to read our information reports - pretty impressive

Benjamin Wallace
There are thousands of spiders. They
are here to protect themselves. Some
are small and some are big as a
dinner plate.
They have eight hairy
Spiders have two body parts.
Spiders live in old places. They make
material inside their back. They live in
Spiders have enemies like scorpions,
birds and bigger spiders. A snake is
another enemy for spiders.
Kyle Vo Thompson
Spiders can be either big or small depending
on their parent.
The web from a spider is
made out of silk. Sometimes spiders can be
found in a burrow like a Trapdoor spider.
Spiders have prey like birds or scorpions
found in the desert.
over the world.
Spiders are found all
A spider will eat a fly by
shooting out silk onto a fly to make it
trapped. Spiders have enemies such as birds
and amphibians like frogs, iguanas and
Spiders escape by using their silk.
The silk comes in handy in useful situations.
Sometimes spiders in the desert have prey
from desert creatures like scorpions or
camouflaged reptiles, including rattle snakes.
Some scientists search for spiders that have
not been found for a long time.
spiders are known as endangered species.
Layla O’Donnell
There are millions of spiders in the
world. Some spiders are smaller than
a tip of a pencil and some spiders are
large like a dinner plate.
spiders have different colours and
different species. Spiders have eight
hairy legs.
Spider webs are very
Spiders like to eat flies by
wrapping the fly in silk.
Ella Carberry
There are thousands of spiders in the
world. There are different types of
spiders. They have hairy legs and they all
have eight legs. Some spiders can be
small and some can be large.
Spiders can live in burrows and some
spiders live in hot places. Spiders also
live in webs. Spiders make the web using
special silk. Spiders eat insects and also
flies. Spiders catch insects by grabbing
them. They wrap and wrap. The spider
turns it until it is in a cocoon. The silk is
sticky so it helps the spider to catch the
insect. A bird can be a predator for a
spider. Some people are scared of
Chilee Brown
There are lots of spiders in the world.
Some are small as an ant and some
are as big as a dinner plate.
Spiders use their silk to make a web.
Spiders can catch food in the web.
Birds are a danger to spiders because
they like to eat spiders. Some
humans are scared of spiders.
Diego Moreno
Spiders have eight legs. All spiders
have hairy legs. Spiders have two
body parts. Some spiders live in
rotten places. Spiders can live in
burrows, or garages or old places.
Some spiders make silk to spin webs
and long string threads to travel
quickly to help them catch their prey.
Spiders use their silk to catch the fly in
a cocoon. A spider’s predator can
be birds and humans. Birds like to
eat spiders. Sometimes humans get
rid of spiders from their homes.
Shannon Sheehy
Some spiders are very big and some
are very tiny. The have eight legs.
The big spiders are as large as a
dinner plate. Some spiders are very,
very hairy and fierce. Some people
think that a spider can be scary.
Spiders eat wasps by wrapping it in
the web. The spider sucks the blood
out and chewing the skin.
Jovahn Hine
Some spiders have hairy legs to help
catch flies. Some spiders are as big
as a dinner plate. They can live in
burrows or webs. Some spiders can
live in webs under water. To make
webs spiders make silk threads from
their body.
Spiders eat flies and insects by
trapping them in webs. Then they
wrap them up. Their predator is a
bird but sometime a giant spider
might eat a bird.
Lewis Kennedy
There are 40,000 different types of spiders.
Some are as small as a tip of a pencil and some
are as large as a dinner plate. All spiders have
eight legs. Most spiders like to live in warm, dry
places. Some spiders live in webs and some
spiders live in burrows. The make the webs the
spiders make silk inside their bodies and shoot it
out. Spiders catch food in sticky webs and they
eat them. To catch insects they use their webs
and the insect flies straight into them. A spider
makes a cocoon around the insect then the
spider pokes its head into the cocoon and eats
the insect. A spider’s enemy can be a bird or
humans. Sometimes spiders are not wanted so
some humans get rid of them. Birds eat
spiders. That is why spiders run away from
Jeremy Callon
Spiders are big as a dinner plate.
