Motcombe CE VA Primary School PTA Meeting Thursday 18th June 2015 Present: Tess O’Keefe, Liela Brawn, Vicki Ford, Claire Heming, Katy Woods, Fran Bridgewater, Jess Symonds, Miki Pinder, Bethany Hope. Apologies: Kate Cuthbert, Sarah Clune, Emma Hine, Clare Young, Helen Hayward, Susannah Redman, Jason Woods, Helen Walters, Claire Pemberton, Sally Curtis, Stacey Ealson Christine Pederson Minutes of meeting – 1. SUMMER FAIR: School will be unable to help with performances due to staff commitments; BH will contact music teachers and see if they can help. ACTION: BH. Agreed stalls so far: o Hog- CH o Mocktails/ Beer and Pimms- MP and JS o Claire P-Toy Tombola o Netball- Miss. Wood + donating prize o Preschool- VF o Face Painting- Vikkee Granville o Hoopla- SE o 2nd Hand Uniform and Gardening Club produce- KW o Hanging Basket raffle- Mrs. Woods. o Grass Heads Stall- Christine P/ Sarah C until 4.30pm o Bouncy Castle- FB+ further help - LB has arranged for an externally supplied castle at discounted £60. - EH has smaller one. FB to ask J. White if he can transport o Beat the Goalie- Neal Coates (slightly different format to last year) o cards and decorated pebbles stall- Lexi Sapsford. o Pot of Gold-Clare Young o Book fair- Jason Woods o Neal’s Yard Remedies- Debra Ward o Caricatures- Wayne Savage Stalls still to be manned: o Guess number of sweets o Lollipop stall o Wheel of Fortune o Play your Cards Right o Water into Wine o Set up and Clear Up teams o Bouncy Castle Lee Ibbotson has agreed to host the rounders match- will supply rounders equipment. Bonnie Symonds will make signs for stalls. BH has list of Governors/volunteers etc. and will send out invitations- it was suggested to extend this to the teachers and new parents. 2. RESIGNATIONS VF would like to stand down as Secretary at the end of the academic year due to increased commitments elsewhere. SB would also like to stand down once a new Treasurer can be found. ______________________________________________________________ Motcombe C of E VA Primary School PTA Church Road, Motcombe, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 9NT /fax: 01747 852018 email: 3. FUNDING REQUESTS Miss Chant requested reimbursement for 4x box of chocolates for volunteers- Rejected as does not fit funding criteria. Miss Hewitt- £15 for clay for new Spiritual Garden sign- Agreed. TO to reinforce funding objectives with Mrs. Tidby. ACTION TO. 4. PLAY EQUIPMENT PTA have been asked to order new play equipment ASAP; there are concerns that the equipment requested would be damaged quickly or banned for Health and Safety reasons. MP and JS will put together a list of more suitable equipment. ACTION MP, JS. 5. AOB JS requested for a reminder about the clothes bank to be sent out- BH will also put a note in the Villager and a note could be placed at the shop. ACTION BH. The PTA letter to the new Duckling’s parents was well received- this will be adapted and sent out to the rest of the school. NEXT MEETING: TBA ______________________________________________________________ Motcombe C of E VA Primary School PTA Church Road, Motcombe, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 9NT /fax: 01747 852018 email: