Section 1- From Bull Run to Antietam

Name_______________________________________________ Date_____________ MOD___________
Directions: Answer the following questions throughout the next two weeks. Answers DO NOT need to
be in complete sentences, but make sure you explain when necessary!!!
Section 1- From Bull Run to Antietam
1. At the start of the war, did many believe the war would last 4 years?
2. In May 1861, the Confederate Capital was moved from Montgomery, Alabama to where?
The first Battle of Bull Run
3. Date, Location, Winner?
Preparing for War
4. List three advantages of the North
5. List three advantages of the South
6. What was the “anaconda plan”?
7. war of attrition8. What was the goal of the South when they stopped producing cotton?
9. List three technological advancements of the Civil War:
War In the West:
10. Which four states were the locations of “war in the west”?
11. Who led the most successful Union forces in the West?
12. Forts Henry and Donelson? Date, Location, Winner?
13. Battle of Shiloh? Date, Location, Winner?
War in the East
14. By March 1862, what secret naval weapon had the Confederates created?
15. How did the Union respond to this creation? Who won the confrontation between the
Merrimack and Monitor? Date, Location, Winner?
The South Attacks
16. Seven Day’s Battle? Date, Location, Winner?
17. Second Battle of Bull Run? Date, Location, Winner?
18. The Battle of Antietam became the bloodiest day of the Civil War.
a. Describe what made it so bloody. Date, Location, Winner?
SECTION 2- Life Behind the Lines
Politics of the South
1. By early 1862, how did the “picnic” atmosphere change?
2. What political difficulties did the young Confederacy face?
3. In April 1862, what did the Confederate Congress pass? What else did they pass to help
generate revenue?
4. How did the concept of States’ Rights interfere with the Confederacy cause?
5. What two nations did the Confederacy pursue for help?
a. Define Recognition-
Politics in the North:
6. How did relations between the United States (Union) and Great Britain begin to go South?
7. When the South seceded, Northern Republicans took control of Congress. List at LEAST 4 pieces
of legislation passed by the Republican controlled Congress (greenbacks should be part of your
8. Who were the Copperheads?
9. What is the writ of habeas corpus? How many people were victims of its suspension?
10. Summarize Lincoln’s original stance on slavery. Did he initially want to make a goal of the Civil
War to free the slaves?
11. What was the Emancipation Proclamation and who was directly affected by it? Which slaves
were left out?
12. What were the causes and effects of African Americans joining the fight on the side of the Union
13. What event is depicted in the following picture?
14. How did the Northern economy benefit from the Civil War?
15. What was the most notorious prison camp in the South? What were some of the statistics of the
horrors at this prison camp?
16. A union soldier was _________times more likely to die in camp or in a hospital than he was to
be killed on the __________________________.
17. Who established/founded the American Red Cross?
SECTION 3: The Tide of War Turns
1. Why were 12 to 16 year old boys purposely shot at by enemy combatants? Why were they so
2. What was the importance of Lee’s victories at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville?
3. Battle of Gettysburg: (list all major battle locations, generals, CASUALTIES, etc.)
a. Why did Lee march northward to Pennsylvania?
b. Give a brief overview of July 1, 1863:
c. Give a brief overview of July 2, 1863:
d. Give a brief overview of July 3, 1863:
4. Battle of Vicksburg:
a. What geographic factors made things difficult for the Union to capture Vicksburg
b. Which general led the Union?
c. How did Grant take Vicksburg? What is a siege? What was life like for the Confederates
living in Vicksburg during the siege?
5. What was 1863 (July 4th) so important?
6. Gettysburg Address:
a. Date
b. Purpose of the 2 minute long speech
c. Brief summary
Section 4: Devastation and New Freedom
1. How did the presidential election of 1864 affect decisions made by leaders on both sides?
2. What was General Grant’s strategy for defeating the South, and how did he and General
Sherman implement it?
a. Battle of the Wilderness? Date, Location, Winner?
b. Battle of Spotsylvania? Date, Location, Winner?
c. Battle of Cold Harbor? Date, Location, Winner?
d. Siege of Petersburg
i. Why did Grant go around Richmond and attack Petersburg?
ii. How many casualties did Grant suffer during the previous invasions?
e. Shenandoah Valley
i. Read the letter to General Hunter on page 412. WHY do you think the Union
burned this house to the ground? Was it justified?
Sherman in Georgia
i. How is Sherman’s approach in Georgia similar to Grant’s?
3. Election of 1864- Be able to identify the significance of the following items….
a. Radical Republicans
b. Wade-Davis Bill
c. Democratic Candidate?
d. Who won?
4. What did the 13th Amendment do? Why was the Emancipation Proclamation not enough (might
have to review previous answers)? In other words, why did we need a 13th Amendment to the
U.S. Constitution?