Spiders have eight hairy legs and they
have two pinchers. Spiders have
skinny legs. They live in burrows,
trees and webs. They catch prey with
their hairy legs.
Charlize Soffe
There are thousands of different
spiders in the world. Some spiders
are big and some are little. They
have eight legs. Spiders catch insects
in their webs. The webs are sticky
and invisible to some insects.
Rory Emett
There are over four hundred spiders
in the world. Some are very big and
some are very small like a little pencil
tip and the big spiders could be as
big as a dinner plate. Some live in a
burrow and some live in a web. Their
prey is a wasp. They use the silk from
their body to wrap the wasp in a
Samara Wolfe
There are thousands of spiders in the world.
Some spiders are as small as a pencil tip but
some are very big. All spiders have eight
legs. Spiders live in lots of different places.
Some spiders live in webs and others live in
nice dry burrows. To make a web they make
silk in their body and shoot it out. Then they
attach it to anything. Some use the silk
thread to travel. Spiders spin webs to catch a
fly to eat. Then they spin the fly around and
around so it cannot escape. A spider’s web
is invisible to a fly. Spiders have lots of
predators. Birds love to eat spiders. Some
people try to kill spiders with fly spray and
some big animals eat spiders.
Kyuss Elmes
There are forty thousand types of spiders in
the world. Some spiders are as big as a
dinner plate and some are as small as a
pencil tip. Spiders have two body parts and
eight hairy legs. Spiders live in a lot of
different places. Some live under rocks and
some live in rusty old places like garages; old
houses and they live in webs. Spiders make
strong silk. Spiders eat insects like
grasshoppers, wasps, butterflies and flies.
Spiders can catch prey by camouflaging on
leaves and flowers. Spiders suck the blood of
their prey. Spiders’ predators can be
female spiders, birds, lizards, frogs, toads and
sometimes people. Some people don’t like
spiders so they use fly spray to get rid of
Bebe Anderson
There are 40, 000 different types of
spiders in the world. Spiders can be as
big as a dinner plate or as small as an
ant. Spiders have eight legs. Spiders
can live in burrows or on webs. Some
spiders can live in garages. Spiders like
warm, dry places. A spider uses silk to
make a web. A spider spins silk around
and around to make a tunnel web.
Spiders catch insects like wasps and
flies in the web. A spider’s enemy can
be toads or birds. Spiders trap insects
by using their silk webs and wrapping
them in a cocoon.
Troy-Lee Armstrong
There are thousands of types of spiders.
Spider’s legs are very hairy. Spiders
have eight legs. Some spiders are as
large as a dinner plate. Spiders live in
sheds or burrows and they like warm
places. Spiders make silk from their
body. They eat their old web and the silk
is very strong. Daddy Long Leg spiders
eat flies and other insects. Spiders catch
insects and wasps in their webs. Spiders
cocoon the insect by wrapping silk
around it. Birds like to eat spiders.
Sometimes spiders cannot see birds
because they are camouflaged. Some
humans kill spiders with fly spray.
Ashley Wilke
There are over forty thousand types of spiders
in the world. There are small spiders and big
spiders. Small spiders are as small as the tip of
a pencil and big spiders can be as big as a
dinner plate. Spiders have eight legs with four
legs on each side of their body. Some spiders
live under ground and some spiders live in
webs. Spiders can live in the jungle, forest or
the desert. Spiders prey on insects like flies,
ants and wasps. Spiders hunt. When they are
hunting they hide under leaves and then they
pounce on the prey. When the prey is caught
the spider cocoons it and takes it back to the
web to eat it. Birds and porcupines are
spiders’ predators. Snakes, grizzly bears, birds
and porcupines all like to eat spiders. Spiders
fight back but they do not win.
Danica Landers
There are thousands of spiders in the world.
