CIMMYT Int., Apdo. Postal 6-641
06600 Mexico, D.F., MEXICO
Tel.: via México +52-(55) 804-2004 ext. 2230
Tel.: via U.S. +1 (650) 833-6655
Tel: Cd. Obregon, Sonora +52(644) 414-1940
Email: i.monasterio@cgiar.org
Ph.D. en Agronomía, Universidad de Illinois en Urbana-Champaign. Agosto 1987.
M.Sc. en Agronomía, Universidad de Illinois en Urbana-Champaign. Enero 1984.
Ingeniero Agrónomo, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey-Campus
Querétaro, México. Enero 1981.
Gamma Sigma Delta – Sociedad Honoraria de Agricultura en E.U.A.- (1984)
Academia Mexicana de Ciencias – (1999)
Academia Nacional de Ciencias Agrícolas – México - (2000)
Científico Principal, Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT), Programa
Global de Agricultura de Conservación, México, Septiembre 2009 a la fecha.
Profesor Adjunto, Universidad Estatal de Oklahoma, 2010 a la fecha.
Científico Senior, Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT), Programa de Trigo,
Manejo de Cultivos y Fisiología, México, Julio 2000 a Septiembre 2009.
Líder del Cultivo de Trigo, en el Programa Reto de Biofortificacion del “Consultative Group in
International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)”, desde 2003 a la fecha.
Co-Director del Proyecto de Sustentabilidad en el Valle del Yaqui de la Universidad de Stanford,
2003 al 2006.
Coordinador del Proyecto Frontera # 4 del CIMMYT, Granos Biofortificados para la Salud
Humana, 1999 al 2003.
Profesor Consultor, Stanford University, Octubre 2003 to 2006.
Representante de CIMMYT en el noroeste de México, 2003 al presente.
Chairman of the CIMMYT Obregon Station Management Committee, 2002 to present.
Científico, CIMMYT, Programa de Trigo, Manejo de Cultivos y Fisiología, México, Enero 1992 a Junio
Científico Asociado, CIMMYT, Programa de Trigo, Manejo de Cultivos y Fisiología, México, Enero 1991
a Diciembre 1991.
Post Doctorado, CIMMYT, Programa de Trigo, Manejo de Cultivos y Fisiología, México, Enero 1989 a
Diciembre 1990.
Profesor-Investigador, Departamento de Agronomía, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de
Monterrey- Campus Querétaro. México, Agosto 1987 a Diciembre 1988.
 Experiencia agricultura internacional como consultor o dirigiendo proyectos en: China, India,
Paquistán, Turquía, Brasil, Colombia, Bolivia, Argentina, Australia, Uzbekistán, Kirguistán,
Kazakstán, Rusia, Bangladesh, Portugal, Austria y Nepal.
Curso de nutrición vegetal en trigo en el programa de entrenamiento de trigo a estudiantes de Asia, África y
Latinoamérica, CIMMYT, 1991- a la fecha.
Curso de manejo de trigo bajo riego en el "Curso de Agronomía del Cultivo de Trigo: su Investigación y
Transferencia de Tecnología" en el Centro Internacional de Capacitación, Convenio INTA-CIMMYT,
Pergamino, Argentina. Septiembre 12-16, 1994.
Profesor de Fisiología Vegetal y Diseño de Experimentos en el Departamento de Agronomía, ITESM –
Campus Querétaro, México, Agosto 1987 a Diciembre 1988.
Artículos publicados en revistas científicas con arbitraje:
Seifert C., D. Lobell, and J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2010. Satellite-based detection of sodicity impacts on
wheat production in the Mexicali Valley. Soil Science Society of America Journal. (enviado).
Lobell, D., J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio and A.L. Lee. 2010. Satellite evidence for yield growth opportunities
in Northwest India. Field Crops Research (en impresion).
Zhang Y., Q. Song, J. Yan, J. Tang, R. Zhao, Y. Zhang, Z. He, C. Zou, and I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2010.
Mineral element concentration in grains of Chinese wheat cultivars. Euphytica (en impresion).
Rosado, J.L., K. M. Hambidge, L. V. Miller, O. P. Garcia, J. Westcott, K. Gonzalez, J. Conde, C. Hotz,
W. Pfeiffer, I. Ortiz-Monasterio, N. F. Krebs. 2010. The quantity of Zinc absorbed from wheat is
enhanced in adult women by biofortification. Journal of Nutrition (en impresion).
Ahrens, T. D., D. B. Lobell, J. I. Ortiz-Monasterio, Y. Li, and P. A. Matson. 2010. Narrowing the
agronomic yield gap with improved nitrogen use efficiency: a modeling approach. Ecological
Applications. (en impresion).
Joshi, A.K., J. Crossa, B. Arun, R. Chand, R. Trethowan, M. Vargas and I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2010.
Genotype x environment interaction for zinc and iron concentration of wheat grain in eastern Gangetic
Plains of India. Field Crops Research 116:268-277.
Pacheco-Covarrubias and I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2009. Durum wheat, bread wheat and triticale cultivars
differential response to four aphid species (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in the Yaqui Valley, Sonora,
Mexico. Entomologia Mexicana 8:580-584.
Serret, M. D., I. Ortiz-Monasterio, A. Pardo and J. L. Araus. 2008. The effect of urea fertilization and
genotype on yield, NUE, 15N and 13C in wheat. Annals of Applied Biology 153:243-257.
Tang J., C. Zou, Z. He, R. Shi, I. Ortiz-Monasterio, Y. Zhang. 2008. Mineral and phosphorus
distribution in milling fractions of Chinese wheats. Journal of Cereal Science. 4(3):821-828.
