel, MD, Leaky Gut Syndrome "may be the cause of many
'etiology unknown' illnesses...(and it) may also explain many of the symptoms patients
have that confound and confuse many physicians.“ Some common symptoms include:
Abdominal bloating and gas
Abdominal pain
Irritable bowel
Autoimmune disease
Food and seasonal allergies
Joint pain
Chronic fatigue
Eczema, hives and other rashes
If you have ever experienced a roof leak, you are aware of the extensive damage a
simple leak can cause. The gut is our main barrier to the outside world just as the roof
of our house protects us from the outside elements. When our gut becomes "leaky," our
defense system, or immune system, is compromised. Up to 80 percent of our immune
system is found in our gut. When the gut breaks down, we can suffer with a variety of
symptoms that can be challenging to relate back to the gut. For example, many studies
have shown a strong correlation between gut health and autoimmune disease. To
improve the autoimmune disease it is imperative that you improve the health of your
Symptoms of anxiety, ADHD or insomnia can also be related to the gut. The gut is
referred to as "the second brain." According to Michael Gerson, MD, author of The
Second Brain, over 95 percent of all serotonin, the calming neurotransmitter, is found in
the intestinal tract. Without a healthy gut lining serotonin levels will decrease, which can
lead to anxiety, ADHD and insomnia.
Some of the causes of leaky gut include foods such as gluten, sugar, dairy, alcohol,
processed foods, fast foods, and soft drinks. Corticosteroids, antibiotics, antacids and
other medications contribute to increased intestinal permeability. Infections, imbalanced
hormones, poor sleep habits and especially stress are also causes of leaky gut. In fact,
stress alone will break down the gut. Cortisol, an adrenal hormone that is increased
during states of stress, will break down the intestinal lining and lead to a leaky gut.
There are saliva tests, stool sample tests, and urine tests that can be used to determine
if you have Leaky Gut Syndrome and to assess the overall health of your intestinal
If you do have some intestinal permeability, there are four main steps you can take to
repair the gut:
1. Remove - Eliminate offending foods and substances. Avoid sugar, alcohol, gluten
and dairy. Eliminate sodas, processed and packaged foods and reduce caffeine.
Also reduce your toxic exposure to chemicals such as cleaning solutions and heavily
perfumed products, including beauty and hygiene products. By removing these
substances and living a healthier lifestyle, many often find the need for medication is
also reduced, allowing them to cut back on medications that can damage the
intestinal lining.
2. Restore - Use digestive enzymes, betaine hydrochloride and/or bitters and bile salts
to rebuild the body's ability to digest properly.
3. Reinoculate – Use high quality probiotics to help re-establish a healthy balance of
bacteria in the gut.
4. Repair - Eat a whole food diet and use supplements, especially L-Glutamine, to help
regenerate the intestinal lining. A typical dose of L-Glutamine is 1500mg. LGlutamine is also found in cabbage. Consuming homemade bone broth provides
nutrients that help tighten the junctions between cells. Vitamins A and D, as well as
zinc, are also important in repairing the intestinal lining. Fish oil can help reduce
inflammation and rebuild the cell walls.
The digestive system is the foundation of our health. Through my own personal
experience with digestive problems, as well as treating patients for over 30 years, I
understand the suffering that comes from a leaky gut. I also know that you can heal the
gut and reduce the symptoms associated with poor digestion. Follow the steps outlined
above to repair the “leaks" and give your gut the opportunity to heal.
If you are interested in diet guidelines to help heal leaky gut and more information on
tests for intestinal permeability, please contact me by calling 706-454-2040 or email