LATTC ASO Budget and Finance Committee Meeting Minutes Date: August 11, 2015 Time 1:00pm Location: C-105 Boardroom Meeting called to Order at 1:00pm by Treasurer: Taqwa Beamon Roll Call: Interim President: Charles Greene- Present CBO Chair: Elizabeth Baquir- Present Faculty Advisor: Dr. Luis Dorado-Present (Designee for Dr. Henan Joof) ASO Student Representative- Wallace Connors-Present Secretary: Simona Daniels-Present *Quorum Established* Public Comments – None Officers Reports None Advisor’s Report “During the last meeting the board wanted to know due to the increase in the Cater Craft will the ASO to maintain the 50/50 split”. CBO Response: The contract increase should reflect the new amount that will be given to the ASO from line item 103-230 Cater Craft instead of $16,500 the increase will include $26,000. Treasurer recognizes Charles Greene. “Mr. Greene raised concerns regarding the 2014-2015 administration’s outstanding bills, feeling that the amount of $103,000 should be decreased due to a $2500.00 outstanding bill with Cater Craft”. CBO Response: “As of June 13, 2015 they weren’t any outstanding bills that were pending from this account to Cater Craft, however I will consult with Dr. Gallagher to make sure that your concerns are addressed”. 1 Treasurer Recognizes Elizabeth Baquir “Ms. Baquir concerns regarding the Direct TV invoice is submitted to her office late, so the check is cut late, and the school has been subjected to the penalty fees.” Treasurer Recognizes Charles Greene “Mr. Greene would like to look for other cable alternatives because the bill is too high. To his knowledge the reason that the administration is receiving the bill late is because the business office use to handle the bill with the previous administrations”. Mr. Greene did meet with Dr. Gallagher about the vending machines and furniture. Ha Treasurer Recognizes Dr. Dorado (Designee for Faculty Advisor) “Dr. Dorado would like to make a friendly suggestion of having Ms. Alvinette setting up an online account with the cable company so that the bill is automatically paid each month on time”. Old Business Secretary’s Budget Latino Heritage Month New Business Rush Week Proposal Spirit Week Proposal Ready, Go, Week Proposal Discussion Items Secretary’s Salary Line Item 781 ASO Labor Office. “The board would like to propose an amendment to the secretary’s salary. Feeling that $22,000 is a large amount of money to allocate for this position at one time”. Treasurer Recognizes Charles Greene Instead of allocating this amount at one time we would like to draft a six month contract instead. After the six months is over then the board will reconsider the continued salary for the following semester. Treasurer Recognizes Elizabeth Baquir “To my knowledge this position isn’t appointed by the ASO President?” 2 Treasurer Recognizes Dr. Dorado (Designee for Faculty Advisor) “Your right Elizabeth it can be or by general consensus of the executive board to choose the secretary that they want. Through general consensus Simona Daniels was appointed as secretary”. Treasurer Speaks “Through general consensus Simona Daniels was appointed as secretary. However Ms. Daniels so that this board conducts legal business, I would like to draft a contract in writing to reflect any decisions that this board had made in regards to your salary”. Treasurer Recognizes Dr. Dorado “Dr. Dorado agrees to get a contract in writing as well as to determine if this board would like to keep the contractor’s secretary position or make it an unclassified position, there is enough in line item 781 to pay for services from Aug 11, 2015-Dec 19, 2015. However, I would like to make a friendly amendment to pay the secretary’s salary from August 11, 2015- August 25, 2015 until the contract has been written, which should also reflect the required duties of the secretary”. Mr. Greene Motions to pay the secretary’s salary from August 11, 2015- August 25, 2015. At the next meeting the board will review the contract stipulations for the duration of the upcoming semester. Motion seconded by Dr. Dorado “Mr. Eleby states that this event was designed to promote the morale of clubs and invite school spirit. The amount being requested is $1,028.00, this amount will reflect the expenses of items purchased such as food, games, dancing entertainment”. Treasurer Recognizes Simona Daniels- ASO Secretary “We can’t actually use the title “Rush Week” because we have no greek fraternities on campus”. Treasurer Recognizes Charles Greene I Motion that we change the name instead then to “Club Rush Week”. Motion seconded by Dr. Dorado Treasurer Recognizes Charles Greene Treasurer Recognizes Elizabeth Baquir- CBO Chair “I need all the original invoices and official receipts please.” Mr. Eleby assures Ms. Baquir that she will receive all receipts. Treasurer Recognizes John Eleby-ASO Historian Who will the check be made out to? 3 Treasurer Recognizes Elizabeth Baquir- CBO Chair Who is in charge of this event? John Eleby states “I am” Ms. Baquir states so it will be made out to you. Treasurer Recognizes Charles Greene Interim ASO President “That process has recently changed so the check will be made out to the dean”. Treasurer Recognizes Dr. Dorado (Designee for Faculty Advisor) “I thought it wasn’t a good idea to have such large amounts of money given to students, so he thought it was best to have checks written to advisors”. Treasurer Recognizes Charles Greene Interim ASO President I Motion that we approve the $1028.00 for Club Rush Week. Motion seconded by Wallace Conners ASO Student representative Treasurer Recognizes Elizabeth Baquir- CBO Chair “I need all the original invoices and official receipts please.” Treasurer Recognizes John Eleby-ASO Historian “Who will the check be made out to”? Treasurer Recognizes Elizabeth Baquir- CBO Chair “Who is in charge of this event”? John Eleby states “I am” Ms. Baquir states so it will be made out to you. Treasurer Recognizes Charles Greene Interim ASO President “That process has recently changed so the check will be made out to the dean”. Treasurer Recognizes Dr. Dorado (Designee for Faculty Advisor) I thought it wasn’t a good idea to have such large amounts of money given to students, so he thought it was best to have checks written to advisors Treasurer Recognizes John Eleby-ASO Historian to give the proposal for “Rush Week”. 