10. Ortiz, R., H-J. Braun, J. Crossa, J. H. Crouch, G. Davenport, J. Dixon, S. Dreisigacker, E. Duveiller, Z.
He, J. Huerta, A. K. Joshi, M. Kishii, P. Kosina, Y. Manes. M. Mezzalama, A. Morgounov, J.
Murakami, J. Nicol, G. Ortiz Ferrara, J. I. Ortiz-Monasterio, T. S. Payne, R. J. Pena, M. P. Reynolds,
K. D. Sayre, R. C. Sharma, R. P. Singh, J. Wang, M. Warburton, H. Wu and M. Iwanaga. 2008. Wheat
genetic resources enhancement by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
(CIMMYT). Genet Resour Crop Evol. 55:1095-1140.
11. McMaster, G.S, J.W. White, L.A. Hunt, P.D. Jamieson, S.S. Dhillon, and J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2008.
Simulating the influence of vernalization, photoperiod, and optimum temperature on wheat
developmental rates. Annals of Botany 102:561-569.
12. Ortiz R., Sayre K.D., Govaerts B., Gupta R, Subbarao G.V., Ban T, Hodson D, Dixon J.M., OrtizMonasterio J.I., and Reynolds, M. 2008. Climate change: can wheat beat the heat? Agric Ecosys and
Environ 126(1-2):46-58.
13. Lobell, D. and I. Ortiz-Monasterio 2008. Satellite monitoring of yield responses to irrigation practices
across thousands of fields. Agron. J. 100:1005-1012.
14. Hambidge, K.M., J. L Rosado, L. V. Miller, C. Hotz, J. E. Westcott, O. P. Garcia, K. Gonzalez, I.
Ortiz-Monasterio, W. Pfeiffer and N. F. Krebs. 2008. Absorption of Zinc (Zn) from High Zn & Control
Wheat. FASEB J. 22:149.5
15. Ortiz-Monasterio, J. I. and D. Lobell. 2007. Remote sensing assessment of regional yield losses due to
sub-optimal planting dates and follow period weed management. Field Crops Research 101:80-87.
16. Ortiz-Monasterio, J. I., N. Palacios, E. Meng, K. Pixley, R. Trethowan, and R. J. Pena. 2007.
Enhancing the mineral and vitamin content of wheat and maize through plant breeding. Journal of
Cereal Science 46:293-307.
17. Ortiz-Monasterio, J. I and W. Raun. 2007. Reduced nitrogen and improved farm income for irrigated
spring wheat in the Yaqui Valley, Mexico using sensor based nitrogen management. Journal of
Agricultural Science 145 (3) 1-8.
18. Lobell, D.B., J. I. Ortiz-Monasterio, F. Cajigas Gurrola, and L. Valenzuela. 2007. Identification of
saline soils with multi-year remote sensing of crop yields. Soil Science Society of America Journal
19. Pacheco-Covarrubias and I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2007. Parasitismo de la avispita (Lysiphlebus
testaceipes (Cresson) (Hymenoptera-Braconidae) en pulgones infestando variedades de trigo y triticale
en el valle del Yaqui, Sonora. Entomologia Mexicanan 6 (1): 460-463.
20. Lobell, D. and I. Ortiz-Monasterio 2007. Impacts of day and night temperature increases on spring
wheat yields: a comparison of empirical and CERES model predictions in three locations. Agron. J.
21. Trethowan, R., M.P. Reynolds, J. I. Ortiz-Monasterio and R. Ortiz. 2007. The genetic basis of the
green revolution in wheat production. Plant Breeding Reviews Vol 28:39-58.
22. Lobell D. B., J. I. Ortiz-Monasterio and W.P. Falcon. 2007. Yield uncertainty at the field scale
evaluated with multi-year satellite data. Agricultural Systems 92:76-90.
23. Lobell, D. and I. Ortiz-Monasterio 2006. Evaluating Strategies for Improved Water Use in Spring
Wheat with CERES. Agricultural Water Management 84(3):249-258.
24. Christensen, L., W.J. Riley and I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2006. Nitrogen Cycling in an Irrigated Wheat
System in Sonora, Mexico: Measurements and Modeling. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 75:112.
25. Lobell, D., and I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2006. Regional importance of crop yield constrains: linking
simulation models and geostatistics to interpret landscape patterns. Ecological Modeling 196:173-182.
26. Lyons G., G. J. Judson, I. Ortiz-Monasterio, Y. Genc, J. Stangoulis and R. D. Graham. 2005.
Selenium in Australia: Selenium status and biofortification of wheat for better health. Journal of Trace
Elements in Medicine and Biology 19:75-82.
27. Welch, R.M., W.A. House, I. Ortiz-Monasterio and Z. Cheng. 2005. Potential for improving
bioavailable Zn in wheat grain (Triticum sp) through plant breeding. J. Agr. Food. Chem. 53:21762180.
28. Trethowan, R., M.P. Reynolds, K.D. Sayre and I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2005. Adapting wheat cultivars to
resource conserving farming practices and human nutritional needs. Annals of Applied Biology
29. Lobell, D., I. Ortiz-Monasterio, G.P. Asner, R. Naylor and W. Falcon. 2005. Analysis of wheat and
climatic trends in Mexico. Field Crops Research 94:250-256.
30. Lyons, G., I. Ortiz-Monasterio, J. Stangoulis and R. Graham. 2005. Selenium concentration in wheat
grain: sufficient genotypic variation for selection? Plant and Soil 269:369-380.
31. Lobell, D., I. Ortiz-Monasterio, G. P. Asner, R. Naylor and W. Falcon. 2005. Combining field
surveys, remote sensing, and regression trees to understand yield variations in an irrigated wheat
landscape. Agron. J. 97:241-249.
