Dear Anne,

Motcombe CE VA Primary School PTA Meeting
Thursday 18th June 2015
Present: Tess O’Keefe, Liela Brawn, Vicki Ford, Claire Heming, Katy Woods, Fran Bridgewater,
Jess Symonds, Miki Pinder, Bethany Hope.
Apologies: Kate Cuthbert, Sarah Clune, Emma Hine, Clare Young, Helen Hayward, Susannah
Redman, Jason Woods, Helen Walters, Claire Pemberton, Sally Curtis, Stacey Ealson
Christine Pederson
Minutes of meeting –
 School will be unable to help with performances due to staff commitments; BH will contact music
teachers and see if they can help. ACTION: BH.
 Agreed stalls so far:
o Hog- CH
o Mocktails/ Beer and Pimms- MP and JS
o Claire P-Toy Tombola
o Netball- Miss. Wood + donating prize
o Preschool- VF
o Face Painting- Vikkee Granville
o Hoopla- SE
o 2nd Hand Uniform and Gardening Club produce- KW
o Hanging Basket raffle- Mrs. Woods.
o Grass Heads Stall- Christine P/ Sarah C until 4.30pm
o Bouncy Castle- FB+ further help
- LB has arranged for an externally supplied castle at discounted £60.
- EH has smaller one. FB to ask J. White if he can transport
o Beat the Goalie- Neal Coates (slightly different format to last year)
o cards and decorated pebbles stall- Lexi Sapsford.
o Pot of Gold-Clare Young
o Book fair- Jason Woods
o Neal’s Yard Remedies- Debra Ward
o Caricatures- Wayne Savage
 Stalls still to be manned:
o Guess number of sweets
o Lollipop stall
o Wheel of Fortune
o Play your Cards Right
o Water into Wine
o Set up and Clear Up teams
o Bouncy Castle
 Lee Ibbotson has agreed to host the rounders match- will supply rounders equipment.
 Bonnie Symonds will make signs for stalls.
 BH has list of Governors/volunteers etc. and will send out invitations- it was suggested to extend
this to the teachers and new parents.
 VF would like to stand down as Secretary at the end of the academic year due to increased
commitments elsewhere.
 SB would also like to stand down once a new Treasurer can be found.
Motcombe C of E VA Primary School PTA
Church Road, Motcombe, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 9NT
/fax: 01747 852018
 Miss Chant requested reimbursement for 4x box of chocolates for volunteers- Rejected as does
not fit funding criteria.
 Miss Hewitt- £15 for clay for new Spiritual Garden sign- Agreed.
 TO to reinforce funding objectives with Mrs. Tidby. ACTION TO.
 PTA have been asked to order new play equipment ASAP; there are concerns that the equipment
requested would be damaged quickly or banned for Health and Safety reasons.
 MP and JS will put together a list of more suitable equipment. ACTION MP, JS.
5. AOB
 JS requested for a reminder about the clothes bank to be sent out- BH will also put a note in the
Villager and a note could be placed at the shop. ACTION BH.
 The PTA letter to the new Duckling’s parents was well received- this will be adapted and sent out
to the rest of the school.
Motcombe C of E VA Primary School PTA
Church Road, Motcombe, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 9NT
/fax: 01747 852018