4 “Mr. Eleby states that this event was designed to promote the morale of clubs and invite school spirit. The dates for this event is September 8-11. The amount being requested is $1,028.00.This amount will reflect the expenses of items purchased such as food, games, dancing entertainment”. Treasurer Recognizes Simona Daniels- ASO Secretary “We can’t actually use the title “Rush Week” because we have no greek fraternities on campus”. Treasurer Recognizes Charles Greene Interim ASO President I Motion that we change the name instead then to “Club Rush Week”. Motion seconded by Dr. Dorado We can’t actually use the title “Rush Week” because we have no greek fraternities on campus”. Treasurer Recognizes Charles Greene Interim ASO President “I Motion that we change the name instead then to “Club Rush Week”. Motion seconded by Dr. Dorado Treasurer Recognizes Simona Daniels- ASO Secretary At one of our meetings Dean Dorado suggested that we take a new member retreat, we are looking into San Diego, Catalina Island. Treasurer Recognizes Dr. Dorado All those places sound real nice but please consider looking into Cal Poly Pomona, they have their own hotel and you can get it a good price. Treasurer Recognizes Charles Greene Interim ASO President “Dean Dorado Motions to allocate $3000.00 for the ASO new member retreat. Motion seconded by Charles Greene Treasurer introduces Hispanic Heritage month as an item needing to be postponed. Treasurer recognizes Charles Greene Interim ASO President 5 “I do not wish to continue to table this item, if Eli and doesn’t have a proposal together by the next meeting I will vote for RISE and use their proposals. I don’t want this board showing favoritism towards our board members”. Treasurer recognizes Blanca Peralta Member of the Public “Wouldn’t it be fair to let use the proposal RISE already has since Eli hasn’t submitted his? Treasurer Recognizes Simona Daniels- ASO Secretary “Can Dean Dorado mediate between the two associations and help”? Treasurer Recognizes Dr. Dorado “That’s exactly what I was thinking”. “Thank You Simona.” I would be glad to help out. Action Items Secretary’s Budget Treasurer Recognizes Charles Greene *continued on next page*. “Mr. Greene Motions to pay the secretary’s salary from August 11, 2015- August 25, 2015. At the next meeting the board will review the contract stipulations for the duration of the semester”. Line Item#781 Labor- ASO Office Motion seconded” by Dr. Dorado Treasurer brings motion for vote, no questions raised, no one opposed, Motion passes unanimously. We can’t actually use the title “Rush Week” because we have no greek fraternities on campus”. Treasurer Recognizes Charles Greene “I Motion that we change the name instead then to “Club Rush Week”. Motion seconded” by Dr. Dorado Treasurer brings motion for vote, no questions raised, no one opposed, 6 Motion passes unanimously. Club Rush Week Treasurer Recognizes Dr. Dorado (Designee for Faculty Advisor) Dr. Dorado makes a friendly motion to approve $1200.00 for (Club Rush Week) Just in case any additional funds are needed for tax purposes or any other items. Treasurer Recognizes Charles Greene Interim ASO President Mr. Greene Motions to approve the Club Rush Week amount of $1,200.00 Line Item 497 College Wide Activities Motion Seconded by Wallace Conners ASO Student representative. Treasurer brings motion for vote, no questions raised, no one opposed, Motion passes unanimously. Spirit Week Treasurer Recognizes John Eleby-ASO Historian “Hello again everyone I am here seeking funding for spirit week, this campus needs some spirit so for this event it will be from Sept 14-17 2015. These days will be filled with various events as well as music good food. The amount being requested is $700.00. Treasurer Recognizes Charles Greene- Interim ASO President “Mr. Greene Motions to approve $700.00 for Spirit Week”. Line Item 497 College Wide Activities Motion Seconded by Dr. Dorado (Designee for Faculty Advisor) 7 Treasurer brings motion for vote, no questions raised, no one opposed, Motion passes unanimously. Ready, Go, Week Treasurer Recognizes John Eleby-ASO Historian “Hello again this is my last event that will be talking to you about. It is ready,go,week. This event is approaching soon the dates for it are August 24-28 2015. “The amount being requested is “$591.00. It will be a day of collaboration with various departments I have spoken with the bridges to success center as well as the DSPS, tutoring center, health center. The library everyone is pretty much on board with coming out”. Mr. Greene Motions to approve $591.00 for rush week. Line Item 497 College Wide Activities Motion Seconded by Wallace Conners ASO Student representative. Treasurer brings motion for vote, no questions raised, no one opposed, Motion passes unanimously. New Member Retreat Treasurer Recognizes Simona Daniels- ASO Secretary At one of our meetings Dean Dorado suggested that we take a new member retreat, we are looking into San Diego, Catalina Island. “Dean Dorado Motions to allocate $3000.00 for the ASO new member retreat Line Item 396 Student Representation Fee’s Motion Seconded by Wallace Conners ASO Student representative. 8 Treasurer brings motion for a vote, no questions raised, no one opposed, Motion passes unanimously. Public Comment Participant: Harold Lewis Matter of Concern: Would like to be put on the record that Ryan Navarette is not the Student Representative for this committee. Would also like to inform everyone down to the student affairs meeting at the district on Friday morning at 9:30 am. Proud to announce he is the Official representative for the SSCCC. Announcements: The next meeting will be held on 8/18/15 @ 1:00pm Location C105 Boardroom C-105 Time 1:00pm 9