32. Nicol, J. and I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2004. Effect of the root lesion nematode, Pratylenchus thornei on
wheat yields in Mexico. Nematology 6 (4): 485 33. Lobell, D.B., J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio and G.P. Asner. 2004. Relative importance of soil and climate
variability for nitrogen management in irrigated wheat. Field Crops Research. 87: 155-165.
34. Calderini, D.F. and I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2003. Are synthetic hexaploids a means of increasing grain
element concentrations in wheat? Euphytica.134: 169-178.
35. Calderini, D.F. and J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2003. Grain position affects macro and micronutrient grain
concentration in cultivars and synthetic hexaploid wheats. Crop Sci 43: 141-152.
36. Lobell, D.B., G.P. Asner, J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio, and T.L. Benning. 2003. Remote sensing of regional
crop production in the Yaqui Valley, Mexico: Estimates and Uncertainties. Agriculture, Ecosystems
and Environment 94:205-220.
37. Lobell, D.B., J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio, L. Addams and G.P. Asner. 2002. Soil, climate and management
impacts on regional wheat productivity in Mexico from remote sensing. Agricultural and Forestry
Meteorology 114:31-43.
38. Smale, M., M.P. Reynolds, M. Warburton, B. Skovmand, R.M. Trethowan, R.P. Singh, I. OrtizMonasterio, J. Crossa, M.M. Khairallah, M.I. Almaraz Pinzon. 2002. Dimensions of diversity in
CIMMYT bread wheat from 1965 to 2000. Crop Sci. 42:1766-1779.
39. Manske, G.G.B., J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio R., M. van Ginkel, S. Rajaram, and P. Vlek. 2002. Phosphorus
Use Efficiency in Tall, Semi-dwarf and Dwarf Near-Isogenic Lines of Spring Wheat. Euphytica 125
(1) 113-119.
40. P.J. Gregory, J.S.I. Ingram, R. Andersson, R.A. Betts, V. Brovkin, T.N. Chase, P.R. Grace, A. Gray,
N. Hamilton, T.B. Hardy, S.M. Howden, A. Jenkins, M. Meybeck, M. Olsson, I. Ortiz-Monasterio,
C.A. Palm, T. Payne, M. Rummukainen, R.E. Schulze, M. Thiem, C. Valentin and M.J. Wilkinson.
2002. Environmental Consequences of Alternative Practices for Intensifying Crop Production.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 88:279-290.
41. Perez, T., S.E. Trumbore, S.C. Tyler, P.A. Matson, I. Ortiz-Monasterio, T. Rahn and D.W.T. Griffith.
2001. Identifying the agricultural imprint of the global N 2O budget using stable isotopes. Journal of
Geophysical Research. 106:9869-9878.
42. Riley, W.J., I. Ortiz-Monasterio, and P.A. Matson. 2001. Nitrogen leaching and soil nitrate, and
ammonium levels in an irrigated wheat system in northern Mexico. Nutrient Cycling in
Agroecosystems 61:223-236.
43. Van Ginkel M., I. Ortiz-Monasterio, R. Trethowan, and E. Hernandez. 2001. Methodology for
selecting segregating populations for imporved N-use efficiency in bread wheat. Euphytica
44. Manske, G.G.B., J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio, M. van Ginkel, R.M. González, R.A. Fischer, S. Rajaram, and
P.L.G. Vlek. 2001. Importance of P Uptake Efficiency vs. P Utilization for Wheat Yield in Acid and
Calcareous Soils in Mexico. European Journal of Agronomy 14 (4):261-274.
45. Monasterio, J.I. and R.D. Graham. 2000. Breeding for trace minerals in wheat. Food and Nutrition
Bulletin. 21 (4):392-396.
46. Manske, G.G.B., J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio R., M. van Ginkel, R.M. Gonzalez, S. Rajaram E. Molina and
P. Vlek. 2000. Traits associated with improved P-uptake efficiency in CIMMYT’s semidwarf spring
bread wheat grown on an acid Andisol in Mexico. Plant and Soil 221:189-204.
47. Panek, J.A., P.A. Matson, I. Ortiz-Monasterio, and P. Brooks. 2000. Distinguishing nitrification and
denitrification sources of N2O in Mexican wheat systems using 15N as a tracer. Ecological
Applications 10(2):506-514.
48. Graham, Robin, D. Senadhira, Steven Beebe, Carlos Iglesias, and Ivan Ortiz-Monasterio. 1999.
Breeding for micronutrient density in edible portions of staple food crops: Conventional approaches.
Field Crops Research 60:57-80.
49. Matson, P.A., R. Naylor, and I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 1998. Integration of environmental, agronomic,
and economic aspects of fertilizer management. Science 280:112-115.
50. Portilla Cruz, I., E. Molina Gayosso, G. Cruz Florez, I. Ortiz-Monasterio, and G.G.B. Manske. 1998.
Colonización micorrízica arbuscular, actividad fosfatásica y longitud radical como respuesta a estrés
de fósforo en trigo y triticale cultivados en un andisol. Terra 16(1):55-61.
51. Graham, R.D., D. Senadhira, and I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 1997. A strategy for breeding staple-food crops
with high micronutrient density. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 43, 1153-1157.
52. Ortiz-Monasterio R., J.I., K.D. Sayre, S. Rajaram, and M. McMahon. 1997. Genetic progress in
wheat yield and nitrogen use efficiency under four N rates. Crop Science 37(3):898-904.
53. Ortiz-Monasterio R., J.I., R.J. Peña, K.D. Sayre, and S. Rajaram. 1997. CIMMYT's genetic progress
in wheat grain quality under four N rates. Crop Science 37(3):892-898.
54. Traxler, G., J. Falck-Zepeda, J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio, and K. D. Sayre. 1995. Production risk and the
evolution of varietal technology. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 77:1-7.
