ARREST Nursing Staff Information Sheet

(Please add your hospital trust logo)
Study medication will START on -
and END on -
ARREST trial:
Adjunctive Rifampicin to Reduce Early mortality from STaphylococcus aureus bacteraemia: a multi-centre,
randomised, blinded, placebo controlled trial.
This trial aims to assess the efficacy of using rifampicin or placebo, in addition to standard antibiotic
therapy for Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia. This is a ‘double blind’ study and therefore neither study
investigators nor patient should know whether placebo or rifampicin is administered. Patients will receive
study drug as either 600mg/24hr or 900mg/24hr in one or two doses.
If the patient is on oral study medication and it is converted to I.V study medication please contact
research team or clinical trials pharmacy on: 2883
Pharmacy will present either:
Rifampicin vial(s), 10mL water ampoule(s), 500mL infusion fluid (0.9% sodium chloride) or
500mL 0.9% sodium chloride infusion fluid only (placebo)
Please follow Trust guidelines for rifampicin reconstitution.
If the patient is prescribed 900mg/24hrs rifampicin reconstitute 2 vials and use 1.5vials for infusion.
Please do NOT try to substitute the study drug with open label Rifampicin.
The trial drug will be prescribed by a member of the study team.
Reconstituted rifampicin in infusion fluid is orange in colour, therefore for either rifampicin or placebo:
Use the ARREST trial opaque bags to cover the infusion bag - these will be provided by pharmacy
Please cover the infusion bag before entering main ward/approaching the patient.
Nursing staff will know which treatment the patient is receiving: it is important that study team and patient
do NOT know. Additionally, rifampicin infusion may produce a reddish/orange colouration of urine, sweat,
sputum and tears (may permanently stain soft contact lenses); the patient will be forewarned of this.
Treatment should NOT continue after 14 days of starting trial drug even if there has been a missed dose.
Please record any missed doses accordingly and inform research team.
Research Nurse name & bleep:
ARREST Nursing Staff Information Sheet
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