Some spiders are as small as an ant and others
can be as big as a dinner plate. Spider’s legs are
hairy so they can catch little bits of food. All
spiders have eight legs but some people think they
only have six. All eight legs are hairy. Most
spiders live in warm, dry places like trees. Spiders
can live in webs or burrows. To make a web
spiders use special silk and go around and around
until it is fully made. The silk is strong and really
sticky. Spiders catch insects in their webs. Spiders
trap insects by using their eight sticky legs and
fangs. Mostly flies get trapped in the web because
the web looks invisible to the flies. Spiders also
have predators. The predators are birds, female
spiders and humans. Birds like to eat spiders.
They think spiders taste yummy. Humans do not
eat the spiders but they do kill them.
Kalani Henderson
Some spiders eat insects and flies. Spiders
pounce on insects or wait in the web. There
are 40,000 spiders in the world. Some
spiders live in burrows, hot places, webs or
forests. Spiders make webs using special silk.
For a bug a web is as strong as metal. Spiders
eat flies and small insects. Some spiders
wrap a fly up with silk web like a cocoon. A
spider’s predator is a human. But a human
won’t eat a spider like a bird. Humans kill
spiders with fly spray or step on them. Some
people even make traps to catch spiders.
When the human sees that a spider is in the
trap they might investigate them to find out
information about the spider.
Evelyn Fearnley
There are thousands of spiders in the world.
Some spiders are as small as an ant and
others can be as big as a dinner plate.
Spiders’ legs are hairy so that they can get
food. All spiders have eight legs. Some
spiders live in burrows. Most spiders like to
live in webs and spiders make silk to spin
webs. The silk is special. It is very strong and
spiders catch insects by using their silk.
Spiders eat flies by capturing them and
cocooning them with the special silk.
Spiders’ predators are sometimes birds,
porcupines and frogs. Some people are
scared of spiders because some spiders can
bite. Some spiders are poisonous.
Luca Dunn
There are millions of spiders in the world.
Some spiders are as small as a pencil tip and
some are as big as a dinner plate. Spiders
live in webs and burrows. Spiders make silk
in their bodies. They shoot silk at branches to
make webs. To make the silk webs they spin
around and around. The webs are very
strong. Spiders catch insects in their webs.
Flies fly right into a web because they think
that it is invisible. Spiders hid in leaves, when
they come out they pounce on their prey.
Some female spiders eat male spiders.
Spider predators are birds and frogs. Some
birds are camouflaged in bushes so spiders
cannot see them attack.
Alex Pounds
There are thousands of different spiders. All
spiders have eight legs and some spiders are
hairy. Some spiders are tiny like and ant and
some are as big as a dinner plate. Spiders live
in burrows and other places. Some people
think that spiders only live in webs. Some
spiders live in old places like the attic. Spiders
have to move to different places if they are
getting attacked. The spider makes silk. The
silk is strong and stretchy. When a beetle
touches silk it feels like iron. A spider’s food is
insects. Whatever gets stuck in the spider’s
web the spider creeps up on the insect and
cocoons the insect then eats it. A spider’s best
insect is a fly. Spiders have many predators
such as birds and porcupines. People don’t
eat spiders but they do kill them with poisonous
Estelle Monk
There are thousands of spiders in the
world. Some spiders are as small as a
pencil tip and some spiders are as big as
a piece of paper. Most spiders like to live
in warm, dry places, like in gardens and
pots. Spiders have a special kind of silk.
The silk is very strong. Spiders use the
silk to make webs. Spiders catch insects
by using their silk to make a web.
Spiders eat insects and flies. Before the
spider eats the prey it covers it in silk.
The spider spins the prey until it is turned
into a cocoon.
Pito Faamai
There are lots of different types of
spiders. Some spiders are big as a
dinner plate and some are small as
the tip of a pencil. Spiders have eight
hairy legs. Spiders live in burrows and
some spiders live in webs. Spiders
spin webs from the special silk they
make. Spiders catch their prey by
wrapping the fly in silk like a taco.