55. Crossa, J., P.L. Cornelius, K.D. Sayre, and J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio R. 1995. A shifted multiplicative
model fusion method for grouping environments without cultivar rank change. Crop Science 35:54-62.
56. Ortiz-Monasterio R., J.I., S.S. Dhillon, and R.A. Fischer. 1994. Date of sowing and the yield and
yield components of spring wheat genotypes and relationships with radiation and temperature at
Ludhiana, India. Field Crops Research 37:169-184.
Capitulos en Libros
Ortiz-Monasterio, J.I., R. Wassmann, B. Govaerts, Y. Hosen, N. Katayanagi, and N. Verhulst. 2010.
Greenhouse Gas Mitigation in the Main Cereal Systems: Rice, Wheat and Maize. In M. Reynolds (ed.)
Climate Change in Agriculture. CABI. (en impresion).
Raun, W.R., J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio, J.B. Solie. 2009. Temporally and spatially dependent nitrogen
management for diverse environments. In Brett F. Carver (ed.) Wheat Science and Trade, p.203-213.
Graham, R., R. Welch, D. Saunders, I. Ortiz-Monasterio, Bouis, H., Bonierbale, M., De Hann, S.
Burgos, G., Burgos, G., Thiele G., Reyna, L., Meisner C., Beebe, S., Potts, M., Kadian, M., Hobbs, P.,
Gupta, R., Twonlow, S. 2007. Nutritious Subsistance Food Systems. Advances in Agronomy. Vol
Pfeiffer, W.H., R.M. Trethowan, M. van Ginkel, I. Ortiz-Monasterio and S. Rajaram. 2005. Breeding
for Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Wheat. In M Ashraf and P.J.C. Harris (eds.) Abiotic stresses: Plant
resistance through breeding and molecular approaches. The Haworth Press, Inc. New York. pp. 401489.
Fischer R. A., K.D. Sayre and I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2005. The effect of raised bed planting on irrigated
wheat yield as influenced by variety and row spacing. International Workshop on raise beds, Australia.
Matson, P.A., A.L. Luers, K. Seto, R. Naylor and I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2005. People, Land Use and
Environment in the Yaqui Valley, Sonora, Mexico. Pages 238-264 in Population, Land Use, and
Environment, B. Entwisle and P. Stern, eds. National Research Council, Washington, DC.
Ortiz-Monasterio R., J.I. 2002. Nitrogen management in irrigated spring wheat. In B. Curtis, S.
Rajaram and H. Gomez Macpherson (eds.) p.433-452. Bread Wheat Improvement and Production.
FAO Plant Production and Protection Series No. 30, Rome, Italy. No. pp. 554
Reeves, T.G., S. R. Waddington, I. Ortiz-Monasterio, M. Banziger and K. Cassaday. 2002. Removing
Nutritional Limits to Maize and Wheat Production: A Developing Country Perspective. In
Biofertilizers in Action. Rural Industries Research and Development Coporation (RIRDC), Canberra,
ACT, Australia.
Long, J., I. Ortiz-Monasterio and M. Banziger. 2003. Improving the Nutritional Quality of Maize and
Wheat for Human Consumption, in "Impacts of Agriculture on Human Health and Nutrition", edited by
I. Cakmak, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the auspices of the
UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK. [http://www.eolss.net]
10. Ortiz-Monasterio R., J.I., G.G.B. Manske, and M van Ginkel. 2001. Genetic improvement for nitrogen
and phosphorus use efficiency in wheat. In M.P Reynolds, J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio and A. McNab (eds.)
Application of Physiology in Wheat Breeding. Mexico, D.F.: CIMMYT p. 200-207
11. Manske, G.G.B., J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio R., and Paul L.G. Vlek. 2001. Genetic diversity in roots of
wheat and techniques for its measurements. In M.P Reynolds, J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio and A. McNab
(eds.) Application of Physiology in Wheat Breeding. Mexico, D.F.:CIMMYT p. 208-218.
12. Graham D.G., D. Senadhira, and I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 1997. A strategy for breeding staple-food crops
with high micronutrient density. In T. Ando et al. (eds.) Plant Nutrition - for Sustainable Food
Production and Environment. Kluwer Academic Publisher. p. 933-937.
13. Graham, R.D., I. Ortiz-Monasterio, S. Beebe, and C. Iglesias. 1996. Potential for breeding
micronutrient-dense staple food crops: Field fortification. In G.F. Combs, Jr., R.M. Welch, J.M.
Duxbury, N.T. Uphoff and M.C. Nesheim (eds.) Food-Based Approaches to Preventing Micronutrient
Malnutrition: An International Research Agenda. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. p. 39-41.
Otras publicaciones en revistas, conferencias y simposios:
Aquino, P. R. J. Pena e I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2008. Mexico y el CIMMYT. Mexico, D.F.
Smale, M., M.P. Reynolds, M. Warburton, B. Skovmand, R.M. Trethowan, R.P. Singh, I. OrtizMonasterio, J. Crossa, M.M. Khairallah, M.I. Almaraz Pinzon. 2001. Dimensions of diversity in
CIMMYT bread wheat from 1965 to 2000. Mexico, D.F. Mexico:CIMMYT.
Moreno, O.; Uvalle, X.; Salazar, J.; Sayre, K.D.; Ortíz-Monasterio, I. 2000. Como producir trigo a
menor costo?: Reducción de costos cercana al 37% Agro-Síntesis (Oct 31) : 8-13.
Nicol, J.M. and I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 1999. The importance of the root lesion nematode, Pratylenchus
thornei on the wheat yield loss and plant susceptibility in the state of Sonora, Mexico and wider
implications. Annual Wheat Newsletter.
