Humanities Faculty Information

Humanities Faculty Information
The Humanities faculty currently delivers KS3 courses in Geography, History, RE and
Citizenship. At KS4 almost all students take a GCSE in either Geography or History or both.
GCSE in RE is followed by the most able 35% of Year 9 and 10. This will increase to 50%
from September 2014. The Humanities faculty achieve exceptionally high outcomes across
the full range of ability and in the 2013 Lancashire Value Added Project GCSE results for
Geography ranked 2nd in the County. In Raiseonline the combined Geography and History
grades were in the top 7% nationally for value added progress.
The faculty are fully committed to maintaining these fabulous achievements through
creative teaching and learning styles that encourage independent thinking as well as
enhancing students’ knowledge, understanding and skills. Students respond very positively
and are encouraged to develop an enquiring and personalised approach to their learning.
Students are taught in a suite of well-equipped classes, each with interactive whiteboards,
audio and visual equipment. In addition there is a bank of laptops that the faculty uses in
lessons. Students are taught in mixed ability groups except for the GCSE groups in RE.
Faculty Staff
Vacant Post
Curriculum Leader
Miss T Taylor
Assistant Curriculum Leader
Mrs C Bridges
Teacher of Humanities (History / LEAD Teacher for Literacy)
Mrs J Casper-Smith
Teacher of Humanities (Geography / Yr 10 Progress Leader)
Mrs E Hatch
Teacher of Humanities (SENCO)
Mrs J Thrupp
Teacher of Humanities (RE & Citizenship)
Mr J Watson
Teacher of Humanities (History / Yr 11 Progress Leader)
Mrs A Wade
Teacher of Humanities (Geography / Deputy Headteacher)