Moreno, O.H., E. Valenzuela, A. Gonzalez, K.D. Sayre y I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 1998. Tecnologia de
alta eficiencia para la produccion de trigo. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agricolas
y Pecuarias. Centro de Investigacion Regional del Noroeste Campo Experimental Valle del Yaqui.
Folleto Tecnico Num. 36.
Moreno, O.H., J.M. Salazar, K.D. Sayre, I. Ortiz-Monasterio, M. Camacho, P. Felix y L. E. Carrillo.
1997. La densidad de poblacion, en relacion a la produccion de cereales de grano pequeno, en el
noroeste de Mexico. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agricolas y Pecuarias. Centro
de Investigacion Regional del Noroeste Campo Experimental Valle del Yaqui. Folleto Tecnico Num.
Sayre, K.D., M. Van Ginkel, S. Rajaram, and J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 1994. Tolerance to water-logging
losses in spring bread wheat: effect of time of onset on expression. Annual Wheat Newsletter 40:165171.
Dhillon, S.S., and J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio R. 1993. Effect of date of sowing on the yield and yield
components of spring wheat and their relationship with solar radiation and temperature at Ludhiana,
Punjab, India. Wheat Special Report No. 23. Mexico, D.F.:CIMMYT.
Meisner, C.A.., E. Acevedo, D. Flores, K. Sayre, I. Ortiz-Monasterio, and D. Byerlee. 1992. Wheat
Production and Grower Practices in the Yaqui Valley, Sonora, Mexico. Wheat Special Report No. 6
CIMMYT, Mexico, D.F. Mexico.
10. Bell, M.A., I. Ortiz-Monasterio, and A. Limón. 1990. Leaf and yield loss study. Annual Wheat
Newsletter 35:97.
11. Eun Young Choi, Robin D Graham, Ivan Ortiz-Monasterio and James C.R. Stangoulis. 2006. Defining
what constitutes an iron-dense wheat grain through use of preferential staining techniques and colour
image analysis. 14th International symposium on iron nutrition. Montpellier, France, July 3-7, 2006
12. Lobell D. and J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2005. Mapping soil salinity in the Colorado River delta region:
scaling from point to regional scales with multi-year satellite imagery. International Salinity Meeting,
Riverside California, April 2005.
13. Lyons, G.H., I. Oritz-Monasterio, Y. Genc., J.R. Stangoulis, and R.D. Graham. 2005. Can cereals be
bred for increased selenium and iodine concentration in grain? In C.Ji et al. (Eds). Plant nutrition for
food security, human health and environmental protection. p. 374-375. Tsinghua University Press.
Beijing, China.
14. Ortiz-Monasterio, J.I., R. J. Peña, A. H. Hede and W. H. Pfeiffer. 2002. Nitrogen and Water Stress in
Triticale and Durum Wheat Yield and Quality. Proceedings of the 5th International Triticale
Symposium, Supplement, June 30-July 5, Radzikow, Poland. p. 11-26.
15. Ortiz-Monasterio, J.I., A.H. Hede, W.H. Pfeiffer and M. van Ginkel. 2002. Saline/Sodic sub-soil on
Triticale, Durum Wheat and Bread Wheat Yield Under Irrigated Conditions. Proceedings of the 5 th
International Triticale Symposium, Supplement, June 30-July 5, Radzikow, Poland. p. 39-43.
16. Ortiz-Monasterio, J.I., R.J. Peña, W.H. Pfeiffer and A.H. Hede. 2002. Phosphorus Use Efficiency in
Triticale and Durum wheat yield and quality under irrigated conditions. Proceedings of the 5 th
International Triticale Symposium, Supplement, June 30-July 5, Radzikow, Poland. p. 53-58.
17. Lobell, D.B, G. P. Asner and J. I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2001. Regional wheat yield prediction using
Landsat 7 satellite imagery. Third International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture
and Forestry, Denver, Colorado 5-7 November.
18. Nicol J., and I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2001. Population dynamics and economic importance of the root
lesion nematode, Pratylenchus thornei on wheat productivity on CIMMYT germplasm and the global
implications for germplasm development. Proceeding of the Second Australian Soilborne Diseases
Symposium. Lorne, Victoria 5-8 March. p. 119-120.
19. Morgounov, A., K.D. Sayre, P.R. Hobbs, P.W. Wall, J.I Ortiz-Monasterio, and M. Karabayev. 2000.
Sustainable wheat and maize production systems in developing countries. CIMMYT and ICARDA.
2000. Conservation tillage a viable option for sustainable agriculture in Central Asia. Almaty,
Kazakhstan: CIMMYT; Aleppo, Syria: ICARDA. p. 86-93
20. Reeves, T.G., S. R. Waddington, I. Ortiz-Monasterio, M. Banziger and K. Cassaday. 2000. Removing
Nutritional Limits to Maize and Wheat Production: A Developing Country Perspective. 8 th
International Symposium of N Fixation with Non-Legumes, 3-7 December 2000. University of
Sydney, Australia.
21. Vargas Hernandez, M. J. Crossa Hiriart e I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2000. Analisis de la interaccion
genotipo x ambiente del contenido de Fe y Zn en el grano de trigo. Congreso Universitario
Internacional de Edafologia. Colegio de Postgraduados, Mexico. Octubre.
22. Ortiz-Monasterio, I., and R. Naylor. 2000. Effect of rate, timing and placement of nitrogen on spring
wheat in farmers field in the Yaqui Valley of Mexico. In “Optimizing nitrogen fertilizer application to
irrigated wheat. Results of a co-ordinated research project organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA division
of nuclear techniques in Food and Agriculture 1994-1998”. p. 231-238. International Atomic Energy
Agency. IAEA-TECDOC-1164. IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
23. Uvalle-Bueno, X., R. Osorio-Alatorre and I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2000. Nitrogen use efficiency in
irrigated wheat. In “Optimizing nitrogen fertilizer application to irrigated wheat. Results of a coordinated research project organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA division of nuclear techniques in Food
and Agriculture 1994-1998”. p. 143-157. International Atomic Energy Agency. IAEA-TECDOC-1164.
IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
24. Ortiz-Monasterio, J.I., M.P. Reynolds and K.D. Sayre. 1999. Some aspects of wheat crop
management and physiology research at CIMMYT-Mexico. The Main Trends in Diversification of the
Grain Production at the Steepe Regions of Eurasian Continent, Shortandy, Kazkahstan. July 27-28.
25. Ortiz-Monasterio R., J.I., W. Pfeiffer, R.D. Graham, and M. Mergoum. 1998. The effect of D-genome
chromosome translocations and substitutions on micronutrient concentration in the grain of triticale.
Proceedings of the 4th International Triticale Symposium. Vol. (2) 282-284.
26. Ortiz-Monasterio, I., K.D. Sayre, J. Peña. 1997. Alternativas para incrementar la eficiencia de uso de
nitrógeno en trigo en el Valle del Yaqui. Primer Simposio Internacional de Trigo. Cd. Obregón,
Sonora, México. p. 213-221.
27. Pena R.J., J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio y K.D. Sayre. 1998. Estrategias para mejorar (o mantener) la calidad
panadera de trigo de alto potencial de rendimiento. In: Explorando Altos Rendimientos de Trigo. La
Estanzuela, (Uruguay); 20-23 Oct 1997. Kholi, M.M.; Martino, D., (eds.). La Estanzuela (Uruguay):
INIA/CIMMYT. P. 289-306.
28. Moreno, O.H., K.D. Sayre, I. Ortiz-Monasterio, J.X. Uvalle Bueno, Jesús M. Salazar Gómez. 1997.
Tecnología moderna para la producción de trigo. Primer Simposio Internacional de Trigo. Cd.
Obregón, Sonora, México. p. 71-87.
29. Hobbs, P.R., K.D. Sayre, and J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 1997. Yield maximization through agronomic
means. In S. Najarajan, G. Singh, B.S. Tyagi (eds.) Wheat Research Needs Beyond 2000 AD.
Proceedings of the International Group Meeting on “Wheat Research Needs Beyond 2000 AD” held at
Directorate of Wheat Research, Karnal, India, during 12-14 August, 1997. Narosa Publishing House,
New Delhi. p. 67-88.
30. Ortiz-Monasterio, J.I., P.A. Matson, J. Panek, and R.L. Naylor. 1996. Nitrogen fertilizer management
consequences of N2O and NO emissions in Mexican irrigated wheat. Transactions of the 9 th Nitrogen
Workshop. Braunschweig, Germany. p. 531-534.
31. Ortiz-Monasterio R., J.I., and M. A. Bell. 1994. Agriculture, nitrogen and the environment. Keynote
Address. Memorias IV Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Agrícola, Cuautitlán, México, p. 14-35.
32. Ortiz-Monasterio R., J.I., K.D. Sayre, J. Peña, and R.A. Fischer. 1994. Improving the nitrogen use
efficiency of irrigated spring wheat in the Yaqui Valley of Mexico. 15th World Congress of Soil
Science. Vol. 5b:348-349.
33. Wall, P. C., F.O. Claros, L. Zegada, C. Calle, I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 1994. Un resumen de sondeos de
productores de cereales menores en Cochabamba y Chuquisaca - Abril 1994. P.C. Wall (ed.) Memorias
de la II Reunión Nacional del Trigo y Cereales Menores. Agosto 17 -19. ANAPO, IBTA, CIAT,
CIMMYT, L-480. Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
34. Ortiz-Monasterio, I., K.D. Sayre, G. Fuentes Dávila, M. Camacho, O. Moreno. 1993. Algunas
prácticas agronómicas relacionadas con la incidencia de carbon parcial (Neovossia indica). Taller
Sobre las Estrategias para el Control del Carbón Parcial del Trigo (Neovossia indica) en el Edo. de
Sonora. p. 47-58.
35. Pacheco-Covarrubias, J.J. e I. Ortiz-Monasterio . 2009. Respuesta diferencial de gentoipos de trigo
duro, harinero y triticale a cuatro especies de afidos (Hemiptera:Aphididae) en el Valle del Yaqui, Son.
Congreso de la Sociedad Mexicana de Entomologia.
36. Ortiz-Monasterio, J.I.; Sayre, K.D.; Crossa, J.; Ammar, K.; Pfeiffer, W.; Abdalla, O. 2008. Changes
in nitrogen use efficiency in CIMMYT’s durum wheat. p. 54. In: From Seed to Pasta: The Durum
Wheat Chain. International Durum Wheat Symposium. Book of Abstracts; Bologna (Italy); 30 Jun - 03
Jul 2008. Bologna (Italy): Societa Produttori Sementi S.p.A. Bologna / CIMMYT / ICARDA, 2008.
37. Maccaferri, M.; Sanguineti, M.C.; De Ambrogio, E.; Demontis, A.; Massi, A.; Ammar, K.; Araus
Ortega, J.L.; Ben Salem, M.; Conti, S.; Del Moral, L.F.G.; El-Ahmed, A.; Giuliani, S.; Maalouf, F.;
Mantovani, P.; Nachit, M.; Nserallah, N.; Ortiz-Monasterio, I.; Ratti, C.; Reynolds, M.; Royo, C.;
Rubies-Autonell, C.; Vallega, V.; Tuberosa, R. 2008. Searching for major QTLs for tolerance to
abiotic and biotic stress in durum wheat. p. 44. In: From Seed to Pasta: The Durum Wheat Chain.
International Durum Wheat Symposium. Book of Abstracts; Bologna (Italy); 30 Jun - 03 Jul 2008.
Bologna (Italy): Societa Produttori Sementi S.p.A. Bologna / CIMMYT / ICARDA, 2008.
38. Maccaferri, M.; Sanguineti, M.C.; Ammar, K.; DeAmbrogio, E.; Demontis, A.; Massi, A.;
Reynolds, M.; Ortiz-Monasterio, I.; Corneti, S.; Stefanelli, S.; Tuberosa, R. 2008. Searching for
QTLs for adaptation to reduced water and nitrogen inputs in durum wheat. p. 119. In: From Seed to
Pasta: The Durum Wheat Chain. International Durum Wheat Symposium. Book of Abstracts; Bologna
(Italy); 30 Jun - 03 Jul 2008. Bologna (Italy): Societa Produttori Sementi S.p.A. Bologna / CIMMYT /
ICARDA, 2008.
39. Ortiz-Monasterio, I., J. Pena, I. Cakmak. 2007. Grain protein and Zn concentration in wheat. Zinc
Crops. Istanbul, Turkey. May 24-26.
40. Ortiz-Monasterio, M. van Ginkel, R. Trethowan and T. Payne. 2007. Wheat Mexican landraces and
Triticum spelta: novel germplasm with high levels of Zinc and Iron in the grain. Zinc Crops. Istanbul,
Turkey. May 24-26.
41. Bhutta, Z.A., A. Jiwani, A. Feroze, N. Kissana and I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2007. Assesment of human
zinc deficiency and determinants in Pakistan: implications for interventions. Zinc Crops. Istanbul,
Turkey. May 24-26.
42. K.H. Hambidge, N.F. Krebs, L.V. Miller, J.E. Westcott, J. Rosado, O. Garcia, K. Gonzalez, I. OrtizMonasterio, W. Pfeiffer and C. Hotz. 2007. Zinc (Zn) in biofortified crops: efficacy in human
nutrition. Zinc Crops. Istanbul, Turkey. May 24-26.
43. Ortiz-Monasterio, I. 2006. Improving nitrogen use efficiency in irrigated spring wheat. International
Wheat Seminar. Faisalabad, Pakistan, February 20-21. p. 26.
44. Ortiz-Monasterio, I. 2005. Breeding for micro-nutrient dense wheat: The Harvest Plus strategy for
biofortified wheat in the Indo-Gangetic Plains. 7th International Wheat Conference. Mar del Plata,
Argentina. Nov. 27-Dec 2, 2005. p.114.
45. Ortiz-Monasterio, I. 2004. Biofortified Wheat. International Wheat Quality Conference. Beijing,
China, May 28-30.
46. Cade-Menun B.J., D. Lobell, P. Jewett, J. I. Ortiz-Monasterio and P.A. Matson. 2003. A Survey of
Soil Phosphorus in the Yaqui Valley, Sonora, México. Soil Science Society of America.
47. Lobell, D. B., G. P. Asner, and J. I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2003. Application of MODIS Land Products to
Estimate Regional Cropland Area and Production. Eos. Trans. American Geophysical Union 84(46),
Fall Meeting. Suppl. Abstract F271.
48. Klatt, A.R., M. Van Ginkel, K.D. Sayre, K.W. Freeman, I. Ortiz-Monasterio, W.E. Thomason, M.P.
Reynolds, W.R. Raun. 2001. Selecting for improved nitrogen use efficiency in wheat using sensor
based technology. p.. In Agronomy abstracts. ASA, Madison , WI .
49. Freeman, K.W., W.E. Thomason, G.V. Johnson, R.W. Mullen, K.D. Sayre, J.B. Solie, I. OrtizMonasterio, W.R. Raun. 2001. Late-Season Prediction of Wheat Grain Yield and Protein in
Oklahoma and Mexico. Agronomy Abstracts.
50. Lobell, D.B., G.P. Asner, and J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2001. Measuring crop residues with ASTER.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
51. Lobell, D.B., G.P. Asner, and J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2001. Regional wheat yield prediction using
Landsat 7 satellite imagery. Third international Conference on Information in Agriculture and Forestry.
5-7 November, Denver, Colorado.
52. Ortiz-Monasterio, I., R.J. Pena and W. Pfeiffer. 2000. Grain yield and quality in CIMMYT’s durum
wheat under water and nitrogen stresses. 6th International Wheat Conference, 5-9 June, Budapest,
Hungary. p. 299.
53. Van Ginkel M., R. Trethowan, I. Ortiz-Monasterio, and E. Hernandez. 2000. Methodology for
selecting segregating populations for improved N-use efficiency in bread wheat. 6th International
Wheat Conference, 5-9 June, Budapest, Hungary. p. 84.
54. Nicol, J.M. and I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 2000. Screening for resistance and tolerance against the root
lesion nematode, Pratylenchus thornei. 6th International Wheat Conference, 5-9 June, Budapest,
Hungary. p. 190.
55. Weier, K., P. Grace and I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 1999. Bed planting systems for higher yield and reduced
greenhouse gas emissions. Global Chance and Terrestrial Ecosystems. Environmental consequences of
increasing food, fiber and fuel supply. The University of Reading, UK. September 20-23.
56. Reynolds M.P. and Ortiz-Monasterio I. 1999. Effect of Zinc application in ameliorating drough stress.
In Agronomy Abstracts, Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov 1-4, 1999.
57. Nicol, J.M. and Ortiz-Monasterio I. 1999. Effect of the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus thornei on
wheat yield loss and plant susceptibility in Sonora, Mexico. Congreso Latinoamericano de
Fitopatologia. Guadalajara, Jalisco. p.291.
58. Riley, W. J., I. Ortiz-Monasterio, and P. A. Matson . 1999. Applying a mechanistic model of nitrogen
cycling (NLOSS) to reduce N losses in an intensive agricultural system, The Ecological Society of
America, 84th Annual Meeting, August 8-12, Spokane, WA, USA.
59. Riley, W. J., I. Ortiz-Monasterio, and P. A. Matson . 1998. Nitrogen leaching in an irrigated wheat
system in northern Mexico, The Ecological Society of America, 83 nd Annual Meeting, August 2-6,
Baltimore, MD, USA.
60. Ortiz-Monasterio R., J.I., D. Huber, J. Castellarín. 1996. Métodos y dosis de inyección de NH3 al suelo
en un cultivo de trigo establecido (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum). Memorias del XXVII Congreso
Nacional de la Ciencia del Suelo. Nov. 18 - 22 de 1996, Cd. Obregon, Sonora, Mexico. p. 195.
61. Manske, G.G.B., J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio, M. van Ginkel, R. Gonzales, and P.L.G. Velk. 1996.
Phosphorus uptake, utilization efficiency and grain yield of semidwarf wheat grown in acid or alkaline,
P deficient soils. 5th International Wheat Conference, June 10-14, Ankara, Turkey. p. 304.
62. Manske, G.G.B., J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio, S. Rajaram, and P.L.G. Velk. 1996. Improved phosphorus use
efficiency in semidwarf over tall wheats with and without P fertilization. Second International Crop
Science Congress. November 17-24. New Delhi, India. p. 106.
63. Manske, G.G.B., J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio, R. Gonzales, G. Ruiz, P.L.G. Vlek. 1996. Eficiencia de
absorción y utilización de fósforo en trigo cultivado en suelos ácidos y alcalinos. II Symposio
Internacional y Reunión Nacional de Agricultura Sostenible. San Luis Potosí, México.
64. Ruíz, I.G., R. Gonzales, H. Muller, I. Ortiz-Monasterio, G.G.B. Manske. 1996. Infección
endomicorrízica en 42 genotipos de trigo cultivados en un suelo andosol bajo diferentes niveles de
fósforo. I Symposium Nacional de la Simbiosis Micorrízica, Xalapa, Veracruz, México, Octubre 9-11.
p. 43.
65. Portilla Cruz I., E. Molina Gayosso, G. Cruz Flores, I. Ortiz-Monasterio, G.G.B. Manske. 1996.
Infección endomycorrízica, actividad fosfatásica y longitud radicular como respuesta al estrés de
fósforo en trigo y triticale cultivado en un andisol. I Symposium Nacional de la Simbiosis Micorrízica,
Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico, Octubre 9-11. p. 25.
66. Manske, G.G.B., J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio, R.A. Fischer, M. van Ginkel, R. Gonzalez, and P.L.G. Vlek.
1995. Evaluation of traits associated with genotypic differences in phosphorus use efficiency in
CIMMYT's bread wheat germplasm. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 105.
67. Traxler, G., J. Falck-Zepeda, I. Ortiz-Monasterio, K. D. Sayre, and S. Rajaram. 1993. Production risk
and the evolution of varietal technology. Abstract published in American J. of Agricultural Economics.
p. 75.
68. Falck-Zepeda, J.B., G. Traxler, and I. Ortiz-Monasterio. 1993. The impact of technical change on
production risk of modern wheat varieties. Abstract published in Southern Journal of Agricultural
Economics. p. 25.
69. Ortiz-Monasterio, I., K.D. Sayre, and O. Abdalla. 1992. Genetic progress in CIMMYT's durum wheat
program in the last 39 years. Abstracts of the First International Crop Science Congress. p. 64.
70. Meisner, C.A., E. Acevedo, D. Flores, K. Sayre, I. Ortiz-Monasterio, and D. Byerlee. 1992. Wheat
production and grower practices in the Yaqui Valley, NW Mexico. Abstracts of the First International
Crop Science Congress. p. 102.
71. Ortiz-Monasterio, I., K.D. Sayre, and W. Pfeiffer. 1991. Nitrogen response of CIMMYT's complete
and substituted triticales. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 156.
72. Sayre, K.D., R. Singh, I. Ortiz-Monasterio, and E.E. Saari. 1991. Current expression of leaf rust
resistance in CIMMYT bread wheat germplasm developed over the past thirty years. Agronomy
Abstracts. p. 115.
73. Sayre, K.D., I. Ortiz-Monasterio, S. Rajaram, and M. McMahon. 1990. Changes in nitrogen use
efficiency of CIMMYT bread wheat germplasm after 35 years of breeding under high levels of
nitrogen. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 130.
74. Ortiz-Monasterio, I., K.D. Sayre, S. Rajaram, and M. McMahon. 1990. Genetic progress of CIMMYT
germplasm under different levels of nitrogen. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 60.
75. Sayre, K.D., I. Ortiz-Monasterio, W. Raun, and M. McMahon. 1989. Effect of sub-soiling and
incorporation of organic matter on irrigated wheat yields in Northern Mexico. Agronomy Abstracts. p.
76. Wall, Patrick C., Ivan Ortiz-Monasterio, Jorge Velasco L. 1997. Resultados de un Sondeo de
Productores de Trigo en el Departamento de Cochabamba, Bolivia Abril 1994. CIMMYT, IBTA,
PL480. p. 50. Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Editorial El País.
77. Wall, Patrick C., Cresencio Calle O., Ivan Ortiz-Monasterio, Jorge Velasco L., Luis Zegada G. 1997.
Resultados de un Sondeo de Productores de Trigo del Norte del Departamento de Chuquisaca, Bolivia
Abril 1994. CIMMYT, IBTA, PL480. p. 46. Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Editorial El País.
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